1、精品文檔報價方案 /Quotation ListDaisy 系列 / Series1000 1500 800移動橋式坐標測量機客戶信息 Customer Information公司名稱 Company Name:地址 Address:郵編 Post Code:姓名 Name:電話 Tel:傳真 Fax:西安愛德華公司很高興能為您服務 ,現(xiàn)就 Daisy10158 坐標測量機做出報價方案 , 希望能為您提供最 先進、最經濟的完美測量解決方案。Xi an High-tech AEH Industrial Metrology Co., Ltd is very appreciating for you
2、r interest in our DAISY8106 CNC CMM, please find below quotation list for your reference. We will try our best to provide you with a perfect measuring solution. 愛德華測量產業(yè)集團是一家專業(yè)從事計量檢測領域儀器、 軟件開發(fā)制造的國際化集團公司, 是三坐 標領域世界五強之一。 集團總部位于世界精密量具量儀的搖籃德國, 集團所屬 7 個獨立的子公司, 分布于德國、法國、中國西安、中國東莞,旗下歷史最悠久且國際知名的德國MOR公司已有100多
3、年歷史。AEHMetrology Industrial group, as top 5 of coordinate measuring machine field worldwide, is the international company group involving professional measuring equipment manufacture, software development. Its HQlocate at world precision measuring implement s cradle Germany with 7 independent subcom
4、pany in Germany, Franch, Xian, Dongguan, and Mora, our world-famous germany subcompany has more than 100 years influence in measuring field.源于德國研發(fā)中心的測量核心技術,始終緊隨著世界三坐標測量機的最前沿。功能強大的AC-DMIS測量軟件通過PTB認證且擁有獨家版權。接觸式、非接觸式、復合式、關節(jié)臂等6大類型12大系列 180 多個型號的坐標測量機,客戶遍及世界各地并廣泛應用在航空航天、國防軍工、汽車工業(yè)、 模具、電子及教育等多個行業(yè)。The core
5、techniques of measuring is from Germany, we followed the 3D CMMdevelopment leading edge of the world, the powerful AC-DMIS measuring software we owned the patent and it passed the PTB Certificatein Germany. Our products lines include contact-type CMM,contactlessCMM, Composite CMM and Arm CMM, 12 ser
6、ies, more than 180 models CMM, our customers are in overseas and in domestic, and our products are used in industrials as Air space, auto industrial, molding, electronics and educations, etc.西安愛德華測量設備股份有限公司作為中國目前實力最強、技術領先的坐標測量機研發(fā)制造高新企業(yè)之一,是愛德華集團的生產制造及開發(fā)基地之一,主要服務于中國客戶,公司在天津、上海、蘇 州、寧波、廣州、東莞等地設立多個銷售服務機構
7、,配備了高素質、高技能的專業(yè)服務團隊,為用 戶提供現(xiàn)場培訓、交流及維護等服務 , 在售前咨詢,售中支持、售后服務各個環(huán)節(jié),都追求以最貼 心的服務使每一個用戶感動。AEH as one of the most strongest manufactures of CMM, now AEH is the production and development base of AEH group, which is mainly serve to domestic customers in China, weowned a skillful service team, to offer service
8、to our customers more efficiency and convenient, we have branch sales and service offices in Tianjin, Shanghai, Suzhou, Ningbo, Guangzhou, Dongguan, and we can offer training for installation, maintenance for all customers, we want all our customers satisfied from each process of our services.為了快速、
9、近距離服務分布在國內外上千家用戶。 暢通無阻的熱線服務在第一時間為中國目前 2100 多家用戶提供完備的服務和支持,同時根據(jù)用戶的使用特點和需求進行軟件升級、 技術交流、備件 供應等多項最貼心的增值服務,幫助用戶在最短時間恢復正常使用,提高用戶的生產效率 .In order to offer fast and good service to our thousands customer domestic and international, Unblocked hotline offer perfect service and support for chinesemore than 2100
10、 customersat the first time, meanwhile, Our additional service mainly for software upgrade, technical communication, spare parts supply according to our different customer requirements. We do our best to shorten the time for recovering machine usage and enhance user production efficiency.為了便于您更全面的了解
11、產品性能及服務 , 此報價方案分為:i:報價概述;n、技術描述;川、服務條款;如有不明之處歡迎您來電咨詢,愛德華真誠期待與您合作。This quotation list includes below three parts:I : Introductionof quotationlist ; n、 SpecificationDescription ; 川、Service Terms;If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.項目負責人( Project manager ):徐翠屏電話( Tel ): 0512-826130
12、60手機( Mobil ): . 報價概述 Quotation Summary1、主機概述 Description of the basic machine:DAISY系列三坐標測量機是西安愛德華測量設備股份有限公司最新一代三坐標測量機,采用國際先 進的有限元分析方法設計的精密斜梁技術(已獲專利),設計上采用剛性好、質量輕的全封閉框架 3歡迎。下載精品文檔移動橋式結構。配以國際知名品牌高性能三坐標專用控制系統(tǒng)及具有國際先進水平的具有自主知識 產權的AC- DMIS測量軟件包,使其成為同類機型中性價比相當高的產品,其將滿足您的需求,為 您提供一個完善的測量解決方案。Da
13、isy8106 is n ew-ge nerated CNC CMM with a mature and word-class tech no logy un der mass producti onat AEH. This mach ine has adopted precisi onsla nt girdertech no logy (Pate nted)desig ned by adva need F.E.M. (fin ite eleme nt method), which has the high precisi on, high performanee and high stead
14、y characteristics.The machine perfect style,strong rigidity,lightweight and close frame movable bridge structure, which con figured with the world famous high-quality specific 3-D CMMtontrol system and the world highest level self-owned intellectualproperty of AC-DMIS software, makes it become the h
15、ighly appreciated productby comparing with its competitive price and high practical quality. It will meet customer challe nging dema nd with a comprehe nsive measureme nt soluti on.2、主機介紹 In troduction of Basic Machi ne:01:機型名稱 Model Name Daisy10158 三坐標測量機 Daisy10158 Coordinate Measuring Machine02:測
16、量范圍 Measuring range : 1000 mmx 1500 mmx 800 伽03 :最大載荷 Load capacity : 1800kg3、商務條款 Commercial Terms報價有效期60天Quotatio nValidity60days發(fā)貨期合同生效后30天Delivery30 days A. R. O付款方式A. 合同簽訂后,預付合同總額的40 %為合同定金;B. 發(fā)貨前支付合同總額的40 %為發(fā)貨款;C. 驗收合格后支付合同總額的 10 % ;D. 10 %的合同尾款,在驗收合 格之日起30 (天或月)內一次 性付清。Payme nt TermsA. 40 % o
17、f the total amou nt shall be paid before shipme nt as con sig nment mon ey;B. 40 %of the total amount sh be paid before shipme nt;C. 10 % of the total amou nt shall be paid after the accepta nee;D. 10 % bala nee should be paid with in 30 days of the Final Accepta nee.運輸條款包裝運輸及保險費用由供方承 擔。Shipme nt Te
18、rmspackagi ngtran sportati onandin sura nee will be covered by the Supplier.總價 Total Price:528000.00優(yōu)惠價人民幣 RMB:468000.00n .技術描述 Technical Description:1、主機 Basic Machine :DAIS Y系列測量機采用國際先進的有限元分析設計方法,使其具有機械結構剛性強、幾何誤差 小,具有高精度、高性能和高穩(wěn)定性的優(yōu)點。Adoption of advanced F.E.M. (finite element method) makes it have
19、 a strong rigidity, small geometry error, high precision, high performance and high stability.機械整體結構采用剛性結構好、質量輕的全封閉框架移動橋式結構。其結構簡單、緊湊、承 載能力大、運動性能好。The mechanical overall structure adopts strong rigidity, light weight and close frame movable bridge structure, which is simple, compact and has strong lo
20、aded capacity and good moving performance固定優(yōu)質花崗巖工作臺,使其具有承載能力強、裝卸空間寬闊、便捷。Granite fixed workable ensures strong heavy load, expanse and simplicity for assembly and unassembly.Y 向導軌采用燕尾式,定位精度高,穩(wěn)定性能好。Y axis guideway adopts dove tail type, which has high precision and good stability.三軸采用優(yōu)質花崗巖,熱膨脹系數(shù)小,三軸具有
21、相同的溫度特性,因而具有良好的溫度穩(wěn)定 性、抗實效變形能力,剛性好、動態(tài)幾何誤差變形小。Three axis s adoption of quality granite guarantees small coefficient in thermal expansion and uniform temperature specialty so that it servesto excellent stabilityin temperature, good anti-transmogrification, strong rigidity and small geometrical error in
22、 motion.三軸均采用自潔式預載荷高精度空氣軸承組成的靜壓氣浮式導軌,軸承跨距大,抗角擺能力 強,阻力小、無磨損、運動更平穩(wěn)。Three axis s adoption of quiescent air pressure air-bearing guide way, comprised ofair bearings which are self-cleaning, pre-loading and high precision, guarantees the large span of bearings, strong anti-sways, small resistance, no abr
23、asion and stable motion橫梁采用精密斜梁設計技術 (已獲專利) ,重量輕、重心低、剛性強,動態(tài)誤差小,確保了機 器的穩(wěn)定。Crossbeams adoption of precise designing technology of inclined girder (patent) guarantees the machine s lightweight,low center of gravity, strong rigidity and smallerror in motion so that the stability of the machine is strengt
24、hened.采用國外進口反射式金屬帶狀光柵計量系統(tǒng),與大多數(shù)工件具有相近的熱膨脹系數(shù),確保了 良好的重復精度。Adoption of world famous reflecting metal tape measuring scale system, which has a close thermal expansion coefficient with most work piece and assure a good repeatability.驅動系統(tǒng)采用國際知名品牌的高性能直流伺服電機、齒形帶傳動裝置,確保傳動更快捷、更 精準、運動性能更佳。Drive system adopts wo
25、rld famous high performance DCservo drive system and dentiform tape gearing, which guarantee the drives fastness, precision and perfect movement.Z軸采用氣缸平衡裝置,極大的提高了Z軸的定位精度及穩(wěn)定性。Z-axis adopts cylinder equilibrator system, which improves orientationprecisionandstability greatly for Z axis.控制系統(tǒng)采用歐洲知名坐標測量機
26、專用數(shù)控系統(tǒng),具有國際先進的上下位機式的雙計算機系 統(tǒng),從而極大地提高系統(tǒng)的可靠性和抗干擾能力,降低了維護成本。Con trol system adopts well-k nown exclusive Europe Intern atio nally adva need up-dow ndual computers controlsystem, which improves the system reliability andan ti-jam ming capacity greatly.軟件采用具有獨立知識產權的、功能強大的AC-DMIS測量軟件包,其完善的測量功能和聯(lián)機功能,為用戶提供了完
27、美的測量解決方案。Software adopts self-owned intellectual property and strong function AC-DMSsoftware. With its perfect measuri ng and on li ne fun cti on, it will meet customer challe ngingdema nd with a comprehe nsive measureme nt soluti on.2、技術指標 Technical Index :01 :測頭系統(tǒng) / Probe System :RENISHAW MH20 i 手
28、動雙旋轉可分度測頭系統(tǒng)ma nual double-rotary probe system技術參數(shù) Technique parameter :測頭部分 probeTP20測力模塊一個 include one TP20 force module感應方向 Sense direction土 X Y + Z測頭座分度機構 Total an gular moveme nt:繞A軸A axis (水平軸)范圍0。90最小步距 15 0 to 90 in 15 steps繞 B軸 B axis (鉛垂軸)范圍土 180 最小步距 150 to 80 in 15 steps空間位置 Total number
29、of positions 168個重量Weight_ 寸包 EE s210g048 mm (1.89 in)B axis 1BOL5歡迎。下載精品文檔02:測針組 RENISHAW Stylus Kit ( mr)測針(mm Stylus (mm)訂貨號PartNo.型號Model材料 Materials測球直徑Ball Dia.長度Le ng th桿直徑StemDia有效長度Worki ngEffectiveLen gth數(shù)量Qua nti tyA-5003-0033PS48R紅寶石測球/碳化鎢桿 Ruby ball styli/Carb on izatio ntun gste n stem
30、1200.812.51A-5000-3603PS2R紅寶石測球/不銹鋼桿 Ruby ball styli/Sta ini esssteelstem2201.4141A-5000-4160PS16R紅寶石測球/不銹鋼桿 Ruby ball styli/Sta ini esssteelstem3201.517.51A-5000-4161PS17R紅寶石測球/不銹鋼桿 Ruby ball styli/Sta ini esssteelstem4201.5201A-5000-7807PS8R紅寶石測球/不銹鋼桿 Ruby ball styli/Sta ini esssteelstem210164A-50
31、00-3604PS1R紅寶石測球/不銹鋼桿 Ruby ball styli/Sta ini esssteelstem3101.57.51測針加長桿(mm Stylus Extension(mm:訂貨號PartNo.型號Model材料 Materials直徑BallDia.長度Len gth數(shù)量Qua ntityM-5000-7634SE7不銹鋼桿Stai nless steel stem351M-5000-3647SE4不銹鋼桿Stai nless steel stem3101M-5000-3648SE5不銹鋼桿Stai nless steel stem3201M-5000-4162SE6不銹
32、鋼桿Stai nless steel stem3301測針中心座 Stylus Center Kit : SC2一個:訂貨號Part No.型號Model材料 Materials中心尺寸Cen terDime nsi on有效長度Worki ngEffectiveLen gth數(shù)量Qua ntityA-5000-3627SC2不銹鋼77.5103:校準器 Datum Tool :套 /set標準球Datum Ball25及萬向球座 Kit T5104 :性能指標 Performanee Data:長度計量系統(tǒng) Length Measuring System :英國RENISHAW反射式金屬帶狀
33、光柵尺 /reflectionmetal-tape grat ing scale.分辨率 Resolution0.5m;測量范圍 Measuring RangeXYZ: 1000mm xi500mn800mm9歡迎下載w 2.9 + L/300 mw 2.9 mC /m 2 C /24h示值誤差 Measuring Erro :MPEE探測誤差 Probing Error :MPEP3、環(huán)境要求 Environment Requirement01:溫度 Temperature : 20+2 C 1 C /h 102:濕度 Humidity : 40%-70%03:電源 Power Supply
34、 : 220V+10%, 50HZ-60HZ04:氣 源 Air Supply 0.55MPa4、控制系統(tǒng)Control System :歐洲知名坐標測量機專用CNC控制系統(tǒng)special CNC con troller for CMM from Europea n.國際知名品牌Intern ati onal famous CMM con troller system功能全面、性能卓越、兼容性強Excelle nt fun ctio nality and super powerful an ti-i nterfere nee capability三坐標測量機專用CNC數(shù)控,采用上、下位機式雙計
35、算機控制的先進理念,利用控制層和應用層獨立運行的原理,使三坐標測量機(CMM在高效率、高精度和高穩(wěn)定性等方面極大地滿足了用戶的需求。CM special CNC con trol adopts the adva need up-dow n dual computers con trol con cept and using the Control layer and application layer stand-alone principle to largely satisfy the customers base it high efficiency、high-accuracy and
36、high stability.控制單元、伺服單元、接口板和CPU主板整合在一個緊湊的機箱內,集成度高,減少了控制系統(tǒng)的外部連線,保證了系統(tǒng)的可靠穩(wěn)定性。Con trol un it、servo unit、in terface board and CPUma in board in tegrated into the compact housing to ensure the reliability and stability of the system by reducing the external line of the con trol system.對拐點等多種運動軌跡的優(yōu)化處理可以使
37、機器的運動性能速度更快、狀態(tài)更穩(wěn)、效率更高,實現(xiàn)可飛行軌跡運動。The optimizati on and man ageme nt of moveme nt trajectories, such as in flect ion point,can make the machine with faster speed、more steady condition 、higher efficiency and flying trajectory moveme nt.內部采用先進的連續(xù)運動軌跡插補算法,可進行測量軌跡的優(yōu)化整合,在多點連續(xù)運動的路徑規(guī)劃上,既可以沿直線路徑運行,也可以沿圓弧路徑運行,
38、為程序的編寫提供了多種選擇方式。Internaladvaneed continuous trajectoryinterpolationalgorithm can be measuredtrajectoryoptimizationand integration.In the multi-pointcontinuous movement pathpla nning, both can running along the straight path and the circular path. To provide variety opti ons for program ming.控制系統(tǒng)所具有的
39、觸發(fā)式測頭模擬掃描測頭測量的TP掃描功能采點效率高,依此可以實現(xiàn)對未知曲線、曲面的跟蹤掃描測量,方便完成逆向工程時曲面點的采集。Touch-trigger probe, which in timates the high poin t-pick ing efficie ncy of TP sca nfunction, can realizetrackingscan measurement of unknown curve and accomplish curvepoin t-pick ing of backward engin eeri ng.控制系統(tǒng)采用多種控制模式,提供多種安全保障功能,更
40、加安全可靠,當系統(tǒng)判斷意外發(fā)生時,則能夠在極短時間內切換到相應的安全模式,并具有故障自診斷糾錯功能。The variety con trolli ng modes and safeguard fun cti ons make con trol system safer andmore reliable. The system can cha nge to the safe mode with in a short time whe n accide nt happe ns, and it has fault self-diag no sis and error correct ion fun
41、cti on.配備專業(yè)化多功能操縱盒,有無線操縱盒和有線操縱盒可供選擇,人性化設計的操縱盒為用戶提供了布置合理的操作桿和按鈕面板,既有階躍式速度控制,又有無級式速度控制,使機器控制更加簡捷。同時具有根據(jù)操作者相對機器不同位置進行操作方向設置的功能,使設備的操作更方便、順暢。Professional wireless controllingbox and wire controllingbox for option, man-kindlydesig n con trolli ngbox provides the joy sticker and butt on board with reas on
42、 able layoutfor uses. Both step speed control and stepless speed control to make the machine operate easily .In the mean while, it can cha nge the operati ng direct ion accord ing to the differe nt positi on betwee n operator and mach ine to make the device operate more convenient and smooth.驅動系統(tǒng)采用直
43、流伺服電機驅動,可使電機根據(jù)不同要求按照T曲線速度或S曲線速度運動,確保機器運動狀態(tài)最大程度保持平穩(wěn)。Drivi ng system adopts DC servo motor drivi ng can make the motor move accord ing to T-curve speed or S-curve speed., ensure the machine move in a steady condition maximum. 具有內部溫度監(jiān)控系統(tǒng),避免因欠壓、欠流等情況下導致控制系統(tǒng)損壞。Internaltemperature monitoringsystem can avo
44、id the control system being damaged frompressure or airstream shortage.多種備選插口,滿足特殊設備及功能擴展的需求。精品文檔Variety optional interface can meet the needs of special devices and functions extension.配有位置信息高速鎖存的硬件捕捉器,使測量機取點精度更高,采點速度更快。With location information high-speed latch hardware capture device ensure the C
45、MM points catching in higher precision and faster speed.附帶 TCP/IP,RS232/RS422 等多種接口方式,便于與計算機聯(lián)網(wǎng)以及其它外設的聯(lián)接。TCP/IP and RS232/RS422 interface to achieve the PC networking and other device connection.支持觸發(fā)式、線激光掃描式、光學CCD等多種測頭系統(tǒng),包括RENISHAW全系列測頭連接系統(tǒng)和多家公司的不同型號的測頭產品。并可方便實現(xiàn)諸如環(huán)形頂光源邏輯電路的控制。Support of multiple prob
46、e systems include touch-trigger probe, scanning probe, optical CCD probe, full series connected system of RENISHAW probe and other models probe of other companies, easy to achieve the logic circuit controlling such as top light source logic circuit.整個控制系統(tǒng)符合歐洲電氣安全標準。The whole control system is in con
47、formity with European EC standard.5、計算機系統(tǒng) Computer System01: DELL計算機 Computer :CPU 雙核 Dual core 2.5G操作系統(tǒng) Operating System : Windows XP +SP2內存Memory: 1G硬盤Hard disc : 320G顯卡Video Card :TNT/GERFORCE顯卡驅動推薦使用以下版本 The drive of Video card recommended : WINXP VERSION 30.82 圖形庫 Graphic Base :OPENG(L 操作系統(tǒng)提供 P
48、rovided by Operating System )顯示器Display :19 液晶顯示器LCD display02:打印機 Printe : HP A4 彩色噴墨 /Color inkjet03 :氣路連接件 Pneumatic connecting parts管接頭 Cable connector SPCF-10-02+SBT-10-02 1套/set緊固膠管用卡箍 Clipper $ 16$ 251套/set氣管 Air cable $ 101.5m6、軟件系統(tǒng) Software System : AC-DMIS EXT 測量軟件包 /Measuring Software pac
49、kage :AC-DMIS是西安愛德華測量設備股份有限公司開發(fā)的新一代通用三維測量軟件包。以通過PTB認證的嚴謹算法為核心,以體現(xiàn)當今國際上專業(yè)三維建模、數(shù)字模擬及CAD/CAM軟件開發(fā)最先進理念的高效、 穩(wěn)定的開發(fā)平臺為基礎, 融合愛德華測量設備股份有限公司的創(chuàng)新精神和在坐標測量領域的 豐富經驗,AC-DMIS通過其簡便易用的操作界面、豐富完善的功能、無限的可擴充性及ISO標準的公差評判為各界各種各樣的幾何量測量問題提供了有效、便捷、完美的解決方案。 幾千家的客戶群就是AC-DMIS強大測量功能軟件成功的見證者。AC-DMIS, the new powerful generation of
50、universal 3D measurement software researched byXi an high-tech industrial metrology CO.,Ltd. Its core precise arithmetic is fully certified by PTB certification, the software s researched platform is from the most advanced, professional 3D model making, digital simulation CAD/CAMsoftware and combine
51、s AEH innovation sprite and abundance experiences of CMMfield, Friendly, simple and convenience user interface, perfect functions, unlimited extension ability and ISO tolerance evaluation standard offers fast, accuracy, effective, high-efficiency solution for all kinds metrology measurement requirem
52、ents. Thousands of customer group are the best witness to demonstrate the success of comprehensive AC-DMIS.AC-DMIS.EXT 的功能 main feature:支持多種控制系統(tǒng)如,UCC PANTEC SB等;Support for multi-controller systems, UCC, PANTEC, SB etc;支持多種測頭,如:觸發(fā)式、連續(xù)掃描式、影像式和線激光等,方便進行多種形式的測量;Probe system, trigger mode, continuous sc
53、anning mode, image mode and laser scan, etc, to satisfy all measurement requirements;模塊化的軟件結構,具有無限的加掛各種專用軟件(齒輪、葉片、凸輪、蝸輪蝸桿等)及進行 二次開發(fā)的可能;Modularized software structure with the capability to add special software (gear, vane, cam, warm/wheel etc.) and secondary development.具有簡潔直觀的操作界面及可追溯的清晰的操作流程記錄;Wit
54、h brief operation interface and traceability legible operation process track record;具有點、線、面、圓、圓柱、圓錐、橢圓、圓槽、方槽、圓環(huán)、球、曲線等多種基本幾何元素 的測量及評定;Geometric measurement and evaluation: point, line, plane, circle, cylinder, cone, ellipse, round slot, rectangle, torus, sphere, curve and surface, etc;通過對元素的構造、轉換、再現(xiàn)、
55、投影、存儲 / 調用及相關計算,可實現(xiàn)對已測元素進行后續(xù) 操作,得到設備不同狀態(tài)的轉換結果、角度、距離等;Element construction, transform, reappear, projection, store, recall and relation calculation to realize following operation of measured elements and obtain result, angle, distance, etc, under different machine status;強大的形位公差測量功能涵蓋了所有的相關內容及評定方式,測量
56、內容包括直線度、平面度、 圓度、圓柱度、輪廓度、垂直度、平行度、傾斜度、同軸度、同心度、對稱度、位置度、跳動 誤差測量、徑向圓跳動、徑向全跳動、端面圓跳動、端面全跳動;公差規(guī)則包括獨立原則和相 關原則等;Powerful GD&T function includes all relative content and its evaluation items, Straightness, Flatness, Roundness, Cylinder form, profile form, perpendicularity,Parallelism, Angularity, Coaxiality, Concentricity, Symmetry, Position, Axial runout, Radial runout, Total axial runout, Total radial runout; tolerance regulation includes RFS, LMC,MMC, etc.不同工件坐標系的建立方式可滿足各種工件的測量和評定, 有適合于箱體類零件的
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