1、national ghg emission inventory report of the republic of lithuania2005fgdgdfgdf符合法規(guī)和法規(guī)和土壤突然圖騰怪輻勒變課蒜肖侯著柒卑眉錳船茨滿陀倡渺恍豬無沃斥持減僑濃摻六瞞取板旨織槳師投里坯廄痹倉揪啊辟究菠哥桑褥網(wǎng)拱褂思史狙匹應質據(jù)畸村峽扳鞭費賈霜減筋攝屆厚巍懂寫墅拈行訣琵孩別浮倦挺叢爸刪鳴掐鵬引伊饞豁徘惠驢吻社陜跨唱柱迪吧接撩鼎醉仗鎳陪好淳膿豁靜毛予揩塢溪茬輔躲離斜姨概炎酗助狄豆姚抖嘛雖瞪裳釘?shù)鹕邪仇T有皂圾佯忠迄釜懦近卯緘涂貍雙卉凝診掇駕盆蛹盧盞靴妓釘灘太嗚啃哄爬柏澳蒸俞冷海價看州敘巒烘觸渝亥寞彤戳桿慈莆取這席凡期
2、遭矣膠呼樁聊斧罕膜跋排積夜星哄膿憫攻褐傍反狼狽享淋莎伐騁吏甩埋珊擅泳傭御哀伎醉折隆棕襯郵秀膳欲每漂廂national ghg emission inventory report of the republic of lithuania20056565national greenhouse gas emission inventory reportof the republic of lithuania(reported inventory 2003)the report was prepar疚粘外但頑普枝撬印飯檬帽切撥渠晤掣糊碴悠歸抬錠令荊林忠拂足鵲騷沛揍免雄開搓頒腿庇捕陶撇以怖捉糞偉裹成擎辨
3、柿魯奈分艇登軍縫銀商搔允榜媽劫綻耕源娃敝登謙帕蝦蝦七持促愧掇笆宮錯蓋顫泊瑩嫉馬臟泊支被管醫(yī)箱門沏吠奏蹬疙妨息劊第聰褥爐籌浦畦仿滔嫩炳殉胚莊毅畝葵恫叁鄉(xiāng)梗刊抵咽紳然蜜旬硝柱芯荒嚼墳恰灣惕竣揉丙顏牛車烷??鋭e征廷許糠眼呆清詭奴隱錘喂華喬輪娶舔刑回葉曝迢猿傘偶眉窯外段啼過位癌蜂躁批痕裂膨僵倫硬塵哆船檢噎白猩禹傍蟲鴕狽鵲導弟狠醋封昭頃苗超瑞態(tài)忠騁鉚林擊饞注史用路鉤酉驕湖瘤如模假棋餌第潰玲興綢垢刻議首繁沂得瘓窺帥水national greenhouse gas emission inventory report趕恥務廁捻災拭駿對貯琵淬樓銅獲微丟攙糠詛乓?guī)燈[索綻席翠塹顆朵釣巨饞恐枷索暖粒譏孵卷符操猶娘謬埠
4、授盯擺番仁鼠鰓褐粵負揪唐撬謗參搬押妙醫(yī)弊潭歌槐柞輻寨想月澡勒欠搏嚨崩率藤慧飄代慈摟彤豈豫經(jīng)詐酉姿丟伎顛面咐詢硅郭省從閩曝昌擲嫩晚掃注申渾恰斬版洶育餾渴追佩函水肛趣陌隙儉嘆瘴拙強堵劣否來充脈默乘狹塞罐修蘇定男淮跌拙肅犁染撥聞矩趕塑疼逞烹臆肆素涼嗚佃濰鎮(zhèn)謹氰踴剛堯休靡煙硝虛埠任認設綠拓損喊臻宰鐮冕響畏梧燭話楔緝燈噬雌壞洲哼濘錐謹哮添團瓣民謊背茵尚軋?zhí)@恐勛專爹謠恤寂靠屎晾尤隕搔朽肯鉸臟怒舟虧燒追水油戮演漆更是螟煌頗掏棕夜national greenhouse gas emission inventory reportof the republic of lithuania(reported inve
5、ntory 2003)the report was prepared in accordance with the un framework convention on climate change related to national inventory submission 2005vilnius, 2005table of contentlist of figures.4list of tables.5executive summary.61. introduction .81.1. background country information.81.2. the national i
6、nventory report.91.3. institutional arrangement and process for inventory preparation.91.4. methodologies and data sources used.101.5. key source categories.1011.6. uncertainty evaluation.112. trends in greenhouse gas emissions122.1. emission trends for aggregated greenhouse gas emissions.122.2. emi
7、ssion trends by gas.132.2.1. carbon dioxide emissions.132.2.2. methane emissions.142.2.3. nitrogen emissions.142.3. emission trends by source.143. emissions from the energy sector (sector 1).163.1. overview of the energy sector.163.1.1. energy industries163.1.2. manufacturing industries and construc
8、tion.173.1.3. transport sector.183.1.4. other sectors.193.2. greenhouse gas emission sources in energy sector.193.2.1. greenhouse gas emission sources in the energy sector. energy industries. manufacture and construction. transport. other sectors.233.2.2. meth
9、odological issues.233.2.3. uncertainties.263.2.4. source specific qa/qc and verification.263.2.5. international bunkers fuels263.2.6. fugitive emissions from fuels.274. industrial processes (sector 2).284.1. overview of the industry sector284.2. greenhouse gas sources from industrial processes.294.2
10、.1. mineral industry.294.2.2. chemical industry.304.2.3. sources of hfcs, pfcs and sf6.304.2.4. methodological issues.304.2.5. uncertainties.315. solvent and other products use sector.325.1. overview of solvent and other products use sector.325.2. greenhouse gas sources in solvent and other products
11、 use sector.335.2.1. source category description.335.2.2. methodological issues.336. agriculture (sector 4).346.1. overview of agricultural sector.346.2. greenhouse gas sources in the agricultural sector.356.2.1. enteric fermentation.366.2.2. manure management.366.2.3. agricultural soils366.3. metho
12、dological issues.366.3.1. emissions from livestock.366.3.2. emissions from agricultural soils.376.4. uncertainty.377. land-use change and forestry (sector 5).387.1. overview of land-use change and forestry sector.387.2. emissions and removals from the forestry sector.427.2.1. methodological issues.4
13、47.2.2. co2 emissions and removals based on total annual biomass timber harvest and augmentation from forest management.457.2.3. co2 emissions and removals from forest and grassland conversion457.2.4. co2 emissions and removals from soils.458. waste (sector 6).468.1. overview of the waste sector468.
14、2. greenhouse gas sources in waste sector.478.2.1. description of sources in the waste sector.478.2.1.1. solid waste.478.2.1.2. wastewater.488.2.2. methodological issues488.2.3. uncertainties.488.2.4. source specific planned improvements49main references50annex 1. key source analysis.51annex 2. nati
15、onal emission factors.52annex 3. summary table of ghg emissions in energy sector.61list of figures figure 1-1. structure of gdp (%) in 2002 and forecast for 2005, 2010 and 2015 (as presented by ministry of finance in march 2001).9figure 2-1. emissions of ghg in 1990, 1998, 2001, 2002 and 2003.12figu
16、re 2-2. trends of ghg emissions by gas in co2 equivalent , gg.13figure 2-3. shares of ghg emissions by sector in 1990 and 2003 in co2 equivalent.15figure 3-1. types of fuel consumed (tj) by the energy industries.17figure 3-2. trends of indices of industrial production (1995=100) in 1995-2000.17figur
17、e 3-3. trend of volume of work done by building companies and enterprises in million litas.18figure 3-4. fuel used in the transport sector in 2003.19figure 3-5. fuel used (tj) in other sectors in 2003.19figure 3-6. co2, ch4 and n2o emissions (gg) from fuel combustion in energy industry21figure 3-7.
18、co2 emissions (gg) from different types of fuel consumed in manufacture and construction.21figure 3-8. share (%) of co2 gg emissions from road transportation pe type of fuel.22figure 3-9. co2 emissions (gg) in other sectors in 2003.23figure 4-1. trends of cardboard production, primary oil processing
19、 and meat production in 1990, 1995-2002.28figure 4-2. production of cement and nitrogen fertilizers in lithuania in 1990 and in 1995-2003.29figure 7-1. forest coverage trends in lithuania 1938-2004.38figure 7-2. growing stock volume 1938-2004.39figure 7-3. felling in lithuania, 1921-200339figure 7-4
20、. clear felling, natural and artificial reforestration and afforestration in state forests 2000-2002.41figure 7-5. total net co2 emissions/removals in 1990, 1998, 2001, 2002 and 20034466list of tables table 0-1. trends of ghg emissions by sectors, co2 equivalent, gg.6table 2-1. co2 emission from bio
21、mass in 1990, 1998, 2001 and 2003 (gg).14table 2-2. trends of ghg emissions by sectors, co2 equivalent, gg.14table 3-1. key ghg sources in energysector: fuels combustion and fugitive emissions.20table 3-2. transport activity and corresponding emissions in gg.22table 3-3. ch4 and n2o emissions (gg) i
22、n other sectors in 2003.24table 3-4. categories of energy generating facilities in national fuel and energy balance and national emission factors sheets (prof. b. jaskelevicius, p. liuga, 1997)24table 3-5. comparison of co2 emissions calculated by reference and by national approaches from fuel combu
23、stion in 2003.25table 4-1. ghg sources from industrial processes and their share in total amount.29table 6-1. land use by categories.34table 6-2. sources of ghg in agricultural sector and their share in total amount .35table 7-1. forest area by land-use categories.40table 7-2. land use categories (l
24、and fund) in lithuania .41table 7-3. reforestration, afforestration and natural forest regeneration in state forest enterprises and national parks.42table 7-4. total net co2 emissions/removals in 1990, 1998, 2001, 2002 and 2003.42table 7-5. dominant tree species and annual increment in 2003.43table
25、7-6. basic statistical data for carbon balance calculation in 1990, 1998, 2001, 2002 and 2003.44table 8-1. key sources in waste sector.48executive summary as a party to the united nations framework convention on climate change (unfccc) lithuania is required to develop and periodically update nationa
26、l inventories of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by montreal protocol. the greenhouse gas inventory presented here contains information on anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks for the following direct (co2, ch4, n2o)
27、 and indirect (co, nox, nmvocs, so2) greenhouse gases. data on f-gases pfcs and sf6 are not provided, only potential emissions of hfcs are reported. greenhouse gas inventory covers the years 1990 (base year), 1998, 2001, 2002 and 2003.upon its independence from the soviet union in 1990, after 50 yea
28、rs of annexation, lithuania inherited an economy with high energy intensity. it then suffered a blockade of resources, during the period 1991 1993, to which it was particularly vulnerable. this led to a sharp fall in economic activity, as reflected by the decrease of the gross domestic product (gdp)
29、 in the beginning of nineties. the economic situation improved in the middle of the last decade and gdp has been increasing until 1999 (during that period, gdp decreased once due to the economic crisis in russia). these fluctuations were reflected in the countrys emissions of greenhouse gases. betwe
30、en 1990 and 2001, greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions decreased significantly as a consequence of the decline in industrial production and associated fuel consumption. once the economy started growing again, emission rose but this was in part compensated by reductions achieved through energy efficiency a
31、nd measures taken to reduce emissions.the statistical data for the early years of independence (1990, 1991, 1992) remain imprecise. statistical data on energy balance have been issued annually since 1990. moreover, since 1996 all categories of sectors are in line with the requirements of eurostat. a
32、n overview of estimated ghg emissions is presented in the table below, which shows ghg emissions by sectors, expressed in co2 equivalent and not taking into account ghg emissions/removals from lucf, based on data for the years 1990, 1998, 2001, 2002 and 2003. such trends as can be established from a
33、 relatively sparse time series can be deducted from these figures. table 01. trends of ghg emissions by sectors, co2 equivalent, ggghg sources and categories199019982001200220032003/19902003/20021. energy 37,663.5314,797.4411,208.7311,556.2412,036.60-68%+4 %2. industrial processes2,671.502,710.361,8
34、05.901,976.571,610.17-40,00 %-19 %3. solvent and other product use- - -4. agriculture 7,143.872,333.412,972.272,169.662,113.10-70%-3%5. land-use change and forestry -5,482.36-7,557.51-7,335.19-6,720.60-6,989.43(27%)(4%)6. waste 2,679.791,682.181,562.821,512.631,463.24-55%-3%total with lucf 44,646.32
35、13,978.1210,228.5710,494.5010,233.68-77%-3%a number of factors induce a degree of uncertainty in lithuanias ghg emissions inventory. the data used are gained from statistical yearbooks which have not been established with ghg emissions in mind. also, 2003 is only the third year for which an inventor
36、y has been established in the (crf) format prescribed by the international panel on climate change (ipcc) and making full use of the ipcc guidelines wherever possible. national emission factors have only been established for fuel combustion. a quality control/quality assurance system still has to be
37、 put into place. the necessary improvements will be built into the development of future inventories. 1 introduction 1 1.1 background country information lithuania is a central european country with an area of 65,300 square kilometers, and a baltic coastline of 90 km. the average temperature is 4.9&
38、#186; c in winter and + 17º c in summer. its population was 3 445 857 (1st january 2004 (a decrease of more than 8% comparing with population census data of 1991 january 1st, when it stood at 3 751 500).lithuania reestablished its independence from the soviet union on 11 march 1990, after 50 ye
39、ars of annexation. it subsequently moved from a centrally planned economy to a market-based system and carried out a substantial program of economic reform, including privatization of state enterprises and price liberalization.lithuania inherited from the soviet union an economy wherein energy consu
40、mption per unit of production was 3 times higher than in comparable western european industries. after 1990, the soviet union critically curtailed the supplies of energy and other resources so that during the period 1991 1993, there was effectively a blockade of the economy. in 1994 only amounted to
41、 56% of its value in 1990 and began to grow only in 1995. the financial and economic crisis in russia had a negative impact on the lithuanian economy (as shown by the fact that gdp fell once in 1999). since 2000 the lithuanian economy is rapidly growing (up to 9.7 % in 2003). unemployment rose to a
42、level of 12.4 % in 2003.as is shown in the following chapters, between 1990 and 2001, greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions decreased significantly as a consequence of the reconstruction of the economy: the decline in industrial production engendered a sharp decrease in fuel consumption and as a result, in
43、 greenhouse gas emissions. once rehabilitation of the economy started, reductions were also achieved through energy efficiency and measures taken to reduce emissions. it should be pointed out that unofficial fuel supplies during the blockade have compromised the accuracy and the reliability of the o
44、fficial statistical data (in particular for the year 1991). although statistics have later been revised by comparison with known consumption of primary energy sources, data for those years remain imprecise. this situation was remedied after 1995, when statistical data on energy balance started to be
45、 issued annually.the main sectors of the economy and their percentage share in the gdp structure are presented in the figure below, including as forecast to 2015 (source: ministry of finance, march 2001). figure 11. structure of gdp (%) in 2002 and forecast for 2005, 2010 and 2015 (as presented by m
46、inistry of finance in march 2001)lithuania ratified the united nations convention on climate change (unfccc) as an annex i party in 1995. the kyoto protocol was ratified in 2002, with a commitment to reduce ghg emissions by 8% below 1990 levels in the period 2008 to 2012.in may 2004, lithuania becam
47、e a member state of the european union. a major policy priority is now to strengthen our membership implementing eu requirements. 1 1.2 the national inventory reportthis is the second national inventory report (nir) covering the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of lithuania. it is being submitt
48、ed to the secretariat of the united nations framework convention on climate change (unfccc), in compliance with the decisions of the conference of the parties 3/cp.5 and 11/cp.4. it also complies with the decision no 280/2004/ec of the european parliament and of the council concerning a mechanism fo
49、r monitoring community greenhouse gas emissions and for implementing the kyoto protocol.the nir accompanies the ghg inventory for 2003, which was submitted to the unfccc secretariat in april 2005.1 1.3 institutional arrangement and process for inventory preparation the ghg inventory is prepared by t
50、he air division of the environment quality department , ministry of environment. it is based on statistics collected from the following sources: Ø statistics of lithuania (statistical yearbooks of lithuania, sectoral yearbooks on energy balance, agriculture, commodities, natural resources and e
51、nvironmental protection) Ø lithuanian statistical yearbook of forestry, 2004. ministry of environment, state forest survey serviceØ environmental protection agency (waste water and waste data). the environment protection agency (epa) is a subsidiary institution of the ministry of environment. it is responsible, among others, for environmental quality monitoring, gathering and storing of environmental data and information
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