




1、租賃合同Ten a ncy Con t r ac t租賃合同Ten a n cy Contract出租方(甲方):La n dl o rd (Party A):承租方(乙方):Te n ant (Par t y B):甲、乙雙方在自愿、平等、互利的基礎(chǔ)上,經(jīng)協(xié)商一致,就乙方承租甲方物業(yè)事宜,訂立本 合同。Ha v i ng reached un a nimi t y thro ugh con sul t at i on® Party A a nd P a rty B, o n th e b a s is of voluntari n e s s, e q u a lity and m
2、ut u al ben efit, hav e en t ered i n to this C on tra c t in r espect of P a rt y A leas i n g t he Premises t o Pa rty B.一、租賃物業(yè)Le ase d Prem i s e s1.1甲方將坐落于(以下簡(jiǎn)稱'該物業(yè)')出租給乙方使用,該物業(yè)建筑面積為平方米。Party A lets(h erei nafter re f erred to the P r e m i ses), to P a rty B, a n d th e s ize of the Pre
3、mises i s s q uare me t e r s.1.2甲乙雙方確定該物業(yè)用途為住宅。Both Party A an d Party B have con firmed that the P r em i ses s hal 1 be for th e pur p ose of Res i de n t i d I.1 .3該物業(yè)的家俱、家電配置,見本合同附件一。Th e furni t ure & a p p liances of t he Pre mises plea s e s ee Ap p e n d i x I.二、租賃期Le a s ing Term2.1本合同
4、租賃期為 個(gè)月,自年_月_日起至 年月_日止。Th e I e a s in g term of t h i s contra c t shall b e calendar month s,commenci n g f r om to L2.2租賃期滿,甲方有權(quán)收回該物業(yè),乙方應(yīng)如期歸還;乙方如要求續(xù)租,須在。本合同期滿前丄個(gè)月向甲方提出書面申請(qǐng),經(jīng)中方同意后重新簽訂租賃合同。On ex p i r y of t hi s le a se, Part y A h as the ri g ht t o take back the Premis e s, and Party B sha 1 I r
5、eturn the Premi s es o n t im e . If Party B wishes to exte nd the 1 ease, P a rty B is r e qu i red t o give writ t en notice to Party A one mo n ths pr i o r t o the expi r y of t he lea s e and subject to P a rty A and P a r t y Bzs co ns e nt, a new leas i n g cont r a c t shal 1 be signed.三、租金及
6、保證金R e ntai and Depos i t3.1租金為每月元人民幣,租金含物業(yè)管理費(fèi),發(fā)票。Th e monthl y r e n t al is per month, i n clusi ve o fmana gemen t fee, formal invoi c3. 2乙方應(yīng)予簽署本合同后五日內(nèi)向屮方支付相當(dāng)于一個(gè)月租金的金額,即人民 幣元,作為保證金,甲方應(yīng)出具收據(jù)給乙方。在租賃期滿,乙方如期交還該物業(yè),并付清居住期間所有租金和其它費(fèi)用后十五天內(nèi),屮方應(yīng)將保證金無息 退還乙方。W i thi n f ive d ays a fter the s i g n ing o f th
7、i s Con t ract, P a rty B shall pay t o Pa r t y A as Deposit, which i s equiva 1 e n tto one mon t hszrenta 1 ,an d Pa rty A s h al 1i s s ue areceipt for the said value. At the e x pirati on of the Con tract, PartyA shal1 re f u n dthe De p o sit to Pa r tyB w itho uti nterestwithin15 day safte r
8、P a rty B hasret u m e dthe Premise s and p a id all the rent and other e xp e n ses fo r the terms that Party B h as o c cup i e d th e Premises3.3乙方應(yīng)在每月日前支付該月租金,若乙方在租金到期后十五天仍未支付,每逾期一天,則乙方應(yīng)按日租金的支付滯納金。若超過三十天未付,則視乙方自動(dòng)退租并構(gòu)成違約,屮方有權(quán)收回該物業(yè),沒收保證金并追究相關(guān)損失。P arty B shall pay th e re n ta 1 on o r be f o r e t
9、he day o f each cal e nd a r mon th. If th e Rent has no t bee n paid wit h i n 15 d a y s of i ts d u e d a t 已 P a rty B shal 1 be r equ i red t o pa y a I a te penalt y fee eq u a I t o o f th er ent a I per da y for each d ay of d e 1 ay. If th e rentai h as no t been paid m o re than 30 days af
10、ter the due d ate,Pa r t y b will be deem e d to have a u tomaticall y termin a t ed t h e leasi n g resul ting in a b r e ach of t h e C ontra c t, Pa rty A w i 1 I be entit 1 ed t o take ba c k th e Premise s z r etai n depo s i t and s e ek re lated losses.34甲方在收到租金后五天內(nèi)應(yīng)提供給乙方正式發(fā)票,若屮方在月底前仍未提供乙方 發(fā)票
11、,則乙方有權(quán)延遲支付下月租金直至收到正式發(fā)票。屮方有責(zé)任根據(jù)稅務(wù)局 和/或房管局的規(guī)定、要求和有關(guān)程序支付相應(yīng)的有關(guān)租賃房屋的稅款。Party A will is s u e an o f fi c ial i n v oi c e wi t h in 5 da y s a f ter rece i v i ng t h e re n taL I f Pa r ty A h a s not issue a n o f ficial in voi c e by t he en d o f the mon t h , P a r ty B ha s the r i gh t to d e lay
12、the pa y ment o f the following month's ren t al unt i I t he invoic e of the said mon t h is re c eive d . P a rty A i s re s ponsi b le for complyin g w i t h r e gulat ions, requirem e nt s and p r ocedures o r igi n atin g f r o m th e Tax Bur e au and/ o r Hou sin g Bu r e au re late d to t
13、 h e tax e s o f the re nt of the Premi s es.35甲方的銀行帳戶資料:八名:賬號(hào):銀行:Party A's bank ac count inf orm a t ion: Name:A/C No:Bank: 收取租金時(shí),房東的銀行所收的手續(xù)費(fèi)由房東支付。a a The remi t t a nee fee charged by the Landl o rd's bank for r ecei v ing should be paid by the L a n d 1 ord.四、出租人的責(zé)任Land 1 or d 7 s Respons
14、 i b i I i tie s4. 1中方須按時(shí)將出租物業(yè)及家具電器(見附件一)以良好的狀態(tài)交付給乙方使用。Part y A sho u Id d e liv e r on schedu 1 e th e leas e d property and the fur ni t ure an d applia nee s (refe r to A p p e ndix I) in good con d i t ion t o Party B.4.2屮方應(yīng)確?;蜇?zé)成物業(yè)管理公司對(duì)物業(yè)及其公共設(shè)施進(jìn)行定期維修保養(yǎng),包括43但不限于物業(yè)內(nèi)的空調(diào)、上下水管、電線電纜、煤氣管道、通訊及有線電視等設(shè) 施,使
15、之處于正常的使用狀態(tài)。Part y A should gu a r ante e or ord er t h e pro p e r ty mana g ement com p a n y t o car ry ou t main t en a nee and repair of t he said premises and the faciliti e s in good and pro per operat i on f e g ula r ly. i n c luding bu t not r e strict e d t o a i r con d i t i o ns, wa t e
16、r pipel i ne s, w i res and ca b les, gas pipe 1 in e s, communication and cable TV e tc.4. 3 房屋基本設(shè)施和結(jié)構(gòu)損壞時(shí)(不包括乙方損壞的家具和器具),甲方必須在 24。o小時(shí)內(nèi)提供維修服務(wù)或給予乙方答復(fù),并承擔(dān)相關(guān)的費(fèi)用。In case of t h e b a s ic f acilitie s and structure of the p r e mises b e in g dam a ged (not in cludi n g f u r n iture an d ap p li a n c
17、e s dam a g ed b y Party B), Pa r ty A shal 1 r epair o r respond to Party B's com p laints with i n 2 4 hours, a nd bear all c os t s related t her e t o4牛甲方在此聲明及保證甲方為出租房屋的合法擁有人并有合法地位出租此房屋 給乙方。就本合同及出租此房屋于乙方之事,屮方已取得所有有關(guān)機(jī)構(gòu)的批準(zhǔn),包 括政府批準(zhǔn)及抵押權(quán)人的同意。屮方于本合同所做出的聲明與保證,如有錯(cuò)誤或 違反者,屮方須就因此而對(duì)乙方引起的任何損失、損害、支出及費(fèi)用對(duì)乙方
18、做岀 全額補(bǔ)償。Party A h ere b y r e p r ese n t s and w a rrant s that P arty A i s th e 1 egal ow n er of th e I e a sed pro perty a nd has t he necessa ry c a pa c ity t o lea s e th e pro pert y t o Pa r ty B. P a rt y A has al s o o b t aimed al 1 th e necessary author izati on s from a II re I e vant
19、 authorit i es i n respec t of th is Con t ract a nd t he leasin g of t h e prop e rty t o Party B, includ i ng govern me nt ap p roval an d/ or m o r tgage consent. P a rty A sh al 1 be I i abl e to k eep Party B ful 1 y in dem nif i e d aga i nst any cos t sz expe rises, losses and d a mage s in c
20、u r r e d a n d suf f ered b y Par t y B as a re s ult of a n y bre a ch o f P a rty A's r e p re s e ntati ons o r wa r r a n ties he r ein.4.5如在租賃期內(nèi),租賃房屋發(fā)生所有權(quán)全部或部分轉(zhuǎn)移,和其它影響乙方權(quán)益的事 情時(shí),甲方應(yīng)保證所有權(quán)人或其它影響乙方權(quán)益的第三人,能繼續(xù)遵守本合同所 有條款。如乙方于本合同下的權(quán)益受此等所有權(quán)人或第三者影響或損害,屮方應(yīng) 負(fù)責(zé)賠償乙方的所有損失、損害、支出及費(fèi)用。If duri ng the term of
21、t he tenan c y, all or p art of the 1 eased p r operty i s t ran sferred or Party Bzs rig h t to u se lea s ed p r ope rty is a ff e c ted, P a rty A s ha 1 1 en sure th a t such t r a n s f e ree o r th i rd p arty havi n g an e f f ect o n Party B's r i ght to us e t h e leased property will c
22、 ontinue to ab i de by the t e r ms of this Contract. Party A sha 1 1 a 1 so b e I i a b le to ke e p Party B f ully i n dem ni f i ed eg a i n st any costs, expe n s e s, lossesa nd dama g es when a ny of Pa rty B's i nterests h e rein are a f f e cted o r p r eju d ic e d by such t ransf e r e
23、 e or thi r d p a r ty.4.6屮方應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)根據(jù)中國(guó)法律法規(guī)所定因本樓宇租賃而產(chǎn)生的一切稅務(wù)(包括但不限 于房產(chǎn)稅,所得稅和營(yíng)業(yè)稅)和法定費(fèi)用(包括但不限于土地使用費(fèi)),并必須將 該些稅務(wù)和法定費(fèi)用直接向有關(guān)稅局繳付。The La n dlo r d s hall b e respon s i b 1 e for and pay dir e ctly to the r e I e vant t ax authoritie sail applic a ble t a x es (in cl u di ng but no t limited to Real E stat e T
24、ax, I ncome Tax and Busi ness "Tax) a nd othe r g ove rnment c h arge s (in cludi ng but not limited to La ndUse Fee) re q uire d by Chin e s e 1 aw or a ny r elev a n t r eg u I a t i o n s ar i s i ng fro m th e leasing o f t he Premises4.7在乙方遵守本合同的條款及交付租金的詢提下,乙方有權(quán)于租賃期內(nèi)拒絕甲方 或其他人騷擾而安靜享用出租房屋。P
25、r ovided t hat Party B pay i ng the re n tai andp erfor m i ngand ob s er v i ng party B zs terms an d co n diti ons her e i nco n ta i n s ha 1 I peace ably hold and enjoy the P remi s es t hr o u g h o ut t he term o f t h is Co n tr a ct wi th o utanyint errupti on by P arty A o r oth e r p e rs
26、o ns.4. 8租期為一年,如若任何一方提前解約,支付違約金為一年的租金(人民幣_(tái)元)。Leas in g T e r m is on e yea r. I f a n y sid e t e r minates t h e agreemen t ahe a do f time, must pay the pen a 1 ty i s one yea r ren t( R M B 7 8000.00yua n).五、承租人的責(zé)任Tena n t's Res ponsi b ilit i e s5.1乙方應(yīng)按時(shí)支付合同中規(guī)定的保證金、租金及水、電、煤氣、電話費(fèi),寬帶費(fèi)等 公用事業(yè)費(fèi)。P
27、ar t y B sho u Id p r ompt 1 y p a y t he d epos i t, rent a 1 a nd wate r, b r oad ban d , e lectricity, gas, t e le p h one cha r g e etc.52未經(jīng)甲方書面同意,乙方不得將該物業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)租或分租給第三方。P a r ty B s h all not t ran s f e r or s u b 1 e ase the s a id premises t o any t hird party wit h out Party A's writ ten co
28、n s e n t.53乙方應(yīng)愛護(hù)使用租賃的房屋,如因乙方的過失或過錯(cuò)致使房屋及設(shè)施受到損壞(正常損耗除外力乙方應(yīng)負(fù)賠償責(zé)任。Party B shall t r e at th e leased prop erty wit h c a re. If, a s a r e s u It ofP a r ty Bzs n e gli g e n ce ormisc on duct, the1eased p ro pe r ty a nd t he re 1 at ed f a c ili t ies s uf f e r any damage (f airwear and t eare x cep
29、ted),P a rt y B shallb e respo n siblefor com p e nsatingPar t y A fors u c h dama g es.5.4除在物業(yè)內(nèi)已有的裝飾和設(shè)施外,乙方如要增加設(shè)備或裝修,須征得屮方的同意,屮 方不得無理拒絕或延誤;租賃期滿必須恢復(fù)原狀(正常損耗、磨損除外),并承擔(dān)其 費(fèi)用'經(jīng)屮方驗(yàn)收認(rèn)可后歸還屮方。甲方同意期滿前兩個(gè)月通知乙方其所需拆除的 在物業(yè)內(nèi)的任何改變及改進(jìn)的設(shè)施。In additi on to t he dec o r ati o n an d equipme n t alre a dy in t h e pro
30、pe r t y, if P arty B wis h e s to m a ke a ny al t e ration s or improvements t o t h e pro perty, Party B m u st g et P a r ty Azs c on sent. Any s uch consent shall n ot b e un r e aso n a b ly withh e Id o r del a y ed. On expiry o f t h e tenancy, P a rty B m u st ha n d ov e r the prope r ty t
31、 o P a rty A in its o r i g inal c o n d it i on ( f air we a r and tear excepted). All fees arising from s u ch work to do so are to be borne b y Party B. Par t y A ag r e e s to provide Party B w i th t wo mon ths' no ti c e pri o r to t h e e x p iry o f th e con tract, in t he ev e nt Par t
32、y A req u i r e s demo 1 iti on of a n y altera t i on or im p ro v em e nt ca r r i e d ou t t o the prope rty by Pa r t y B.5. 5。若乙方、乙方雇員或任何其他經(jīng)乙方許可的人員進(jìn)入該物業(yè),對(duì)甲方或其他住 戶造成損失,不論故意或過失,乙方皆應(yīng)對(duì)造成的所有損失予以賠償。I n c a se of Part y B, emp 1 oy e es of P a rt y B or any o t h er P er s o n p e rmitt e d b y Party
33、B t o enter the p rop e rty causing d amages to Par t y A or oth e r t e n ant s , whet h er in t entiona 1 I y or neg 1 i gently, Party B s ha 1 1 compe n sate for all the los s es c aused by sue h damages.56乙方不得攜帶任何違禁危險(xiǎn)物品進(jìn)入該物業(yè),嚴(yán)禁從事任何違反中華人民共和國(guó)法 律法規(guī)的活動(dòng);如因此發(fā)生損害,乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)全部責(zé)任。Pa r t y B sh a II n ot bring
34、 a n ything dange rous o r forb i d den in the 1 ea s ed proper t yz and not b e have agai n s t the laws o r r e g u latio n s o f th e P e op 1 ezs R e publ i c of C hina, an d sh a II be fully r esp on sib 1 e for any d a mages or losses a s a res u I t t hereof.5.7在本合同期滿前一個(gè)月內(nèi),乙方應(yīng)允許屮方或其指定的代理人經(jīng)與乙方
35、預(yù)約后, 在合理的時(shí)間內(nèi)陪同其他有興趣租住該樓宇的人士參觀The Tenan t sh a I 1 permit the L a ndlord o r its desi g n a ted a g e n t to ent e r the Pr e mis e s w ith other po t ent i a 1 te n ants to see t h e Premises, at re asonab 1 e time and upon p r i or ap p ointme n t with the Tenant withi non emo nth b e f o r e the e
36、xp i r a t i on of t his Co n tract.5. 8租期為一年,如若任何一方提前解約,支付違約金為一年的租金(即人民幣元Leasing T erm i s one y e ar. If a ny si d e t e r min a t e s th e a greement a h e ado f time, mus t pay the pen a I t y is one yea r rent (RMB7 8 000.00 y u a n).六、違約處理Bre a ch of C o n t r a c t6.1屮、乙任何一方如未按本合同的條款履行,構(gòu)成違約,應(yīng)
37、承擔(dān)相應(yīng)的違約責(zé)任,雙方同意違約方應(yīng)賠償受害方之直接損失(間接和結(jié)果性損失除外)。甲方若有違 約并在七日內(nèi)未予補(bǔ)救,乙方則有權(quán)延付租金和管理費(fèi)或做相應(yīng)的扣除。I f either Pa r t y A or Party B fa i 1 s t o per f o rm its o b 1 i gation s h e r eunder; i t shall const i tute a bre ach of thi s Cont ractandthe de f a u Iti n g party shall un d ert a ke t h e liab i lit i e s f or
38、such breach. The p art i e s agree that t h e pa r ty in breach s h a 1 I p a y the oth e r p a r t y the d i r ect loss e s a n d d a mage (e x cludin g i n direct and c o n s e quen t i a I los s and dama g e s). If Part y A is i n breach of th i s Cont r a c t an d d o e s not rec tify w i t hi n
39、 7 da y s, t hen Party B is e nt i tie d to with h ol d or deduct the ren t al as we 1 I as mana g eme nt fee.6. 2中方有下列行為之一的,乙方有權(quán)中止本合同,甲方除應(yīng)退還乙方保證金和已支 付但未居住的租金外,還應(yīng)支付乙方兩個(gè)月的租金的金額作為賠償。Part y B sh a II ha v e t h e r i g ht to t e rm in a t e t h e Cont rac t a n d ha v e r ec o u r s e to a ref u nd of
40、the tw o m o nthzs s ec u ri t y d e p osit and r e n tai a I read y p a i d to gether with a compe n s a t ion sum equi v a lent to t wo mont h s r e nt a I i f P arty A co mmit s one of th e following:(a)未經(jīng)乙方同意,在租賃期間收回該物業(yè)。During the le a se t e rm, tak e p o sse s sion of the Premises w i thout P
41、a rtyzs B consent.(b)本合同開始三十天后,仍未向乙方移交該物業(yè)。Fa il t o hand over the P r emises to Par t y B with i n t h irty days a fter t he comme n c i ng dat e of the C on tr a ct.6.3乙方有下列行為之一的,屮方有權(quán)中止本合同,收回該房屋并且保證金不予退 還。Party A shal 1 ha v e th e r ight to term in ate th i s C o ntra c t, p osse s s th e 1 e ased
42、 prop erty a nd forfeit th e s e cur i ty dep o sit i f Par t y B commits oneo f the follow i ngs.(a )將承租的房屋擅自轉(zhuǎn)租,但轉(zhuǎn)租給乙方本公司人員除外。Su b lets the I e ased pro p erty t o ano the r p e rs on with o ut Par t y Azsconse nt, bu t as s o cia t ed pers on of Party B ex c epted.(b)未得甲方同意,將承租的房屋擅自拆改結(jié)構(gòu)或改變用途的。A It
43、er s the s t r uc t ure o f the pre mises wi t hou t author ization or uses the premises other t ha n t h e purpose stated h e rein.(C)無故拖欠租金超過三十天。F a il to p ay r e n t a I without any reas on for more tha n 3 0 days afte r the du e d at e .七、不可抗力Force Majeure若由于不可抗拒的自然災(zāi)害(包括但不限于火災(zāi)、洪水、地震、施工、戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)、暴動(dòng)、敵
44、隊(duì)等行為等)或其它非雙方過錯(cuò)所造成的對(duì)本物業(yè)的損毀致使其無法居住或使用本物 業(yè),雙方有權(quán)中止本合同,屮方必須退還乙方所有保證金和已支付但未居住的租金。屆 時(shí)合同雙方將不再承擔(dān)進(jìn)一步的任何責(zé)任。If t h e leas e d prope r t y is dest r oyed, dam a ged and rend e r e d unirihabitable and u n usa b I e due to force m a jeure (including but not limite d to fir e s, f 1 ood, ea r thqu a ke, a c c id e
45、 nt s, str i ke s , wars, i nsurre ctio n s, p u bli c en emy etc. ) oract ions th atare no t the resulto fPar t y Ao r Party B's fault, ei t h e rp a r tyha s th e right t o terminate the Con t ra c t and pro rated b a I a nee o f al r e n taip repa i d, aswell a s the de po s it, shall beretur ned to PartyB.Th ereaft e r; t h e bothparti e ss hall no t hav e an y resp on s i biliti e s to eac h other.八、爭(zhēng)議的解決Di s p ute Re s ol u t i o n凡因本合同條款、翻譯、任何合同相關(guān)事宜所引起的一切爭(zhēng)議,雙方應(yīng)友好協(xié)商解決; 協(xié)商不成,應(yīng)提交上海市仲裁委員會(huì),按其仲裁原則和中華人民共和國(guó)仲裁法在上海進(jìn) 行仲裁,仲裁裁決是終局的,對(duì)雙方都有約束力。Any disp u t e or diff e
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