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1、北京市2016年春季普通高中會(huì) 考英語(yǔ)試題-WOrCl版含答案2016年北京市春季普通高21. No matter how busy he is, Tom makesa rule to See his gra ndpare nts every Weeke nd.A thisB thatC itD him22. Tom isfantastic musician. I ' m absolutely Certain that his next concert will besuccess.A the , aB the ,不填C a , aD a ,不填23. The PUrPOSe of t

2、he article is to draw PUbIiC atte nti Onthe traffic problem.A toB OnC inD for24. -What do you think of your new ipad?-Good. I Can ' t find aone.A worstB bestC worseD better25. Whenever youa PreSent, you ' d better think about it from the receiver ' S Preference.A boughtB buyC will buyD h

3、ave bought26. You will n ever be SUCCeSSfUIyou are fully devoted to you work.A becauseB Unl essC ifD Whe n27. I' Ve Ordered some pizza, so Weworry about cooking When We get home tired.A Can ' tB may notC n eed n' tD dare not28. -Long time no see! Where have you been?-I Went to Nin gxia a

4、ndthere for One year, teach ing as a VolUn teer.A StayedB StayC had Stayed D am Stay ing29. The most Un forgettable mome nt for me WaSI graduated from high school.A Whe nB WhereC howD Why30. We Won ' t Start the work Until all the PreParatiOnSA are being madeB will be madeC have bee n madeD had

5、bee n made31. Group activities will be orga ni Zed in and after classChiIdre n develop team spirit.C helpedD to help32. It WaS DaVid dreamed to be an interpreter,he joined a translatiOn ClUb at the age Of 16.A butB soC orD for33. Althoughby the opposite team, the PIayerS Were not discouraged but Pra

6、CtiCed harder.A beat ingB beate nC havi ng beate nD being beate n34. PariS has some great museumsViSitOrS Can See fine works of impressi OniStPain ters.A thatB WhiChC Whe nD Where35. the PaSt year as an excha nge StUde nt in Hong Kong, Linda is more in depe ndent now.A SPe ndingB SPe ntC To SPe ndD

7、HaVing SPe nt三、完形填空(共15小題,15分。每小題1分)We could all Say that We have bad days as We go through life, but What does it take to have a really good day?I remember a day recently When I had to go to the 36 for SPeCiaI tests because I WaSn' t feeli ng well and my doctor Sent me to a SPeCiaIiSt to try an

8、d find the CaUSe of my ill ness. AS I 37 to the hospital, I WaS feeling Sad and Certainly WaSn ' t On top of my game. AS I approached the hospital, I bega n my 38 for a Park ing spot. I fin ally found One not too far from the entrance to the hospital.AS I got out and brought my Cha nge out of my

9、 pocket, I no ticed a man Iook ing a little39Standing in front of a Parking meter( 停車記時(shí)收費(fèi)表 )two CarS away. He SeemS to be SearChing his POCketS for What I SUPPOSed Were for the meter.Although I 41 didn ' t feel that great, I thought that I should at least go over to him and find out if I could 4

10、2 him. AS I approached him, he turned to me looking worried. I asked him if he had a problem I could help with. He Said that he had no coins at all 43 he WaS Only thinking about ViSit ing his SiCk Wife Whe n he left his house.I reached into my POCket and 44 out two dollars and gave it to him WithOUt

11、 Say ing a word.And, WithoUt Wait ing for a45 , I turned On my heel and Said to him as I WaS Walk ing away:HaVe a good day.”The funny thing WaS that I felt a lot 46, a small smile Came to my face, and SeCOnd towalk just a little quicker. I WaS walking away When he called out: ''Thank you so

12、much. "You know,I didn ' t even 47 him to Say anything. He didn ' t have to Say a word to me. It WaS SimPIy enoUgh to 48 that I had helped someOne else who needed a little 49. That' S all it took tobring a smile to my face as I Wenton toward completi ng my own bus in ess.You know,it

13、 doesn ' t 50 much tohelp some One else.36. A.hospitalB.schoolC.gymD.compa ny37. A.walkedB.ra nC.rodeD.drove38. A.searchB.pla nC.travelD.desig n39. A.tiredB.worriedC.puzzledD.bored40. A.toolsB.keysC.coi nsD.batteries41. A.reallyB.sudde nlyC.fi nallyD.probably42. A.helpB.un dersta ndC.followD.joi

14、n43. A.whileB.althoughC.u nlessD.because44. A.turnedB.droppedC.pulledD.se nt45. A.callB.cheerC.regretD.resp OnSe46. A.saferB.y OUn gerC.brighterD.easier47. A.tellB.expectC.remi ndD.en COUrage48. A.trustB.hopeC.shareD.k now49. A.courageB.patie nceC.handD.guide50. A.mea nB.takeC.makeD.save四 閱讀理解(共15小題

15、,30分,每小題2分)第一節(jié):閱讀下面短文,從各題A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳答案。Welcome to OUr FeStiValMarCh 7 2016Story ShoW in OheronAdUItS 8:00 Pm -10:00 PmJoin in US for an evening of true, PerS Onal StOrieS about SCie nce. Come to the Only show Where youCan hear peopleSCientists, not-scientists, and half-scientiststell funny and

16、touchingStOrieS about the role of SCience in their lives.Cost: $10Make Your OWn iPho ne CaSe through Toys in box 3D PrintingFamiIieS & TeenS & AdUItS 10:00 am - 12:30 PmIn this WOrkShop, you will lear n to desig n and 3D Print your OWn iPh One case. First, you will lear n how to USe a 3D Pri

17、nter. Next, you will design a 3D model for your iPhOne CaSe that will have a lovely Pattern and your name. OnCe you Create the model, you will Print it out on OUr 3D Printers.A 3D Printing WOrker will guide you through this PrOCeSS step-by-step. Come and enjoy this fun and UniqUe lear ning experie n

18、ce!Cost: $35DIY Un derwater VehiCIe DeSig n in MIT MUSeUmTee ns2:00 Pm - 5:00 PmDiVe into the world of ocea n engin eeri ng by desig ning and buildi ng an Un derwater vehicle! TeStyour VehiCIe in large tanks on the MUSeUm ' S floor. Show off your engineering CreatiOnS and Share your desig n PrOC

19、eSS With MUSeUm visitors.Cost: $15, AgeS 12Ani mal Kin gdom for YoUng OneS in MUSeUm of Science, Bost OnFamilieS9:30 am - 2:00 PmJoin US for a day Of han ds-On SCie nce fun desig ned especially for pre-schoolers!ACtiVitieS include the MUSeUm ' S popular “ LiVe Animal Story Time ” shows and a tal

20、k about baby animals and book-signing by ChiIdren ' S book authors. Drop in on SPeCiaI live animal ViSitS and activities in the exhibitiOn halls, as well as design challenges and lab activitiesall CreatedWith your young SCie ntist in mind!Cost: Free, AgeS Pre-ki ndergarte nAge 851. What Ca n peo

21、ple do in Story Show?A. Do role-play games.B. PUt On SCie nce shows.C. Hear touch ing stories.D. Meet authors of the books.52. If you are in terested in ocea n engin eeri ng, you will PrObabIy attend.A. Story ShowB. DlY Un derwater VehiCIe DeSig nC. Make Your OWn iPhone CaSeD. Ani mal Kin gdom for Y

22、oUng OneS53. Ani mal Kin gdom for YoUng OneS is desig ned for.A. adultsB. ChiIdre n Of all agesC. kids Un der 8 years oldD. ChiIdre n aged twelve and older54. What is the SUbjeCt of the festival?A. Sports.B. SCie nce.C. Literature.D. EdUCati on.SinCe 1936, many female SPaCe explorers have followed R

23、USSian astrOnaut Valentina Tereshkova. Let' S Iook at the missiOnS (任務(wù))Of four important female astrOnauts to find outWhat astro nauts do in space.In 1983, Sally Ride became the first AmeriCan women in space. Her team Carried out SCie ntific experime nts in SPaCe and PUt two com muni Cati OnS sa

24、tellites in space. Satellites make it POSSibIe for US to com mun icate in Sta ntly With each other across the world through TV , radio, and teleph On es.In 1984, Kathryn Sullivan became the first AmeriCan women to walk in space. DUring her mission, She discovered important information about the sun&

25、#39; S energy and how it affects the CIimate in Very hot and Very cold PIaCeS On Earth. She also took photographs of Earth and measured air polluti on.In 1992, Mae JemiSon became the first AfriCan-AmeriCan in space. DUring her mission, She did SCientific experiments USing the WeightIeSS atmosphere.

26、In space, there is no gravity, so everything floats! Dr. JemiSOn ' S experiments gave important informatiOn about the human body to PrOdUCe better medici nes and healthcare.In 2012, LiU Yang became the first Chinese women in space. She did experiments in SPaCe medic ine, WhiCh look at how astro

27、nauts Can SUrViVe and Stay healthy in space. The Con diti OnS in SPaCe are Very hard On the body and SPaCe medici ne helps astr On auts work safely.55. Who collected important information about air pollution?A. Vale ntina Tereshkova.B. Sally Ride.C. Kathryn Sullivan.D. Mae JemiS On56. What did Dr. J

28、emiSOn ' S experiments focus on?A. HUma n body.B. SPaCe satellites.C. CIimate On earth.D. En ergy from the sun.57. LiU Yang ' S missiOn aimed atA. PrOVid ing in formatio n about environmentB. ProteCting astrOnauts ' health in SPaCeC. improvi ng com mun icati Onon EarthD. testi ng the Wei

29、ghtIeSS atmosphere58. WhiCh of the following Can be the best title for the passage?A. Great Walki ng in SPaCeB. Con diti OnSin SPaCeC. HeaIthCare in SPaCeD. Wome n in SPaCeCWorst Game EVer ?E. T. the EXtra-TerreStriaI is a video game that Came out for the Atari 2600 game SyStem in 1982. It WaS based

30、 on a Very popular film of the Same name. Star PrOgrammer HOWard WarShaW Created it With Con SUItati On from the film director SteVe n SPieIberg.It WaS July 27th, 1982. HOWard WarShaW WaS hot off the SUCCeSS of his most recent game, RaiderS of the Lost Ark. He received a call from Atari C.E.O, Ray K

31、assar. Atari had bought the rights to make a video game VerSion of SPiIberg ' S Movie, E.T., WhiCh had just been released (發(fā) 行) in June. KaSSar told WarShaW that SPieIberg had specifically asked for WarShaW to make the game WarShaW WaS hono red, but there WaS One huge problem. Atari n eeded the

32、game fini Shed byStSePtember 1 in order to Start selling it during the ChriStmaS SeaSon.It had take n WarShaW SiX mon ths to Create RaiderS of the Lost Ark. The game he made prior to that took him SeVe n mon ths. He WaS expected to Create E.T. in around five weeks. WarShaW accepted the challenge any

33、Way and PrOdUCtion began. SPieIberg Wanted WarShaW to Create a SimPIe maze game SimiIar to Pac-man, but V had a bigger vision. He Wanted PIayerS to explore differe nt environments in 3D World. Usually compa nies like Atari have people test games before releasing them, but they decided to SkiP testin

34、g due to time IimitatiOns.The game WaS a hot holiday item at first. UnfortUn ately, Atari OVereStimated hoW many they Would sell. They made 5 million COPieS and they Only sold 1.5 million. Most people Who PIayed the game hated it. The graphics (畫面)Were bad. Game play WaS aWkWard. PIayerS got StUCk i

35、n holes that they couldn' t escape. Some people Who StUCk With the game grew to Iike it, but itWaSn' t the mainStream SUCCeSS that Atari had hoped it would be.Too many COPieS of the game Sat On store shelves. One employee remembers the game being discoUnted five times, from $49.95 to less th

36、an a dollar. A newspaper in NeW MeXiCO reported that between 10 and 20 SemitraiIer truckloads of Atari PrOdUCtS Were CrUShed and buried at Iandfill in Alamogordo. Atari lost over $100 million on E.T. The game WaS so bad that it WaS Said to have affected Atari ' S reputation. The video game indus

37、try soon fell into a deep depression, With a PrOfit $3.2 billion in 1983 to just over $100 million in 1985, almost a 97% drop. E.T. the EXtra-TerreStriaI will long be remembered as One of the worst games ever made, if nOt One of the CaUSeS of the decli ne of en tire video game in dustry.59. What Can

38、 We lear n about HOWard WarShaW from the passage?A. He WaS ambitious.B. He WaS cautious.C. He WaS Un reliable.D. He WaS in experie need.60. Why did E.T. end UP One worst video game ever?A. It WaS PrOdUCed in a hurry.B. It WaS Set in a 3D environment.C. It WaS released at a Wrong time.D. It WaS based

39、 On a popular movie.61. ACCOrding to the passage, the failure of the game E.T. may haveA. destroyed the reputation of the film E.T.B. give n Cha nces to other compa nies to riseC. led to the fall of the video game in dustryD. made people lose in terest in 3D environment62. In the PaSSage the author

40、describes Atari' S failureA. in a disapprov ing WayB. With a SUPPOrtiVe attitudeC. With a feeli ng of Pity for the compa nyD. WithOUt express ing his/her OWn OPinionS第二節(jié):閱讀下面短文和問(wèn)題,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容和每個(gè)題后的具體要求,在答題卡相應(yīng)題號(hào)后的橫線上寫下相關(guān)信息,完成對(duì)該問(wèn)題的回答。答語(yǔ)要意思清楚,結(jié)構(gòu)正確,書寫工整。It' S 2010, OUtSide the gate Of a school SomeWh

41、ere in the UK. Some teenagers are talking.One SayS to another,” I' m tired of jamming after school-it ' S really Vanilia. Let ' S go for a za, OK?” Two adultS are Waiking past. They hear What the teenagers are Saying, but they don ' t Understand a word. (What the teenagers Said was,”

42、 I' m tired of hanging around after school-it ' S really boring. Let ' S go for a pizza.” )ThiS is nothing n ew-tee nagers always invent new words and phrases. They Create words foreveryday things-words that mean good or pore nts or bad or good-look ing, and so on. Look atthese differe n

43、t WayS of Say ing good in rece nt decades:1960s-groovy (or fab)1970s-neat1980s-ace1990s-WiCked2000s-coolBut, of course, the words you USe depe nd On your in terests, your frien ds, the music you liste nto and the Part of the CoUntry you live in. Different groups of teenagers have different likes and

44、 dislikes, and so they also have differe nt expressi ons.So Why do tee nagers invent new words, or invent new meanings for old words? Many PeOPie think it ' S because they don' t Want adults to Understand, but that PrObabiy isn ' t true-the real reason is that teenagers like to be Creati

45、Ve and Piay With Ianguage, so they have fun Creating new words.And What do Parents and old PeOPie think about it all? Most of them don' t worry about it-after all, they had their own SPeCiai words When they teenagers too. But, some adults COmPiain about “ teen talk” and get quite annoyed by it.

46、BUt that ' S all Part of the fun for the teenagers!63. What is the Way of teenagers ' Saying good in the 2000s?(只用一個(gè)單詞)64. Why do tee nagers invent new words?(不多于七個(gè)單詞)65.What is the topic of the passage?(不多于四個(gè)單詞)五、書面表達(dá)(共 1小題,20分)根據(jù)題目所提出的具體要求,在答題卡上寫出一篇連貫完整的短文,詞數(shù)不少于60.假如你是李華,來(lái)自澳大利亞的交換生JaCk春節(jié)期間要來(lái)北京體驗(yàn)中國(guó)文化,你將負(fù)責(zé)一天的接待。請(qǐng)參考下面提供的


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