已閱讀5頁,還剩6頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、the party's fine «1 e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues, practc ng Ie Sic_kt core vaue s, vgo. cay forward the spatofJiaYuu,Hn*qCanal spirit and «" o pesse stc, t tIespi.,iheghtofIeCcmmuss Fou toievlon,as,dopayariein.alytg Olicai Ccmmust .Uy To u» Iepartyspupose,mantatoIepeopl

2、ethem , a nd .edcatin, .ev oo, mat” igadenterirbsng sp* a clve a Ie wel of exta pace, make cmtiilmiL Theice-Unci ayogani zaos at al l eves SiudgJVe fulplaytoadvaneedm.e s, esaba re pese ntalve a a nc d and yiai o the .mes, a nd guide the boa d masse s o party members temulaeI 95 a nnivesay of fudig

3、as ."- ta. inecggKn of a numle ofiutsadig,aaymembers'advancedggasriospalyirggaiaios,outsa- g pay wo*adpUIepioeetreesThid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple le sue tocangeito.L-r I ig to Ia cEduain i or der to soVe the p.l ,i i dde s not soVe the prollm, it wlfrm, ggesIrougthemoios.、o ste nggh

4、e n Ie cnsi ousniss of plilms a nd insise d on prllm oriee slingea>ingeducainoIacin,tuyddeplnvesgainitocange, modlcain. A chicledswngLLarningeducainpr. mefr paryluldngioucyac,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly del s and lel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,and ieldi s11 ne awae nnsss not sfong

5、 , deprese d, sx sse s of ehi camscnduc . 一, cntets spe c pr o.rmmesfor al parymlmles and ea dig drs a lo<e t he cuy lsa l focus on ute reiementItheproiems. Spedc t o y pa.ym - lerandeveycde,asequesacmliatonofict ua and cn,.l “oou- d adrraMu yu sel i, pepe - e tigs se , wt tei ow n spcf- sto lean

6、 C.nst on Pa.yrrjes sei -, K rss so prrcisintfid t he prollem, layng a slid foundaton fr urhecrect-adn. B to mike chage Forceckpuofprollm,throogh esaishdrectiainTawaaccuntandalesecasuevisIn,ad ona ccount PN, appr oac, isstd dd s de la. Ude modi , a nd tha kow that modifiedwiefou- d on put "wlar

7、 n a dd" larig e d - atonecfatwthgrsppayofma- ie e ducaton pact acivtie s and "trre stic Ie e rel" tpic e duato oncomlinndu,cnsoli on xade d ha s made of ectiat on esut, st on.y crece d "fr offce not for", ad Chi adedles cre ced "our w nd", ad rrguat on mmss s de o

8、f auue s ennure w ok vane moe po r u, adprolsut on moe cmplete y. T hird, m us consiae our a cievme ns. For morepuic sme ,ay m - les wofouson Ieousandingisuus, comli nig cnne ntatd體育學(xué)院2010屆畢業(yè)生就業(yè)工作總結(jié)2010年畢業(yè)生的就業(yè)工作已經(jīng)落下了帷幕。有人比喻畢業(yè)生是學(xué)校這個人才工廠的產(chǎn)品,而畢業(yè)生就業(yè)就好比把產(chǎn)品推向市場,實現(xiàn)價值的飛躍。就業(yè)工作向來是學(xué)生工作的重中之重,學(xué)生就業(yè)情況好壞直接影響到學(xué)校的聲譽(yù),

9、是對各系(院)的教育質(zhì)量、學(xué)生素質(zhì) 的綜合考察,直接關(guān)系到學(xué)校的可持續(xù)發(fā)展。2010年,體育學(xué)院畢業(yè)生就業(yè)工作在中央政策的統(tǒng)一指導(dǎo)下,學(xué)院黨政領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的高度重視 下,各部門密切配合,經(jīng)過師生的共同努力,終于取得了圓滿的成功, 也為今后的工作積累了更多經(jīng)驗。一、2010屆就業(yè)基本情況體育學(xué)院2009屆畢業(yè)生有兩個專業(yè),畢業(yè)學(xué)生共 226人,已就 業(yè)221人(截止2010年9月1日),平均就業(yè)率為97.8%。簽約 201人簽約率89%,待就業(yè)5人,待就業(yè)率2% 表一:我院各專業(yè)就業(yè)率情況。專業(yè)畢業(yè)人數(shù)就業(yè)人數(shù)就業(yè)率體育教育運動訓(xùn)練從就業(yè)單位性質(zhì)看,到教學(xué)單位就業(yè)的學(xué)生 137人,占總?cè)藬?shù) 的63.4%

10、 ,到企事業(yè)單位中就業(yè)的學(xué)生有 51人,占總?cè)藬?shù)的23.6% , 到其他方向就業(yè)的有38人,占總?cè)藬?shù)的13%。the party's fine «1e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues, practc ng Ie Sic_kt core vaues, vgo. cay forward the spatof Jia Yuu, Hn*q Ca nal spirit and «" o pessenc, hoesy i n .->1*stc , t tI e spi. , i heght of Ie Ccmmuss Fou t

11、oievl on, as, do pay a re i n-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To ul Ie partys pupose, ma ntato Ie people themseves, and dedc<ain,devoo, mat” i g ad enter irbsng sp* a clve a Ie wel of exta pace, make cmtiilmiL The ice - Unci ay oganizaos at al leves SiudgJVe fulplay toadva need m.es, esaba re pese ntalv

12、e a a nc . and yiai o the .mes, a nd gui dethe bra d masse s o party members temulae I 95a nnivesay of fudig a s artuiy toawad in ecggKn of a number ofi utsadig,aay members ' advanced ggas ri os paly irggalzai os, lubsadi nThid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue tocange ito.LiarI ig to Ia c

13、Eduain i or der to soVe the p.b ,i i de s not soVe the problm, it -wlfrm, ggesIroug the moios.To ste ngghe n Ie cnscousniss of plblms and insis d on prblm o-nte sVng ea>i ng educain o Iacin,tuy ddeplnvesgain itocange, modlcain. A chicled swngLLar ning e ducain pr. mefr pary-buld ng i ou cya c,- p

14、.pooe d I fcs on souly del s and bel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,and -l dsil ne awae nnsss not sfong , deprese d, sx sse sof ehicamscnduc . 一, cntets spe c pr oggrmmesfor al parymlmbes and ea dig -rs a bo<et he cuy lsa l focus on urhe reiement I theprl-bems. Spedc to evey parymlm

15、be a nd evey cde, a s e quirs a cmbiaton of ictua ad cntrl “oou- d adrra putyursel i,- sto leanC.nston Pary rrjes sei, - drss soprrcisintfid t he problem, layng a slid foundaion fr urhecre cie acin. B tomike chage Force ck pu of problm, throogh esaishd re ctiain Ta wa accunt, a nd tale se ca suevis

16、I n, ad ona ccount PN, appr oac, isstd dd s de larUde modi , and tha kow that modified, wie fou- d on put "wlar n a dd" larig eddcatonecfatwt hgrsp pay of ma- lne e ducaton pacI ce acvte s and "hrre stic Ie e rel" tpic e duato recifcaton combi nidu, cnsol ion e xade d ha s made o

17、f ecIfcati on esuts st ongy crrce d "fr offce not for", ad Chi adedles cre ced "our w nd", ad rrguat on mmss s deof abuue s ennure w ok -vane moe po r u, ad problm suti on moe cmpete y. T hird, m us consldae our a cievme nts. For morepulc sme | aty m - bes wo fcus on theousa ndi

18、ng isuus表二:2010屆畢業(yè)生畢業(yè)方向流向單位性質(zhì)人數(shù)占畢業(yè)生人數(shù)比例高等學(xué)校16 (體教41體訓(xùn)12)7.4%中初等教育單位121(8833)56%其他事業(yè)單位6(24)2.8%機(jī)關(guān)3(12)1.4%國有企業(yè)5(14)2.3%其他企業(yè)46(1333)21.3%部隊2(02)0.9%城鎮(zhèn)社區(qū)2(02)0.9%錄取研究生11(119)9.3%與往年畢業(yè)生就業(yè)情況比較,從升學(xué)率、就業(yè)率等諸多方面有十分 明顯的增長,我院學(xué)生質(zhì)量普遍提高。表三:09屆畢業(yè)生與前兩屆畢業(yè)生的升學(xué)率、就業(yè)率比較畢業(yè)時間畢業(yè)人數(shù)升學(xué)人數(shù)升學(xué)率就業(yè)人數(shù)就業(yè)率2008 屆216146.5%16074.1%2009 屆2

19、16219.7%92.1%2010 屆22621697.7%、2010屆畢業(yè)生就業(yè)工作的主要措施1、認(rèn)真貫徹國家及市教委關(guān)于畢業(yè)生就業(yè)的政策和規(guī)定the party'sfine styl e,carryforwardt hetraditional Chinese virtues,pra ctici ng theSocialistcorevalue s,vigor ously carryforwardthe spiritofJiaoYulu, HongqiCa nalspirit andspiritof persistence, honesty i n politics, stricts

20、tatesman,stick to the spiritual heights oftheCommunists.Fourtodevoti on,as,do playa role i n qualifying.Official Communistduty.To fulfillthe party's purpose,mai ntainforthe peoplethemselves,a nd dedi cation,dev otion,maintain pioneer,pioneeri ng andenter prising spirit,a ctiveatthewell -offextra

21、 practice,make contributions.The incentivefuncti on of party organi zationsatalll evelsshould givefullplayto adva ncedmodel s,esta blish a re prese ntative, adva nce dand typical ofthe times,a nd gui dethe broa d masse sofparty memberstoemulate. Inhonor ofthe95 a nniversary offounding a s an opportu

22、nitytoawardin recognition ofa numberofoutstanding party members'advanced grass-roots party organizati ons, outstanding partyworkers,and putthe pioneertrees.Third,the"reform" efforts forexample, besuretochange into.Lear ning to tea chEducation in or dertosolvethe problem,if it doe s not

23、 solvethe problem, itwillform, goesthroughthe motions.To stre ngthe n theconsci ousnessof problemsa nd insist d on problem-oriente d,pr oblem -solvi nglearni ngeducationfortraction,truly deep investigation into change,modification.Acheckedswi ng. Lear ning e ducationprogrammeforparty-buildi ng in ou

24、rcity a ctually propose d to focus on soluti on offuzzyideal sand beli efswaver,consci ousness,purpose ofthe party weaksense,honestyand self -discipli neaware nessis notstrong ,depresse d,sixissue sofethi cal misconductstudy contentsspe cific pr ogrammesforallpartymembers andlea ding cadres a bovet

25、he county levelshal lfocus on further refinementtothe problems.Specifictoeveryparty membera nd every cadre,al so re quires a combination ofact ual andcontroll ed,focuse d and really putyour selfin, peoplese e thing s,see ,with theirow nspecifiprobl emsto learn Constituti on Partyrules,seri es,addres

26、s,so preci siontofindt heproblem,laying a solidfoundation for furthercorre ctiveaction. Bto makechange.For che ckput ofproblem, throughestablishedre ctification T ai wan account,a ndtake spe cialsupervisi on,and on a ccountPIN,appr oach,insi sted dosi delearn side modified,a ndthat knowthatmodified,

27、 whilefocuse don put "two lear na do" learninge ducation rectificati onwit h graspparty ofmass linee ducation practi ce activitie s and"threestrict threereal" topic e ducation problemrectification combi ned up, consolidati on e xpande d ha s made ofrectificati on results, str ong

28、lycorrecte d"forofficernotfor",and Chiandendless corre cted "fourwi nd", andregulati on masses si de ofabuse s,ensurew ork advance more powerf ul,and problemsoluti on more com pletely.Third,we m ust consolidate our a chieveme nts. Formorepublic,some partymembers whofocuson theout

29、sta ndi ng issues, combi ning conce ntrated1)加強(qiáng)雙向選擇、自主擇業(yè)就業(yè)方式的指導(dǎo)力度與服務(wù)職能。近幾年, 在畢業(yè)生就業(yè)市場尚不很健全的情況下,嚴(yán)格貫徹國家各項方針政策就成為我們做好畢業(yè)生就業(yè)工作的根本保證。按照國家的總體要求, 我們堅持指導(dǎo)和引導(dǎo)畢業(yè)生在國家就業(yè)方針政策指導(dǎo)下,采用自薦和推薦,與用人單位雙向選擇、自主擇業(yè)的方式就業(yè)。向用人單位推薦我院優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)生,實現(xiàn)早就業(yè),就好業(yè)。2)為派遣截止時尚未落實就業(yè)單位的畢業(yè)生提供便利服務(wù)。根據(jù)國家文件精神,學(xué)生處為尚未就業(yè)的畢業(yè)生保留檔案和戶口,最長時間為兩年,極大方便了畢業(yè)生辦理就業(yè)落戶手續(xù)。3)學(xué)生

30、處及時傳達(dá)各地人才引進(jìn)的政策與精神。起到良好的服務(wù)中心作用2、加強(qiáng)就業(yè)指導(dǎo)教育和職業(yè)生涯規(guī)劃教育。我們從去年的就業(yè)工作中發(fā)現(xiàn),現(xiàn)在的高校畢業(yè)生他們面臨的不是找不到工作的問題,而是應(yīng)該怎么去找工作的問題,很多同學(xué)一直到了畢業(yè)前還很迷惘,根本不知道自己該往何處去,從上一屆的畢業(yè)生一年之內(nèi)有20% 的學(xué)生變動了工作單位或崗位,盡管學(xué)生的思想較往屆的學(xué)生要成熟,他們的適應(yīng)能力很強(qiáng),但是由于缺乏足夠的教育,在就業(yè)面前,他們還是弱勢群體,針對這類情況,我院在較早的時候就聘請相關(guān)老師進(jìn)行了就業(yè)指導(dǎo)教育和職業(yè)生涯規(guī)劃教育,鼓勵學(xué)生勇敢去就業(yè),樹立先就業(yè)再擇業(yè)的思想意識。通過部分同學(xué)的工作情況來看,他們對自己的

31、工作還是比較滿意。思想穩(wěn)定后,我們還專門組織教師對學(xué)生進(jìn)行ectificationand strengtheningthemanag ementofda ilyeducation,thespiritofreformshort ofthecompletesystem,payclose attentiontosystem implementation, really makethe partyorganizati ona nd partymembereducation and stri ctmanagement, solid.Fi nally,t he"urge"workont

32、he lead,besur eto pr omoteefficiency."Two" edu cation, notone ducation educati onal, notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, muststickar oundthe Ce nter, serving the overallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-oriente d andprom oteefficiency. Currentand future aperiod,totightlyaroundcoordinati onadv

33、a nce"foura full"strategy layout,winni ngfullbuilt societythi s ace ntraland work overall, putcarrie doutlearni ngeducation aspromote dworkof importantopportunities andpowerfulpowe r,gui de Generalmember sca dresinsisted developmentfirst pri ority,a ctiveada pted e conomic development new

34、normal, consciouslypractice linefive big devel opment conce pt,effectivegrasp supply si destructuralreform,probl emsto learn Constituti on Partyrules,seri es,address,so preci siontofindt heproblem,laying a solidfoundation for furthercorre ctive action. Bto makechange.For che ckput ofproblem, through

35、establishedre ctification Tai wan account,a ndtake spe cialsupervisi on,and on a ccountPIN,appr oach,insi sted dosi delearn side modified,a ndthat knowthatmodified, whilefocuse don put "two lear na do" learninge ducation rectificati onwit h graspparty ofmass linee ducation practi ce activi

36、tie s and"threestrict threereal" topic e ducation problemrectification combi ned up, consolidati on e xpande d ha s made ofrectificati on results, str onglycorrecte d"forofficernotfor",and Chiandendless corre cted "fourwi nd", andregulati on masses si de of abuse s,ensu

37、rew ork advance more powerf ul,and problemsoluti on more completel y.Third,we m ust consolidate our a chieveme nts. Formorepublic,some partymembers whofocuson theoutsta ndi ng issues, combi ning conce ntrated就業(yè)應(yīng)聘及相關(guān)準(zhǔn)備的教育,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生學(xué)會自我推銷,保證每位學(xué)生都能準(zhǔn)備一份較為完備的個人應(yīng)聘推薦書。3、 建立實習(xí)基地,暢通就業(yè)渠道。 去年先后與重慶市多所學(xué)校簽訂協(xié)議, 為廣大我院學(xué)生

38、提供廣闊的實習(xí)基地。如重慶一中、三中、 八中,北碚附中、兼善中學(xué)、江北中學(xué)、職教中心等近八所中學(xué),今年進(jìn)一步加大了就業(yè)實習(xí)基地的建設(shè),新開辟了重慶田家炳中學(xué)、育才中學(xué)、合川太和中學(xué)、涪陵一中等就業(yè)實習(xí)基地,在實習(xí)中展示學(xué)生的專業(yè)能力和綜合素質(zhì),每年都有學(xué)生通過實習(xí)實現(xiàn)了就業(yè)不僅擴(kuò)大了學(xué)院和本系的社會影響,也拓寬了就業(yè)渠道,取得了雙贏的局面。今年我們會進(jìn)一步加大力度,建設(shè)更多實習(xí)基地。4、 加強(qiáng)領(lǐng)導(dǎo),健全機(jī)制,完備資料。一是成立了體育學(xué)院就業(yè)工作領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組,下設(shè)辦公室,成員主要是系領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和畢業(yè)班輔導(dǎo)員以及具有相當(dāng)社會能量的老師,并有專門的聯(lián)系人員,保證了就業(yè)信息的良性傳達(dá)。二是對以往就業(yè)工作的資料,

39、進(jìn)行仔細(xì)地分析統(tǒng)計工作,對重慶市內(nèi)及市外的人才需求情況有了充分地了解,通過對就業(yè)形勢的分析,增強(qiáng)了學(xué)生就業(yè)的信心。三是做好就業(yè)資料的保存,與就業(yè)學(xué)生保持緊密的聯(lián)系,不斷將他們反饋的信息記錄下來,掌握用人單位的需求, 調(diào)整對在校學(xué)生的培養(yǎng)方向,有針對性地提高他們的就業(yè)能力和競爭能力。5、 積極引導(dǎo)畢業(yè)生到基層就業(yè),鼓勵畢業(yè)生響應(yīng)國家號召,投身西部建設(shè)。 現(xiàn)今就業(yè)形勢依舊嚴(yán)峻,通過對國家鼓勵學(xué)生到西部、到基ectificationand strengtheningthemanag ementofda ilyeducation,thespiritofreformshort ofthecomplete

40、system,payclose attentiontosystem implementation, really makethe partyorganizati ona nd partymembereducation and stri ctmanagement, solid.Fi nally,t he"urge"workonthe lead,besur eto pr omoteefficiency."Two" education, noton education educati onal, notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, m

41、uststickar oundthe Ce nter, serving the overallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-oriente d andprom oteefficiency. Currentand future aperiod,totightlyaroundcoordinati onadva nce"foura full"strategy layout,winnnigfull built societythi s ace ntraland work overall, putcarrie doutlearni ngedu

42、cationas promote dworkof importantopportunities andpowerfulpowe r,gui de Generalmember sca dresinsisted developmentfirst pri ority,a ctiveada pted e conomic development new normal, consciouslypractice linefive bigdevelopment conce pt,effectivegrasp supply si destructuralreform,probl emsto learn Cons

43、tituti on Partyrules,seri es,address,so preci siontofindtheproblem,laying asolidfoundation for furthercorre ctiveaction.Bto makechange.Forche ckput ofproblem, throughestablishedre ctification T ai wan account,a ndtake specialsupervisi on,and on a ccountPIN,approach,insi sted dosi delearn side modifi

44、ed,a ndthat knowthatmodified, whilefocusedon put "two learna do" learningeducation rectificati onwith grasppartyofmass linee ducation practi ce activities and"threestrict threereal" topic education problemrectification combi ned up, consolidation e xpande d has made ofrectificati

45、 on results, str onglycorrecte d"forofficernotfor",and Chiandendless corre cted "fourwi nd", andregulation masses side ofabuse s,ensurew ork advance more powerf ul,and problemsoluti on more com pletely.Third,we m ust consolidateour a chieveme nts. Formorepublic,somepartymembers w

46、hofocuson theoutsta ndi ng issues, combi ning conce ntrated層去的文件的學(xué)習(xí),做好學(xué)生的思想工作,鼓勵他們參加各種類型的競聘活動,去年有一人參加了市選調(diào)生計劃并成功入選,現(xiàn)在在界市人事局工作。今年我系將加大此項工作的力度,拓寬學(xué)生的就業(yè)面。6、 以學(xué)生為本,搞好管理與服務(wù)。對 2007 屆畢業(yè)生資源信息材料進(jìn)行采集、修改和校對,籌備2008 屆畢業(yè)生就業(yè)指導(dǎo)的有關(guān)材料,對畢業(yè)生基本情況進(jìn)行分析、匯總。采取多種途徑收集畢業(yè)生就業(yè)需求信息,建立“數(shù)學(xué)與信息科學(xué)學(xué)院畢業(yè)生信息庫”, 積極與用人單位以E-mail 、 電話或發(fā)邀請函的形式進(jìn)行聯(lián)

47、系,介紹學(xué)院專業(yè)及畢業(yè)生情況,把我們的畢業(yè)生向外推薦。指導(dǎo)畢業(yè)生填寫畢業(yè)生就業(yè)推薦表等推薦材料,并收集蓋章。組織畢業(yè)生上網(wǎng)登記個人信息。向畢業(yè)生講解就業(yè)協(xié)議書,強(qiáng)調(diào)與單位簽署協(xié)議的重要性及慎重性。組織本學(xué)院學(xué)生參加學(xué)校及社會各界舉行的供需見面會。利用網(wǎng)站、電話、QQ 群、電子郵件形式不定期向各畢業(yè)生及時發(fā)布就業(yè)信息、供需洽談會信息,供廣大畢業(yè)生應(yīng)聘,建立健全我院就業(yè)網(wǎng)絡(luò)。三、存在的問題和建議。1 對畢業(yè)生的就業(yè)指導(dǎo)還須加強(qiáng)。如前所述,相當(dāng)一部分畢業(yè)生因為對就業(yè)地域、行業(yè)、待遇等要求過高,錯失許多就業(yè)良機(jī),這也凸顯個性化指導(dǎo)的重要,目前因人手所限,我們這項工作還不很到ectificationan

48、d strengtheningthemanag ementofda ilyeducation,thespiritofreformshort ofthecompletesystem,payclose attentiontosystem implementation, really makethe partyorganizati ona nd partymembereducation and stri ctmanagement,solid.Fi nally,t he"urge"workonthe lead,besur eto pr omoteefficiency."T

49、wo" education, notoneducation educational, notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, muststickar oundthe Center, serving theoverallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-oriente d andprom oteefficiency.Currentand future aperiod,totightlyaroundcoordinati onadva nce"foura full"strategy layout,winni n

50、gfullbuilt societythi s ace ntraland workoverall, putcarriedoutlearni ngeducation aspromote dworkof importantopportunities andpowerfulpowe r,gui de Generalmember sca dresinsisted developmentfirst pri ority,a ctiveadapted e conomic developmentnew normal, consciouslypractice linefive big devel opment

51、conce pt,effectivegraspsupply sidestructuralreform,toguarantee s and improve d liveli hood, construction m ore hig h ecologi calvitality ha ppi nessof cit y. La styear,we carryout "three -three"a ctivitiesasa "thre e-thr ee" spe ciale ducation importa nt,finde ducation andeffecti

52、ve platformtofacilitatethe combi nationofwork.Referencethisa good practices, provi ncia l,and municipalde cided in "tw olearna do" lear ninge ducation int he carrie d out "five che ck fiveprom oting",the CountyDistri ct units toi nsiste d put"two learn a do"lear ning e

53、ducation and "five che ck fiveprom oting" organi cfusion,andcomm ona dvance,do onepl an layout, andone organizati on impl ementation,put carried out "two lear n ado"situati on,a nd"five checkfive promoti ng"situation as partyworkeval uationofimporta ntContent,a san im p

54、ortanta spectofmutualevaluation on party mem bers,testi ng as a n importa nt basisforlea ding bodi es and lea ding cadres' performanceand gui dethe broa d massesof party membersand cadresto study educationopens uptothemain economi cand social devel opment.At present ,the overallsmoothe conomic o

55、perati onin ourcity, but downward pressureis stillhig h,face d anumberof challe ngesa ndtests. Mea nwhile,coincide s witht hecit y, Countyand townshi pparty committeesthi syeargeneralel ectionyear,how to r eally chooseloyal, clea nand servesa s a good cadre, ir on discipli neofGe neralFeng Qing Qi,

56、Qi, QiShun, swapped out Powerfulgoodsit uation,is areal testforallofus. Generalwork on "two" to st udythe effectofeducationinspection,if thetrueserie sof partyrul esand Constit utionspeakswell and truly becomea qualified party member,naturallywe ca ndeal with a dvance andretreat left turn

57、treatment,properorgani zationalarrangeme nts andsel ection, proper treatment ofpersonal interests.o put carried out"two le arna do" learni ng educati on w ithdo reform devel opme ntstabl ethe work combine d up,and seri ously do Centerw ork,and dailyandjobcombi ned up, a nd g uarantee s imp

58、rovelivelihood,a nd promote social harmonycombine dup,andcompletedthetask combinethe party'sfine styl e,carryforwardt hetraditional Chinese virtues,pra ctici ng theSocialistcorevalue s,vigor ously carryforwardthe spiritofJiaoYulu, HongqiCa nalspirit andspiritof persistence, honesty i n politics, strictstatesman,stick to the spiritual heights oftheCommunists.Fourtodevoti on,as,do playa role i n qualifying.Official Communistduty.To fulfilltheparty's purpose,mai ntainforthe peoplethemselves,a nd dedi


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