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1、中外合資企業(yè)章程Articles of Association for Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures目 錄第一章 總則第二章 宗旨、經(jīng)營范圍第三章 投資總額和注冊資本第四章 董事會第五章 經(jīng)營管理機構第六章 財務會計第七章 利潤分配第八章 職工第九章 工會組織第十章 期限、終止、清算第十一章 規(guī)章制度第十二章 適用法律第十三章 附則Articles of Association for Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint VenturesINDEXChapter 1 General ProvisionChapter 2 The

2、 Purpose l Scope and Scale of the BusinessChapter 3 Total Amount of Investment and the Registered CapitalChapter 4 The Board of DirectorsChapter 5 Business Management OfficeChapter 6 Finance and AccountingChapter 7 Profit SharingChapter 8 Staff and WorkersChapter 9 The Trade Union OrganizationChapte

3、r 10 Duration, Termination and Liquidation of the Jint Venture CompanyChapter 11 Rules and RegulationsChapter 12 Applicable LawChapter 13 Supplementary Articles第一章 總則第一條 根據(jù)中華人民共和國中外合資企業(yè)法,和中國×公司(以下簡稱甲方)與×國×××公司)合資經(jīng)營合同,特制訂本合營公司章和。第二條 合營公司中文名稱為:××有限公司英文名稱為:縮寫為:合營公司的法定

4、地址為:第三條 甲、乙雙方的名稱、法定地址為:甲方:中國×公司,其法定地址為乙方:×國×××公司,其法定地址為第四條 合營公司的組織形式為有限責任公司。甲乙方僅以現(xiàn)行或日后修改的本章程規(guī)定的各自認繳的出資額對合營公司承擔責任。在上述前提下,各方按其認繳的出資額在注冊資本中的比例分享利潤和分擔風險及虧損。第五條 合營公司為中國法人,受中國法律管轄和保護,其一切活動必遵守中國的法律、法令和有關條例規(guī)定。Chapter 1 General ProvisionArticle 1In accordance with the “Law of the Peo

5、ples Republic of China on joint Venture UsingChinese and Foreign Investment” and the contract signed on in_ ,china, by, ×Co.(hereinafter referred to as Party A). and ×××Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Party A), to set up a joint venture, ×× Limited Liability Compa

6、ny (hereinafter referred to as joint venturecompany), the Articles of Association hereby is formulated.Article 2The names of the joint venture company shall be ××Limited Liability CompanyIts abbreviation isThe Legal address of the joint venture company is atArticle 3The names and legal add

7、resses of each parties are as follows:Party A: × Co. , China, and its legal address isparty B: ××× Co., Ltd, and its legal address isarticle 4The organization form of joint venture company is a limited liability company. The liabilities of each party to the joint venture company

8、just limits to its contributed capital, which stipulated in the Articles of Association or in the revised afterwards. The profits, risks and losses of the joint venture company shall be shared by the parties in proportion to their contributions of the registered capital.Article 5The joint venture co

9、mpany has the status of a legal person and is subject to the jurisdiction and protection of Chinese laws concerned. All activities of the joint venture company shall be governed by the laws. decrees and pertinent rules and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China.第二章 宗旨、經(jīng)營范圍第六條 甲、乙方合資經(jīng)營的目的是:本著加強

10、經(jīng)濟合作和技術交流的愿望,采用先進而適用的技術和科學的經(jīng)營管理方法,提高產(chǎn)品質量,發(fā)民新產(chǎn)品,并在質量、價格等方面具有國際市場上的競爭能力,提高經(jīng)濟效益,使投資各方獲得滿意的經(jīng)濟利益。(注:在章程中要根據(jù)具體情況寫明。)第七條 合營公司經(jīng)營范圍為:第八條 合營公司生產(chǎn)規(guī)模為:第九條 合營公司向國內、外市場自行銷售其產(chǎn)品,并開展有關的其他服務。合營公司將出口銷售和取得外匯收入放在優(yōu)先地位,以保證合營公司的成功和發(fā)展。Chapter 2 The Purpose, Scope and Scale of the BusinessArticle 6The purpose of the parties t

11、o the joint venture is in conformity with the wish of enhancing the economic cooperation and technical exchanges, to raise economic results and ensure satisfactory economic benefits for each investor by improving the product quality, developing new products, and gaining competitive position in the w

12、orld market in quality and price through advanced and appropriate technology and scientific management.Article 7Business scope of the joint venture company isArticle 8The production scale of the joint venture company is as follows:Article 9The products of the joint venture company will be sold on Ch

13、inese market and overseas market and after-sale services will be provided by themselves. In order to pursuing the success and development of the joint venture company, the joint venture company shall give the top priority on export of the products and earning foreign currency.第三章 投資總額和注冊資本第十條 合營公司的投

14、資總額為美元合營公司的投資總額為美元甲方:出資額為萬美元,占注冊資本其中:1.廠房設施美元2機器設備美元乙方:出資額為萬美元,占注冊資本其中:第十二條 甲、乙方應按合同規(guī)定的期限繳清各自的出資額。第十三條 甲、乙方繳付出資額后,經(jīng)合營公司聘請在中國注冊的會計師驗資,具驗資報告后,由合營公司據(jù)此發(fā)給甲、乙各方出資證明書,確認種自的出資日期及金額。第十四條 合營期內,合營公司不得減少注冊資本數(shù)額。任何一方都不得將其在合營公司中認繳出資的任何部份抵押給任何第三方。第十五條 合營公司注冊資本的增加、轉讓,應由董事會一致通過后,并報原審批機權批準,向原登記機構辦理變更登記手續(xù)。Chapter 3 Tot

15、al Amount of Investment and the Registered CapitalArticle 10The total amount of investment of the joint venture company is V. S. Dollars. The registered capital for the joint venture company is V. S. Dollars.Article 11Both parties shall contribute the capital as follows:Party A shall pay accounts fo

16、r % includes)2)Party B shall pay accounts for % includes) Factory site and others: us Dollars;2) Equipment: us DollarsArticle 12The amount of the investment in Article 10 shall be paid by Party A and Party B according to the time limit stipulated in the contract.Article 13After the payment of invest

17、ment by the parties to the joint venture, a Chinese registered accountant invited by the joint venture company shall verify it and provide a certificate for contributed investment. Thereafter the joint venture company shall issue an investment certificate to confirm the date and amount of the contri

18、bution.ArticIe14Within the term of the joint venture, the joint venture company shall not reduce its registered capital. Neither party shall be allowed to mortgage any part of the investment to the third party.Article 15Any increase, assignment of the registered capital of the joint venture company

19、shall be approved by the board of directors and submitted to the original examining and approving authority for approval. The registration procedures for changes shall be dealt with at the original registration and administration office.第四章 董事會第十六條 合營公司設董事會。董事會是合營公司的最高權力機構。第十七條 董事會決定合營公司的一切重大事宜,下列事宜

20、,董事會應一致通過方可做出決定:1.合營公司章程和修改;2.合營公司的中止與解散;3. 合營公司與另一經(jīng)濟組織的合并、兼并與聯(lián)合;4.合營公司注冊資本的增加與轉讓;5.設立合營公司的分支機構;6.批準合營公司的中長期發(fā)展規(guī)劃;7.決定合營年度經(jīng)營方針和計劃;8.批準年度財務預算,財務報告和會計報表;9.決定合營公司年度利潤分配方案;10.總經(jīng)理、副總經(jīng)理的任免;11.涉及任何一方各合營公司利潤沖突的事項。對以下事項,須出席董事會至少×名董事通過:1.合營公司年度流動資金貸款的最高額及有關合營公司資產(chǎn)的購置、租賃、出賣或抵押等事宜;2.合營公司的勞動合同和重要的規(guī)章制度;3.審查并批準

21、總經(jīng)理提出的年度經(jīng)營報告;4.任免由總經(jīng)理提名報董事會聘任的高級管理人員、決定上述人員的工資和生活福利待遇;5.按照中國政府的有關規(guī)定,制定合營公司職工的福利和工資制度;6.確定調整合營公司的組織機構;7.決定合營公司從稅后利潤中提取儲備基金、企業(yè)發(fā)展基金和職工獎勵及福利基金的比例;8.決定合營公司的保險種類和投保范圍;9.關于董事會對總經(jīng)理經(jīng)營權限的授予;10.決定合營公司職工的住房及各項福利事宜;11.其它應由董事會決定的事宜。第十八條 董事會由×名董事組成,其中甲方委派×名,乙方委派×名。董事任期×年,可以連任。甲、乙方在更換董事人選時,應事先書面

22、通各董事會和另一方。第十九條 董事會會議每年至少召開一次。經(jīng)×名以上(含×名)董事提議,董事長可以召開董事會臨時會議。董事會會議原則上在舉行。第二十條 董事長應在董事會開會前三十天書面通知各董事,寫明會議、時間和地點。董事因故不能出席董事會會議,可出具委托書委托他人代表其出席和表決。如屆時未出席祟不委托他人出席,則作為棄權。第二十一條 出席董事會會議的法定人數(shù)為全體董事的四分之三。不夠四分之三人數(shù)時,其通過的決議無效。會議決錄應歸檔保存,會議記錄用中、英文文字書寫,并且每個出席會議的董事均應在會議記錄上簽字。Chapter 4 The Board of DirectorsA

23、rticle 16The joint venture company shall establish the board of directors which is the highest authority of the joint venture company.Article 17The board of directors shall decide all major issues concerning the joint venture company. As for the following issues, unanimous approval shall be required

24、:l) amending the Articles of Association of the joint venture company ;2) discussing and deciding the termination and dissolution of the joint venture company;3)deciding the merger, affiliation and consolidation of the joint venture company with other economic organization;4)deciding the increase an

25、d assignment of the registered capital;5)deciding to set up branches;6)ratifying the project of development on medium term and long term;7)deciding an annual management strategy and plan;8)ratifying fiscal budget, fiscal report and accounting statement;9)deciding the plan on annual profits sharing;l

26、0)inviting and dismissing the general manager and the deputy general managers;11)settling the disputes between each party to the joint venture and joint venture company.As for other matters, approval by more than_ directors shall be required. such as;1)deciding the top line of annual circulating cap

27、ital and issues on purchasing, leasing and mortgage of assets in the joint venture company;2)approving. the labor contracts and other important regulations of the joint venture company;3)examining and approving the annual business report submitted by the general manager;4)inviting and dismissing the

28、 senior administrative personnel who shall be recommended by general manager, and deciding their salary and welfare;5)deciding the system of salary and welfare for staff and workers in joint venture company in accordance with the relevant regulations of China;6)defining and adjusting the structure o

29、f the joint venture company7)deciding the proportion of allocation for reserve funds,expansion funds and bonuses from the taxed profits of joint venture company;8)deciding the types and scope of insurances for joint venture company9)deciding the scope of authorized power for the general manager;10)d

30、eciding the plan on living houses and other welfare for staff and workers of joint venture company;11)deciding other matters which shall made decision by the board of directors.Article 18The board of directors shall consist of directors. of which directors shall be appointed by Party A, by Party B.

31、The term of office for the directors is four years and may be renewed.When appointing and replacing directors, a written notice shall be submitted to the board and the other party.Article 19The board of directors shall convene at least one meeting every year. The chairman may convene an interim meet

32、ing based on a proposal made by more than _(including )directors. The board meeting will be held in principle in _.Article 20The chairman shall give each director a written notice thirty (30) days before the date of the board meeting. The notice shall cover the agenda, time and place of the. Should

33、the directors be unable to attend the board meeting, he may present proxy in writtenform to the board.In case the director neither attends nor entrusts others to attend the meeting, he will be regarded as abstention.Article 22The board meeting requires a quorum of over three quarter of the total num

34、ber of directors. When the quorum is less than three quarter, the decisions adopted by the board meeting are invalid. Detailed written records shall be made for each board meeting and signed by all the attended directors or by the attended proxy. The record shall be made in Chinese and in English, a

35、nd shall be filed with the company.第五章 經(jīng)營管理機構第二十二條 合營公司設經(jīng)營管理機構,負責合營公司的日常管理工作。合營公司設總經(jīng)理一名,副總經(jīng)理×名總經(jīng)理、副總理由董事任命,任期×年,經(jīng)董事會決定可以連任。第二十三條 合營公司實行董事會領導下的總經(jīng)理負責制??偨?jīng)理直接對董事會,執(zhí)行董事會會議的各項決定。組織領導合營公司的日常生產(chǎn)、技術和經(jīng)營管理工作。第二十四條 副董事長、董事經(jīng)董事會委派可兼任總經(jīng)理、副總經(jīng)理或經(jīng)理助理。第二十五條 總經(jīng)理、副總經(jīng)理除非得到董事會的批準不得參與和本合營公司有商業(yè)竟爭的其他經(jīng)濟組織。第二十六條 總經(jīng)理、副

36、總經(jīng)理及其他商級管理人員請求辭職時,應提前向董事會提出書面報告。以上人員如有營私舞弊或嚴重失職行為的,不能勝任工作的,經(jīng)董事會決定可隨時撤換。Chapter 5 Business Management OfficeArticle 22The joint venture company shall establish a management office which shall be responsible for its daily management. The management office shall have one general manager, deputy general

37、 managers. They shall be invited by the board of directors whose term of office is four years and may be renewed by the board of directors.Article 23The system of job responsibility of the general manager under the board of directors is adopted by the joint venture company. The general manager shall

38、 be responsible to the board of directors directly, carry out the decisions of the board of directors and organize the dailyworks on production, technology and management of joint venture company.Article 24At the invitation of the board of directors, the chairman, vice chairman of directors of the b

39、oard may concurrently be the general manager, deputy general manager and general manager assistant of the joint venture company.Article 25The general manager or deputy general managers shall not hold positions concurrently as general manager or deputy general manager of other economic organizations

40、on commercial competition with their own joint venture company without the approval of the board of directors. Article 26The general manager, deputy general managers and other senior administrative personnel who ask for resignation shall submit their written reports to the board of directors in adva

41、nce. In case any one of the above-mentioned persons conduct graft or serious dereliction of duty, they may be dismissed at any time upon the decision of the board.第六章 財務會計第二十七條 合營公司的財務會計按照中華人民共和國財政部制定的中華人民共和國外商投資企業(yè)會計制度規(guī)定辦理。第二十八條 合營公司會計年度采用日歷年制,從每年一月一日起至十二月三十一日止為一個會計年度。一切記賬憑證、單據(jù)、報表、帳薄,用中文書寫。第二十九條 合營公

42、司應采用人民幣為記賬的本位貨幣。人民同其它貨幣折算,按實際發(fā)生之日中華人民共和國外匯管理局公布的匯價計算。第三十條 合營公司在中銀行或中國銀行同意的其它銀行開立人民幣及外幣賬戶,第三十一條 合營公司采用國際通用的權責發(fā)生制和借貸記賬法記賬。第三十二條 合營公司的財務會計賬冊應記載如下內容:1.合營公司所有和現(xiàn)金收入、支出數(shù)量;2.合營公司所有的物資出售及購入情況;3. 合營公司注冊資本及負債情況;4.合營公司注冊資本的繳納時間、增加及轉讓情況。第三十三條 合營公司財務部門應在每一個會計年度頭三個月編制上一個會計年度的資產(chǎn)負債表和損益計算書,經(jīng)審計師審核簽字后,提交董事會會議通過。第三十四條 合

43、營各方有權自費聘請審計師查閱合營公司賬簿。查閱時,合營公司應提供方便。第三十五條 合營公司按照中華人民共和國外商投資企業(yè)和外國企業(yè)所得稅法施行細則的規(guī)定,由董事會決定合營公司固定資產(chǎn)的折舊年限。第三十六條 合營公司的一切外匯事宜,按照中華人民共和國外匯管理暫行條例和有關規(guī)定辦理。Chapter 6 finance and AccountingArticle 27The finance and accounting of the joint venture company shall be handled in accordance with the “Stipulations of the F

44、inance and Accounting System of the Joint Venture Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” which formulated by the Ministry of Finance of the Peoples Republic of China.Article 28The fiscal year of the joint venture company shall be calendar year from January 1 to December 31. All vouchers, receipts, ac

45、counting statements and reports, accounting books shall be written in Chinese and English.Article 29The joint venture company adopts Renminbi (RMB) as its accounts keeping unit. The conversion of RMB into other currency shall be in accordance with the exchange rate of the converting day published by

46、 the State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control of the Peoples Republic of China.Article 30The joint venture company shall open accounts in RMB and foreign currency with the Band of China or other banks which agreed by the Bank of China. Article 3lThe accounting of the joint venture company sh

47、all adopt the internationally used accrual basis and debit and credit accounting system in their work.Article 32The accounting books of the joint venture company shall include the following contents:(1)all amount of income and payment and payment in cash of the joint venture company;(2)situations co

48、ncerning sale and purchasing the materials of the joint venture company;(3)situations concerning registered capital and debt of the joint venture company;(4)situations concerning and assignment of the registered capital.Article 33In the first three months of each fiscal year, the manager shall prepa

49、re the profits years balance sheet, profit and loss statement and proposal regarding the disposal of profits which should be examined and signed by the auditor, then submit them to the board of directors.Article 34Parties of the joint venture company have the right to invite an auditor to undertake

50、annual financial check and examination at his own expense. The joint venture company shall provide convenience for the checking and examination.Article 35The depreciation period for the fixed assets of the joint venture company shall be decided by the board of directors in accordance with the “The I

51、ncome Tax Law of the Peoples R-public of China for Foreign Investment Enterprises and Foreign Enterprises”Article 36All matters concerning foreign exchange shall be handled in accordance with the “provisional Regulations for Exchange Control of the Peoples Republic of China” and other pertaining reg

52、ulations.第七章 利潤分配第三十七條 合營公司從繳納所得稅后的利潤中提取儲備基金、企業(yè)發(fā)展基金和職工獎勵及福利基金。每年提取的比例,上董事會根據(jù)合營公司經(jīng)營情況討論確定。第三十八條 合營公司依法納稅和提取三項基金后的利潤,按照甲、乙方在注冊資本中的出資比例進行分配。第三十九條 合營公司每年分配利潤一次,每個會計年度后三個月內公布前一年利潤分配方案及各方應分的利潤額。第四十條 合營公司上一個會計年度虧損未彌補前不得分配利潤。上一個會計年度未分配的利潤,可并入本會計年度利潤分配。Chapter 7 Profit SharingArticle 37The joint venture comp

53、any shall allocate reserve funds, expansion funds and bonuses welfare funds for staff and workers after payment of taxes. The proportion of allocation shall be decided by the board of directors.Article 38After paying the taxes in accordance with law and drawing the various funds, the profits in net

54、will be distributed according to the proportion of each partys investment in the registered capital.Article 39The joint venture company shall distribute its profits once a year. The profit distribution plan and amount of profit distributed to each party shall be published within the first three mont

55、hs following each fiscal year.第八章 職工第四十一條 合營公司員工的招收、招聘、辭退、工資、生活福利、獎懲、勞動保險、勞動保護。勞動紀律等事宜,按照中華人民共和國外合資經(jīng)營企業(yè)勞動管理規(guī)定及其實施辦法和××?。ㄊ校┑挠嘘P規(guī)定辦理第四十二條 合營公司有權對違犯合營公司的規(guī)章制度和勞動紀律的員工,給予警告、記過、降薪的處分,情節(jié)嚴重,可予以開除。開除職工須報當?shù)貏趧硬块T備案。第四十三條 中方職工的工資待遇,按照北京市勞動局的規(guī)定,根據(jù)合營公司具體情況,由董事會確定,并在勞動合同中具體規(guī)定。合營公司隨著生產(chǎn)的發(fā)展,職工業(yè)務能力和技術水平的提高,相應提

56、高職工的工資。合營公司中方退休人員的工資按北京市勞動局的規(guī)定辦理。第四十四條 合營公司根據(jù)中華人民共和國和××省(市)關于職工勞動保護的有關規(guī)定,確保職工在正常生產(chǎn)條件下工作。Chapter 8 Staff and WorkersArticle 41The employment, recruitment, dismissal and resignation of the staff and workers of the joint venture company and their salary, welfare, labor insurance, labor protec

57、tion, labor discipline and other matters shall be handled according to the “Regulations of the Peoples Re-public of China on Labor Management in Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and its implementation rules, and relevant regulations issued by ×× province (City).Article

58、42The joint venture company has the right to take disciplinary actions, such as warning, demerit recording and salary reducing against those staff and workers who violate the rules and regulations of the joint venture company and labor disciplines. Those with serious casesmay be dismissed. Discharging of workers shall be filed with the local labor and personnel department.Article 43The salary treatment of the staff and workers shall be set by the board of directors ac-cording to th


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