



1、NON-COMPETITION RESTRICTIONS AGREEMENT競業(yè)禁止協(xié)議Whereas: The in formatio n resources and tech no logy of ( here in after referred to as theCompa ny ” are con fide ntial and can bring about market ben efits;鑒于: (下稱公司”的信息資源及技術(shù)具有保密性及市場效益。Whereas: ( here in after referred to as You ” will, duri ng your serv

2、ice with the Compa ny,directly or in directly touch with, know, un dersta nd and grasp the bus in ess in formati on and tech ni cal in formatio n of the Compa ny, and such bus in ess in formati on and tech ni cal in formati on are not known to the public, can bring econo mic ben efits to the Compa n

3、y, have bee n treated by the Compa ny as con fide ntial, and bel ong to the Compa ny' s trade secrets;鑒于: (下稱 你”)在公司工作期間,將直接或間接地接觸、知悉、了解和掌握公司的經(jīng)營信息和技術(shù)信息,而該經(jīng)營信息和技術(shù)信息均屬于不為公眾所知悉、能為公司帶來經(jīng)濟(jì)利益,并已由公司采取保 密措施,系屬公司的商業(yè)秘密;Whereas: You un dersta nd and ack no wledge that, if you disclose to any exist ing or po

4、te ntial competitors any above-me ntio ned bus in ess in formati on and tech ni cal in formati on, such disclosure will cause the Compa ny to be in a very disadvantageous competitive position and damage the Company' s interests; if you are employed by or sany enterprise competitive with the Comp

5、any, the employment or service will necessarily cause irremediable damage to the Compa ny;鑒于:你了解并承認(rèn),若你向公司現(xiàn)有或潛在的競爭對手披露任何前述經(jīng)營信息和技術(shù)信息,將會導(dǎo)致公 司處于非常不利的競爭地位并損害公司的利益;若你就職或服務(wù)于與公司相競爭的企業(yè),則必定會對公司 造成無可補(bǔ)救的損害;Therefore, accord ing to the Compa ny-dis'closnceisystem, both the Compa ny and you (here in after col

6、lectivelyreferred to as both parties ” ) agree upon as follows through consultation:因此,根據(jù)公司的保密制度,你與公司雙方(以下合稱雙方”經(jīng)協(xié)商,達(dá)成如下協(xié)議條款:1No n-Competiti on競業(yè)禁止1.1 Competition Behavior競業(yè)行為You agree that duri ng your employme nt with the Compa ny you shall in no eve nt and without any claims for any forms of compe

7、 nsati on con duct any Competiti on Behavior (as defi ned below).你同意在公司任職期間不可從事任何競業(yè)行為(定義如下)You further agree that for the period of 6 (six) mon ths followi ng the term in ati on of your employme nt with the Compa ny or one of its affiliates (regardless of the reas ons for termi natio n) ( Post-emplo

8、yme nt Non-compete Period " ), you will n ot con duct any Competiti on Behavior (Post Employme nt Competiti on Behavior)in China area.你進(jìn)一步同意在結(jié)束與公司或其關(guān)聯(lián)企業(yè)的勞動關(guān)系后的六個月內(nèi)(無論離職原因為何)(“離職后競業(yè)禁止期”),你不可在中國境內(nèi)從事任何競業(yè)行為(或離職后競業(yè)行為)Competition Behavior refers to your behavior to, without first obtaining the expres

9、s written consent of the Compa ny, whether on your own acco unt or for any other pers on, firm or compa ny and whether or not for compe nsati on, directly or in directly (whether as prin cipal, serva nt, age nt, con sulta nt or otherwise) be en gaged as follows:競業(yè)行為是指你未事先獲得公司的書面同意,無論是為自己或為他人或為其它企業(yè)或公

10、司,無論 有償或無償,直接或間接的從事以下行為:a) Operate, for yourself or for any other pers on, any product or bus in ess the same as or similar tothe Compa ny' products or bus in ess, or directly or in directly in vest in any compa ny an d/or en terprise an d/or other econo mic en tity en gagi ng in any products or

11、 bus in ess the same as or similar to the Compa ny' s products or bus in ess;自營或為他人經(jīng)營與公司相同或類似的產(chǎn)品或業(yè)務(wù),或直接或間接地投資于與公司從事相同或類似產(chǎn)品或業(yè)務(wù)的公司和 /或企業(yè)和 /或其他經(jīng)濟(jì)組織;b) Be retained and/or employed by any company and/or enterprise and/or other economic entity whose business is competitive with the Company ' s bus

12、iness, or provide any advisory services or other assistance for any of such companies and/or enterprises and/or other economic entities, regardless of the position held by you and whether you work on a full or part -time basis; 受聘和 / 或受雇傭于與公司業(yè)務(wù)構(gòu)成競爭的公司和/或企業(yè)和 /或其他經(jīng)濟(jì)組織 ,或提供任何咨詢服務(wù)或其他協(xié)助給前述此類公司、企業(yè)和其他經(jīng)濟(jì)組織

13、, 無論你擔(dān)任何種職位,亦不 論系全職抑或兼職;c) Be entrusted to, or entrust, authorize or permit any third party to, engage in any business within the scope provided in the above-mentioned Items a) and b);受托或委托、授權(quán)、允許第三方從事上述a)和b)項范圍內(nèi)的業(yè)務(wù);d) The above-mentioned companies and/or enterprises and/or other economic entities wh

14、osebusinesses are competitive with the Company's businesses, shall include but not limited to thesuppliers of technology, products and equipment relating to the industry in which the companyinvolved, as long as they produce or engage in the same or similar products of the Company or engage in th

15、e same or similar business; 前述所稱對公司業(yè)務(wù)構(gòu)成競爭的公司、企業(yè)及其他經(jīng)濟(jì)組織包括但不限于與公司所在行業(yè) 相關(guān)技術(shù)、產(chǎn)品和設(shè)備的供應(yīng)商,只要他們生產(chǎn)或從事與本公司同類或相似的產(chǎn)品或從事同類或相似的業(yè)務(wù);e) Solicit or endeavor to entice away from the Company or any of its affiliates any employees, distributors , retail stores, customers, or any other persons/entities engaged by the Com

16、pany or its affiliates in the course of conducting the Company' sbusiness, whether or not such a person/entity will commit any breach of contract by reason of leaving the service or engagementof the Company or its affiliates. 在執(zhí)行公司業(yè)務(wù)過程中,引誘或試圖慫恿公司或其關(guān)聯(lián)企業(yè)的員工、經(jīng)銷商、零售商、客 戶、或其它任何受雇于公司或其關(guān)聯(lián)企業(yè)的個人 /實體離開公司,

17、 無論該個人或?qū)嶓w是否因 離開公司或其關(guān)聯(lián)企業(yè)而違約。f) Disclose to any unauthorized person or persons or misuse any confidential information or trade secrets of the Company or any of its affiliates. 向任何未授權(quán)的個人或群體披露或濫用公司或其關(guān)聯(lián)企業(yè)的任何機(jī)密信息或商業(yè)秘密。1.2 Compensation for Post Employment Non -Competition 離職后競業(yè)禁止之補(bǔ)償(a) Both parties acknowl

18、edge that the Company has the sole discretion to decide whether or not it will request your compliance with Post Employment Non - Competition. If the Company does not request you to comply with the non -competition restrictions in post employment, the Company may provide you a prior notice to termin

19、ate this Agreement. If the Company requests you to comply with the non -competition restrictions, it will pay you a reasonable compensation. 雙方同意,公司有權(quán)決定是否要求你遵守離職后競業(yè)禁止的條款。若公司不要求你遵守離 職后競業(yè)禁止義務(wù), 公司可提前通知你解除本協(xié)議; 若公司決定要求你履行競業(yè)禁止義務(wù), 公司將給予合理的競業(yè)禁止補(bǔ)償。(b) In consideration of you agreeing to perform the non-compe

20、tition obligations as outlined in Article 1.1 above during the Post -employment Non -competition Period, the Company agrees to pay you monetary compensation on a monthly basis during the Post-employment Non-competition Period. The aforesaid monetary compensation shall be paid in the amount of 30% of

21、 your average monthly salary for the last twelve (12) months preceding to your departureif you are employed by a non-competitor of the Company, or the Company will pay you the average of your monthly salary for the last twelve (12) months preceding to your departure ifyou are unemployed due to the n

22、on-competition restrictions and you do not engage in any actions which violate your non -competition obligations with the Company ( Non -comp“etition Compensation ” ).For the purpose above, you shall provide proof of your employment with a new employer(s) or proof that you are unemployed on a monthl

23、y basis during the Post-employment Non -competition Period, and the proof you provide shall be used as the basis of non-competition compensation to be paid by the Company. 在你同意于離職后競業(yè)限制期內(nèi)履行其上述第 1.1 條所言之競業(yè)限制義務(wù)的條件下,公司 同意在離職后競業(yè)限制期內(nèi)按月給予你相應(yīng)的經(jīng)濟(jì)補(bǔ)償,若你離職后在非與本公司競爭的 單位就業(yè)的,該等經(jīng)濟(jì)補(bǔ)償?shù)慕痤~應(yīng)為你離職前十二個月的月平均工資的30%,若你離職后因競業(yè)限

24、制而失業(yè),并且你也未從事任何與公司競爭的業(yè)務(wù)的,則該等經(jīng)濟(jì)補(bǔ)償金應(yīng)為 你離職前十二個月的月平均工資( “ 競業(yè)限制經(jīng)濟(jì)補(bǔ)償金 ”)。為此目的,你應(yīng)按月向公司 提交競業(yè)限制期間在新雇主就業(yè)的證明,或你離開本公司后的失業(yè)證明,作為公司向你支 付經(jīng)濟(jì)補(bǔ)償金的依據(jù)。(c) If the aforesaid calculation causes the compensation lower than the minimum wage of ShanghaiMunicipality, the compensation should be paid according to the minimum wage

25、 of Shanghai Municipality. 按照上述方法計算的經(jīng)濟(jì)補(bǔ)償金若低于上海市最低工資標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的,則該等經(jīng)濟(jì)補(bǔ)償應(yīng)根據(jù)上 海市最低工資標(biāo)準(zhǔn)支付。1.3 Breach of Non -Competition Obligation違反競業(yè)禁止If you breach the covenants contained herein, the Company shall not be required to pay any compensation described in the preceding paragraph, and you agree to pay to the Compa

26、ny the following: 若你違反本競業(yè)禁止協(xié)議的規(guī)定, 公司不會給予任何上述補(bǔ)償金, 同時你同意支付公司下列款項 :(a) The equivalent of the amount already paid by the Company to you for Post Employment Non-Competition; and 公司已經(jīng)給付你的離職后競業(yè)禁止補(bǔ)償金全額 , 以及(b) Penalty equal to six ( 6) times the average monthly salary of the twelve (12) months preceding to

27、your departure; and 相當(dāng)于你離職前十二個月的月平均工資的六倍的違約金 ;以及(c) Any other damages caused by you due to your breach of the covenants herein, including but without limitation legal fees, witness fees, etc. 其它任何因你違反此競業(yè)禁止條款所造成的公司損失 , 包括法律費用、舉證費等。You recognize the difficulty in proving the Company' s damage in m

28、onetary value and therefore agrexempt the Company from providing proof for its damage under Item (c) above. 你認(rèn)識到公司所受損失的貨幣價值難以舉證衡量,因此同意公司不負(fù)上述 (c) 項所述之損害的舉 證責(zé)任。Furthermore, the time period for the restriction set forth in this paragraph shall be automatically extended for a period equal to the period

29、of such non -compliance. 此外,此條款所載之競業(yè)限制期間將自動延長到等同于違反此條款的期間。1.4 Notification Obligation 通知義務(wù)Upon leaving from the Company and within six (6) months of leaving the Company, you undertake to notify the Company the name of your new employer, if any. The Company reserves the right to inform your new emplo

30、yer of the existence and contents of your non -competition obligation. 當(dāng)你離開公司時及之后的六個月內(nèi),你承諾將你的新雇主的名稱通知給公司(如有) 。公司保留 通知你新雇主有關(guān)你的競業(yè)禁止義務(wù)之相關(guān)內(nèi)容的權(quán)利。3/ 41.5 Applicable Laws and Dispute Settlement法律適用和爭議解決The conclusion, interpretation, content, and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws

31、of the People 'Rsepublic of China. With regards to all disputes arising in connection with this Agreement, if failed to be settled by both parties through consultation, they shall be submitted to the labor dispute arbitration commission or a competent people' s court of the place where the Compalocated. 本協(xié)議的成立、解釋、內(nèi)容、履行均受中華人民共和國法律的管轄。因本協(xié)議發(fā)生的所有爭議, 如雙方不能自行協(xié)商解決, 應(yīng)提交公司所在地的勞動爭議仲裁委員會或有管轄權(quán)的人民法院解決。1.6 Effectiveness 效力(a) This Agreement shall come into force as of the date when it is


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