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1、.描寫動作英語句子大全導(dǎo)讀: 本文是關(guān)于描寫動作英語句子大全,如果覺得很不錯,歡迎點評和分享!1、小姨將雙袖向上一挽,褲腳也被卷到了大腿。My aunt pulled up her sleeves and rolled her trouser feetinto her thighs.2、他步幅勻稱,步頻緊湊,蹬動有力,腰肢放松- 整個動作顯得優(yōu)美而富有彈性。Hehas a well-proportionedstride,a compactpace,apowerfulpedal,anda relaxedwaistandlimbs- thewholemovement looks beautiful

2、 and elastic.3、他彎著腰,籃球在他的手下前后左右不停地拍著,兩眼溜溜地轉(zhuǎn)動。Hestooped,thebasketballwasclappingaroundandaround his hands, and his eyes were rolling slightly.4、他趁小麗不注意,偷偷把她的凳子抽了出來,然后幸災(zāi)樂禍地等著瞧熱鬧。He took advantage of Xiaoli's indifference, secretly pulledout her stool, and then happily waited to see the excitement.

3、5、她使勁向前躬著身子,抓緊傘,進一步,退半步,踉踉蹌蹌地向前走著。;.She leaned forward, grabbed the umbrella, went further,stepped back, and staggered forward.6、藺相如退后幾步,雙手捧著璧,靠著柱子站定。Lin Xiangru stepped back, holding Bi in both hands, andstood against the pillar.7、老師正專注地唱著,她的歌聲真美,小朋友沒有一個不認真聽的。Theteacherissingingattentively.Hersingi

4、ngissobeautiful that none of the children do not listen carefully.8、記得一個寒冬的下午,天氣比較冷。我在做作業(yè),媽媽在做針線活。I remember one cold winter afternoon when it was colder.I'm doing my homework. My mother is doing sewing.9、施軒的腳步很均勻, 雙臂一前一后地擺動著, 雙腳越邁越快。 Shi Xuan's footsteps are very even, his arms swing oneaft

5、er another, and his feet move faster and faster.10 、你像一只矯健的飛燕輕捷地掠過了橫竿,頓時,全場晴天霹靂般哄起一片歡呼聲。You swept across the pole like a vigorous swallow, and allof a sudden there was a thunderbolt of joy.11 、約莫一二分鐘之后,好容易剝得了些瓜仁的碎片,鄭重地塞進口里去吃。;.About a minute or two later, it was easy to peel off somefragmentsof melo

6、nseeds and solemnlystuffthemintotheentrance to eat.12 、我屏住呼吸,兩手彎成弧形,慢慢地靠近它,然后猛撲向前,兩手迅速地一扣。I hold my breath, bend my hands in an arc, slowly approach it, and then pounce forward with a quick clap of both hands.13 、鼓手把奔放激越的豪情,完全抒發(fā)在那歡快跳躍的鼓點之中了。Thedrummerexpresseshisunrestrainedandsurgingpassion in the

7、drum point of the happy jump.14 、奶奶將右腳繃著,向鞋子口里溜進去,筋脈凸兀的手緊緊抓著門框。Grandma tightened her right foot and slipped into the shoe mouth, her veined hand clutching the door frame tightly.15 、她抑揚頓挫地朗讀著,腔調(diào)美麗,娓娓動聽,舉座動容。She was reading with a beautiful voice, a beautiful voice and a moving seat.16 、他屏住氣,貓著腰,躡手躡腳

8、地向小杜鵑靠近。他把兩只手攏成半圓形,一下?lián)溥^去!Holding his breath, the cat crept up to the cuckoo. He put;.his hands together in a semicircle and threw them at him!17 、我立刻興奮起來,不管三七二十一,從媽媽手里搶過救生圈,光著腳,歡呼著奔向大海的懷抱。I immediately got excited, regardless of 3721, rescued thelife buoy from my mother, barefoot, cheering towards t

9、he embrace of the sea.18 、我又向前滑行,左右轉(zhuǎn)彎,猛然停止,倒退滑行。I slid forward, turned left and right, stopped abruptly, andslipped backwards.19 、她握住我的手,上下打量一番,輕輕嘆了口氣。She took my hand, looked up and down, and sighed softly.20 、海濤找到了麻雀窩后,就把電筒往腰里一別,往手心里吐了口唾沫,吭哧吭哧地往上爬。When Haitao found the sparrow nest, he put the tor

10、ch inhis waist, spit in his hand, and climbed up with a murmur.21 、中國使者從騎著的駱駝背上跳下來,右手高擎節(jié)杖,大步走向前來。The ChineseenvoyjumpedoffthebackofhisRidingCamel and strode forward with his stick in his right hand.22 、她鉆進浩如煙海的書籍里,如魚兒進入了大海,忘記了時間的流逝。She plunged into vast books, such as fish into the sea, and;.forgot

11、the passage of time.23 、我點了點頭,像個小地鼠似的鉆進了西瓜地。I noddedandwentintothewatermelonfieldlikeahamster.24 、老板望了他一眼, 吹了一聲口哨, 一下子鉆進那堆衣服里,來回翻動。The boss looked at him, whistled, and went into the pile ofclothes and turned them back and forth.25 、我將搭在背上的書包拽下來,低著頭,一步半寸地挪到老師跟前,頭不抬,眼皮不跳,氣呼呼地站著。I pulled down the scho

12、olbag I was carrying on my back,lowered my head, and moved half an inch to the teacher. I stood breathlessly, without raising my head or jumping my eyelids.26 、一只火狐緊緊地追趕著野兔,它那紅色的身體在青山坡上像團跳躍的火球。A fire fox was chasing the hare tightly. Its red body was likea ball of fire jumping on the hillside.27 、她站

13、了起來,回答得那么準確,那么自然,那么流暢,似乎早有準備似的。She stoodup,answeredso accurately,so naturally,sosmoothly, as if she had been ready.;.28 、我貪婪地讀著書,如同一只饑餓的小羊闖進芳草嫩綠的草地。I read books greedily, like a hungry lamb breaking into the green grass.29 、我站起來,腳跟立不穩(wěn),只覺得天旋地轉(zhuǎn),身子不由自主地轉(zhuǎn)著,好像腳下踩了個陀螺。I stood up, my heels were unstable, I

14、 just felt like I was spinning around, I could not help turning around, as if I had stepped on a gyro under my feet.30 、那親切柔和的話語,聽了那么舒坦,如同坐在劇場,聽柔情蜜意的歌唱。That kind andgentle words, socomfortable to listento,like sitting in the theater, listening to soft and sweet singing.31 、想到這兒,我懷著忐忑不安的心情,像腳下生了風(fēng),三步并

15、作兩步往回跑。When I think of this, I feel uneasy, like the wind under myfeet, running back in three and two steps.32 、他瞪圓了眼睛,兩只耳朵支楞起來了,細心地捕捉著每一個細小的聲音。His eyes wereround,his ears werecorrugated,andhecarefully captured every tiny sound.33 、小男孩兒跳了起來,退后幾步,脫下外衣,擺出個迎戰(zhàn)的;.架勢。The little boy jumped up, stepped back

16、, took off his coatand posed for the battle.34 、他又埋頭寫起作業(yè)來,屋里靜悄悄的,只聽到鋼筆在紙上沙沙寫字的聲音。He buried himself in his homework again, and the roomwas quiet, only to hear the rustling of pens on paper.35 、她躡手躡腳地走到蝴蝶旁,猛地一彎腰,雙手把花朵上的蝴蝶一捧。She crept up to the butterfly, bent down sharply, and heldthe butterfly in bot

17、h hands.36 、我向前沖了幾步,有力地一跳,那矯健而倒立的身影在空中迅速旋轉(zhuǎn)著,又迅速落入了水中。I took a few steps forward, jumped forcefully, and the vigorous, inverted figure whirled rapidly in the air and fell quickly into the water.37 、我倒了盆水,先用毛巾濕濕臉, 再打上香皂, 用勁地抓呀、搓呀,不一會兒就滿臉香皂沫了。I poured the basinwater, first wetmy face witha towel,then p

18、ut on soap, grasp and rub hard, and soon my face was covered with soap foam.38 、寧佳音跑到跳高架的橫桿前,又腳踏地,雙臂猛擺,身體;.就像小燕子一樣飛過了橫桿。Ning Jiayin ran to the crossbar of the elevated jump, and then stepped on the ground, swinging her arms violently. Her body flew over the crossbar like a swallow.39 、袋鼠的尾巴像棍棒一樣撐在地上

19、,同兩只后腳配合起來,成了一副挺好的三腳架。Kangaroo tail like a stick on the ground, with two hind feettogether, became a good tripod.40 、我把魚骨頭一根一根地用牙齒咬,用手撥,總算啃掉了半個魚頭,一點魚肉都沒吃到。I bit the fish bones one by one with my teeth and poked them with my hands. At last, I gnawed half of the fish bones and did not eat any of the f

20、ish.41 、一群傣族少女姍姍走來,肩上扛著小紡車,手里提著小燈籠,緊身拖曳的筒裙在隨風(fēng)搖擺。A group of Dai girls came slowly with spinning wheels ontheir shoulders, lanterns in their hands, and skirts swaying inthe wind.42 、一張張活潑的兒童的笑臉,像春天里嬌艷的鮮花在開放。A livelychildren'ssmilingfaces, like beautifulflowersinspring.43 、他聽了這話,閉上眼睛用力搖頭,那手只是指著不動。;

21、.He listened, closed his eyes and shook his head vigorously,his hand just pointing.44 、我找來一塊布,把它沿邊剪了一個口子,一手抓住一邊,用力一撕, " 吱" 地一聲撕開了。I found a piece of cloth, cut a cut along the edge, grabbed it with one hand, tore it hard, and ripped it open with a squeak.45 、她往窗玻璃上呵一口氣,再用指甲蹭一蹭,一連串動作干凈利落。Sh

22、e took a breath on the windowpane, rubbed her nails,and made a clean series of movements.46 、小麗抿著嘴,弓著腰,躡手躡腳地,一步一步慢慢地靠近它。Xiao Li leaned her mouth, bowed her waist, tiptoed and slowly approached it step by step.47 、我的雙腳凍得冰冷,簡直快麻木了,雙腳不停地跺著。My feet were freezing cold, numb and stamping.48 、狂風(fēng)夾著大雨撲面而來,她使

23、勁向前躬著身子,抓緊傘,進一步,退半步,踉踉蹌蹌地向前走著。The strong wind came with heavy rain, and she leaned forward, grabbed the umbrella, went further, stepped back, and staggered forward.49 、小姑娘一會兒用畫筆頂著下巴想一想,一會兒又抿著嘴畫;.幾筆,真像一個進入創(chuàng)作意境的小畫家。The little girl put her brush against her chin for a momentto think about it, and then she drew a few brushes with her mouth closed. It was like a little artist who had entered the artistic conception of creation.50 、助跑、踏條、騰空、落地一條美麗的弧線一個輕捷的身影從眼前掠過踏在沙坑走向勝利!Run-up,tread,empty,landing,a beautifularc,a lightfigure from the front of the eyes, across the sand pit to victory!uuuuuuuuuuu51 、


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