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1、英文信封(Envelope)的寫法(Block Format 齊頭式)Zhao MinSichun UniversityChengdu, 610041P.R. of China Mr. Steven Chung No.252, Long St. San Francisco, U.S.A寄件人姓名和地址寄件人姓名和地址收信人姓名和地址收信人姓名和地址英文信封英文信封(Envelope)的寫法的寫法 (右縮式 Indented Format )Zhao Min Sichun University Chengdu, 610041 P.R. of China Mr. Steven Chung No.2

2、52, Long St. San Francisco, U.S.A寄件人姓名和地址寄件人姓名和地址收信人姓名和地址收信人姓名和地址英文地址的寫法和中文相反,口訣:由英文地址的寫法和中文相反,口訣:由小到大小到大(ex: (ex: 號號弄弄巷巷路路/ /街街城市城市國家國家) )號 No. (Number)樓 F (Floor)室 Rm. (Room)弄 Aly (Alley)巷 Ln. (Lane)路 Rd. (Road)街 St. (Street)段 Sec. (Section)區(qū) Dist. (District)縣 County市 City大道 Ave. (Avenue)省 Provinc

3、e國家名 地址的書寫順序是由小到大地址的書寫順序是由小到大: 第一行第一行寫寄出信寫寄出信人的門牌號碼,寫街道名稱人的門牌號碼,寫街道名稱;第二行第二行先寫縣市、先寫縣市、城鎮(zhèn)名稱,再寫省或州名稱,往右空兩個字母城鎮(zhèn)名稱,再寫省或州名稱,往右空兩個字母的位置,再寫上郵編。如果是寄往國外的信件,的位置,再寫上郵編。如果是寄往國外的信件,第三行第三行寫出寄信人所在國家的名稱。寫出寄信人所在國家的名稱。如要說明信件由何種郵路遞送或信件為何種類別,一般在信封正面的左下角注明。 航空航空 By Air Mail 掛號掛號 Registered 印刷品印刷品 Printed Matter 快件快件 Exp

4、ress 內有照片內有照片 Photo Enclosed如信件需由別人或單位轉交給收信人,則需在轉交人前面加上C/O (care of)后跟轉交人的姓名地址。如宋力托李娜轉交一封信給李明,信封格式為:Song LiNo.1 Middle SchoolNantong, 226000Jiangsu Li MingC/O Li NaPeking UniversityBeijing, 100871如不需要郵寄,只需寫上受托人和收信人的姓名如不需要郵寄,只需寫上受托人和收信人的姓名即可。再用即可。再用By courtesy of, Through By courtesy of, Through cour

5、tesy of, By favor ofcourtesy of, By favor of引出所托之人的姓引出所托之人的姓名。如:名。如: Li Ming By courtesy of Li Na面交信面交信( (宋力本人當面交給收信人的信宋力本人當面交給收信人的信) ): Song Li Present 練習填寫信封練習填寫信封 George Wang will write a letter to his pen pal(筆友), Mike Clinton. Mikes address(住址) is: 1025 Long Street, San Francisco, CA 94101, U.S

6、.A. And Georges address is: 23, Alley4, Lane130, Sec.II Nanking East Rd. Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Please write an envelope for him.George Wang 23, Alley4, Lane130, Sec.II Nanking East Rd.Taipei, Taiwan 104 R.O.C. Mike Clinton 1025 Long Street, San Francisco, CA 94101 U.S.A 書信是一種應用非常廣泛的應用文形式之一。英文書信的種類很

7、多,但可以把它們歸為兩大類,一類是私人書信(personal letters),另一類是商務書信(business letters),例如:申請信、求職信、推薦信、證明信、感謝信等。英文書信的書寫有一定的格式。一封完整的書信應包括寄信人的地址和日期;收信人的姓名和地址;稱呼、正文、結尾和簽名The Elements of English Letter Writing 1. 信頭 Heading/Letterhead 2. 寫信日期 Date 3. 信內地址 (收信人) Inside Address 4. 稱呼 Salutation 5. 正文 Body of Letter 6. 客套結束語 C

8、omplimentary Closing 7. 署名 SignatureHeading 信頭包括寄信人地址(通常寫在信箋的右上信頭包括寄信人地址(通常寫在信箋的右上方)或某公司的名稱、地址、電話、電傳、傳方)或某公司的名稱、地址、電話、電傳、傳真、郵編、電子信箱地址或網(wǎng)址等。真、郵編、電子信箱地址或網(wǎng)址等。 Date 日期應寫在寄信人地址下方,表達方式各不相日期應寫在寄信人地址下方,表達方式各不相同。通常英式按日同。通常英式按日/ /月月/ /年的順序,而美式按月年的順序,而美式按月日年的順序。注意:年份寫全,不可省略;月日年的順序。注意:年份寫全,不可省略;月份用英文單詞表示,不可用數(shù)字替代

9、(一般信份用英文單詞表示,不可用數(shù)字替代(一般信函可縮寫,較正式的公函需寫全);日期用阿函可縮寫,較正式的公函需寫全);日期用阿拉伯數(shù)字基數(shù)詞表示即可,如拉伯數(shù)字基數(shù)詞表示即可,如May 7,2006; 23 September, 2005Rewritethefollowingdateforstandardbusinessletters 6/5/0610-9-068 June 2006Oct.28, 06Jan.13. 2006Inside Address 信內地址應寫在信箋左上方,與信封上的地址信內地址應寫在信箋左上方,與信封上的地址完全一致。第一行寫收信人姓名(稱呼語完全一致。第一行寫收信

10、人姓名(稱呼語+ +全全名);商務信函中還需另起一行寫出職務;收名);商務信函中還需另起一行寫出職務;收信人地址應確切完整。信人地址應確切完整。Arrange the following information into letterhead or inside address:China/Beijing 100021/Beijing Metal/President/ Lin Fang/ East lane/ 234Lin Fang President of Beijing Metal 234 East lane, Beijing 100021 ChinaSalutation 稱呼應寫在信內地

11、址下,其左邊要與信內地址稱呼應寫在信內地址下,其左邊要與信內地址第一行對齊。英文書信的稱呼一般都是以第一行對齊。英文書信的稱呼一般都是以DearDear 或或My dearMy dear開頭的。開頭的。 1.1.親近熟悉的人親近熟悉的人: Dear/My dear +: Dear/My dear +稱呼或名字。稱呼或名字。 2 2 長輩、關系一般、不相識:長輩、關系一般、不相識:Dear+Dear+“先生先生/ /女女士士/ /教授教授” 3 3 機關、團體、公司、工廠或學校:機關、團體、公司、工廠或學校:Dear Sir Dear Sir or Madam, To Whom It May c

12、oncern. or Madam, To Whom It May concern. 有時有時直接用直接用 Gentlemen( Gentlemen(復數(shù)復數(shù)) )。Body 語言要得體,簡單明了,措詞禮貌。稱呼下面隔一兩行開始寫正文。一般說來,開頭直接表達寫信的目的,中間對目的具體說明,結尾表達希望祝愿等。Complimentary Closing 開頭字母要大寫,末尾用逗號。結束語也稱敬語,使開頭字母要大寫,末尾用逗號。結束語也稱敬語,使用時也應因人而異,取決于發(fā)信人與收信人之間的關用時也應因人而異,取決于發(fā)信人與收信人之間的關系或熟悉程度。系或熟悉程度。 1. 家人親戚家人親戚: Your

13、 loving mother/son/brother; Yours lovingly, With love, All my love etc. 2. 長輩或一般朋友:長輩或一般朋友:Yours respectfully/sincerely, Yours truly etc. 3. 機關、團體、學校等:機關、團體、學校等: Yours faithfully/sincerely, Yours truly etc. 結尾的部份祝福的話結尾語Take care.Your friend,Best wishes.Truly yours, Best Regards.Your loving _,Merry C

14、hristmasSincerely yours, Happy New YearYours sincerely,Happy BirthdaySincerely, Signature 寫信人要在結束語下面簽名,以表示對信件中寫信人要在結束語下面簽名,以表示對信件中的全部內容負責。簽名最好是寫信人的親筆,的全部內容負責。簽名最好是寫信人的親筆,手寫后可附打印的全名。手寫后可附打印的全名。Block formatxxxx (letterhead)June 3, 2005 (date)xxxx ( inside address)Dear xx, (salutation)We received your

15、xxxx (body)Yours sincerely (complimentary close)XX (signature)Joe (printed name) WritingPracticalWritingDearSir/Madam,ImwritinginresponsetoyouradvertisementforaPA/SecretarytotheManagingDirector.AlthoughIdidnothavetotravelinmypreviousjob,Iwouldbeverywillingtodoso.Iwillbeavailableforinterviewatanytime


17、thavetotravelinmypreviousjob,Iwouldbeverywillingtodoso.Iwillbeavailableforinterviewatanytime,andlookforwardtohearingfromyou.Yoursfaithfully,WilliamJeremySmithPeaceHotelLingGongRoad1818Beijing,ChinaMailboxNo.23,GXuniversityNanning,Guangxi,China27Jan,2008縮進式縮進式發(fā)信人地址及發(fā)信日期收信人姓名和單位地址Modified Format xxxx

18、(letterhead) June 3, 2005 (date)xxxx ( inside address)Dear xx, (salutation) We received your xxxx (body) Yours sincerely XX (signature) Joe (printed name)Practice格式:格式:齊頭式齊頭式/混合式混合式信頭:信頭:本人名字和地址本人名字和地址封內地址:封內地址:美國紐約市第美國紐約市第50大街大街10號號Harper & Row出出版公司版公司 郵編:郵編:NY10022寫信日期:寫信日期:實際日期實際日期信文內容:信文內容:o

19、 從朋友處看到成功溝通的秘決一書。從朋友處看到成功溝通的秘決一書。o 為提高溝通水平欲購一本。為提高溝通水平欲購一本。o 請出版商盡快告知購買方式請出版商盡快告知購買方式o 希望希望9月底收到此書月底收到此書書信題的寫作方法:(一)信封格式:(一)信封格式: 名字、信箱、地域范圍由小到大,寫在右下角(與我們相反)。(二)信紙格式:(二)信紙格式: 日期:本月份的縮寫 稱呼(后面的標點是逗號,冒號):Dear Sir or Madam, To whom it may concern, 正文:空4個字節(jié)或者頂格寫,段與段之間空行) 簽名:sincerely yours 書信寫作的五點要求:書信寫作

20、的五點要求:1、開門見山說意圖2、咨詢/ 建議1、2、3、3、不同內容可分段4、感謝客氣不可少5、期待回信成老套 (三)開頭段:(三)開頭段:1、告知對方你的身份(假如對方不認識你)Dear Sir/ Mr. Smith, I was a student at your college, enrolled in Philosophy Department./ I am a at your / I am a at your college, enrolled in the course./ My name is, I am 2、問候收信人(假如他/她是你的朋友)Dear Tom, Hello /

21、 Hi. How are you? / I hope everything is fine. / How are things going with you?/ How are you getting on in / getting along with.? 3. 解釋寫信的原因(1)致謝: Thank you for your letter about studying in Canada./ I am writing to tell you how grateful I am for/ I would like to thank you most sincerely for(2)抱怨: I

22、 am writing to complain about the poor service at your dining-room./ I wish to make a complaint about/ I am writing to draw your attention to.(3)致歉: I am writing to you because I am unable to./ I am terribly sorry that./ I would like to express my apologies for not being able to.4)詢問: I would like t

23、o obtain /request/seek/inquire some information about/ I am writing to ask if you can do me a favor. / I would like some detailed information on/about.(四)結尾段:(四)結尾段: 1、發(fā)出請求(1)Please give this matter your immediate attention. (2)I would very much appreciate it ifas soon as possible.2、提供幫助(1)I hope th

24、esewill be helpful, and please feel free to contact me for more information. (2)will be taking responsibility for you and if you should need any assistance, she/he will be pleased to help you3、 再次表示歉意或感激(1)Thank you for your kind assistance.(2)Please accept my heartfelt thanks and deepest gratitude,

25、 now and always.(3)I am sorry that I cannot, and trust that you will understand.(4)In addition, let me apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.(5)Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.4、 期盼回信: (1)I look forward to your prompt response. (2)Looking forward to a prompt reply,(3)

26、I expect to hear from you very soon. (4)I hope to receive your reply shortly.1. 給給JohnBrown先生寫一封短信內容:已收到他月日先生寫一封短信內容:已收到他月日的來信請他于本月來我公司,討論合作細節(jié)請他將航的來信請他于本月來我公司,討論合作細節(jié)請他將航班告訴你你公司的李小姐將去機場接他班告訴你你公司的李小姐將去機場接他 24th March, 2000Dear Mr. John Brown, Thank you very much for your letter dated 12th March. Could

27、 you come over to my company so that we can discuss the details of our cooperation? If yes, please informme of your flight. I have arranged for Miss Li of my companyto meet you at the airport. Wish you a pleasant journey. Yours sincerely, Wang Deming 2.Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 mi

28、nutes to write a Letter of Apology. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 表達自己對晚交論文一事的歉意。 2. 說明未能按時交論文的原因。 3. 表示自己將盡快把論文補交上并表示以后將按時交作業(yè)。 審題概述 這是一封道歉信,寫的時候要遵循道歉信的一般模式:開篇直奔主題,然后說明原因,最后提出可能的補救措施。第一段,對晚交論文及對此造成的后果表示歉意;第二段,說明理由(可信的理由,而不是隨便應付老師的借口);第三段,表示盡快完成論

29、文。【范文】ALetterofApology 24th Oct. , 2008Dear Mr. Wang, Iamwritingtoapologizefor my late homework. The paper which you assigned to us last Monday was due this Friday, but to my regret, I havent even started it yet. I feel really sorry for not handing in the paper on time and fortheinconvenienceitwould

30、bringtoyou.I caught a serious cold last week and the doctor asked me to stay in bed for a week since I was very weak and the weather was very cold these days. Therefore, I couldnt go to the library to get the necessary referential information which was needed for my paper. As a result of this, I hav

31、e not started writing the paper yet and could not hand it in on time. Fortunately I have finally fully recovered. I will finish the paper as soon as I can and trymybesttohandinhomeworkontimeinthefuture. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 3.Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a Letter. You


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