1、Unit SevenText AFamous Chinese DishesI. Oral Practice II. Pre-reading Questions of Text A III. Text A New words Useful expressions IV. Exercises 1. Go over each of the following sentences carefully and select the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word. 2. Fill in each blank with on
2、e word in the box you think best fit. V. Chinese version of Text A VI. Notes 1. Sharing a Table in the Dining RoomA: Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?B: Uh nono, let me move my books from the chair.A: Thanks. Say, havent I seen you with a foreigner on campus?B: Ah, yes. The other day I had a chat
3、with the American expert teaching those English majors.A: MmYou are lucky to have a foreign friend to talk to.B: As a matter of fact, I was a stranger to him at that time. I just wanted to practice my English. So I plucked up my courage and went up to him.A: Was he very friendly?B: Sure. We just tal
4、ked about the weather. Then he told me of his trip to Hangzhou.I. Oral PracticeA: What did he say of the trip? Did he enjoy it?B: He said it was beautiful scenery. I advised him to pay a visit to Suzhou as well.A: What do you think of him?B: I think he is willing to talk with us Chinese students. He
5、 is encouraging.A: Oh, thats fine. Next time Ill grab a chance to talk to him.2. Deciding Where to EatA: Hello, Robin, how are you?B: Hi, Helen. What are you doing in town?A: Ive just come back from a fabulous holiday.B: I see, youve been abroad, havent you?A: Yes.B: China?I. Oral PracticeA: Yes, th
6、at was great. And you?B: Well, Im not doing very much. Im just doing a little bit shopping really.A: Have you got time to have lunch with me?B: Yes, I think so. Oh, wait a minute, not today.A: How about tomorrow?B: OK. Tomorrow will be fine.A: Fine. Any specialty?B: Well, if you have any suggestions
7、. I dont know this town very well.A: Let me see. What about the Sounds Bar in George Street? Its rather good.B: In George Street?A: Just opposite the Darling Harbor.B: What kind of place is that?I. Oral PracticeA: Well, they have one hot dish and you can have soup and rolls, thats about it.B: That s
8、ounds good.A: Ah ha!B: How much are the salads there?A: A mixture, about 5 pounds. Um, and its on the second floor.B: Let me get this right. Well, is it in George Street?A: Its above the coffee shop, on the first floor, opposite the Darling Harbor.B:Opposite the Darling Harbor, second floor, above t
9、he coffee shop.A: Yes, right.B: And, where shall we meet?A: I should think, upstairs, will you?B: What time?I. Oral PracticeA: Half past 12 suits you?B: Yes, that will be fine.A: GoodB: OK, see you tomorrow.A: Good-bye!B: Bye! I. Oral PracticePlease read the passage before answering the pre-reading
10、questions, and then you will know more about the text below.(1)What are the two great cuisines in the world and which one is older?(2) Why isnt it good to begin with a strong aroma for Chinese cuisine?(3) Whats the procedure of the dishes served at the banquet according to the passage?II. Pre-readin
11、g Questions(4) What is the birds nest soup made up of?(5) Why do we serve the Sharks fin soup at the beginning of a banquet?II. Pre-reading QuestionsFamous Chinese Dishes 1Of the worlds two great cuisines, the Chinese is as varied as, and, in fact, much older in tradition than the French. Chinese ch
12、efs are masters at creating culinary triumphs from the barest necessities. Indeed, some of the most prized delicacies are said to have been concocted during times of faminemany from substances never before considered edible.III. Text2In Chinese gastronomy three senses must be satisfied: sight, smell
13、 and taste. To begin with a dish should not have a strong aroma dominating the other dishes. Certainly any unpleasant smells would not be tolerated. In addition, a dish must be of an appearance and composition that is pleasing to the eye, and there should be a balance not only of colors but also of
14、different textures. As for taste, there are several considered necessaries: salty, sweet, sour, hot, And balance is not confined to taste alone: the texture of food in the mouth should vary, so that a banquet should contain dry and sticky dishes as well as crisp and juicy ones. Usually a crisp dish
15、is followed by a smooth one, and the salt dish followed by a sweet one, and so on.III. Text3There are many Chinese dishes that are well known throughout the world and even though they may not have been tasted by a great many, but people have heard of them. For example, one of the great dishes is bir
16、ds nest soup, which is made from the mucus from the salivary glands of the small salangane. The mucus is collected by boiling the nests of these birds. It is soup with a most subtle flavor. III. Text4Sharks fin soup is another rare and famous dish and, because the fins are purchased dry, requires a
17、long and careful preparation. In addition, chicken stock is also a must before it can be served. In preparing sharks fin soup, half a catty is needed for twelve servings. Only the loose sharks fin is used, and this is prepared with shredded chicken, crabmeat, or pork in chicken stock. The finest and
18、 most costly sharks fin soup is a clear one to which no starch is added. To allow guests to savor the delicate soups made from sharks fin, they are served at the beginning of a banquet, a rare exception to the Chinese practice of serving soup at the end.III. Text5Another world-famous dish is Beijing
19、 roast duck, one of northern Chinas famous specialties. It is prepared from a 3-4-month-old white Beijing duck; after cleaning, the duck is plugged and half filled with water; it is then placed in the oven so that while the water steams the inside of the duck, the outside is roasted over a fire made
20、 from wood of the jujube, pear, or apricot tree. The duck is cooked for about three-quarters of an hour and is basted with its own fat.6The whole duck is usually brought to the table by the chef and then taken away to be cut into thin slices which are eaten wrapped in thin crepes or in rolls covered
21、 with sesame seed. The slices of duck are usually dipped into a thin brown sauce, chopped leeks, cucumber, and scallion.III. Text7In the famous Mongolian hot pot thinly sliced strips of lamb are cooked in boiling water contained in a special vessel attached to a brazier. The lamb strips are picked u
22、p with chopsticks and placed in the boiling water, then taken out a few minutes later, when cooked, to be dipped in one or more of the sauces that are set out for each guest, such as soy sauce, shrimp sauce, pimiento sauce, wine sauce, chive sauce, bean-curd sauce and sesame seed sauce. To end the m
23、eal a soup is prepared using vegetables, noodles and bean curd which are added to the boiling stock in the brazier.III. Text8Sea cucumbers are also well known to foreign visitors, perhaps more for the distaste they arouse than the delight they bring to the palate. However, to the Chinese these small
24、 sea creatures represent one of the finest gastronomic experiences possible. They are often served with abalone or fish maw, so if you do not like the thought of swallowing the sea slugs themselves, concentrate on the other portion of the dish.9 Snake is a highly fancied dish in the south of China b
25、ut is rarely eaten in the north; it is usually in the form of stews or soups and has a flavor somewhat like chicken.III. Text10 Bears paws are another famous dish but are becoming extremely rare; some gastronome consider them the rarest delicacy of all.11 Fruit is almost always served at a Chinese b
26、anquet, usually at the end but not always so; and aside from the fruits well known to the western visitors there are also strawberries, grapes, chestnuts, and figs to be ordered, as well as tropical fruit such as pineapples, mangoes, and papaya. You should also try the delicately flavored lichees, w
27、ell known in China and abroad. And the persimmon is also highly favored by the inhabitants and is picked in the late autumn. III. Text(1) cuisine /kwI5zi:n/ n. 烹飪,烹飪法烹飪,烹飪法(2) chef /Fef/ n. 廚師,男廚師長(zhǎng)廚師,男廚師長(zhǎng)(3) culinary /5kQlInErI/ n. 烹飪的,烹飪用的烹飪的,烹飪用的(4) concoct /kEn5kkt/ v. 調(diào)制,調(diào)合調(diào)制,調(diào)合(5) famine /5fAmI
28、n/ n. 饑荒饑荒(6) edible /5edIbl/ a. 食用的,可以吃的食用的,可以吃的(7) gastronomy /As5trnEmI/ n. 烹飪法烹飪法 (8) aroma /E5rEmE/ n. 風(fēng)味,風(fēng)格風(fēng)味,風(fēng)格(9) texture /5tekstFE/ n. 特征,實(shí)質(zhì)特征,實(shí)質(zhì)(10) sticky /5stIkI/ a. 粘性的粘性的(11) crisp /krIsp/ a. 松脆的,易碎的松脆的,易碎的New words(12) mucus /5mju:kEs/ n. 黏液黏液(13) salivary /5sAlIvErI/ a. 分泌唾分泌唾液的液的(14
29、) gland /lAnd/ n. 腺腺(15) salangane /5sAlENeIn/ n. 金絲燕金絲燕(16) subtle /5sQtl/ a. 微妙的,細(xì)微的微妙的,細(xì)微的(17) starch /stB:tF/ n. 淀粉淀粉(18) savor /5seIvE/ v. 嘗到,品嘗嘗到,品嘗 (19) plug /plQ/ n. 塞住,堵住塞住,堵住(20) jujube /5dVu:dVb/ n. 棗子棗子(21) apricot /5eIprIkt/ n. 杏杏New words(22) baste /beIst/ v. 把油脂涂在把油脂涂在上上 (23) crepe /k
30、reIp/ n. 小而極薄的烤餅小而極薄的烤餅 (24) sesame /5sesEmI/ n. 芝麻芝麻 (25) dip /dIp/ v. 浸,蘸浸,蘸(26) leek /li:k/ n. 韭蔥韭蔥(27) scallion /5skAlIEn/ n. 大蔥大蔥 (28) vessel /5vesl/ n. 容器,器皿容器,器皿(29) brazier /5breIzIE/ n. 火盆,火缽火盆,火缽(30) pimento /pI5mentE/ n. 辣椒辣椒(31) chive /tFaIv/ n. 細(xì)香蔥細(xì)香蔥(32) distaste /5dis5teIst/ n. 厭惡,不喜歡
31、厭惡,不喜歡New words(33) palate /5pAlIt/ n. 味覺(jué),趣味味覺(jué),趣味(34) gastronomic /7AstrE5nmIk/ a. 烹調(diào)法的烹調(diào)法的 (35) abalone /7AbE5lEnI/ n. 鮑魚鮑魚(36) maw /mC:/ n. 魚肚魚肚(37) sea-slug /5si:slQ/ n. 海參海參(38) stew /stju:/ v. 燉,煨,燜燉,煨,燜(39) gastronome /A5strnEmI/ n. 講究吃的人,講究吃的人, 愛(ài)吃的人愛(ài)吃的人(40) fig /fI/ n. 無(wú)花果無(wú)花果(41) papaya /pE5p
32、aIE/ n. 番木瓜番木瓜(42) persimmon /pE5sImEn/ n. 柿,柿樹柿,柿樹New words(1) begin with 以以開始開始(2) be confined to 限制限制(3) an exception to 對(duì)對(duì)是個(gè)例外是個(gè)例外(4) dipinto 把把放入再取出放入再取出(5) pick up 挾起挾起(6) concentrate on 集中在集中在(7) aside from 除了除了以外以外Useful expressions1. Go over each of the following sentences carefully and sel
33、ect the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.(1) Chinese chefs are masters at creating culinary triumphs from the barest necessities. A. operations B. features C. innovations D. achievements(2) To begin with a dish should not have a strong aroma dominating the other dishes.A. fla
34、vorB. scent C. smellD. fragranceDCIV. Exercises(3) And balance is not confined to taste alone: the texture of food in the mouth should vary, so that a banquet should contain dry and sticky dishes as well as crisp and juicy ones.A. characterB. climaxC. harmony D. maw(4) The mucus is collected by boil
35、ing the nests of these birds. It is soup with a most subtle flavor. A. edibleB. imaginary C. delicateD. pleasant(5) The finest and most costly sharks fin soup is a clear one to which no starch is added. A. dearB. priceless C. rareD. sufficientACAIV. Exercises(6) The duck is cooked for about three-qu
36、arters of an hour and is basted with its own fat.A. shrouded B. moistened C. overpowered D. fried(7) Sea cucumbers are also well known to foreign visitors, perhaps more for the distaste they arouse than the delight they bring to the palate.A. discourse B. disguiseC. disgustD. dislike(8) And the pers
37、immon is also highly favored by the inhabitants and is picked in the late autumn.A. citizensB. residentsC. nativesD. fishermenBDBIV. Exercises2. Fill in each blank with one word in the box you think best fit. flesh occasions seasoned due slaughtered traditionally partake crispy texture noteworthy oc
38、casions dipping reassembled advance somewhat If you attend a Chinese banquet a popular entry is the Roast Suckling Pig. The suckling pig is a young pig that has only fed on its mothers milk. The piglet is (1) _ between the ages of two and six weeks, and (2) _ it is roasted over a spitfire. The dish
39、is usually reserved for special (3) _ . The flesh of the suckling pig is pale and tender and the skin is (4) _ and highly valued as pork rinds. The texture of IV. Exercisesslaughtered traditionally occasions crispy 2. Fill in each blank with one word in the box you think best fit. flesh occasions se
40、asoned due slaughtered traditionally partake crispy texture noteworthy occasions dipping reassembled advance somewhat the meat is (5) _ gelatinous due to the amount of collagen in the young pig. A roasted suckling pig is eaten not for its (6) _ which is too little, but for its skin. The skin is usua
41、lly very thin and with the roasting, it takes on a very crisp (7) _ which is the measure of a good roast suckling pig. The flesh is usually (8) _ with spices to add to the flavor. The roast pig is usually served chopped up but (9) _ to look whole, and is served with a sweet (10) IV. Exercisessomewha
42、t flesh texture seasoned reassembled 2. Fill in each blank with one word in the box you think best fit. flesh occasions seasoned due slaughtered traditionally partake crispy texture noteworthy occasions dipping reassembled advance somewhat _ sauce and chilli, and spring onions. Roast Suckling Pig is
43、 usually quite expensive and has to be ordered in (11) _ so you get a nice freshly roasted one. It is also unhealthy to eat too much (12) _ to the fat under the skin so we only usually (13) _ of it at banquets. It is reported that the roasted suckling pig is not unique only to China, but is also fou
44、nd in many (14) _ South East Asian countries. In Thailand and Philippines, the roast suckling pig is especially (15) _. IV. Exercisesdipping advance due partake other noteworthy The End參考譯文參考譯文中國(guó)名菜中國(guó)名菜1世界兩大烹飪流派中,中國(guó)烹飪同法國(guó)烹飪一樣樣式繁世界兩大烹飪流派中,中國(guó)烹飪同法國(guó)烹飪一樣樣式繁多,事實(shí)上中國(guó)的烹飪遠(yuǎn)比法國(guó)的烹飪歷史悠久。中國(guó)廚師多,事實(shí)上中國(guó)的烹飪遠(yuǎn)比法國(guó)的烹飪歷史悠久。中國(guó)
45、廚師擅長(zhǎng)在極稀少的烹飪必需品中制成美味佳肴。甚至一些玉盤擅長(zhǎng)在極稀少的烹飪必需品中制成美味佳肴。甚至一些玉盤珍饈確屬饑荒年代之作珍饈確屬饑荒年代之作 很多佳肴都是從前被認(rèn)為不能食很多佳肴都是從前被認(rèn)為不能食用的材料烹制而成的。用的材料烹制而成的。 參考譯文參考譯文中國(guó)名菜中國(guó)名菜2中國(guó)的烹飪法必須滿足人的三種感官,即:視覺(jué),嗅覺(jué)中國(guó)的烹飪法必須滿足人的三種感官,即:視覺(jué),嗅覺(jué)和味覺(jué)。開始進(jìn)餐時(shí)菜肴的香味不能太濃,以至于蓋過(guò)其它和味覺(jué)。開始進(jìn)餐時(shí)菜肴的香味不能太濃,以至于蓋過(guò)其它菜滋味,當(dāng)然令人不悅的菜味更在不受歡迎之列。此外,菜菜滋味,當(dāng)然令人不悅的菜味更在不受歡迎之列。此外,菜肴必須在外觀和
47、一道咸味的菜送上餐桌后隨即會(huì)有一道甜味的菜被端了上來(lái),一道咸味的菜送上餐桌后隨即會(huì)有一道甜味的菜被端了上來(lái),等等。等等。 參考譯文參考譯文中國(guó)名菜中國(guó)名菜3很多中國(guó)名菜享譽(yù)全球,即便很多人沒(méi)有親口品嘗過(guò),很多中國(guó)名菜享譽(yù)全球,即便很多人沒(méi)有親口品嘗過(guò),但也聽說(shuō)過(guò)。比如名菜之一但也聽說(shuō)過(guò)。比如名菜之一燕窩湯,是用小金絲燕的唾燕窩湯,是用小金絲燕的唾液腺所分泌的黏液精制而成。這種黏液是通過(guò)燒煮小金絲燕液腺所分泌的黏液精制而成。這種黏液是通過(guò)燒煮小金絲燕的鳥窩搜集而得。此燕窩湯風(fēng)味獨(dú)特,妙不可言。的鳥窩搜集而得。此燕窩湯風(fēng)味獨(dú)特,妙不可言。 參考譯文參考譯文中國(guó)名菜中國(guó)名菜4魚翅湯是另一道家喻戶曉的
49、讓客人對(duì)魚翅湯的美味一品為快,此湯在宴會(huì)一開始就上了讓客人對(duì)魚翅湯的美味一品為快,此湯在宴會(huì)一開始就上了桌,是對(duì)中國(guó)筵席最后上湯慣例中的罕見例外。桌,是對(duì)中國(guó)筵席最后上湯慣例中的罕見例外。 參考譯文參考譯文中國(guó)名菜中國(guó)名菜5 北京烤鴨作為北方地區(qū)的特色佳肴之一,聞名遐邇??颈本┛绝喿鳛楸狈降貐^(qū)的特色佳肴之一,聞名遐邇??绝喌糜萌⑺膫€(gè)月大的北京白鴨;清洗干凈后,把切口扎緊,鴨得用三、四個(gè)月大的北京白鴨;清洗干凈后,把切口扎緊,再往其體內(nèi)灌一半的水;接著將其放進(jìn)用棗樹、梨樹或杏樹再往其體內(nèi)灌一半的水;接著將其放進(jìn)用棗樹、梨樹或杏樹的木柴生火的烤爐里烘烤。當(dāng)鴨體內(nèi)受到水的蒸煮時(shí),其體的木柴生火的烤
50、爐里烘烤。當(dāng)鴨體內(nèi)受到水的蒸煮時(shí),其體外正受到炭火烤炙,潤(rùn)以本體的脂油,四十五分鐘后即大功外正受到炭火烤炙,潤(rùn)以本體的脂油,四十五分鐘后即大功告成。告成。 參考譯文參考譯文中國(guó)名菜中國(guó)名菜6通常廚師會(huì)把整只烤鴨帶到餐桌前展示一番,再拿走切通常廚師會(huì)把整只烤鴨帶到餐桌前展示一番,再拿走切成薄片,鴨肉片被浸入稀釋的豆醬并和切碎的韭菜、黃瓜、成薄片,鴨肉片被浸入稀釋的豆醬并和切碎的韭菜、黃瓜、大蔥放在薄餅或撒滿芝麻的卷餅上,卷在一起食用。大蔥放在薄餅或撒滿芝麻的卷餅上,卷在一起食用。 參考譯文參考譯文中國(guó)名菜中國(guó)名菜7著名的蒙古火鍋是將羊肉切成薄片放進(jìn)一個(gè)特制的盛有著名的蒙古火鍋是將羊肉切成薄片放進(jìn)
51、一個(gè)特制的盛有沸水的且連接炭盆的容器中。先用筷子夾住羊肉薄片,放入沸水的且連接炭盆的容器中。先用筷子夾住羊肉薄片,放入沸水中,幾分鐘后取出。煮好后,客人們用各自面前的一種沸水中,幾分鐘后取出。煮好后,客人們用各自面前的一種或幾種調(diào)味汁蘸著吃。調(diào)味品的種類有:辣醬油、蝦醬、甜或幾種調(diào)味汁蘸著吃。調(diào)味品的種類有:辣醬油、蝦醬、甜椒醬、料酒、香蔥汁、豆瓣醬、芝麻醬等。就餐結(jié)束時(shí),可椒醬、料酒、香蔥汁、豆瓣醬、芝麻醬等。就餐結(jié)束時(shí),可以把蔬菜、面條和豆腐放進(jìn)火鍋中煮沸的原料中做成鮮湯。以把蔬菜、面條和豆腐放進(jìn)火鍋中煮沸的原料中做成鮮湯。 參考譯文參考譯文中國(guó)名菜中國(guó)名菜8海參也是外國(guó)客人熟知的一道菜。
52、這也許是因?yàn)樗o外海參也是外國(guó)客人熟知的一道菜。這也許是因?yàn)樗o外賓門帶來(lái)的更多是反胃而不是食欲。然而,在中國(guó)人眼里,賓門帶來(lái)的更多是反胃而不是食欲。然而,在中國(guó)人眼里,吃這道菜可是少有的美食經(jīng)歷。海參常用鮑魚或魚肚作配菜,吃這道菜可是少有的美食經(jīng)歷。海參常用鮑魚或魚肚作配菜,如果你不愿想象吞吃海參的情景,那就把注意力集中在別的如果你不愿想象吞吃海參的情景,那就把注意力集中在別的菜上。菜上。 參考譯文參考譯文中國(guó)名菜中國(guó)名菜9蛇肉在華南倍受青睞,在華北卻少有問(wèn)津。人們通常吃蛇肉在華南倍受青睞,在華北卻少有問(wèn)津。人們通常吃燉蛇肉或喝蛇湯。蛇肉的味道有點(diǎn)像雞肉。燉蛇肉或喝蛇湯。蛇肉的味道有點(diǎn)像雞肉
53、。 參考譯文參考譯文中國(guó)名菜中國(guó)名菜10熊掌作為一種極為珍奇的菜肴而盛名遠(yuǎn)播。一些美食家熊掌作為一種極為珍奇的菜肴而盛名遠(yuǎn)播。一些美食家視熊掌為所有山珍海味中的佼佼者。視熊掌為所有山珍海味中的佼佼者。參考譯文參考譯文中國(guó)名菜中國(guó)名菜11在中國(guó)式宴會(huì)上水果幾乎總是供應(yīng)的,通常在宴會(huì)接在中國(guó)式宴會(huì)上水果幾乎總是供應(yīng)的,通常在宴會(huì)接近尾聲時(shí)上桌,但也有例外;除了幾種西方人熟稔的水果之近尾聲時(shí)上桌,但也有例外;除了幾種西方人熟稔的水果之外,還有草莓、葡萄、栗子、無(wú)花果以及熱帶水果外,還有草莓、葡萄、栗子、無(wú)花果以及熱帶水果,如菠蘿、如菠蘿、芒果和番木瓜果等,你也可以嘗到馳名中外的鮮美荔枝。另芒果和番木
54、瓜果等,你也可以嘗到馳名中外的鮮美荔枝。另外,柿子也受到人們的喜愛(ài),深秋時(shí)節(jié)正是采摘柿子的時(shí)候。外,柿子也受到人們的喜愛(ài),深秋時(shí)節(jié)正是采摘柿子的時(shí)候。 (1)The Chinese cuisine and the French cuisine are the worlds two great cuisines and the former is much older in tradition.(2)Because a strong aroma will dominate the other dishes which will not taste good when served after s
55、trong aroma dishes.(3)Usually a crisp dish is followed by a smooth one, and the salt followed by a sweet one. Strong aroma dishes are followed by light ones.(4)Its made from the mucus from the salivary glands of the small salangane. The mucus is collected by boiling the nests of these birds.(5)Becau
56、se we want the guests to savor the delicate soups made from Sharks fin. birds nest燕窩是中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)名貴食品之一,由金絲燕分泌出來(lái)的唾液,燕窩是中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)名貴食品之一,由金絲燕分泌出來(lái)的唾液,再混合其他物質(zhì)(如:羽毛)所筑成的巢穴,金絲燕唾液再混合其他物質(zhì)(如:羽毛)所筑成的巢穴,金絲燕唾液的蛋白質(zhì)純度和營(yíng)養(yǎng)價(jià)值非常高。燕窩產(chǎn)自中國(guó)南部沿海的蛋白質(zhì)純度和營(yíng)養(yǎng)價(jià)值非常高。燕窩產(chǎn)自中國(guó)南部沿海一帶、越南、泰國(guó)、馬來(lái)西亞、印尼及菲律賓等地。燕窩一帶、越南、泰國(guó)、馬來(lái)西亞、印尼及菲律賓等地。燕窩被采摘之后,還要經(jīng)過(guò)蒸細(xì)、浸泡、
57、除雜、挑毛、烘干等被采摘之后,還要經(jīng)過(guò)蒸細(xì)、浸泡、除雜、挑毛、烘干等復(fù)雜的加工才能制成成品燕窩,包括燕盞、燕條、燕餅、復(fù)雜的加工才能制成成品燕窩,包括燕盞、燕條、燕餅、燕絲。其中燕盞是整只個(gè)大質(zhì)優(yōu)的燕窩經(jīng)除雜保留原有形燕絲。其中燕盞是整只個(gè)大質(zhì)優(yōu)的燕窩經(jīng)除雜保留原有形狀而成,價(jià)格特別昂貴。狀而成,價(jià)格特別昂貴。 sharks fin所謂魚翅,就是鯊魚鰭中的細(xì)絲狀軟骨,是用鯊魚的鰭加所謂魚翅,就是鯊魚鰭中的細(xì)絲狀軟骨,是用鯊魚的鰭加工而成的一種海產(chǎn)珍品。從現(xiàn)代營(yíng)養(yǎng)學(xué)的角度看,魚翅工而成的一種海產(chǎn)珍品。從現(xiàn)代營(yíng)養(yǎng)學(xué)的角度看,魚翅(即即軟骨軟骨)并不含有任何人體容易缺乏或高價(jià)值的營(yíng)養(yǎng),所以吃并不含有
59、eijing roast duck北京烤鴨,是北京名食,它以色澤紅艷,肉質(zhì)細(xì)嫩,味道北京烤鴨,是北京名食,它以色澤紅艷,肉質(zhì)細(xì)嫩,味道醇厚,肥而不膩的特色,被譽(yù)為醇厚,肥而不膩的特色,被譽(yù)為“天下美味天下美味”而馳名中外。而馳名中外。而烤鴨家族中最輝煌的要數(shù)全聚德了,是它確立了烤鴨家而烤鴨家族中最輝煌的要數(shù)全聚德了,是它確立了烤鴨家族的北京形象大使地位。全聚德采取的是掛爐烤法,不給族的北京形象大使地位。全聚德采取的是掛爐烤法,不給鴨子開膛。只在鴨子身上開個(gè)小洞,把內(nèi)臟拿出來(lái),然后鴨子開膛。只在鴨子身上開個(gè)小洞,把內(nèi)臟拿出來(lái),然后往鴨肚子里面灌開水,然后再把小洞系上后掛在火上烤。往鴨肚子里面灌開
60、水,然后再把小洞系上后掛在火上烤。這方法既不讓鴨子因被烤而失水又可以讓鴨子的皮脹開不這方法既不讓鴨子因被烤而失水又可以讓鴨子的皮脹開不被烤軟,烤出的鴨子皮很薄很脆,成了烤鴨最好吃的部分。被烤軟,烤出的鴨子皮很薄很脆,成了烤鴨最好吃的部分??境龅镍喿油庥^飽滿,顏色呈棗紅色,皮層酥脆,外焦里烤出的鴨子外觀飽滿,顏色呈棗紅色,皮層酥脆,外焦里嫩,并帶有一股果木的清香,細(xì)品起來(lái),滋味更加美妙。嫩,并帶有一股果木的清香,細(xì)品起來(lái),滋味更加美妙。嚴(yán)格地說(shuō),只有這種烤法才叫北京烤鴨。嚴(yán)格地說(shuō),只有這種烤法才叫北京烤鴨。hot pot火鍋也是中國(guó)的著名美食,在重慶和四川等地叫火鍋也是中國(guó)的著名美食,在重慶和四
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