unit 1 fundermentals of businss letters_第1頁
unit 1 fundermentals of businss letters_第2頁
unit 1 fundermentals of businss letters_第3頁
unit 1 fundermentals of businss letters_第4頁
unit 1 fundermentals of businss letters_第5頁
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1、外貿(mào)英語函電主講教師:王 英Unit 1General IntroductionObjectives Upon completion of this chapter, you should: know the layout of business letters. know the formats of business letters.know how to address the envelope.know the basic writing principles. o inform, which refers to conveying the vast amount of informa

2、tion needed to day-to-day operations of the business;o influence, which means that messages included in a business letter should also influence the readers attitudes and functions. Leading In Name the ways of communication you knowWhich one do you think is the most effective one?Telephone FaxE-mailL

3、etterTelegramTelex1. Communication MediaInstant MessengerMSN,Skype,QQ,Google Talk2. Structure of a Business Letter日期Date封內(nèi)地址Inside Address稱呼Salutation正文Body結(jié)尾敬語Complimentary Close簽名SignatureElectronics Ltd. 3 Stockbridge Road Liverpool LP5 20M Tel.: 087564789076 Fax:087564747867 Website: .uk Your Re

4、ference: Our Reference: 2569 April 13, 2004 Fuiji Company 153 Ginza-Chome Tokyo, Japan Attention: Sales Manager Dear Sirs, Re: Portable Colour TV Sets We have seen your advertisement in the “Electric Frontier” and are quite interested in your portable colour television set. Enclosed is our Inquiry N

5、ote No.2368. Please quote us the lowest price C.I.F. Liverpool, stating the earliest date of shipment. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours, ELECTRONICS LTD. Harold Jones Harold Jones Manager Encl. Inquiry Note cc: Mr. J.L.Smith, New York Structure of a Business Letter 1.信頭 letter H

6、ead 2.日期 Date 3 . 封 內(nèi) 地 址 I n s i d e Address 4.稱呼 Salutation 5. 正文 Body 6.結(jié)尾敬語Complimentary Close 7.簽名 Signature 8.事由 Subject line 9.附件 Enclosure a 參考號 Ref.No. b 經(jīng)辦人 Attention Line c 抄送 Carbon Copy goLetterheadGenerally, a letterhead will include the company logo, companys name, address, telephone

7、number, fax number and email address, and the web address if available. 信頭的寫法:2種格式 信頭一般印在信紙上端的中間,但也可印在信箋的左上方 1)平頭式 Richard Thomas & Baldwins Ltd. 151 Gower Street London, SCT 6DY, England Tel:63216260 Fax:633027002) 縮行式 SHANGHAI PHARMACEUTICAL CO.,LTD P.O.Box No. 1752, Shanghai 20002,China Tel:6

8、3216260 Fax:63302700 E-mail: spcldonline.shcn2.發(fā)信人地址、日期的具體寫法:發(fā)信人地址、日期的具體寫法: 1) 門牌號碼和街名(或郵箱號)門牌號碼和街名(或郵箱號) 例如例如: 151 Gower Street 但有些不寫門牌號與街名,而寫出信箱號,如但有些不寫門牌號與街名,而寫出信箱號,如P.O.Box 1079,即即Post Office Box 1079的縮寫,第的縮寫,第1079號信箱。號信箱。 2) 城市、郵政編碼、國家名城市、郵政編碼、國家名 例如:例如:London, Swg250Y, England 美國地址在城市名稱后應(yīng)寫州名和郵

9、區(qū)號,例如,美國地址在城市名稱后應(yīng)寫州名和郵區(qū)號,例如, Columbus, Ohio 43210 ,U.S.A. 中國地址名稱用英文寫 Jiangsu Import and Export CorporationJiangsu International Business Mansion,50 Zhonghua Road, Nanjing210001, P.R. China 單位名稱單位名稱門牌號門牌號大樓名稱大樓名稱街道街道郵編郵編(在國家在國家之前之前)城市城市國家國家編號和日期1.編號編號 (Reference No.) 有的信頭下有編號有的信頭下有編號 。編號是供參考用的,。編號是供參

10、考用的,作用是作用是能使復(fù)信與先前發(fā)出的信函聯(lián)系起來。能使復(fù)信與先前發(fā)出的信函聯(lián)系起來。 a.卷宗號碼卷宗號碼 (a file number)、 b.部門代號(部門代號(departmental code), c.辨認(rèn)代號(辨認(rèn)代號(initials of the signer):口:口述人和打字人的名字縮寫。述人和打字人的名字縮寫。 編號又分:編號又分: 你方編號(你方編號(Your Reference No.), 我方編號(我方編號(Our Reference No.), 例如例如: Your Ref : B-1549 Your Ref : JBD/WM Our Ref: A-3450 O

11、ur Ref: WDW/LPDate02/01/032002年1月3日2003年2月1日2003年1月2日Chinese wayAmerican wayBritish wayTo avoid confusion, it is a common practice to write months in words. 24th March, 2004March 24th, 200424 March, 2004March 24, 2004 Inside AddressAlways include the recipients name, address and postal code. Add job

12、 title if appropriate.距日期兩到四行,打在左邊。1.寫上封內(nèi)地址的益處: 1)發(fā)信時可與信封上地址相互對照,以免發(fā)信時發(fā)生錯誤 2)收信人讀信時可以相互對照 3)便于查閱Ms. Cecilia GreenSales ManagerABC Company123 Berry DriveMinneapolis, MN55106U.S.A.Vice PresidentMessrs. J. Harvey & Co.66 High StreetAnytown, AY1 2BFChina National Machinery Import & Export Corp.3

13、6, Jianshan RoadDalian, 116023Peoples Republic of China 3. If you are quite familiar with the other person, you may use the following salutation: Hi XXX, Hello XXX, XXX,Informal Salutation其位置比封內(nèi)地址和經(jīng)辦人行低兩行,并與之其位置比封內(nèi)地址和經(jīng)辦人行低兩行,并與之平頭平頭 1.商業(yè)函件商業(yè)函件 1)用用“Dear Sirs, ” 不能單獨用不能單獨用“Sirs,” 2)美國人用美國人用“Gentlemen

14、:”,更加普遍更加普遍 (不能用單數(shù))不能用單數(shù)),單數(shù)時稱單數(shù)時稱“Dear Sir” 3)如果是女性公司,則用如果是女性公司,則用 “Dear Mesdames,” 2. 公事函件:公事函件:“ Dear Sir,”對一般機(jī)關(guān)團(tuán)體負(fù)責(zé)人適用對一般機(jī)關(guān)團(tuán)體負(fù)責(zé)人適用此外公事函件還可以用此外公事函件還可以用“To those who may be concerned,”Salutation1. If unsure to whom you should address a letter, you should use the following salutations: Dear Sir or

15、Madam, 2. If you know the name but are not familiar with the other person, you should use the following salutation: Dear Mr./Mrs. XXX,Body of a letter The body of a business letter typically contains three paragraphs: 1.introductory paragraph 2.one or more body paragraphs 3.concluding paragraphBody

16、of a letter注意事項: 1)段與段之間一般空兩行 想一想:如果信的正文很長,一頁紙不夠用而需兩張或數(shù)張聯(lián)頁,該怎么辦?Body of a letter如果信的正文很長,一頁紙不夠用而需兩張或數(shù)張聯(lián)頁,應(yīng)在第一頁的右下端打“待續(xù)”(to be continued),并在聯(lián)頁上端注明收信人的名稱、日期、頁數(shù),再繼續(xù)打正文。這是為了避免第一頁和第二頁,第三頁在發(fā)信時誤置。FormalTruly/sincerely/Faithfully yours,InformalBest regards,Complimentary CloseCapitalize only the first word i

17、n the complimentary close, and follow all phrases with a comma.注意: 1)結(jié)束禮詞寫在結(jié)尾語下隔一行,正中或略向右邊寫起 2)只有第一個字母大寫,后面加逗號 3)歐洲信函把Yours放前,美國則把副詞放前 4)用Yours而不用Your,與Yours連用的一定是帶-ly的副詞。Complimentary CloseSignature Companys name Your signature typed signature (job title)ELECTRONICS LTD. Harold Jones Harold Jones M

18、anagerReturn 落款Yours faithfully, Ciba-Geigy Chemicals Co. Pam LotisPam Lotis Pam Lotis Inspection coordinator Yours faithfully, Pam LotisPam Lotis Pam Lotis Inspection coordinator For Ciba-Geigy Chemicals Co. Yours faithfully, L. Van LindeL. Van Linde L. Van Linde Manager, QAD Software Co. 結(jié)尾敬語結(jié)尾敬語手

19、寫簽名手寫簽名打印簽名打印簽名職務(wù)職務(wù)公司名稱公司名稱其他1.附件(Enclosure): 如信中有附件時,應(yīng)在左下角注明Encl.或Enc.(縮寫),如果附件不止一件,應(yīng)注明2 Encls.或3 Encls.等.例如: Encls. :2 Invoices 3 Encls. : 1 B/L 1 Photo 1 Certificate 2.副本抄送(Carbon Copy Notation):如果寫信人希望信件內(nèi)容為更多人的知曉,那么在Enclosure的下方必須注明c.c.的字樣,然后打上抄送單位的名稱。 c.c .可以大寫,也可以小寫,其后跟冒號 c.c.: Mr. Bruce Pat C

20、.C.: Public Relation Department4.附筆(再啟)(Postscripts) 信寫完后,如果想起還有要緊的話要說,可以在信末加 P.S.,然后由發(fā)信人簽署本人簡筆簽名(本人姓名的每一個字母,如Park Davis,只簽P.D.)。鄭重的函件一般不用P.S.,說明寫信人辦事不夠周密。 eg. P.S. The samples will be mailed to you tomorrow. LetterheadDate: _ Inside Address_ Salutation: _ _ _ _ _Complimentary Close,SignatureBodyLet

21、terhead Date:_ Inside Address_ Salutation: _ _ _ Complimentary Close, Signature Body Letterhead _ _ Complimentary Close, SignatureInside Address_ Salutation:Date:_Body Letterhead Date:_Inside Address_ _Salutation: _ _ _ Complimentary Close, SignatureBody4.Addressing Envelope StampSenders NameSenders

22、 Street AddressCity, State, ZIP Receivers Name Receivers Street Address City, State, ZIP縮格式舉例MESSRS WILLIAM & SONS 76 Lancaster House stamp Manchester, England Mr. Wang Kai-ming CHINA NATIONAL TRANSPORT CO. 120 Nanjing Road Shanghai, China Registered 收信人名稱地址:逐行右縮寫信人名稱地址齊頭式舉例CHINA NATIONAL CEREAL

23、S, OILS AND FOODSTUFFS IMP & EXP CORP. 11th Floor, Jingxin Bldg. 2A Dong San Huan Beilu stamp Beijing, Peoples Republic of China EL MAR PACKING COMPANY 12 MAIN STREET, FRESNO CALIFORNia, USA Confidential Par Avion 寫信人名稱地址收信人名稱地址:左端對齊5. Writing Principles of Business LettersConsiderationCompleten

24、essCorrectnessConcretenessConcisenessClarityCourtesyconciseness: 盡量避免使用超過40個字的句子。例如:We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter.可改為:We appreciate your letter.Enclosed here please find two copies of.可改為: We enclose two copies of.Courtesy:e.g. We insist on a prompt answer to our letter.We would appr

25、eciate your answering this letter promptly. We await your early reply.Courtesy:e.g. Im sorry to tell you, we can not send the goods to you until next week.We wish to tell you that we will send the goods you ordered next week. “We allow 2 percent discount for cash payment. “You earn 2 percent discoun

26、t when you pay cash. We wont be able to send you the brochure this month. We will send you the brochure next month. ”WordsUseful ExpressionsExercisesSupplement: General Procedures of Export & Import TransactionGeneral Procedures of Export Transaction: Step1. Preparation for Exporting: Market Res

27、earch Step2. Business Negotiation: four procedures Step3. Implementation of ContractPractice 1:Arrange the following in the form of a letter and address the envelope.Senders name: Ye Jianying (sales manager) Shaanxi Machinery Equipment Imp. Exp. Corporation2. Receivers name: The Pakistan Trading Com

28、pany3. Senders address: 中國西安長樂中路29號4. Receivers address: 15 Broad Street, Karachi, Pakistan (postcode: NY 20089)5. Senders telephone: (029) 853326536. Senders fax: (029) 853354967. Attention Line: Export Dept.8. Salutation: Dear Sirs9. Subject line: Replacement parts10. Body Practice 2:Arrange the following improper form as they should be set out a letter:1) Senders


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