1、 grammarunit1 how can we become good learners?unit1 asia1.to master the different uses of it. 2. to learn more about the summer palace.learning aimslets learn some knowledge about the summer palacewarm-upthe summer palace(頤和園頤和園)它是以昆明湖、萬壽山為基址,以杭州西湖為藍本,它是以昆明湖、萬壽山為基址,以杭州西湖為藍本,汲取江南園林的設計手法而建成的一座大型山水園汲取江
2、南園林的設計手法而建成的一座大型山水園林,也是保存最完整的一座皇家行宮御苑,被譽為林,也是保存最完整的一座皇家行宮御苑,被譽為“皇家園林博物館皇家園林博物館”,也是國家重點景點。,也是國家重點景點。頤和園,北京市古代皇家頤和園,北京市古代皇家園林,前身為清漪園,坐園林,前身為清漪園,坐落在北京西郊,距城區(qū)十落在北京西郊,距城區(qū)十五公里,占地約二百九十五公里,占地約二百九十公頃,與圓明園毗鄰。公頃,與圓明園毗鄰。main attractions 各種形式的宮殿園林建筑各種形式的宮殿園林建筑30003000余間,大致可分為余間,大致可分為行政、生活、游覽行政、生活、游覽三個部分。三個部分。頤和園占
3、地面積頤和園占地面積達達293293公頃,主公頃,主要由要由萬壽山萬壽山和和昆明湖昆明湖兩部分組兩部分組成。成。仁壽殿仁壽殿以仁壽殿為中心的行政區(qū),是當年慈禧太后和光緒以仁壽殿為中心的行政區(qū),是當年慈禧太后和光緒皇帝坐朝聽政,會見外賓的地方?;实圩犝?,會見外賓的地方。行政區(qū)行政區(qū)樂壽堂樂壽堂生活區(qū)生活區(qū)仁壽殿后是三座大型四合院:樂壽堂、玉瀾堂和仁壽殿后是三座大型四合院:樂壽堂、玉瀾堂和宜蕓館,分別為慈禧、光緒和后妃們居住的地方。宜蕓館,分別為慈禧、光緒和后妃們居住的地方。游覽區(qū)游覽區(qū) 頤和園自萬壽山頂?shù)闹腔酆O蛳拢煞鹣汩w、頤和園自萬壽山頂?shù)闹腔酆O蛳?,由佛香閣、德輝殿、排云殿、排云門、云
4、輝玉宇坊,構成了一條德輝殿、排云殿、排云門、云輝玉宇坊,構成了一條層次分明的中軸線。山下是一條長層次分明的中軸線。山下是一條長700700多米的多米的“長長廊廊”,長廊枋梁上有彩畫,長廊枋梁上有彩畫80008000多幅,號稱多幅,號稱 “世界第世界第一廊一廊”。長廊之前是昆明湖。昆明湖的西堤是仿照西。長廊之前是昆明湖。昆明湖的西堤是仿照西湖的蘇堤建造的。萬壽山后山、后湖古木成林,有藏湖的蘇堤建造的。萬壽山后山、后湖古木成林,有藏式寺廟,蘇州河古買賣街。后湖東端有仿無錫寄暢園式寺廟,蘇州河古買賣街。后湖東端有仿無錫寄暢園而建的諧趣園,小巧玲瓏,被稱為而建的諧趣園,小巧玲瓏,被稱為“園中之園園中之
5、園”。佛香閣佛香閣排云殿排云殿文昌閣文昌閣長廊長廊it的用法的用法作為非人稱代詞的用法作為非人稱代詞的用法作為人稱代詞的用法作為人稱代詞的用法其他用法其他用法概述:概述:it是代表人以外的動物或物品的單數(shù)名是代表人以外的動物或物品的單數(shù)名詞,通常意為詞,通常意為“它它”。除此之外。除此之外, it還有很多其還有很多其他特殊的用法他特殊的用法, 而其意思根據(jù)實際情況而定。而其意思根據(jù)實際情況而定。it概述概述:我們常用:我們常用it作人稱代詞作人稱代詞, 代替人、事、物。代替人、事、物。1. it 用來指代動物。如用來指代動物。如:look at the monkey. it is so cle
6、aver.看這只猴子看這只猴子, 它真機靈。它真機靈。this is the summer palace. it is really beautiful.這是頤和園,它真美。這是頤和園,它真美。作為人稱代詞的用法作為人稱代詞的用法2. it 用來指代不清楚性別的小孩。用來指代不清楚性別的小孩。 如:如:my sister will have a baby soon. we guess it will be a boy.我的姐姐馬上就要生孩子了。我們猜是一我的姐姐馬上就要生孩子了。我們猜是一個小男孩。個小男孩。there is a baby over there. it is so cute.那
7、邊有個寶寶,真可愛!那邊有個寶寶,真可愛!3. it 用來指代不明身份的人。用來指代不明身份的人。 如:如:who is that over there? maybe it is your friend jack.那里的人是誰?也許是你的朋友杰克。那里的人是誰?也許是你的朋友杰克。 someone is knocking at the door. please go and see who it is.有人在敲門。請你去看看是誰。有人在敲門。請你去看看是誰。4. it 用來指代前面提到過的事物。用來指代前面提到過的事物。 如:如:this is not my book. it is jims.
8、這不是我的書。它是吉姆的。這不是我的書。它是吉姆的。many people have been to guilin. it is a wonderful place.很多人去過桂林。它是個很美的地方。很多人去過桂林。它是個很美的地方。it 可以用來指代時間、日期、天氣、溫度、距離等。可以用來指代時間、日期、天氣、溫度、距離等。 如:如: whats the time now?現(xiàn)在是幾點?現(xiàn)在是幾點? its ten oclock. 十點。十點。 when is the teachers day? 教師節(jié)是在什么時候?教師節(jié)是在什么時候? its on 10 september. 九月十日。九月
9、十日。作為非人稱代詞的用法作為非人稱代詞的用法 whats the weather like today? 今天天氣如何?今天天氣如何? its nice. 是晴天。是晴天。 how far is it from your home to school? 從你家到學校有多遠?從你家到學校有多遠? its an one-hour ride. 騎車要一小時。騎車要一小時。it 還可以用來作為形式主語或形式賓語,指代還可以用來作為形式主語或形式賓語,指代動詞不定式或者從句。動詞不定式或者從句。 如:如:it is so nice to go climbing with him! 和他一起爬山真好!和
10、他一起爬山真好!it is good that we have many friends! 我們有許多朋友真好!我們有許多朋友真好!i find it easy to solve the problem. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)解決這個問題很容易。我發(fā)現(xiàn)解決這個問題很容易。其他用法其他用法it 作為形式主語常用于下列句型。作為形式主語常用于下列句型。it takes some time to it takes one hour to get there. 到那要花一個小時。到那要花一個小時。it is +adj. +(of/for) +toit is nice of you to help me. 你能幫我真
11、好。你能幫我真好。it is said/reported/ that it is said that everyone may have a chance to travel to mars in the year of 2050. 據(jù)說到據(jù)說到2050年每個人都有機會到火星旅游。年每個人都有機會到火星旅游。think(s) /find(s) it easy/ difficult/hard/ to it 作為形式賓語常用于下列句型。作為形式賓語常用于下列句型。nobody thinks it easy to figure out this math problem.沒人認為解出這道數(shù)學題很簡單
12、。沒人認為解出這道數(shù)學題很簡單。i find it interesting to learn something new.我發(fā)現(xiàn)學習新東西很有趣。我發(fā)現(xiàn)學習新東西很有趣。a visit to the summer palace the exchange students visited the summer palace yesterday. kevin is writing about it. read the passage below and find out what each it refers to. write your answers in the blanks.a using
13、 it as a pronoun yesterday we visited the summer palace and spent about three hours in it. the palace is a chinese garden and mainly includes a hill and a lake. the lake is very bigit takes up three quarters of the area. it was frozen, so we could not row a boat there. it was really a pity. 1._ 2._3
14、._ 4._the summer palacethe lakethe lakewe could not row a boat thereacross the lake is a 17-hole bridge. there are many stone lions on either side of it. the lions are all different from each other. isnt it amazing?while i was walking along the bridge, my mobilephone rang. it was my mum. i told her
15、that the summer palace was well worth visiting.5._ 6._7._ the 17-hole bridgethe lions are all different from each otherunknown person1. the lake is very bigit takes up three quarters of the area. 湖很大,占了四分之湖很大,占了四分之 三的面積。三的面積。(1) 短語短語take up 的意思是的意思是“占據(jù)占據(jù)(空間空間),占用占用 (時間時間)”。如:。如: the table takes up t
16、oo much space. 這張桌子太占地方了。這張桌子太占地方了。language points(2) three quarters 四分之三四分之三review: 分數(shù)表達法分數(shù)表達法分子(用基數(shù)詞)分子(用基數(shù)詞)/分母(用序數(shù)詞復數(shù)表分母(用序數(shù)詞復數(shù)表示;分子示;分子1時用單數(shù)形式)時用單數(shù)形式) 如:如:五分之三五分之三 three fifths 十分之七十分之七 seven tenths 二分之一二分之一 one (a) half (不能用不能用one second)2. across the lake is a 17-hole bridge. there are many s
17、tone lions on either side of it.湖上有一座十七孔橋,橋兩邊有很多石獅子。湖上有一座十七孔橋,橋兩邊有很多石獅子。(1)第一句為倒裝句。當表示地點狀語的介詞第一句為倒裝句。當表示地點狀語的介詞 短語位于句首時將謂語提到主語前面構成短語位于句首時將謂語提到主語前面構成 完全倒裝完全倒裝。如:。如: in front of the building is a big park. 在這個建筑前面是個大公園。在這個建筑前面是個大公園。(2) on either side of =on each side ofb using it as an impersonal pron
18、ounwe also use it for the time, the date, the weather, the distance, etc.it is 6:30 p.m. it is raining heavily outside.it is 1 january today. it is new years day.in beijing, it is cold and windy in winter.it is two kilometres from my school to my home. the exchange students left for shanghai. kevin
19、has made some notes in his diary. rewrite his sentences with it.1.today is 22 february. we left beijing for shanghai early in the morning. _. we left beijing for shanghai early in the morning.leaving for shanghai it is 22 february today2. shanghai is about 1,300 kilometres from beijing. _from beijin
20、g to shanghai.it is about 1,300 kilometers3. i woke up at 5 a.m. this morning. _ when i woke up this morning.4. i felt a little cold when we went out. the temperature was only 2c. i felt a little cold when we went out. _.it was 5 a.mit was only 2c5. winter is very cold and dry in beijing. in winter,
21、 _. it is very cold and dry in beijing6. we arrived in shanghai on a sunny day. _when we arrived in shanghai.7. we got to our hotel at noon. _when we got to our hotel.8. our hotel is not far from the bund. _ from the bund to our hotel.it was sunny/a sunny dayit was noonit is not farc using it to rep
22、lace the real subject or object sometimes we use it to replace the real subject or object in a sentence. in this situation, we put the real subject or object later in the sentence in the form of a to-infinitive or a clause.it is very tiring to climb the steps.it is popular to hire a bicycle and ride
23、 around the countryside.it is amazing that there are so many rocks in unusual shapes in the cave.many people find it pleasant to travel around.useful structures with itit is + adjective + (of/for) + to .it takes . some time to .it is said/reported/. that. think(s) /find(s) it easy/difficult/. to .ab
24、out shanghai miss thompson, a british teacher traveling with the exchange students, is writing down what she thinks about shanghai. help her complete her notes with it. traffic: the traffic is often busy, but public transport here is quite good, so (1)_ (easy) for people to get around.weather: (2)_(
25、sunny) and warm. we like (3) _ here.environment: (4) _ (said) that the air is not clean here, but i do not think the pollution is as serious as i imagined.it is easyit is sunnyitit is saidsights: shanghai is beautiful. (5)_(fun) to ride around the city and visit the interesting places.food: chinese
26、food is delicious. i will ask my family to go to a chinese restaurant and try (6)_ when i get back.hotel: we all think (7)_(comfortable) to stay in this hotel. they provide a high level of service.it is funitit is comfortablepeople: the local people are friendly. (8)_(kind) of them to answer all our questions.it is kind1. he was nearly drowned once. when was _? _ was in 1998 when he was in middle school. a. that; it b. this; this c. this; it d. that; this2. someone
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