1、有關(guān)訓(xùn)練的表達法Aboutt r a i n i ng步形步法練習(xí) stance andfoot wo r ke x e r ci s e般素質(zhì)訓(xùn)練 generaltraining動作組合練習(xí)combi n a t ie x e r ci s e手形手法練習(xí)handform and hand t echni que exer c i se基本功練習(xí)bas ini ng; fu n d a me n t a l exer ci s e行進間練習(xí)n locomo t i o nmo v e me n t保護下練t h assh ed u le;met a bl循環(huán)訓(xùn)練ci r c u i ttra
2、ining力量訓(xùn)肌肉訓(xùn) 重復(fù)訓(xùn)練 綜合訓(xùn)練耐力訓(xùn)練 廣泛訓(xùn)練 密集訓(xùn)練 強化訓(xùn)練 徒手訓(xùn)練心理訓(xùn)練 熱身練習(xí) 基礎(chǔ)練習(xí) 集體練 墊上練習(xí) 散手練習(xí) 輔助練習(xí)練 powerr e p ecombie n d u e x t ei n t e i n t ef i s t -rancnsivnsivnsivfightding dinginingi n i n gininginingininginingi n g trainingpsychol o g i war m -u pe s s e n tia l習(xí) groupm a t - w o r k ;free - hana u x i l i a
3、 rtraininge x e r c i s ee x e r ci s ee x e r ci s e m a t e x e r c i s e dexerc iseyexercise本拳法移步與轉(zhuǎn)體一致synchroni ze stepwibodyni ng重心保持在左(右)腳 hol d wei ght on lef t(right)foot重心轉(zhuǎn)移到transfer w e i g h tonto重心移至左腳 transfer we ight onto left footleft foot重心稱到左腳 shift we ight onto重心移到右腿 weightmo ves on
4、to right左(右)拳收回腰際draw l ef t (ri ght ) f i stback t o hi p與 在 一* 直線上line with位 置 落 步land收回位置retrieve t oreturn t o兩腳分開與肩同寬 feets h o u l d e r - wi d t h apart想像性格斗對練f i ghtagai nst an i magi nary opponent空中轉(zhuǎn)體 180 度 turning body 180 degrees i n t he ai r以擰腰帶動掃腿use waist as driving force for leg swee
5、pu s i ngpivot以右腳為軸using rightfoot a s pivot以左肘為軸using leftel bow a s pivot單腳直立旋轉(zhuǎn)one- f o o tupright spin以前腳掌著地 land o n t h e ballo f t h e foot基本站立姿勢f undament a l左(右)腿蹬直left (right)s t r a i g h t e n e d蹬直左(右) 腿 s t r a i g h t e n left (ri g h t ) l e g左(右)手劃弧 circle left (right) hand改變勁力方向chan
6、gedirectionof force眼睛隨視雙掌eyes fo l l o w bot h pal ms兩腳平行開立feet apart and腹式呼吸法 ab d o mi n a lb r e a t hi n ge x e r ci s e爆發(fā)式吸吸 e x p l o s i v e b r e a t hi n g身械不協(xié)調(diào) body and weapon n o t t o c o o r d i n a t e講解與示范 e x p l a i n and demonst rat e集中 注意力 concent r at e one' s a t t ent i on眼
7、向 刖平視 eyes look straight ahead眼看方 向 eyes look t o力達部位concentrate power at; force is focused at抓住不放 hold前臂斜交叉cross f orearm di agonal l ye d arm臂部呈弧形 the自然深呼吸deep andb r eat hi n g轉(zhuǎn)體不充分i n c o m p l e t ebodyturn弧形步上跳leap incurved steppivot以腳跟為軸pivot0 n heel以腳掌為軸 pivoton t h e ballof foot以腳為軸轉(zhuǎn)身footpi
8、vot以腰為軸 waistservesaxis以全腳掌著地 with sole flato n ground左腳全腳著地 wi t hfootf l ato n t h e floor兩腳全腳著地 with bot h f eet f l at o n t h e ground前 面 in front體 前 in frontbodypassing to theinside o f經(jīng)夕卜側(cè)t o t h e out si de o f身體疲勞 p h y s i calphysical s t r a i n精神集中concent r a t i全 神 貫 注focus全身放松relaxbod作
9、示范momo vmenstandard)動作規(guī)格 mo v e me nt specification構(gòu) structure of movement動作標(biāo)準(zhǔn) standard of movement動作組合ser i es (sequence, combination) of movements度 range o f movement覺 feel o f movement動作質(zhì)M quality o f movement動作節(jié)奏 rhythm o f movement動靜結(jié)合 combi ne movementand內(nèi)外結(jié)合c o mb i ne i nt er n a land extern
10、al神形兼?zhèn)鋍ombi n eandbody圓形動作c i r c u l a rmovement向 上 劃 弧circle向 后 擺 動backs w i n gcircle a r msandwrists雙手叉腰hands o n hips;wi t h a r msa k i mb o雙臂環(huán)繞armscircle雙 手 抓 握e grip后腿蹬地 push off rear leg;push off the ground withback footleg mov e m e n t擺腿速度 leg- s w i ng speed擺動幅度 ra n g e of swing兩腿交叉legs
11、 cr o s s e d兩肘松垂 r e la x and d ro p e l bows屈膝微蹲 bend kne e s and squaddown slightly上體前俯 bend upperbody forward借力發(fā)力borrow opponent ' sforce and use it against him拳勢呼吸b r e a t h i ngfol l o w i n gmovement呼吸節(jié)奏b r e a t h irhythm左右轉(zhuǎn)換a l t e r n a t i n gleftand right挺胸立腰 chestand wa i s terect握
12、緊拳頭cl e n c hfist咬緊牙關(guān)c l e n c hteeth易犯錯誤commonerror同時完成c o m p l e t e a tsame t i m e完全放松c o m p l e t e lr e l axed松 開joint open肌 肉 re 1ax muscles尖 concent rate force a t toes舌L wrong and conf used footwork作 consecut i v e movement動 作 demonst r at i on動 作 extra movement單個動作msingle movement; eleme
13、nt of movement; each move of the ovem ent沉肩墜肘 drop shouldersand el bows雙膝微屈 bend knees slightly;knees slightlybent屈膝松胯bendknees and relax hips自然呼吸 naturalb r e a t he natural l y肌肉力量m u s c u l a rs t r e n g t hm u s c l ec o n t r o l肌肉放松r e l a x a t i o n訓(xùn) 練 過 度overtkeep(body)握 拳 姿 勢fistform用勁方法
14、 met hods o fa p p l y i ng force充分伸展fullyended掌心向內(nèi)f a c i n gf a c i ng拳眼向上 the eye ofthe fist f a c i ng拳眼向下t h e eye oft h e fist f a c i ng down足趾抓地t h e ground with toes力達腳尖 powerreaches t h epoweri s focusedheel后腳拔跟 heels o frear footoff ground后蹬有力 powerful of the pushing off with the rear foo
15、t勾尖向上hookp o i n t i n g心與意合 integration of Xin . mi nd) and Yi . will)意與氣合 ii o n of Yi and Q i氣與力合 i n tof Qi and L肩與魏合 i n to f s h o u l d e rs and hips肩臂練習(xí) sand arme x e r ci s eo f el bowsand knees手與腳合 i n tn o f handsand feet用腳背踢 kick with t h e back o f foot用腳尖踢 kick with the tip of foot踢打摔拿
16、 ki ck,strike, throwing and grasping瞻前顧后lookahead and beware oft h e back眼看前方forward向前平視look straightahead轉(zhuǎn)體 9 0 度turnbody 9 0 degreesshiftw e i g h t轉(zhuǎn)腰不充分 waist n o tturnedsuffi c i e n t l y保持不動stat i o n a r ymi高與肩平與肩同寬s h o u l d e rwidthapart單 臂 繞 環(huán) single arm circle單 個 動 作 s i ngl e movement單勢
17、練習(xí) single posture exercise上體后坐 s i t back (on hips)抖腕亮掌 snap wrist and flash palm具 體 動 作 specific movement專 項技術(shù) s p e c i f i c technique專 項 訓(xùn) 練 specific t r a i n i ng速度訓(xùn)練speedt r a i n i ng技術(shù)訓(xùn)練tech立身中正 sand c e并步直立 s tand u p r ig h t wi th feet t開步站立standwithfeetapart右腿蹬直f f onrightfoot技術(shù)特點 te ch
18、nica l char acterist ics; t echnicalfeatu res技術(shù)水平t e c h n i callevel胸式呼吸t h o r a c i腳跟外蹬 heel s out ward;heelpushed out腳趾抓地toesgraspt h e ground腳 尖 內(nèi) 扣toesi n w a r d腳微內(nèi)扣 toespointing s l ig h t l y i n w a r dtoes ou t w a r d腳尖外展 t oespoi nt ed out ward;toes t u r n e d o u t腳尖點地toesg r o u n d腳
19、 內(nèi) 扣 foot turned inward腳 外展 foot turned outward腳跟轉(zhuǎn)向里turn heel過渡動作t r a n s i t i on movement上體后傾 (trunk)l e a n i ng backwar d上體后傾 (trunk)l e a n i ng forwardtrunku p r i g h t跌撲滾翻練習(xí)t u m b l i n ge x e r c i s e前臂內(nèi)旋turnforearm i nward前臂外旋turnforearmout war d典型錯誤t y p i calfault統(tǒng)一規(guī)格unifieds t a n d
20、a r d高與肩平 up t o shoulderlevelshoulder high高與腰齊high配合協(xié)調(diào) w e l l腰部練習(xí)e x e r ci s elike a naxle上動不停 without stopping previous movement腕部動作 w r i s tact i on;wrist movement手腕交叉w r i s t scrossedtrainingload繃腳面 toespointingslightly inward格斗術(shù) fighting arts; fighting techniques; combat skill攻防術(shù) the a r to
21、 f fenceand defense勾腳尖 hook foot; ankle joint flexed反關(guān)節(jié)bendjointbackward身似弓bodylike a b走弧線deepb r e a t h i腋下 空empty肘微屈bendel bows slightly;el bow sl i ght l ybe nt外三合 exthreeconf or mi t內(nèi)三合 i nthreeconf or mi t面對面 face t o face; f a c i ng each other頭正直 head erect; head straight or upright輪換做 d oal
22、ter承上勢continue from t h emo v e me n t姿勢inah ig hPosi t i on低姿勢inalo wposi t i on呈弧 形ina na rc反方向oP Po si ted irec t i on反繞環(huán)r eve rs ecir c le逆方向reversedir e c ti on俯臥撐Push-uP向外推Pushout向上推Pushoff向前推pushf0 r w ard向下推P ushd own向下壓P ressd own后轉(zhuǎn)身r e ar p i v ot;r eve r s e pi v ot放松踢r e l axed單手操singlem
23、ovementp r a c t i c e支撐腿 standing leg;support i n gtakea steps i d e w a y s上半步takehalfa step上下肢 upperandlimbs前跳步forwardjumpstepd e s c r icircled e s c r icurveback0ssstepeyework;foottech手法 handworkhandt e c h n i q u efinger technique;fingerwork握拳 make afist; c l e n ch t h e fist發(fā) 聲 m asound團 身b
24、o d yt俯 身 b en df or w a r d弓背 to arch back; b ac k ar c h e d拔背 pick up backback straightchest(thrust)收腹pullin a b d o me n .squeeze orcontracta bs)含胸r e lax chest; h oll o w chest ;draw chest in鼓腰archl owerb a ck塌腰d ropwa ist收拳pullfistb a ck收腿pullbackth el eghipshipswithdraw hipsw i t h d r a wlef
25、tfoot收愕 buttocks (tucked)tucki n bottom斂 愕 keeptocksraise hips落愕 drop hipshipspushedf 0 r w a r dhipst h r u s t挺腹 bow o u t a b d o me n ext end o r expand a b s)圓襠ro u n dP ocir o t c harea; roundi cn n e r t h i gh a尖襠ntedc ro thar e夾襠s queeze dcr o tchar ea松松松松斂沉胯肩腰握胯魏hr erhtsinki lo uehP allcisxadkP
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