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1、The history and current situation of the south China sea issue The south China sea, also known as the south China sea, is the worlds third-largest, subordinate to the east sand, xisha, zhongsha and nansha four islands, collectively known as the south China sea islands. The south China sea is located

2、 between the Pacific and Indian Ocean, north of south China coastal mainland China, the Philippines in the east, west borders Vietnam and the Malay peninsula, south to Malaysia and brunei. The south China sea with a total area of about 360 square kilometers, domain including sea lanes, islands and w

3、aters of the Taiwan strait. North of the south China sea region is the Taiwan strait, the southwest have the malacca strait, connecting the northwest Pacific and Indian oceans, form a strategically important shipping lane. The south China sea is rich in Marine resources, especially the huge reserves

4、 of oil and gas resources. During the cold war, southeast Asia is one of the important goals of hegemony of the United States and the Soviet union, the south China sea area had been in the forefront of the cold war. After the end of the cold war, the neighboring countries not Gu Nahai islands is the

5、 historical facts of Chinas territory since ancient times, preempt the reef, the exploitation of oil and gas. The United States, Japan, India and other countries the opportunity to make mischief, exacerbated conflicts in the region. The research of the south China sea surrounding security situation,

6、 grasp the strategy, is very important, is also very urgent. The history of the south China sea As early as the western han period, the Chinese people have been sailing in the south China sea, found a group of coral reef, this is todays nansha islands. The Three Kingdoms period, Wan Zhens southern s

7、tates foreign volunteers and condes southern, have on account of the nansha islands topographical features. After the tang dynasty, more and more Chinese people arrived in waters in fishing activities in this area, Chinese government has been under the jurisdiction of the nansha islands. Set up afte

8、r the Ming dynasty, the government took a series of measures, recovery and development production promoted the Ming social and economic prosperity. To the yongle reign, shipbuilding and shipping to reach peak, provides material conditions for the south Atlantic. In 1405,s sails, opened the prelude t

9、o the western seas seven. Leap to jintong eight years (1433 years) on December 9th, zheng he, a total of seven leading sailing, 28 years. Chinese warships in the whales come days through the infinite of the nansha islands waters hoist the high, night and day, the star chi, wade in the surging more t

10、han thousand styles, for its thorough fares of if the shoe. Zhengs achievement are various, one of the most main is on sailing. The spratly islands, zheng he nuclear governance on geographical environment, positioning and naming, the sovereignty over the nansha islands by the Chinese government get

11、substantial evidence, strengthened the sovereignty over the nansha islands have. Today, zheng he in the nansha islands archipelago is named in memory of zheng hes navigation performance. At that time, the nansha islands surrounding countries without long-range capabilities, cannot bear found many re

12、ef of the nansha islands, not to mention sovereignty. After the opium war in 1840, China gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and the south China sea islands sovereignty infringement repeatedly. Chinas local government and some patriotic intellectuals for the maintenance of

13、the south China sea islands sovereignty, has carried on the long-term struggle in a variety of ways. In July 1933, Frances nine islands illegal occupation of the nansha islands. This event to accelerate the definition of the scope of the Chinese government for maritime claims and place names publish

14、ed work. In December 1934, the amphibious map review committee authorized by the south China sea the reef place names in both Chinese and English. In April 1935, the committee has officially announced and published in the south China sea islands figure, detailed annotation for the name of the 132 is

15、lands of the south China sea beach and latitude and longitude. Written in 1936, bridled at the beginning of the coastline of the south after the Chinese map, marked by intermittent border the dongsha islands, xisha islands, nansha islands (now in the sand islands), sand islands (now the spratly isla

16、nds) territory. During the second world war, Japan seized the south China sea islands. After the war, according to the appropriate of Cairo speech and determine the principle of v-j day, the Chinese government officially resumed the exercise of sovereignty over the south China sea islands. Was found

17、ed in Shanghai in October 1946, the Chinese navy fleet, to the xisha islands, nansha islands over sovereignty. Lin Zun military attache of the Chinese embassy in Washington former navy vice colonel was appointed as forward fleet commander. On the evening of October 29, 1946, by the destroyer escort

18、peace, hunting ship yongxing, Vietnam build and industry in the forward fleet of warships, under Lin Zun led, embarks from the Shanghai wusong port. On November 4, arrived in guangdong pearl river mouth, receiving commissioner, provincial committee of guangdong province xiao Yin and consultant MaiYu

19、nYu a line of people on the ship. On November 9, YuLinGang fleet arrived in hainan island. , fleet was divided into two teams, Lin Zun head of peace, industry the two ships to the nansha islands, deputy commander Yao Ruyu rate yongxing, build two ships heading to the paracel islands, exercise its mi

20、ssion. As influenced by climate, Lin Zun are two voyage waves rolling back, finally decided to haul sailed west, away from da nang, Vietnam to the routes of the nansha islands. Morning of December 12, peace ship found a saved low land covered by dense vegetation. Confirmed by the field of inspection

21、 and control chart, this is the main island the nansha islands, long island. At this point, the Japanese army had fled, Lin Zun with peace ship captain MaiShiYao dozens of officers and men by boat. Officers and soldiers to destroy the dock with Japanese national emblem and the words great imperial J

22、apan stele, change along with the ship to bring ZhuQuanBei engraved with the word taiping island, and held a brief and solemn flag-raising in front of the monument and sovereignty over ceremony. Then, industry in the ships captain Li Duiqian and industry in the island iron abnormal ZhuQuanBei made t

23、he second largest island in the spratly islands on the island. Lin Zun will also taiping island east of about 7.8 miles outside of a circular reef named after Li Duiqian Galveston for modest sandbars, will be in the name of the ship vice captain li ma 13 miles south of the island taiping island name

24、d hong ma island. These names have been in use today. In 1947, the national governments interior ministry announced the new and old name table the islands on south China sea. Published in the same year, the south China sea location sketch, indicate the south China sea including the dongsha islands,

25、xisha islands, zhongsha islands, the nansha islands, belong to the territory of the republic of China, near the south China sea islands with 11 intermittent border. , director-general of the department of 1948, the ministry of the interior Fang Yu fu Angle now editor in chief of the figure of the re

26、public of China administrative areas and the appended drawings the south China sea islands location map published, as the earliest formal public official maps of the discontinuous line of the south China sea. After the founding of new China, the central government formally announced that holds sover

27、eignty over the south China sea islands. On August 15, 1951, the Chinese special authorization prime minister and foreign minister, zhou enlai in about the United States and Britain for the draft contract and San Francisco meeting statement pointed out that: the xisha islands and the south island as

28、 the spratly islands and zhongsha islands, dongsha islands, for Chinas territory. On February 25, 1992, the Chinese government announced the territorial seas and adjacent zones act, reiterated the land territory of the Peoples Republic of China including the dongsha islands, xisha islands, zhongsha

29、islands, the nansha islands and all other islands belong to the Peoples Republic of China. June 26, 1998, the Chinese government announced the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf law article 14, said: the provisions of this law shall not affect the historical rights of the Peoples Republic

30、 of China. In accordance with the international prevailing island system scheme, the south China sea waters within the discontinuous line area is about 187 square kilometers, in addition also can delimit an area of about 123 square kilometers of sea areas under the jurisdiction. - Map of China, publ

31、ished by the new China to the south China sea based predominantly published in 1948, the figure of the republic of China administrative areas and the appended drawings of the drawing of the islands on south China sea , but has a slight change in the specific plot. Map of 1954, xinhua agency issued t

32、he law of the Peoples Republic of China on administrative zoning map , canceled between hainan island and the Vietnamese coast 2 period of discontinuous line, and between Taiwan and the ryukyu islands add 1 period of discontinuous line, form the nine section of the south China sea, the east China se

33、a 1 period of discontinuous line. Carver, however, did not say why minus 2 period of discontinuous line in the south China sea. In 1959, the organization, the interior ministry, the ministry of foreign affairs, ministry of public security under the state council of the peoples liberation army genera

34、l staff bureau of surveying and mapping units, such as preparation of the publication of the (boundary atlas of the Peoples Republic of China (internal), south China sea discontinuous line labeled at present our country published the intermittent border on the map. In 1962, the 00000 map publishing

35、1:40 wall charts of the Peoples Republic of China on the map, confirm the discontinuous line into nine parts of the south China sea. In the same year, the ministry of foreign affairs to approve this graph is a standard border samples. Since then, the basic painting has been in use today. In 1983, th

36、e Chinese government officially published 1:6 000000 the south China sea islands figure, also adopted the above illustration. The present situation of the south China sea issue Until the 1960 s, Chinas sovereign rights and interests in the south China sea basic not subjected to serious challenge. In

37、 the late 1960 s, the United Nations organized a scientific activities from the yellow sea to the south China sea. An American scientist of the east China sea and south China sea is rich in natural resources, especially oil and gas resources, exclaimed the waters as the second gulf. Since then, the

38、east China sea, the south China sea a number of neighboring countries are claim, especially in some southeast Asian countries, even in nansha islands of the island. To the end of August, 1973, south Vietnam conquered China in the spratly islands, paracel islands six islands. In January 1974, the Chi

39、nese peoples liberation army (PLA) by force, make the south Vietnamese honesty for a while. In the 1980 s, more countries covet the rich resources of the south China sea, some reef gradually occupation by Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and other countries. The process of the progressive generall

40、y is the hype, diplomatic tempted to expel the Chinese fishing boat and practical way to control the surrounding seas. By 2000, in the nansha islands larger 52 reef, China only nine control (taiping reef is controlled by China Taiwan), Vietnam take reef 29 in the nansha islands, the Philippine preem

41、ption reef 9, 5 Malaysia preempt the reef. According to the national government announced that the territorial sea, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, the Vietnamese invaded China discontinuous line in waters up to more than 100 square kilometers, the Philippine can reach 41 square kilom

42、eters, Malaysia of 27 square kilometers. Indonesia is put forward in the soil natrium islands for baseline. 200 nautical miles exclusive economic zone has entered the discontinuous line within China. Brunei unilaterally claimed exclusive economic zone, invasion of about 3000 square kilometers in the

43、 discontinuous line in China. As of 2005, China only control eight reef in nansha islands taiping island control (including Taiwan), other 44 reef basically divided by neighboring countries. 10 29, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia five. In addition, Vietnam is still in China under the actual contr

44、ol of the paracel islands claim. Some of the smaller of the south China sea reefs, there are many under the control of the country, nine section of the line is not. In reef in the south China sea, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, China, and China Taiwan, a total of four of five parties. The strug

45、gle, in the south China sea waters more involved in the country, formed the Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, brunei, China, and China Taiwan, a total of six and seven party dispute. By 2009, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and other countries has been to occupy the reef on extension

46、 construction, in order to gradually achieve garrison normalized, permanent fortifications, positions and longitudinal deepening. They change preempt the reef to enlarge the range of sovereignty policy, turned to military control, administrative, and economic development and strengthening of the nan

47、sha islands occupation, attempts to seek sovereignty the legalization of the nansha islands. The latest oil and gas exploration shows that oil and gas basin, south China sea has 24 estimates that about 42 billion tons of oil and gas reserves. Among them, the discontinuous line within the oil reserve

48、s of about 29.5 billion tons, 10 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. In July 2004, the Chinese government approved the exploitation of the south China sea oil and gas resources, exploration and development are mainly concentrated in the north continental shelf. Most southern south China sea oil de

49、posits near the neighboring countries of the continental shelf, if according to the principle of the continental shelf to determine the ownership of oil resources. China does not have an advantage. If according to the legal status of discontinuous line, China can have within the discontinuous line o

50、n Marine oil and gas resources exploration and exploitation. By 2006, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and other countries through international bidding, has attracted more than 60 foreign oil companies to participate in the development of the south China sea, drilling more than 600 mouth, oil mor

51、e than 50 million tons per year, equivalent to Chinas daqing oilfield production. Malaysia within China intermittent mining of oil field up to 18, many oil and gas Wells has been deeply discontinuous line within 100 nautical miles. Vietnam, with more than 50 foreign oil companies to more than 30 cop

52、ies of contract, annual production capacity of 11 million tons in the south China sea. The south China sea islands and their adjacent waters, is a veritable cornucopia, not only rich products, many islands, and there is considerable seabed mineral deposits. Among them, phosphate rock reserves reache

53、d more than 250000 tons, more than the world famous phosphate rock origin the sum total of Chile, Peru and throughout Africa. Since June 1997, Malaysias naval vessels to the detection of the south China sea patrol waters north of extended to 8 degrees north latitude, the air force aircraft also freq

54、uently to it accounts for reef and reconnaissance patrols exclusive economic zone. Since 1998, when the troops invade in yuya reef and dustpan reef, Malaysia in the nansha islands southeast sea defense has been largely as a whole, can control about a quarter of the nansha islands waters. The Philipp

55、ines constantly sending ships and aircraft to the nansha islands and sand islands in the huangyan island waters patrol sovereignty, demolition and blow up Chinas sovereignty and investigation in unmanned reef marker, draw a foreign fishing vessel activities of the area, arbitrary detention of a Chin

56、ese in the nansha islands and huangyan island waters fishing boats, and send ships gravel spratly islands kindly reef, to control the actual huangyan island and so on. To 2001, the Philippine marines and special operations team to replace the navy construction troops garrisoned the nansha islands an

57、d reefs in has additional radar station, airport and other facilities, to ensure that within two hours will be deployed to the scheduled reef reinforcements. Vietnam to strengthen the control of the nansha islands waters, maintain uninterrupted military presence, often to round up the Chinese homewo

58、rk ships to drive Chinas scientific research vessel, wooing America and some asean countries to participate in the investment and development, part of the nansha islands sea area to form a constraint on Chinas united front in the nansha islands. In late March 2007, the Vietnamese military department

59、 sent several senior delegation to the nansha islands reef sympathy, inspection, personnel scale and duration are more than in previous years. Since then, Vietnams navy in waters west of the xisha islands and south of beibu bay mouth again, stop and drive Chinas normal operation survey ship struggle - 4. On November 7, Vietnam tai-ping gu island for a long time not the fact that the exercise of power by Chinas Taiwan, competing against Chinas Taiwan in taip


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