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1、沈陽理工大學課程設計專用紙目錄一、題目概述(內(nèi)容及要求)1二、需求分析12.1高校就業(yè)管理系統(tǒng)12.2高校就業(yè)管理系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)流圖12.3高校就業(yè)系統(tǒng)管理系統(tǒng)功能框圖1三、概要設計23.1數(shù)據(jù)模型(E-R圖)23.2數(shù)據(jù)庫表格結(jié)構(gòu)設計2四、詳細設計34.1登錄界面34.2修改界面54.3查詢界面10五、軟件測試155.1劃分等價類并編號155.2有效測試用例155.3無效測試用例16六、總結(jié)16參考文獻16Noi一、題目概述(內(nèi)容及要求)實現(xiàn)院系、專業(yè)、畢業(yè)生信息管理(設有就業(yè)標志,初值為待業(yè)); 實現(xiàn)職業(yè)類型、職業(yè)信息(職業(yè)號、類型號、需求數(shù)量、聘用數(shù)量、用 人單位)登記; 實現(xiàn)畢業(yè)生就業(yè)登記(

2、學號、職業(yè)號),自動修改相應學生的就業(yè)標志 和職業(yè)的聘用數(shù)量,并保證聘用數(shù)量不大于需求數(shù)量; 創(chuàng)建存儲過程查詢畢業(yè)生的人數(shù)、待業(yè)人數(shù)、就業(yè)人數(shù)和就業(yè)率; 創(chuàng)建存儲過程查詢各專業(yè)的畢業(yè)生就業(yè)率; 創(chuàng)建 check 約束限制畢業(yè)生性別必須為男或女; 建立表間關(guān)系。二、需求分析2.1高校就業(yè)管理系統(tǒng)高校就業(yè)管理系統(tǒng)化可以完成對學生信息的修改、查詢(就業(yè)率,已就業(yè)信息,未就業(yè)信息,公司信息)、添加(學生基本信息,院系信息,公司信息)、退出功能。初步完成了對高校就業(yè)信息的管理,界面設計簡潔,使用簡單。2.2高校就業(yè)管理系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)流圖 圖2.1 高校就業(yè)管理系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)流圖2.3高校就業(yè)系統(tǒng)管理系統(tǒng)功能框圖圖2

3、.2 高校就業(yè)系統(tǒng)管理系統(tǒng)功能框圖三、概要設計3.1數(shù)據(jù)模型(E-R圖)圖3 高校學生就業(yè)管理E_R圖3.2數(shù)據(jù)庫表格結(jié)構(gòu)設計表3.1 學院信息表列 名數(shù)據(jù)類型是否為空說明院系編號char(4)NOT NULL主鍵院系名稱char(20)NULL表3.2 專業(yè)信息表列 名數(shù)據(jù)類型是否為空說明專業(yè)編號char(6)NOT NULL 主鍵專業(yè)名稱char(20)NULL表3.3 員工信息表列名數(shù)據(jù)類型是否為空說明學號char(10)NULL職業(yè)號char(10)NULL 表3.4 用戶信息表列名數(shù)據(jù)類型是否為空說明用戶名char(10)NULL密碼char(10)NULL權(quán)限char(10)NUL

4、L表3.5 用人單位信息表列名數(shù)據(jù)類型是否為空說明職業(yè)號char(10)NOT NULL主鍵類型號char(10)NULL需求數(shù)量intNULL聘用數(shù)量intNULL用人單位char(20)NULL表3.6 學生信息表列名數(shù)據(jù)類型是否為空說明姓名char(20)NULL性別char(2)NOT NULLCheck(男,女)出生年月char(10)NULL籍貫char(20)NULL專業(yè)編號char(6)NULL院系編號char(4)NULL就業(yè)標志char(20)NULL初值為“待就業(yè)”表3.7 職業(yè)信息表列名數(shù)據(jù)類型是否為空說明類型號char(10)NULL主鍵類型名稱char(20)NUL

5、L四、詳細設計4.1登錄界面登陸界面的設計如圖4.1所示:圖4.1 登陸界面設計代碼如下:private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) if (textBox1.Text != "") if (textBox2.Text != "") DataConnection.getConn(); string id = textBox1.Text.Trim(); string pwd = textBox2.Text.Trim(); string sql = "select count(*)

6、from login where 用戶名='" + id + "' and 密碼='" + pwd + "'" int state = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql); if (state = 0 | state > 1) MessageBox.Show("用戶名或密碼錯誤!"); else Form1 f2 = new Form1(); f2.Show(); this.Hide(); DataConnection.CloseConn(); e

7、lse MessageBox.Show("密碼為空!請輸入."); else MessageBox.Show("用戶名為空!請輸入."); private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) textBox1.Text = "" textBox2.Text = "" 4.2修改界面修改界面的設計如圖4.2所示:圖4.2 修改界面設計代碼如下:private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) if (

8、textBox1.Text != "") string id = textBox1.Text.Trim(); if (radioButton3.Checked = true) if (comboBox1.Text != "") if (comboBox4.Text != "") string a = "select sum(需求數(shù)量) from profesion_student,type where profesion_student.類型號=type.類型號 and profesion_student.用人單位='

9、;" + comboBox1.Text.Trim() + "'and 類型名稱='" + comboBox4.Text.Trim() + "'" int b = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(a); a = "select sum(聘用數(shù)量) from profesion_student,type where profesion_student.類型號=type.類型號 and profesion_student.用人單位='" + comboBox1.Te

10、xt.Trim() + "' and 類型名稱='" + comboBox4.Text.Trim() + "'" int c = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(a); if (c < b) string sql = "update student_info set 就業(yè)標志 = '已就業(yè)' where 學號='" + id + "'" DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); sql = &quo

11、t;select 學號 from employment where 學號='" + id + "'" if (DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql) = 0) sql = "insert into employment(學號)values ('" + id + "')" DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); string s = "select 職業(yè)號 from profesion_student,type where p

12、rofesion_student.類型號 =type.類型號 and profesion_student.用人單位='" + comboBox1.Text.Trim() + "' and 類型名稱 ='" + comboBox4.Text.Trim() + "'" s = DataConnection.GetDataString(s).Trim(); sql = "select count(*) from employment where 職業(yè)號='" + s + "'

13、;" int d = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql); sql = "update profesion_student set 聘用數(shù)量=" + d + " where 職業(yè)號='" + s + "'" DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); sql = "update employment set 職業(yè)號='" + s + "' where 學號='" + id + "

14、;'" DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); else MessageBox.Show("公司聘用數(shù)量已達上線!"); else MessageBox.Show("類型號為空!請選擇."); else MessageBox.Show("用人單位為空!請選擇.n否則,將就業(yè)情況修改為待就業(yè)!"); radioButton2.Checked = true; string s = "update student_info set 就業(yè)標志='待就業(yè)' where 學號=&

15、#39;" + id + "'" DataConnection.UpdateDate(s); string sql = "select 學號 from employment where 學號='" + id + "'" int h = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql); s = "select 職業(yè)號 from employment where 學號='" + id+"'" s = DataConnect

16、ion.GetDataString(s).Trim(); if (DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql) > 0) sql= "delete from employment where 學號= '" + id + "'" int f = DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); sql = "select count(*) from employment where 職業(yè)號='" + s + "'" int d = Da

17、taConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql); sql = "update profesion_student set 聘用數(shù)量=" + d + " where 職業(yè)號='" + s + "'" DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); else MessageBox.Show("學號為空!請輸入."); private void tabPage2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) comboBox2.Items.Cl

18、ear(); comboBox1.Items.Clear(); comboBox4.Items.Clear(); comboBox6.Items.Clear(); radioButton3.Checked = false; radioButton1.Checked = false; radioButton2.Checked = false; radioButton4.Checked = false; string sql = "select 專業(yè)名稱 from department order by 專業(yè)編號 asc" SqlDataReader dr = DataConn

19、ection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox2.Items.Add(dr"專業(yè)名稱"); sql = "select distinct 用人單位 from profesion_student" dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox1.Items.Add(dr"用人單位"); sql = "select 類型名稱 from dbo.type" dr =

20、DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox4.Items.Add(dr"類型名稱"); sql = "select 院系名稱 from academy order by 院系編號 asc" dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox6.Items.Add(dr"院系名稱"); if (textBox1.Text != "") string

21、id = textBox1.Text.Trim(); string sql1 = "select 姓名 from student_info where 學號='" + id + "'" textBox2.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); sql1 = "select 性別 from student_info where 學號='" + id + "'" string s = DataConnection.GetDataString(

22、sql1); if (s = "男") radioButton4.Checked = true; if (s = "女") radioButton1.Checked = true; sql1 = "select 出生年月 from student_info where 學號='" + id + "'" textBox3.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); sql1 = "select 籍貫 from student_info where 學

23、號='" + id + "'" textBox4.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); sql1 = "select 專業(yè)名稱 from student_info,department where student_info.專業(yè)編號=department.專業(yè)編號 and 學號='" + id + "'" comboBox2.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); sql1 = "selec

24、t 院系名稱 from student_info,academy where student_info.院系編號=academy.院系編號 and 學號='" + id + "'" comboBox6.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); sql1 = "select 就業(yè)標志 from student_info where 學號='" + id + "'" string s1 = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql

25、1).Trim(); if (s1 = "待就業(yè)") radioButton2.Checked = true; if (s1 = "已就業(yè)") radioButton3.Checked = true; sql1 = "select 用人單位 from profesion_student,employment where profesion_student.職業(yè)號=employment.職業(yè)號 and employment.學號='" + id + "'" comboBox1.Text = DataC

26、onnection.GetDataString(sql1); sql1 = "select 類型名稱 from type,profesion_student,employment where type.類型號=profesion_student.類型號 and profesion_student.職業(yè)號=employment.職業(yè)號 and employment.學號='" + id + "'" comboBox4.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); else MessageBox.Sho

27、w("學號為空!請輸入."); private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) if (textBox1.Text != "") string sql = "select 院系編號 from academy where 院系名稱='" + comboBox6.Text.Trim() + "'" string a = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql).Trim(); sql = "select 專

28、業(yè)編號 from department where 專業(yè)名稱='" + comboBox2.Text.Trim() + "'" string b = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql).Trim(); if (radioButton1.Checked = true) sql = "update student_info set 性別='" + radioButton1.Text + "' where 學號='" + textBox1.Text.Trim(

29、) + "'" int g = DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); if (radioButton4.Checked = true) sql = "update student_info set 性別='" + radioButton4.Text + "' where 學號='" + textBox1.Text.Trim() + "'" int f = DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); sql = "upda

30、te student_info set 姓名='" + textBox2.Text.Trim() + "',出生年月='" + textBox3.Text.Trim() + "',籍貫='" + textBox4.Text.Trim() + "',專業(yè)編號='" + b + "',院系編號='" + a + "' where 學號='" + textBox1.Text.Trim() + "

31、'" int d = DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); else MessageBox.Show("學號為空!請輸入."); 4.3查詢界面查詢就業(yè)率界面的設計如圖4.3所示:圖4.3 查詢就業(yè)率界面設計代碼如下:private void tabPage3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) string sql = "select count(*) from student_info" int a=DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql);

32、 label3.Text = a.ToString(); sql = "select count(*) from student_info where 就業(yè)標志='已就業(yè)'" int b = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql); label5.Text = b.ToString(); sql = "select count(*) from student_info where 就業(yè)標志='待就業(yè)'" label4.Text = DataConnection.GetCountInfoB

33、ySql(sql).ToString(); float c =(float) b / a; label6.Text = c.ToString(); comboBox3.Items.Clear(); sql = "select 專業(yè)名稱 from department order by 專業(yè)編號 asc" SqlDataReader dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox3.Items.Add(dr"專業(yè)名稱"); comboBox3.Text = "

34、;" label10.Text = "" private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) /comboBox3.Text = "" label10.Text = "" if (comboBox3.Text != "") string sql = "select count(*) from student_info,department where student_info.專業(yè)編號=department.專業(yè)編號 and 專業(yè)名稱=&

35、#39;" + comboBox3.Text + "'" int a = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql); sql = "select count(*) from student_info,department where student_info.專業(yè)編號=department.專業(yè)編號 and 就業(yè)標志='已就業(yè)' and 專業(yè)名稱='" + comboBox3.Text + "'" int b = DataConnection.GetC

36、ountInfoBySql(sql); if (a = 0) label10.Text = "該專業(yè)學生人數(shù)為0" else float c = (float)b / a; label10.Text = c.ToString(); else MessageBox.Show(“專業(yè)為空!請選擇.”); 查詢已就業(yè)信息界面的設計如圖4.4所示:圖4.4 查詢已就業(yè)信息界面設計代碼如下:private void tabPage4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) comboBox5.Items.Clear(); comboBox7.Items.C

37、lear(); comboBox5.Text = "" comboBox7.Text = "" string sql = "select 專業(yè)名稱 from department order by 專業(yè)編號 asc" SqlDataReader dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox7.Items.Add(dr"專業(yè)名稱"); sql = "select 院系名稱 from academy order by

38、院系編號 asc" dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox5.Items.Add(dr"院系名稱"); private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) if (comboBox5.Text != "") string s = "select c5.學號,姓名,出生年月,籍貫,院系名稱,專業(yè)名稱,就業(yè)標志,用人單位,類型名稱 from type right join (selec

39、t c4.學號,姓名,出生年月,就業(yè)標志,籍貫,院系名稱,專業(yè)名稱,c4.職業(yè)號,類型號,用人單位 from profesion_student right join (select c3.學號,姓名,出生年月,就業(yè)標志,籍貫,院系名稱,專業(yè)名稱,職業(yè)號 from dbo.employment right join (select 學號,姓名,出生年月,就業(yè)標志,籍貫,院系名稱,專業(yè)名稱 from department join (select 學號,姓名,出生年月,就業(yè)標志,籍貫,院系名稱,專業(yè)編號 from academy join (select 學號,姓名,出生年月,院系編號,籍貫 ,

40、就業(yè)標志,專業(yè)編號 from student_info where 就業(yè)標志='已就業(yè)')c1 on academy.院系編號=c1.院系編號)c2 on department.專業(yè)編號=c2.專業(yè)編號)c3 on employment.學號=c3.學號)c4 on profesion_student.職業(yè)號=c4.職業(yè)號) c5 on type.類型號=c5.類型號 where 院系名稱='"+ comboBox5.Text.Trim() + "'order by c5.學號" dataGridView1.DataSource =

41、 DataConnection.GetDataSuoce(s).Tables0; else MessageBox.Show("院系名稱為空!請選擇."); private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) if (comboBox7.Text != "") string s = "select c5.學號,姓名,出生年月,籍貫,院系名稱,專業(yè)名稱,就業(yè)標志,用人單位,類型名稱 from type right join (select c4.學號,姓名,出生年月,就業(yè)標志,籍貫,院系名稱

42、,專業(yè)名稱,c4.職業(yè)號,類型號,用人單位 from profesion_student right join (select c3.學號,姓名,出生年月,就業(yè)標志,籍貫,院系名稱,專業(yè)名稱,職業(yè)號 from dbo.employment right join (select 學號,姓名,出生年月,就業(yè)標志,籍貫,院系名稱,專業(yè)名稱 from department join (select 學號,姓名,出生年月,就業(yè)標志,籍貫,院系名稱,專業(yè)編號 from academy join (select 學號,姓名,出生年月,院系編號,籍貫 ,就業(yè)標志,專業(yè)編號 from student_info

43、where 就業(yè)標志='已就業(yè)')c1 on academy.院系編號=c1.院系編號)c2 on department.專業(yè)編號=c2.專業(yè)編號)c3 on employment.學號=c3.學號)c4 on profesion_student.職業(yè)號=c4.職業(yè)號) c5 on type.類型號=c5.類型號 where 專業(yè)名稱='" + comboBox7.Text.Trim() + "'order by c5.學號" dataGridView1.DataSource = DataConnection.GetDataSuoc

44、e(s).Tables0; else MessageBox.Show("專業(yè)名稱為空!請選擇."); 查詢未就業(yè)信息界面的設計如圖4.5所示:圖4.5 查詢未就業(yè)信息界面設計代碼如下:private void tabPage5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) comboBox8.Items.Clear(); comboBox9.Items.Clear(); comboBox8.Text = "" comboBox9.Text = "" string sql = "select 專業(yè)名稱 f

45、rom department order by 專業(yè)編號 asc" SqlDataReader dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox9.Items.Add(dr"專業(yè)名稱"); sql = "select 院系名稱 from academy order by 院系編號 asc" dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox8.Items.Add(dr&qu

46、ot;院系名稱"); private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) if (comboBox8.Text != "") string sql = "select student_info.學號,姓名,出生年月,籍貫,院系名稱,專業(yè)名稱,就業(yè)標志 from student_info,academy,department where student_info.院系編號=academy.院系編號 and student_info.專業(yè)編號=department.專業(yè)編號 and 就業(yè)標志='待就業(yè)' and 院系名稱='" + comboBox8.Text.Trim() + "'order by student_info.學號" dataGridView2.DataSource = DataConnection.GetDataSuoce(sql).Tables0; else MessageBox.Show("院系名稱為空!請選擇."); priv


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