



1、全國職稱英語等級考試全真題(人文類)第一部分閱讀理解(75分) Passage 1The 16th century, known as the ,Age of Genius”, was a comp I i cated (復(fù)雜 )and difficult time to I i ve. Many countr ies fought for the power and r iches of the newly d i scovered Amer i cas. Men i ntroduced new i deas wh i ch demanded great changes i n older

2、ideas. Despi te these prob Iems and poss i bIy because of them, wonderfuI th i ngs were done by the greatest of men.It i s i ndeed difficult to know why i n some per i ods you find many men of genius while in others you may find few. The “Age of Genius”, however, produced some of the greatest thinke

3、rs, painters, authors, and scientists.I n Italy dur i ng the H i gh Rena i ssance (文藝復(fù)興),a per i od of the “Age of Genius”, three famous painters started thei r work. They were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and RaphaeI.Leonardo da Vinci i s famous not on Iy for hi s beaut i fuI paintings but a I s

4、o for h i s taI ent i n the sc i ences. One of h i s best - known painting i s the ,Mona Li sa. Michelangelo was a I so a man of many ta lents. He was an art i st; he wrote poems; he drew plans for buildings; and he worked with other forms of art. His best- known work is the painting on the ceiling

5、of the Sistine Chape I i n Rome (羅馬西斯教堂). RaphaeI was known for h i s painting. He made we I I-ba Ianced p i ctures out of many d i fferent act i ons.1. Another name for the 16th century i s the .A. ClassicaI AgeB. Middle AgesC. "Age of Genius"D. Age of Rena i ssance2. To know why i n some

6、 per i ods you find many i nteI Ii gent men and few i n other i s .A. an easy th i ng to doB. a very difficult th i ng to doC. not importantD. unnecessary3. Which of the fol lowing statements i s imp Iied in thef i rst paragraph of the passage?A. Gen i uses are born talented.B. Gen i uses are often

7、produced i n the same age.C. Fighting for the r iches of the newly - discoveredAmer icas produced gen i uses.D. A per iod dur i ng wh ich new ideas were rep lacing older ideas might produce geni uses.4. i s famous for hi s pa int ings and for hi s ta lent i n sc i ence.A. Raphae IB. Leonardo da Vinc

8、iC. MichelangeloD. Mona L i sa5. Michelangelo is known for.A. hi s Mona Li saB. h i s pa i nt i ngs i n Sistine Chape IC. hi s we I I-ba Ianced picturesD. hi s contr ibut ions to sciencePassage 2FootbaI I is, I be I iever the most popuI ar game i n England: one has on Iy to go to one of the importan

9、t matches to see th i s. R i ch and poor, young and oIdt one can see them a I I there, shout i ng for one side or the other.To a stranger one of the most surpr i s i ng th i ngs about footbaI I in England i s the great knowledge of the game which even the smaI lest boy seems to have. He can teI I yo

10、u the names of the pIayers in most of the important teams, he has pictures of them and knows the results of large number of matches. He will teI I you who he expects wi I I win such and such a match, and hi s opinion i s usuaI Iy as good as that of men three of four t imes h i s age.Most schooIs in

11、England take footbaI I ser iously - much more ser i ousIy than near Iy a I I European schooIs, where Iessons are a I I that are important, and games are I eft for the chi Idren themseIves. In Eng I and i t i s be I ieved that educat i on i s not on Iy a matter of filling a boy's mi nd with facts

12、 i n the classroom, educat ion a I so means the tra in i ng of character; and one of the best ways of tra i n i ng character i s by means of games, espec i a I Iy team games, i nstead of work i ng for h imseIf a I one. The schooI therefore pIans games and matches for i ts pup i Is. FootbaI I i s a g

13、ood team game, it is good both for the body and the mind. That i s why it i s every schooI 1s game in England.6. At footbaI I matches, peopIe often one team orthe other by shout i ng.A. watchB. win overC. I augh atD. support7. In England schooI boys seem footbaI I games.A. to know a great deaI about

14、B. not to know much aboutC. to know a I ittIe aboutD. to know noth i ng about8. In the sentence nHs i s as good as that of men three of times his age", "that" means .A. the matchB. the opinionC. the ageD. the team9. In England, education means.A. filling a boy1s mind with stor iesB. m

15、ore than teaching of knowledgeC. the teaching of knowledge on IyD. tra i ni ng character by means of footbaI I game10. Footba I I games are very among.A. a I I peop I eB. adu I tsC. boys and girlsD. boys on I yPassage 3How mean fi rst I earned to i nvent words i s unknown; i n other words, the origi

16、n of Ianguage is a mystery (奧秘). Al I wereaI Iy know i scerta i n soundsthat men uni ike animalsf somehow invented to express thoughts and fee Ii ngs, act ions and thingsr so that they couId communicate with each other;and that Iater they agreed upon certain signs, cal ledIetters, which couId be com

17、bined to represent those sounds and wh i ch couId be wr i tten down. Those sounds, whether spoken, or wr itten in letters, we caI I words.The power of words, then, I ies in thei r association (關(guān)聯(lián))一the th i ngs they br i ng up before our mi nds. Words become filled with meaning for us by exper ience;

18、 and the Ionger we I ive, the more certain words recaI I to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and I earn, the more the number of words that mean someth i ng to us i ncreases.Great wr iters are those who not on Iy have great thoughts but a I so express these thoughts i n wo

19、rds wh i ch appeaI powerfuI Iy to our minds and emot ions. Thi s charming and telling use of words i s what we ca I I I iterary (文學(xué) )sty I e. Above all, the rea I poet i s a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing I i ke music, and which by thei r position and association can

20、move men to tears. We should, therefore, I earn to choose our words carefuI Iy and use them accurate Iy, or they wi I I make our speech silly and vulgar (粗俗 ).11. The origin of Ianguage is .A. a Iegend handed down from the pastB. a matter that i s h i dden or secretC. a quest i on difficult to answe

21、rD. a problem not yet so Ived12. One of the reasons why men i nvented certa i n sounds to express thoughts and act i ons was thatA. they couId agree upon certa i n s i ngsB. they couId wr ite them downC. they couId communicate with each otherD. they couId comb i ne them13. What i s true about words?

22、A. They can not be wr i tten down.B. They can be written down.C. They are simply sounds.D. They are myster i ous.14. The reaI power of words ex i sts i n the i r A. propert i esB. character i st i csC. pecu I i ar i tyD. representat i ve funct i ons15.Which of thefol lowing statementsi s true?A.Them

23、orewereadand I earn,themorei gnorant we1are.B.Themorewereadand IearnFthemoreconfused we wi I Ibe.C.Themorewereadand I earn,themoreI earned we are.D.Themorewereadand I earn,themoresnobb i sh webecome.第二部分完成句子(25分) 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成句子,每個空格只能填一個單詞。有的單詞第一個字母已經(jīng)給出,請將其余字母補(bǔ)全。Soc i a I customs and ways of behav i ng

24、change. Th i ngs wh i ch were considered impol ite many years ago are now acceptabIe. Just a few years ago, it was considered impoIite behaviour for a man to smoke on the street. No man who thought of h imseIf as be i ng a gent I eman wouId make a fool of himseIf by smok i ng when a Iady was i n a r

25、oom.Customs a I so d i ffer from country to country. Does a man waIk on the I eft or the r i ght of a woman i n your country? Or doesn11 it matter? What about tab Ie manners? Should you use both hands when you are eat i ng? Shou Id you I eave one i n your Iapr or on the tab Ie?The Amer icans and the

26、 British not on Iy speak the same Ianguage but a I so share a Iarge number of soc i a I customs. For examp Ie, i n both Amer ican and England peopIe shake hands when they meet each other for the f i rst time. Alsof most Engl ishmen wi I I open a door for a woman or offer thei r seat to woman, and so

27、 wi I I most Amer icans. Promptness (準(zhǔn) 時)is important both i n Eng I and and i n Amer i ca. That i s, i f a dinner i nvitat ion i s for 7 o'clock, the di nner guest e i ther arr i ves close to that time or calls up to exp lain h i s de I ay.The important th i ng to remember about soc i a I custo

28、ms i s not to do anyth ing that might make other peopIe fee I uncomfortable - especia I Iy if they are your guests. There i s an old story about a man who gave a forma I d i nner party. When the food was served, one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. The other guests were amused or

29、shocked, but the host calmly picked up hi s knife and began eating in the same way. It would have bad manners to make h i s guest fee I fooI i sh or uncomfortabIe.16. Soc i a I customs vary not only i n d i fferent times but a I so d i fferent c .17. Genera I Iy, the Engli sh and the Amer icans spea

30、k the same Ianguage and for many cases b i n the same way.18. In America, i f one has accepted a d i nner invitat ion, he shouId t the host to exp lain the reason i f he i s to be I ate.19. The best host i s the person who tr ies hi s best to make h i s guests fee I c .20. In the past, peopIe consid

31、ered it b manners to smoke on the street.第三部分閱讀理解(80分)Passage 1Some years ago, Wi nthrop and LueI I a Ke I Iogg dec i ded to study this and other quest ionsr rear ing a chimpanzee (黑猩 猩)i n a norma I human env i ronment, Gua, a seven-and one- ha If-month-oId femaIe chimpanzee, was adopted i nto thei

32、 r househoId to be treated i n the same fash i on as the i r ten- month-oId son Dona Id. The two bab i es were dressed a I i ke, fed i n the same way, and al lowed equaI pI ay opportun it i es. In going to the park, going to bed, or being toi let trained, both had essent i a I Iy simi lar exper i en

33、ces, and the parents tr ied to gi ve them equaI love.Short I y after the exper i merit began, Gua became s I i ght I y super i or to Dona Id i n word recognit ionr but Donald's infer ior ity (劣勢)might be exp I a i ned on the bas i s of I ess physical ab i I i ty. The chimpanzee was more agile (靈

34、活 )and therefore couId respond more read i Iy to such requests as “Get up on the cha i r. As t ime passed, however, the child ga i ned rap idly on the chimpanzee, and by the end of the per i od of investigation he was s i gn i f i cant Iy ahead i n word recognition.I n word usage, Gua rema i ned non

35、verba I (不以言語表達(dá)) throughout the exper iment. Her communications i ncIuded some gestures, such as wr i ggl i ng (努力)her Ii ps when she wanted appIes but no words. She on Iy gave sudden barks or cr i es i n moments of excitement, fear, or pain. Donald, on the other hand, passed through the norma I sta

36、ges i n I earn i ng a spoken Ianguage and, by the end of the researcht uttered h i s f i rst words. He said "da" meaning "down" and nbowwow for the dog, and he used a few other words. But as h i s parentsemphasized, he had not shown language mastery (掌握)either. At the end of the

37、study, he still had not used words i n combination. Unfortunate Iy, th i s research had to bed i scont i nued after n i ne months part Iy because of the increasing strength and enormous agility (靈活,敏捷)of Gua around the house.21. The main idea of thi s passage i s .A. to show how chimpanzees taIkB. t

38、o descr ibe the exper iment on Ianguage learningC. to show the prob Iems ch iIdren have i n commun i cat i ng among themseIvesD. to show whether chimpanzees can I earn Ianguage in a human env i ronment22. Throughout the tra i n i ng i n word recognit ionA. Gua was super i or to Dona Id i n everythin

39、gB. Gua was super i or at first, but then Dona Id pul led aheadC. Dona Id was super i or at a I I t imesD. Dona Id and Gua deveI oped at just about the same rate 23. I n regard to word usage, Gua.A. final Iy uttered the word "da"B. couId not commun i cate anyth i ng at a I IC. couId not I

40、earn to express i n wordsD. showed mastery equaI to Dona Id's24. From the exper i merit with Gua, we may safe I y cone I ude that, after nine months a chimpanzee wi I I .A. communicate reasonabIy we I IB. be enormous Iy act i ve and heaI thyC. not show command over IanguageD. be more advanced th

41、an other animals25. We may i nfer from the passage that .A. Gua had to be pul led a Iong by Dona IdB. Gua and Dona Id found noth i ng unusuaI i n be i ngtogetherC. Gua and Dona Id d i sI i ked stay i ng togetherD. Gua and Dona Id * s phys i caI ab i I i t i es were d i fferent Passage 2Criticism i s

42、 judgment. A critic i s a judge. A judge must study and thi nk about the mater ia I presented to him, accept it, correct i t or reject it after, thi nki ng over what he has read, watched or heard.That sort of critical read i ng might we I I be cal led creat i ve read i ng because I am th i nk i ng a

43、 Iong with the writer, ask i ng him questions, seeing whether he answers the questions and how we I I he answers them. I mark the good passages to store them i n my memory and ask myseIf about every other part and about the complete piece of writing where, how and why couId or shouId I improve upon

44、it?Don't be Ii eve those who say that bad read i ng cannot hurt a person. How do they know what wi I I hurt others? Wouldn't you rather be I ieve the exper i ence of the ages that says, "A man is what he has read” and n0ur reading and studies carry over into our I i ves"?Let1s get

45、back to the beneficial effects of thinking while reading. 11 helps us to enIarge our minds. We understand more about the universe, its people and many of its wonders. We I earn to th i nk and observe i n new ways. We certa inly do get a fee I i ng for the language we are read i ng. Al I good wr iter

46、s in any Ianguage have been readers who read critically and creat i veIy and cont i nuousIy.Read i ng, critical Iy a I so he Ips me to develop and ref ine my emotions to the point where I can tel I whether a report, a story or a poem i s genu i ne I y humane (高尚)or not - whether the wr iter i s an h

47、onest wr i ter.Final Iy, reading wi I I and must broaden (擴(kuò)寬)my sympathiest expand my love for others and set it in action. How can a person who has a bit of k i ndness i n h i s heart read about a I I the mi ser i es and traged i es that peopIe and not i ons have and not want to do and actuaI Iy do

48、 what he can to re I i eve those peopIe i n every way he can and as much as he can?26. The wr iter say a critic .A. asks what he does not understandB. taIks back to the authorC. understands the background on whi ch the works are basedD. Iooks for the good and the bad po i nts of the mater i a I he h

49、as read27. By creati ve readi ng the wr iter means .A. raising quest i ons and answer i ng them for the authorB. read i ng and giving comments on the mater i a Is one has readC. thinking in the same I ine with the authorD. stor i ng up facts i n one1s memory28. Accord i ng to the wr i ter, critical

50、read i ngA. makes a person i nteI Ii gentB. makes a person r i chC. enab Ies a person to wr i te fIuentIyD. gives a person extra work29. We I earn from the passage that a I I good authorsA. have a thorough i ns i ght to the prob Iems i n Ii feB. observe and imitate the ways other authors writeC. hav

51、e the fee Ii ng of the Ianguage they wr i te i nD. have read extensiveIy and critically30. Accord i ng to the Iast paragraph, read i ng makes a personA. romanticB. sens i t i ve to the fee Ii ngs of othersC. Sympathetic to the miser i es of h i s feI Iow-menD. a good wr itten第四部分概括大意(20分)給下面一篇文章的每一段

52、概括大意。每一段的主題用一個或幾個單 詞表示,空出的詞已給出了第一個字母,請把其余字母補(bǔ)全。31. Div in EducationThere i s considerable var iety i n un i vers i ty cI assrooms i n the United States. Because of di verse teachi ng methods and non-standard i zed curr i cu I a (必修課),no two courses are identicaI. Undergraduate courses are considerabl

53、e different from graduate courses. The cI assroom atmosphere i n expens i ve, pr i vate universities may d i ffer from that i n community col leges which are free and open to everyone. State-funded universities have requ i rements and expectations than do paroch i a I (教區(qū) ) co I I eges.32. Ac Partic

54、i pat i onParticipation (參與)i n the cI assroom i s not on Iy accepted but a I so expected of the student i n many courses. Someprofessors base part of the final grade on the student1s ora I part i c i pat i on. AI though there are forma I Iectures dur ing which the student has a passi ve role (i.e.,

55、 I i sten i ng and tak i ng notes), many courses are organ i zed around classroom d i scuss ionst student quest ionsF and i nformaI Iectures.33. I nd Learn i ngMany teachers be Ii eve that the responsibi Iity for I earn i ng I ies with the student. If a Iong reading assignment is given, instructors

56、expect students to be familiar with the i nformat ion i n the readi ng even i f they do not d i scuss it i n cI ass or give an examination. (Courses are not des i gned mere Iy for students to pass exams.) The i deaI student i s considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of I earn i

57、ng, not the one i nterested on Iy i n getting h i gh grades.34. H i n Schoo I WorkIdeaI Iy, the teacher - student relationship at universities i s character i zed by trust. The "honor system”, imposed by the teacher and the uni vers ity demands that the student be honest i n a I I areas of scho

58、oI work. Thus, cheat i ng on tests, plagiar izing (抄襲)in wr itten work, presenting other 1s i deas as original, and turn i ng i n homework comp I eted by someone eIse are a I I prohibited.35. Com Among StudentsRe I at i onsh i ps between students i n the classroom can be cooperat i ve or compet i t i ve (競爭 ).International students shouId not hesitate to ask for he Ip if i t i s needed. There are courses, however, where grades are caleulated in re I at i on to other student1s scores. Therefore, i n cI asses where such a grad i ng "curve11 i s used, studen


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