1、山東建筑大學畢業(yè)設計外文文獻及譯文本科畢業(yè)設計外文文獻及譯文 文獻、資料題目: BIM + AR: Onsite Information Sharing and Communication via Advanced Visualization 文獻、資料來源: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design 文獻、資料發(fā)表(出版)日期:2012.7.12 院 (部): 管理工程學院 專 業(yè) : 工程管理 班 級 : 姓 名 :
2、學 號 : 2011指導教師 : 翻譯日期: 2015.6.3外文文獻:BIM + AR: Onsite Information Sharing and Communication via Advanced VisualizationXiangyu Wang Professor, School of Built Environment, Curtin University, Perth, Australia X.au Peter ED Love Distinguished Professor, School of Built Environment C
3、urtin University, Perth, Australia plove.au AbstractMore and more design and construction professionals in Architecture,Engineering,and Construction (AEC) areas have been and now are using Building Information Modeling (BIM). Unfortunately,there were very few efforts exploring the real-time communic
4、ation and integration of BIM to the site and task conditions,and the interaction of BIM with the field crew. It is envisaged that Augmented Reality (AR) can fulfil this vision effectively through visualizing BIM right into the physical content of each construction activity or task. This paper discus
5、ses and investigates how BIM can be extended to the site via the practical arm of AR.Human factors are the core principle to investigate on, considering that AR, by nature, involves the human sensations with both real and virtual information sources. It is also found that AR should be ubiquitous and
6、 work together with accurate positioning technologies such as laser pointing. The framework also addresses how context-aware can be implemented in the integration of BIM and AR to achieve intelligent AR. Keywords-Building Information Modelling, Augmented Reality,Communication,llaboration,Visualizati
7、on.I. INTRODUCTION Froese has categorized trends in construction Information Communication and Technology (ICT) into three eras. The first era of construction ICT has been four decades and focused on developing stand-alone tools to assist specific work tasks such as CAD,structural analysis tools, es
8、timating,etc. The second era (from the mid-1990s) of construction ICT has focused on computer-supported communications such as E-mail,the web,document management systems, etc. The third era of construction IT starting from one decade ago, focused on the potential for uniting all of these as a cohesi
9、ve overall system through integration, BIM, etc. a major thrust of third era ICT ( typified by technologies such as BIM (Building Information Modelling), IFCs,virtual design and construction ,and nD suggests fundamental changes to construction projects in which the project team comes together to pro
10、duce comprehensive, computer-based,virtual prototypes of all aspects of the construction project as the central activity for the design and management of the project. Unfortunately,construction site activities are project-related and include site work planning,progress monitoring and management, tra
11、cking of material flows,procurement, quality management, and so on . The analysis has shown that this group of activities is not sufficiently supported by ICT tools . We therefore propose the fourth era of construction IT is incoming which is the era of ubiquitous decade where the digital project in
12、formation (e.g.,BIM) generated prior to construction will be brought onto construction site and process in a fully digital and ubiquitous way. Site crews will be equipped with a full digital capability to access information right associated with the concerned construction component or entity. This p
13、aper presents the BIM + AR as a pioneering and innovative concept in the fourth era of construction ICT. Building Information Modelling (BIM) provides relatively static and pre-defined data and information.Augmented Reality (AR) provides onsite augmentation as well as onsite sensing considering visi
14、on-based AR can be a tracking tool as well. AR, as a class of easy-access interface,has the potential to change how site manager,construction workers,etc. interact and access to digital technical information in BIM. It is envisaged that Augmented Reality can fulfill this vision effectively through v
15、isualizing BIM data right into the physical context of each construction activity or task. Essentially the conventional role of AR is the visualization end. Any data fed into this end has to be pre-processed in a manner to make the data make sense to the end users. This paper discusses and investiga
16、tes how BIM can be extended to the site via the practical arm of AR. In another word, AR can be the extended version of the BIM on site. II. BUILDI NG INFORMATION MODELLING (BIM) During the past decade,BIM concepts have been actively explored for expanding the usage into an nD environment . It is en
17、couraging that this expansion is moving away from merely 3D modelling,towards more engineering analyses and various construction business functions . BIM has been applied in the areas of structure,energy,disaster prevention, construction planning and scheduling,project control,construction safety,an
18、d maintenance. In 2008,McGraw-Hili Construction conducted a survey with about 300 practitioners who involve BIM in their daily work. One of the major finding is that BIM has been used in a wide varieties of ways with diverse functions, however, surprisingly, only 18% use BIM for daily construction m
19、onitoring work of the management crew. Nothing has been done or even conceived to use BIM for construction site use that can guide the hands-on physical tasks of workers. Researchers have explored more active utilization of 3D models. Expanding the usage of BIM was further investigated by Taylor and
20、 Bernstein who focused on the patterns such as visualization,coordination,analysis,and supply chain integration as a BIM trajectory. Naturally, BIM has to step out of the traditional functions in the digital world and enter into the physical outside construction site. AR is envisaged to become the m
21、edia to convey BIM effectively into the construction site,as an invisible and extended hand of BIM. III. AUGMENTED REALITY Augmented Reality,is a technology or an environment where the additional information generated by a computer is inserted into the users view of a real world scene. AR allows a u
22、ser to work in a real world environment while visually receiving additional computer-generated or modeled information to support the task at hand. Augmented Reality environments have been applied primarily in scientific visualization and gaming entertainment in the past. The technological advancemen
23、ts of AR in the past decade have shown significant sophistication of technological capabilities. The AR concept and its associated enabling technologies have been migrating from marker-based method to markerless method (e.g.,DFusion), recently to mobile context-aware method (e.g.,Layar and Wikitube)
24、,which can bring AR into mobile and field context. Recent advances in computer interface design and hardware power have fostered certain number of noted recent AR research prototypes or test platforms in the arena of construction. More research,particularly regarding user issues,should support the t
25、echnology development trend. More practical application domains of AR technology can be found in a thorough survey by Wang .IV. BIM+AR: PRACTICAL RATIONALE AND CASE ILLUSTRATIONS Designing in BIM is one thing,and effectively building according to as planned is another thing. During construction,BIM
26、information should drive the physical deliverables of the construction work. The discussion of the practical rationale and case illustrations for BIM+AR use in construction site focus on a few key areas relevant to construction site activities. The following sub-sections discuss the practical ration
27、ale and case illustrations for BIM+AR in the following key aspects relevant to construction site activities. Interdependency Link digital (paper) to physical Synchronization of mental models for communication Project control,monitoring,and feedback: as built v.s. as planned Procurement: material flo
28、w tracking and management From design to production: a visualization gap Site plan and storage A. Interdependency Project participants normally build up their individual mental models in their own minds to understand the project. In current practice,all project participants work with various sets of
29、 project information,which can be considered to be views of the overall project data set . A weakness of current on site project management practice is that it tends to treat typical construction work tasks as being far more independent than they actually are. Thus,each participant adopts a view tha
30、t focuses primarily on their individual tasks,with any concern about these interdependencies addressed in a very reactive and incomplete way. BIM is capable of identifying these interdependence and complexity. There needs a powerful and proper visualization approach to supply such information to the
31、 on site workers who actually built everything,but not to increase the complexity of interdependences. AR can make the interdependencies between work tasks more explicit and also make the existing interdependency and complexity more visible,and therefore more manageable onsite. Apparently AR is a pr
32、omising tool to display any chosen single view or an integrated view right into the real view of participants,and right in place to the proposed location where the component should be built in a real-scale and real-time manner. The struggle to construct mental model can be alleviated by AR because m
33、odels are visualized. For example,the execution of the resulting plan (e.g.,initiating work tasks),and re-planning activities can all take place using AR. AR can be a proactive approach through which the potential negative impacts of any action can be identified earlier and mitigated or avoided more
34、 easily. As an example,spatial collision analysis (e.g.,between trades) is mainly conducted in the design stage with commercial 3D modeling systems,such as CA TIA and Navisworks. However,collisions still arise during the actual construction process due to the reasons such as the change of building e
35、lements, site facilities, and the movement of construction machinery. The challenge becomes how to figure out the on site real-time dynamic collision detection due to variations of construction sequence,schedule,components and methods and then provide support for project schema demonstration. Each s
36、pecialty service involved in ductwork installation (e.g., Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and electrical), for example, works with a subset of project information that is relevant to their contractually agreed work. In addition,those involved erecting and installing the ductwork will
37、 be required to work in a sequence and so there is often a requirement to precede other works. While conflicts and clash detection can be largely identified in BIM during design,design changes and errors,or poor installation may lead to conflicts arising on-site. Thus, using AR a site manager can ad
38、dress the potential for conflicts on-site by retrieving and visualize all the properties and details concerning the building elements from BIM (e.g.,Revit Mechanical Electrical and Plant (MEP). Specific assembly instructions can also be linked to building elements and displayed onto the workspace vi
39、a AR. Everything can be visualized and planned in advance and any problem can be predictable. This is especially useful with ductwork installations to ensure for example,that working room is adequate to get plant into locations or to remove it. If it is predicted that the working room is not adequat
40、e, some critical element of plant needs to go before separating walls are put in place. This is especially relevant for off-site assemblies where the position of support steels or drop rods is critical to a preassembled element. AR can be used to set out where threaded rods are to go from the floor
41、above, therefore reducing the danger of using a drill above the workers head on an unstable temporary support structure. This can apparently improve speed, safety and accuracy as well as reducing the cost of supports. B. Link Digital (Paper) to Physical Industrialization of the construction process
42、requires a high level of automation, which happens to the site work tasks that require high integration of information and physical intensive resources. However, the effective integration of upstream information intensive resources as defined in BIM and their physical counterparts on site work is a
43、challenge. All design and planning tasks work with information rather than physical resources. Designers,planners,and managers generally interact with the project through various information models,so their mental models are connected to the real-world project through various computer applications a
44、nd documents. The computer applications used to support the various work tasks, and the documents (paper or electronic,including individual views presented by computer tools) that provide most of the information from which participants construct their mental models . This is the problem because site
45、 work requires not just working with information but also transforming physical resources to constructed facility. Much time is wasted because plans or drawings are misinterpreted,or the information is transferred imprecisely from the plan to the real object. There apparently needs an information br
46、idge that can enable users to get away from information and guide users better to link information with the physical resources in a more straightforward and effective way. For example,if the technical drawing indicates the installation of a specific drywall,the worker can immediately recognize where
47、 the drywall is located in the storage area and where it should be installed as the final place. Aforementioned, BIM+AR can provide integrated,computerbased collections of all known project information. BIM already contain geometric information non-geometric design and management information, such a
48、s material properties, supplier information, cost and schedule data, organizational information,etc. Those information can be readily visualized via AR, which can guide construction workers through the construction of actual buildings and improve the quality of their work. Certain plans may be more
49、effectively comprehended by registering virtual models with objects in the real scene. It may be easier to build quickly and precisely as planned,especially complex designs in constrained spaces. C. Synchronization of Mental Models for Communication It has been argued that information for building t
50、hings in construction are from different resources and construction site stakeholders construct their own mental views of the project (derived from these single-perspective documents) with a low degree of integration between the views. For example,project manager looks at the overall scheduling and
51、monitoring information and the workers look at the detailed work plan. AR can provide a common view for onsite communication,which can provide everyone with a unifying common perspective of the project information. Onsite communication and coordination can happen in a virtual resulting plan between
52、different stakeholders on site prior to the immediate construction. In some sense, in terms of the coordination function of BIM,AR can be a site-version of BIM to carry out the real time of clash detection function onsite among different specialties,and even between the to-be-installed virtual compo
53、nents with existing components in place. D. Project Control,Monitoring,and Feedback: As Built v.S. As Planned Schedule conflict is one of major concerns in construction. Due to varied and complicated factors,the actual construction practice usually deviates largely from the plans in schedule overrun
54、. Should the conflicts not resolved in a timely manner,the situation of behind-schedule will gradually accumulate to make schedule overrun more serious and even impact project quality and safety. The real world fully exhibits all of the interdependent changes as mentioned. The BIM models and technic
55、al documents currently used would be unlikely to reflect any of these interdependencies until they are manually updated by users. However,in most construction projects, changes are often made during the construction phase. Hence, the onsite output may have some variations from the initial design,whi
56、ch will need to be represented and recognised in the BIM model. Unfortunately, at present,there is no process in place of updating the designed model to incorporate the changes made during construction. Work tracing and analysis are available by comparing as planned and as built data on site. AR can
57、 tell the exact difference by visualizing the as-planned data onto the as-built environment. With AR,each building component can be allocated a status-identified,ordered,delivered, checked,installed, fixed, snagged, protected, and complete . It is then possible to indicate asplanned and as-built so
58、that the progress of every element can be seen graphically. Being able to visually see the difference enables current and planned future progress to be monitored. It gives total visibility ensuring that mitigation can be made as soon as a gap between the planned and actual progress occurs. E. Procur
59、ement: Material Flow Tracking and Management Typically, prefabrication and construction processes run in parallel, which is why close coordination between these two groups of activities is needed . In construction,costly delays can occur if the production plant does not provide enough building elements
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