國際貿(mào)易實務(wù) 第12周_第1頁
國際貿(mào)易實務(wù) 第12周_第2頁
國際貿(mào)易實務(wù) 第12周_第3頁
國際貿(mào)易實務(wù) 第12周_第4頁
國際貿(mào)易實務(wù) 第12周_第5頁
已閱讀5頁,還剩24頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、第4章1cfr工作、費用、風險劃分(簡略)工作風險費用賣方1、租船訂艙,將貨物送交到裝運港船只上2、將裝船情況及時通知買方3、辦理出口報關(guān)手續(xù)1、承擔貨物裝上船只之前的風險1、承擔貨物裝上船只之前的費用, 2、承擔裝港到港運費買方1、辦理進口報關(guān)手續(xù)1、承擔貨物裝上船只之后的風險1、承擔貨物裝上船只之后的費用,不包括裝港到港運費第4章2使用cfr的注意事項 1.船險銜接賣方應(yīng)盡早將裝船情況通知買方,以便買方及時投保 2.cfr的變形 (租船運輸時,卸船費用的劃分)cfr liner terms cfr班輪條件, 賣方承擔卸船費用cfr landed cfr卸至岸上 賣方承擔卸船費用cfr ex

2、 tackle cfr吊鉤下交貨 賣方承擔卸船費用 (船舶不能靠岸時,不含駁船費用)cfr ex ships hold cfr艙底交貨 買方承擔卸船費用3.cfr 的別名 cfr = c&f = cnf= c and f第4章3cost , insurance and freightcif (insert named port of destination, 插入指定目的港 ) incoterms 2010例4.3 cif los angeles, usa incoterms 2010 簡略定義: cif是指,賣方安排船只、投保,支付裝運港到目的港運費及保費,在指定裝運港交貨。貨物裝上

3、船只時,風險從賣方轉(zhuǎn)移到買方。 cif僅適用于船舶運輸?shù)?章4cif defined in incoterms 2010“cost, insurance and freight” means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel or procures the goods already so delivered. the risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the vessel. the seller must

4、 contract for and pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination. the seller also contracts for insurance cover against the buyers risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage. the buyer should note that under cif the seller is required to obtai

5、n insurance only on minimum cover. should the buyer wish to have more insurance protection, it will need either to agree as much expressly with the seller or to make its own extra insurance arrangements. 第4章5remarks on the above definition 1/2 this rule is to be used only for sea or inland waterway

6、transport. when cpt, cip, cfr or cif are used, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods over to the carrier in the manner specified in the chosen rule and not when the goods reach the place of destination. this rule has two critical points, because risk passes and costs a

7、re transferred at different places. while the contract will always specify a destination port, it might not specify the port of shipment, which is where risk passes to the buyer. if the shipment port is of particular interest to the buyer, the parties are well advised to identify it as precisely as

8、possible in the contract. the parties are well advised to identify as precisely as possible the point at the agreed port of destination, as the costs to that point are for the account of the seller. the seller is advised to procure contracts of carriage that match this choice precisely. if the selle

9、r incurs costs under its contract of carriage related to unloading at the specified point at the port of destination, the seller is not entitled to recover such costs from the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties. remarks on the above definition 2/2 the seller is required either to deli

10、ver the goods on board the vessel or to procure goods already so delivered for shipment to the destination. in addition, the seller is required either to make a contract of carriage or to procure such a contract. the reference to “procure” here caters for multiple sales down a chain (string sales),

11、particularly common in the commodity trades. cif may not be appropriate where goods are handed over to the carrier before they are on board the vessel, for example goods in containers, which are typically delivered at a terminal. in such circumstances, the cip rule should be used. cif requires the s

12、eller to clear the goods for export, where applicable. however, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.第4章6第4章7cif工作、費用、風險劃分(簡略)工作風險費用賣方1、租船訂艙,將貨物送交到裝運港船只上2、購買海運保險3、辦理出口報關(guān)手續(xù)1、承擔貨物裝上船只之前的風險1、承擔貨物裝上船只之前的費用, 2、承擔裝港到港運費

13、、保險費買方1、辦理進口報關(guān)手續(xù)1、承擔貨物裝上船只之后的風險1、承擔貨物裝上船只之后的費用,不包括裝港到港運費、保險費第4章8使用cif的注意事項 1.cif的風險界線與fob相同,因此, 從“風險界線”的角度來看,cif價格并不是“到岸價格”2.cif的變形 (租船運輸時,卸船費用的劃分)cif liner terms cif班輪條件, 賣方承擔卸船費用cif landed cif卸至岸上 賣方承擔卸船費用cif ex tackle cif吊鉤下交貨 賣方承擔卸船費用 (船舶不能靠岸時,不含駁船費用)cif ex ships hold cif艙底交貨 買方承擔卸船費用第4章9fob、cfr

14、、cif對比交貨地點運輸方式風險界線租船訂艙投保支付運費支付保費交貨性質(zhì)fob裝運港海洋運河裝運港船只買方買方實際交貨cfr裝運港海洋運河裝運港船只賣方賣方象征性交貨cif裝運港海洋運河裝運港船只賣方賣方賣方賣方象征性交貨第4章10fob、cfr、cif的衍生經(jīng)典組 衍生組 free on board fob named port of shipment free carrier fca named place cost and freight cfr named port of destination carriage paid to cpt named place of destinati

15、oncost, insurance and freight cif named port of destinationcarriage and insurance paid to cip named place of destination 第4章11free carrierfca (insert named place, 插入指定裝運地 ) incoterms 2010例4.4 fca shanghai, china incoterms 2010 簡略定義: fca是指,買方指定承運人,支付裝運地到目的地運費,賣方在指定裝運地交貨。風險在交貨地點從賣方轉(zhuǎn)移到買方。 fca適用于各種運輸方式。

16、 第4章12fcadefined in incoterms 2010“free carrier” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the buyer at the sellers premises or another named place. the parties are well advised to specify as clearly as possible the point within the named place of deliver

17、y, as the risk passes to the buyer at that point. 第4章13remarks on the above definition this rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed. if the parties intend to deliver the goods at the sellers premises, they

18、 should identify the address of those premises as the named place of delivery. if, on the other hand, the parties intend the goods to be delivered at another place, they must identify a different specific place of delivery. fca requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable. how

19、ever, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities. 第4章14carriage paid tocpt (insert named place of destination, 插入指定目的地) incoterms 2010 例4.5 cpt los angeles, usa incoterms 2010 簡略定義: cpt是指,賣方指定承運人,支付裝運地到目的地運費,賣方在指定裝運地交貨。

20、風險在交貨地點(交付給第一個承運人時)從賣方轉(zhuǎn)移到買方。 cpt適用于各種運輸方式。 第4章15cpt defined in incoterms 2010 “carriage paid to” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the seller at an agreed place (if any such place is agreed between the parties) and that the seller must contract fo

21、r and pay the costs of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named place of destination. 第4章16remarks on the above definition (1/2) this rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed. when cpt, cip, cfr o

22、r cif are used, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods over to the carrier and not when the goods reach the place of destination. this rule has two critical points, because risk passes and costs are transferred at different places. the parties are well advised to identi

23、fy as precisely as possible in the contract both the place of delivery, where the risk passes to the buyer, and the named place of destination to which the seller must contract for the carriage. if several carriers are used for the carriage to the agreed destination and the parties do not agree on a

24、 specific point of delivery, the default position is that risk passes when the goods have been delivered to the first carrier at a point entirely of the sellers choosing and over which the buyer has no control. should the parties wish the risk to pass at a later stage (e.g., at an ocean port or airp

25、ort), they need to specify this in their contract of sale. remarks on the above definition (2/2) the parties are also well advised to identify as precisely as possible the point within the agreed place of destination, as the costs to that point are for the account of the seller. the seller is advise

26、d to procure contracts of carriage that match this choice precisely. if the seller incurs costs under its contract of carriage related to unloading at the named place of destination, the seller is not entitled to recover such costs from the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties. cpt requ

27、ires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable. however, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.第4章17第4章18carriage and insurance paid tocip (insert named place of destination, 插入指定目的地) incoterms 201

28、0例4.6 cip los angeles, usa incoterms 2010 簡略定義: cip是指,賣方指定承運人、投保,支付裝運地到目的地運費、保費,賣方在指定裝運地交貨。風險在交貨地點(交付給第一個承運人時) 從賣方轉(zhuǎn)移到買方。 cip適用于各種運輸方式。 第4章19cip defined in incoterms 2010 “carriage and insurance paid to” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the seller

29、 at an agreed place (if any such place is agreed between the parties) and that the seller must contract for and pay the costs of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named place of destination. the seller also contracts for insurance cover against the buyers risk of loss of or damage to the

30、goods during the carriage. the buyer should note that under cip the seller is required to obtain insurance only on minimum cover. should the buyer wish to have more insurance protection, it will need either to agree as much expressly with the seller or to make its own extra insurance arrangements. 第

31、4章20remarks on the above definition (1/2) this rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed. when cpt, cip, cfr or cif are used, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods over to the

32、carrier and not when the goods reach the place of destination. this rule has two critical points, because risk passes and costs are transferred at different places. the parties are well advised to identify as precisely as possible in the contract both the place of delivery, where the risk passes to

33、the buyer, and the named place of destination to which the seller must contract for carriage. if several carriers are used for the carriage to the agreed destination and the parties do not agree on a specific point of delivery, the default position is that risk passes when the goods have been delive

34、red to the first carrier at a point entirely of the sellers choosing and over which the buyer has no control. should the parties wish the risk to pass at a later stage (e.g., at an ocean port or an airport), they need to specify this in their contract of sale. remarks on the above definition (2/2) t

35、he parties are also well advised to identify as precisely as possible the point within the agreed place of destination, as the costs to that point are for the account of the seller. the seller is advised to procure contracts of carriage that match this choice precisely. if the seller incurs costs un

36、der its contract of carriage related to unloading at the named place of destination, the seller is not entitled to recover such costs from the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties. cip requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable. however, the seller has no obliga

37、tion to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.第4章21第4章22貨交裝運港術(shù)語貨交承運人術(shù)語 對比貨交裝運港術(shù)語fob、cfr、cif貨交承運人術(shù)語fca、cpt、cip運輸方式海洋、運河運輸海、陸、空,多式聯(lián)運運輸單據(jù)已裝船清潔提單各種運輸單據(jù)交貨地點裝運港:一地一終端賣方工廠及裝運地運輸終端:一地多個終端風險界限船只交貨點(第一承運人) 裝卸費用租船運輸時要進一步明確包括在運費中, 鏈式銷售有無incoterms 2010術(shù)語按交貨點、風險點分組 第4章23第4章24按交貨點、風險點分組的價格術(shù)語1.賣方


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