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1、october 1 十月十月october 周一, 17 日,開學(xué)第一天monday, 17th. the first day of school 今天是開學(xué)第一天。我還沒有從長假中緩過神來, 就要上四年級了! 許多家長來送孩子報名上學(xué)。街道上人來人往,學(xué)校里也熙熙攘攘,一年級學(xué)生那里更加亂糟糟。 我發(fā)現(xiàn)許多同學(xué)和老師都有了變化,還碰見了以前的老師。我找到了自己的班級,卻想著過去的假期和以前的老師,心中升起一絲傷感。oday is the first day of school. the three months of vacation in the country have passed l

2、ike a dream. this morning my mother took me to the baretti schoolhouse to have me enter for the third elementary grade: i was thinking of the country, and went unwillingly. the streets were swarming with boys: the two book-shops were thronged with fathers and mothers who were purchasing bags, portfo

3、lios, and copy-books, and in front of the school so many people had collected, that the beadle and the policeman found it hard to keep the entrance clear. near the door, i felt myself touched on the shoulder: it was my master of the second grade, cheerful, as usual, and with his red hair ruffled. t

4、coure2 愛 的 教 育he said to me: “ so we are to part forever, enrico?”i knew it well, yet the words pained me. we made our way in with difficulty. ladies, gentlemen, women of the people, workmen, officials, nuns, and servants, all leading boys with one hand, and holding the promotion books in the other,

5、 filled the anteroom and the stairs, making such a buzzing, that it seemed like entering a theatre. i was glad to see once more that large room on the ground floor, with the doors leading to the seven classes, where i had passed nearly every day for three years. there was a throng of teachers going

6、and coming. my schoolmistress of the first upper class greeted me from the door of the classroom, and said: “ enrico, you are going to the floor above, this year. i shall not even see you pass by any more!” and she gazed sadly at me. the principal was surrounded by women who were much worried becaus

7、e there was no room for their sons; and it struck me that his beard was a little whiter than it had been last year. i found the boys had grown taller and stouter. on the ground floor, where the divisions had already been made, there were little children of the first and lowest section, who did not w

8、ant to enter the classrooms, and who pulled back like donkeys: they had to be dragged in by force, and some ran away from the benches; others, when they saw their parents leave, began to cry, and the parents had to go back and comfort them, or take them away; while the teachers were in despair. my l

9、ittle brother was placed in the class of mistress delcati: i was put with master perboni, upstairs on the first floor. at ten o ? clock we were all in our classes: fifty-four of us; only fifteen or sixteen of my companions of the second class, among them, derossi, the one who always gets the first p

10、rize. the school seemed so small and gloomy to me when i thought of the woods and the mountains where i had passed the summer! i thought again, too, of my master in the second class, who was so good, and who always smiled at us, and was so small that he seemed to be one of us; and i grieved that i s

11、hould no longer see him, with his tumbled red hair. our present teacher is tall; he has no beard; his hair is gray and long; and he has a straight line running crosswise october 3 十月on his forehead. he has a big voice, and he looks at us fixedly, one after the other, as though he were reading our ve

12、ry thoughts; and he never smiles. i said to myself: “ this is my first day. there are nine months more. what work, what monthly examinations, what weariness!”i wanted to see my mother when i came out, and i ran to kiss her hand! she said to me: “ courage. enrico! we will study together.”and i return

13、ed home content. but i no longer have my master, with his kind, merry smile, and school does not seem so nice to me as it did before. 周二, 18 日,我們的班主任tuesday, 18th. our master新班主任佩伯尼老師端坐在教室里,他看上去歷經(jīng)滄桑,不茍言笑。許多從門口經(jīng)過的同學(xué)都同他打招呼。老師看到一個同學(xué)臉上長了痘痘,就關(guān)切地詢問他。老師緩慢地告訴我們:他在這世上已經(jīng)沒有親人,我們這些孩子就是他的一切。課后,一個之前在他背后做鬼臉的同學(xué)向老師道

14、歉。我忽然喜歡上了佩伯尼老師。like my new teacher too, since this morning. while we were coming in, and when he was already seated, some of his scholars of last year every now and then peeped in at the door to salute him; they would present themselves and greet him: “ good morning, signor teacher!” “ good morning,

15、 signor perboni !”some came in, touched his hand, and ran away. it was plain that they liked him, and would have been glad to return to him. he responded “ good morning” and shook the hands which were held out to him, but he looked at no one: at every greeting his smile remained serious, with that d

16、eep wrinkle on his brow, with his face turned towards the window, and staring at the roof of the house opposite; and instead of being cheered by these greetings, he seemed to suffer from them. then he looked at us closely, one after the other. while he was dictating, he got down and walked among the

17、 benches. catching sight of a boy whose face was all red with little pimples, he stopped dictating, took the i coure4 愛 的 教 育lad? s face between his hands and examined it; then he asked him what was the october 5 十月matter with him, and laid his hand on his forehead to feel if it were hot. meanwhile,

18、 a boy behind him got up on the bench, and began to play the marionette. the teacher turned round suddenly; the boy sat down at one dash, and remained there, with head hanging, in dread of being punished. the master placed one hand on his head and said to him: “ don? t do so again.” nothing more. th

19、en he returned to his table and finished the dictation. when he was done, he looked at us a moment in silence; then he said, very, very slowly, with his big but kind voice: “ listen. we have a year to pass together; let us see that we pass it well. study and be good. i have no family; you are my fam

20、ily. last year i had mother; she is dead. i am left alone. i have no one but you in all the world; i have no other affection, no other thought than you: you must be my sons. i wish you well, and you must like me too. i do not wish to be obliged to punish any one. show me that you are boys of heart:

21、our school shall be a family, and you shall be my comfort and my pride. i do not ask you to give me a promise; i am sure that in your hearts you have already answered ,yes? , and i thank you.”just then the beadle came in to announce the close of school. we all left our seats as quietly as could be.

22、the boy who had stood up on the bench went up to the master, and said to him, in a trembling voice: “ forgive me, signor master.”the master kissed him on the brow, and said, “ go, my son.”周五,21 日,不幸事件friday, 21st . an accident早上,我看到許多人在學(xué)校門口和校長辦公室門口圍著,其中夾雜著醫(yī)生和警察。原來,今早在街道十字路口處,三年級的羅貝蒂為了救一個低年級的同學(xué)不幸被汽車軋

23、傷了腳。羅貝蒂是一位炮兵上尉的孩子。他的媽媽發(fā)瘋般地擠了過來,不停地哭泣。很快,一些人簇?fù)碇_貝蒂去醫(yī)院了。coure6 愛 的 教 育he year has begun with an accident. on my way to school this morning i was repeating to my father the words of our teacher, when we noticed that the street was full of people, who were pressing close to the door of the schoolhouse.

24、suddenly my father said: “ an accident! the year is beginning badly!”we passed through with some difficulty. the big hall was crowded with parents and children, whom the teachers had not succeeded in placing in the classrooms, and all were turning towards the principal ? s room, and we heard the wor

25、ds, “ poor boy! poor robetti!”over their heads, at the end of the room, we could see the helmet of a policeman, and the bald head of the principal; then a gentleman with a tall hat entered, and all said, “ that is the doctor.”my father inquired of a master, “ what has happened? ”“ a wheel has passed

26、 over his foot,” replied the latter. “ his foot has been crushed,”said another. he was a boy belonging to the second class, who, on his way to school through the dora grossa street, seeing a little child of the lowest class, who had run away from its mother, fall down in the middle of the street, a

27、few paces from an omnibus which was bearing down upon it, had hastened forward boldly, caught up the child, and placed it in safety; but, as he had not withdrawn his own foot quickly enough, the wheel of the omnibus had passed over it. he is the son of a captain of artillery. while we were being tol

28、d this, a woman entered the big hall, like mad, and forced her way through the crowd: she was robetti? s mother, who had been sent for. another woman hastened towards her, and flung her arms about her neck, with sobs: it was the mother of the baby who had been saved. both flew into the room, and des

29、perate cry made itself heard: “ oh my giulio ! my child ! ”at that moment a carriage stopped before the door, and a little later the principal made his appearance, with the boy in his arms; the latter leaned his head on his shoulder, with pallid face and closed eyes. every one stood very still; the

30、sobs of the mother were audible. the principal paused a moment quite pale, and raised the boy up a little in his arms, in order to show him to the people. and then the masters, mistresses, parents, and boys all murmured together: “ bravo, robetti! bravo, poor child! ” and they threw kisses to him; t

31、he t october 7 十月mistresses and boys who were near him kissed his hands and his arms. he opened his eyes and said, “ my satchel ! ” the mother of the little boy whom he had saved showed it to him and said, amid her tears, “ i will carry it for you, my dear little angel; i will carry it for you.” and

32、 in the meantime, she bore up the mother of the wounded boy, who covered her face with her hands. they went out, placed the lad comfortably in the carriage, and the carriage drove away. then we all entered school in silence. 周六, 22 日,卡拉布利亞的孩子saturday, 22nd. the calabrian boy我們班來了一位新同學(xué)。老師說,新同學(xué)來自卡拉布利亞

33、,他的家鄉(xiāng)是意大利的一片光榮土地,出過許多名人, 風(fēng)景也很優(yōu)美, 要我們善待他。老師請我們的班長德羅西上臺,代表大家擁抱他,以示歡迎。老師又說,我們意大利人不論在哪里,都要互相尊重和愛護(hù)。我們都非常高興,送給這位新同學(xué)許多學(xué)習(xí)用品。esterday afternoon, while the master was telling us the news of poor robetti, who will have to go on crutches, the principal entered with a new pupil, a lad with a very brown face, bla

34、ck hair, large black eyes, and thick eyebrows which met on his forehead: he was dressed entirely in dark clothes, with a black morocco belt round his waist. the principal went away, after speaking a few words in the master ? s ear, leaving beside the latter the boy, who glanced about with his big bl

35、ack eyes as though frightened. the master took him by the hand, and said to the class: “ you ought to be glad. today there enters our school a little italian born in reggio, in calabria, more than five hundred miles from here. love your brother who has come from so far a way. he was born in a glorio

36、us land, which has given illustrious men to italy, and which now furnishes her with stout laborers and brave soldiers; in one of the most beautiful lands of our country, where there are great forests, and great mountains, inhabited by people full of talent and courage. treat him well, so that he sha

37、ll not feel that he is far away y coure8 愛 的 教 育from the city in which he was born; make him see that an italian boy, in whatever italian school he sets his foot will find brothers there. ” so saying, he rose and pointed out on the wall map of italy the spot where lay reggio, in calabria. then he ca

38、lled: “ ernesto derossi!” the boy who always gets the first prize. derossi rose. “ come here,” said the master derossi left his bench and stepped up to the little table, facing the calabrian. “ as the head of the class,” said the master to him, “ give a welcome to this new companion, in the name of

39、the whole school the embrace of the sons of piedmont to the son of calabria.”derossi embraced the calabrian, saying in his clear voice, “ welcome!”and the other kissed him impetuously on the cheeks. all clapped their hands. “ silence!” cried the master, “ we don? t clap hands in school! ” but it was

40、 clear that he was pleased. and the calabrian was pleased also. the master gave him a place, and went with him to the bench. then he said again: “ bear well in mind what i have said to you. in order that this case might occur, that a calabrian boy should be as though in his own house at turin, and t

41、hat a boy from turin should be at home in calabria, our country fought for fifty years, and thirty thousand italians died. you must all respect and love each other; but any one of you who should give offence to this comrade, because he was not born in our province, would render himself unworthy of e

42、ver again raising his eyes from the earth when he passes the tricolored flag. ”hardly was the calabrian seated in his place, when his neighbors presented him with pens and a picture; and another boy, from the last bench, sent him a swiss postage-stamp. 周二, 25 日,同窗tuesday, 25th. my schoolmates我已經(jīng)認(rèn)識了好

43、幾位同學(xué)。比如,高大的加羅內(nèi),為人正義友好;幽默的柯雷蒂,他爸爸開了間柴火店;“小泥瓦匠”最會做好玩的兔子臉;一只胳膊殘廢的克羅西,他媽媽是賣菜的;臉色蒼白的普雷科西,據(jù)說他那當(dāng)鐵匠的爸爸經(jīng)常打他;小眼睛的加羅非,他整日拿著鋼筆、貼畫等和october 9 十月同學(xué)做買賣;此外,還有總是穿著考究的沃蒂尼、非常傲慢的諾比斯、駝背的奈利等;其中,成績最好,人也很帥很好的是德羅西;最沉默寡言卻脾氣暴躁的是斯達(dá)蒂。he boy who sent the postage-stamp to the calabrian is the one i like best of all. his name is g

44、arrone: he is the biggest boy in the class; he is about fourteen years old; his head is large, his shoulders broad; he is good, as one can see when he smiles; but it seems as though he always thought like a man. i already know several of my classmates. another one i am taken with is named coretti, a

45、nd he wears chocolate-colored trousers and a catskin cap: he is always jolly; he is the son of a huckster of wood, who was a soldier in the war of 1866, in the squadron of prince umberto, and they say that he has three medals. there is little nelli, a poor hunchback, a weak boy, with a thin face. th

46、ere is one who is very well dressed, who always wears fine florentine plush, and is named votini. on the bench in front of me there is a boy who is called muratorino ( “ the little mason ” ) because his father is a mason; his face is as round as an apple, with a nose like a small ball; he possesses

47、a special talent: he knows how to make a hare?s face, and they all get him to do it, and then they laugh. he wears a little ragged cap, which he carries rolled up in his pocket like a handkerchief. beside muratorino sits garoffi, a long, thin, silly fellow, with the nose and beak of a screech-owl, a

48、nd very small eyes, who is always trading in little pens and images and match-boxes, and who writes the lesson on his nails, in order that he may read it on the sly. then there is a young gentleman, carlo nobis, who seems very haughty; and he is between two boys i like, one the son of a blacksmith,

49、clad in a jacket which reaches to his knees, who is pale, as though from illness, who always has a frightened air, and who never laughs; and the other with red hair, who has a withered arm, and carries it hung in a sling from his neck; his father has gone away to america, and his mother goes about p

50、eddling potherbs. and there is another curious fellow, my neighbor on the left, stardi, small and thickset, with no neck, a gruff fellow, who speaks to no one, and doesn? t seem to understand much, but stands watching the master without t coure10 愛 的 教 育winking, his brow lined with wrinkles, and his

51、 teeth set: and if he is questioned when the master is speaking, he makes no reply the first and second times, and the third time he gives a kick. and beside him there is a bold, cunning face, belonging to a boy named franti, who has already been expelled from another district. there are, in additio

52、n, two brothers who are dressed exactly alike, who resemble each other to a hair, and both of whom wear caps of calabrian cut, with a pheasant? s plume. but handsomer than all the rest, the one who has the most talent, who will surely be the head this year also, is derossi; and the master, who has a

53、lready perceived this, always questions him. but i like precossi, the son of the blacksmith, the one with the long jacket, who seems sickly. they say that his father beats him; he is very timid, and every time that he addresses or touches any one, he says “ excuse me,” and gazes at them with his kin

54、d, sad eyes. but garrone is the biggest and the best. 周三, 26 日,高尚的行為wednesday, 26th. a generous deed今早,我一走進(jìn)教室,就看到幾個同學(xué)在欺負(fù)胳膊殘廢的克羅西,克羅西哀求也不管用后,就拿起一瓶墨水朝他們砸去,正好砸在剛進(jìn)門的老師身上。老師責(zé)問肇事者是誰, 一陣沉默后, 加羅內(nèi)站起來說是自己砸的;之后,克羅西戰(zhàn)戰(zhàn)兢兢地承認(rèn)了,并向老師說明了事情的原委。欺侮克羅西的四名同學(xué)受到了老師的批評。 t was this very morning that garrone let us know what h

55、e is like. when i entered the school a little late, because the mistress of the upper first had stopped me to inquire at what hour she could find me at home, the master had not yet come, and three or four boys were teasing poor crossi, the one with the red hair, who has a dead arm, and whose mother

56、sells vegetables. they were poking him with rulers, hitting him in the face with chestnut shells, and making him out to be a cripple and a monster, by mimicking him, with his arm hanging in the sling. and he, alone on the end of the bench, and quite pale, was gazing now at one and now at another wit

57、h beseeching eyes, that they might i october 11 十月leave him in peace. but the others mocked him worse than ever, and he began to tremble and to turn red with rage. all at once, franti, the boy with the bad face, sprang upon a bench, and pretending that he was carrying a basket on each arm, he aped t

58、he mother of crossi, when she used to come to wait for her son at the door; for she is ill now. many began to laugh loudly. then crossi lost his head, and seizing an inkstand, he hurled it at the other ? s head with all his strength; but franti dodged, and the inkstand struck the master, who entered

59、 at the moment, full in the breast. all flew to their places, and became silent with terror. the master, quite pale, went to his table, and said in a stern voice: “ who did it?”no one replied. the master raised his voice, and said again, “ who was it?”then garrone, moved to pity for poor crossi, ros

60、e abruptly and said, resolutely, “ it was i.”the master looked at him, and at the stupefied scholars; then said in a quiet voice, “ it was not you.”and, after a moment: “ the guilty one shall not be punished. let him rise! ”crossi rose and said, weeping, “ they were striking me and insulting me, and


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