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1、WORD格式.BEC中級(jí)口試歷年真題PART2及答案匯總真題二Whatis important when entertaining clients?types of activitiesCostFirstly,we must chooseappropriate types of activities to entertain differe nt clients. Differentclients have different tastes interests and hobbies. In order to make them feelsatisfied and comfortable we

2、 must choose the activities th ey prefer and areinterested in. For example if you find your client has a taste for art or musicthen take him or her to a concert. If he or she is a sports fa n take him or herto the sports event.Secondly, Cost isnot always the essential thing. How much we spend is dep

3、e nding on thenature/characteristics of the transaction or the size of the deal. Butsometimes we should consider the profit issue. If the company is expecting t omake big gain/profits out of a specific client, it should at least put inproportional investment to entertain/please its clients. The idea

4、l plan wouldbe spen ding as little money as possible to get the deal done. But you must notoffend y our clients. You should make them feel being welcomed. Whatis important when choosing retail premises to rent?Locationof site (transportation)Lengthof contractDemandfor products or servicesLaborcostsC

5、ompetitionLocalworkforce availableFirstly, locationof site is very important. You need to consider whether it s convenient andeasy for raw material supply and transporting out the products, whether it seasy to get access to the electricity, water, gas and other supporting energy,whether it s conveni

6、ent for staff to go to work.Secondly, lengthof contract is also important. Longer contract would coverissues in moredetails. The contract should cover certain matter, which are likely to happen,such as, assignment, service charges.What isimportant when deciding on packaging for products?Image專業(yè)資料整理W

7、ORD格式word 完美格式專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.production processThe packaging ofour products is in fact a kind of advertisement for our products. So when wedecide on packaging for products we must first consider if the packaging canreflect the image of our products. It must best represent the quality of ourproducts th

8、rough its design and layout which can attract our customers to buyour products. The packaging should show the distinctive features of our productsso that every customer can have a better understanding of our products afterjust taking a look at our products.Andwe should make sure that the customers c

9、an identify our products immediatelythrough the packaging.Besides, theproductionprocess decides the physical characters of your products. Forexample, what they are made of, metal glass or wood? Because of thesecharacters you have to select different kind of packaging. For example beingfragile your p

10、roducts made of glass should be packaged in a soft containerwhich can stand the impact of collision. Your wood products should be kept inthe anti-wet and anti-mold packaging. As for metal products anti-wet andanti-rust packaging is necessary. Appropriate packaging can ensure the quality ofyour produ

11、ctsduring the delivery.Whatis important when packaging?imageproduction processconvenienceFirst of all, whenpackaging, its very important to choose the color, shape and design thatconvey the high-quality image to our customers. With special appearance, ithelps make the product distinct from others an

12、d attract consumersattention.Second, productionprocess is also important, the product will be handled for many times duringits production process, so the packaging material we use should be strongenough to resist any damage.(we should also consider the transitprocess sothat the package we design wil

13、l protect the product against spoilage.Apart from thistwo aspects, its also of great importance to offer consumers convenience. Packagingshould be designed in such as way to make it easier fo r customers to open thecontainer and use the product. What isimportant when selecting staff for promotion?專業(yè)

14、資料整理WORD格式word 完美格式專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.Attitude to workCurrent performancePersonal qualitiesAttitude to work 工作態(tài)度 : The staff who hold a positive attitude toward wo rk should bepromoted. If a person likes his job, he will devote his heart and soul into thejob and try every effort to accomplish the task. Mo

15、reover, his hard-workingmight well influence the other staff and set a good example for them. T hecompany needs such kind of spirit.Currentperformance (Quality of performance / work-related qualities)專業(yè)素質(zhì) : You know, all staff are looking forward to promotion. The one whogets the chance should be th

16、e best one among all staff. Otherwise other staffwon t be convinced. Current performance can just tell all staff what he or shehas done andcan also tell the staff the reason for promotion. Then everybodywill try his/her best to work hand and make some achievements.Personal qualities人品 :Relevant pers

17、onal qualities are important as well,such as loyalty to thecompany, responsibility and so on, since these qualitiescan establishcredibility and integrity among colleagues. The selecting staff should be as acontributor to the company and as a person of high personal standing with acapacity for leader

18、ship.Communicationskills, Cooperation skillsWhat is importantwhen considering a career change?Further study or trainingOpportunities for future promotionSalaryLocationCompany reputationFirstly, furtherstudy or training cannot be neglected, since training can keep their skillscurrent and up-dated, th

19、us making them more competitive throug hout their lives.Secondly, future promotionnormally provides an increase in pay and status and brings you a sense ofcareer achievement.專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式word 完美格式專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.Thirdly, Salary isnot the most important thing in the world. I do think so.But without money

20、, we llbe in difficulties. When we cant support our families, we will naturallyconsider career change.Location must betaken into account, especially for one who is married and has children. If thenew job means relocation, moving to a strange city, it canbe a great threat toones family life, and vari

21、ous problems will arise, such as children s education,etc. Besides, people have to consider whether the clima te, food and the culturethere fit them or not.What is importantwhen planning an advertising campaign?Market researchSelecting appropriate mediaMarket research:It enables you to know what is

22、popular in the market and w hat prices customerscan accept. All the above are very crucial for you to decide when, where andwhom you can give your advertisement.Selectingappropriate media: For example, if your new product aims to reach young people,it is a wise choice to put an advertisement on eith

23、er TV or Inter net, for theyoung are used to getting news there. Or it will be a waste of money.Pricing: Aftercarrying out market research, we can know what the most rati onal price of a newproduct is.What is importantwhen choosing transport for business trip?ConvenienceCost-effectivenessComfortFirs

24、tly,Convenience transport can help to make your trip easy, efficient a nd free fromfatigue.Secondly, It isadvisable not to choose a transport whose cost is beyond yo ur budget, sinceexpensive transport can even stop you from meeting your targets. You shouldnever allow this kind of cost to ruin your

25、whole business.Finally, Comfortmeans being physically relaxed and contented, free from wo rries andunhappiness. With comfortable transport, you can arrive well rested an d readyfor your work. This is vital for the success of your business. Whatis important when exporting goods or services for the fi

26、rst time?專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式word 完美格式專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.Cultural differencesProfessional adviceWhen exportinggoods or services for the first time ,it is very important to consider culturaldifferences. Cultural differs from country to country. People in differentcountries have different tastes and needs for goods

27、 or services.In order tocater to the tastes and needs of people in foreign countries, a company shouldtake cultural differences into consideration when exporting goods orservicesfor the first time. Otherwise, the goods or services wont sell well.Professionaladvice is also important. Since the compan

28、y has never done internationalbusiness before, it may lack experience of exporting goods or services. If thecompany seeks professional advice, it may avoid marketing disasters which maylead to big losses. In addition, its also important for the company tolocatea good exporting firm which can provide

29、 great assistance in selling goodsorservices to foreign countries.What simportant whendealingwith complaints from clients?Offering an apologysuggest a solution to the problemOffering anapology is the very basic level. When the clients think that th ey have receivedunfair treatments, the first thing

30、that the company should do i s to calm themdown and try to keep the client. An apology is the first step and a usefulmethod to maintain control of the situation. Offering an apology is an important gesture to show that the hosting company is fully aware of thesituati on and would like to take the po

31、tential responsibility for its mistakes.The com plaining clients would feel that their complaints are being paidattention and m ay therefore be happy to proceed to the transaction with thehosting company.It is necessary tosuggest a solution to the problem as well.The clients wantto enter into the tr

32、ansaction in a good mood and with a re liable andtrustworthy business partner. Apart from an apology, the client would want tohave the problems and misunderstanding solved before their communicatio n movesto the next level. If the hosting company failed or refused to suggest a solution, its sincerit

33、y of entering into the transaction would be put intodoub t.What is importantwhen setting prices for new products?專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式word 完美格式專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.Production costsCompetitors pricesDemandQualityThe first thing wemust take into account is Production costs when setting prices for newproducts. Prices s

34、hould cover the costs, such as insurance, raw m aterials, rentand equipment. Otherwise, the company will make a loss.Competitors prices: If we sell our products at a lower price than our comp etitors, we canseize a large market share quickly. Then, large sales volume can help ourcompany reduce produ

35、ction costs and achieve higher profits.Demand需求 :When demand is strong, we can set high prices. When demand is w eak, we can setlower price. Firms must estimate the quantities of a product that consumerswill demand and then set the price for the new product.Quality質(zhì)量 :If the new products are of bett

36、er quality and can perform morefunctions thancompetitors , then the prices can be high.Whatis important when aiming to reduce staff turnover?Financial incentivescareer structurePleasingwork environmentflexible working hourstrainingFirstly, financialincentives are important. Staff want some sort of r

37、ecognition for the job thatthey do. Correct Financial incentives plan will arouse th eir enthusiasm.Otherwise, they would feel being ignored (neglect/overlook).Secondly, careerstructure is also important. Employees will remain with their employer ifcareer opportunities are presented. Career plans fo

38、r those who what to upwardin the company undoubtedly improve morale and boost engagement. (This can leadto some motivational values and enhance employees fulfillment.)Thirdly, creatinga pleasing workplace is very important when aim to retain good staff. Apleasing workplace includes everything from h

39、aving the right tool s available toprovide basic comfort, such as proper lighting and noise control, etc.專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式word 完美格式專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.On top of that,flexible working hours should be also taken into account. I t allows the staff acertain degree of freedom, which is essential for the balan ce of

40、life and work.Besides, trainingcannot be neglected, since training can keep their skills current and up-dated,thus making them more competitive throughout their lives.真題四 What is important whenPlanning a presentation?AudienceEquipment neededFirstly ,Youneed to know who is going to be the target audi

41、ence. Whether th e audience knowanything about the topic of your presentation, What they are interested in,and Why they come to your presentation.Once you have found out som ething about the target audience, you need to keepin mind their interests and needs so as to make your presentation interestin

42、gand meaningful for the target a udience.Secondly, you needto decide what kind of equipment will be needed for the presentation, e.g.over-head projector; clear transparencies; computer; micropho ne, acoustic forthe venue where the presentation will take place. Also,You need to make surethat the equi

43、pment needed will be available on the day when the presentationwill take place. whats more, you need to check that all the equipment is ingood condition and works well.What is important whenselecting an interpreter for a meeting with foreign clientsExperienceReliabilityFirstly, you needto select an

44、interpreter who is experienced in interpreting for such meetings,the interpreter should have a wide knowledge about busines s management andfamiliar with the special terms and jargons for commercial nego tiations,finance, law, etc. in addition, a background knowledge about the targe t countryis also

45、 important too.Secondly, theinterpreter for a meeting with foreign clients should be reli able in thefollowing aspects: being punctual for the meetings,keeping informati專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式word 完美格式專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.on learnedat the meetings confidential and interpreting accurately what is bein gdiscussedWhat is

46、 important whenintroducing a new product range onto the market Timingadvance publicityFirstly ,theintroduction should be made at an appropriate time, i.e. when the market ismatured for having this new product range, in other words, there w ill beprospective customers to buy the products. If there ar

47、e any competitors w ho areplanning to introduce similar products onto the market, then it is necess arythat the introduction should be made ahead of their introduction so as to gr abas much market share as possible.Secondly, advancepublicity is important in that it will pave the way for t he introdu

48、ction, make it known to the general public. There are differen t ways to implementadvance publicity.- to have a newsconference to declare the introduction -to advertise onTV/radio, in newspaper/magazines-to deliversamples of the new product (delivery can be made in the streets, insupermarkets

49、, to people s homes etc.)What is important when aimingto improve career prospects (職業(yè)規(guī)劃 )?When aiming toimprove career prospects, I would take three factors into account, a goodreading habit, a good command of foreign languages, a further educ ation andorganic frame of the worldTo start with, agood

50、reading habit can enrich your knowledge. When you arereading businessarticles, the latest business events will give you a clue of what to do on yourown opinions.Secondly, foreignlanguage learning is becoming increasingly有意識(shí)的替換more and more popular in companies because it guaranteeseffective communic

51、atio n with overseas business partners.Thirdly, furthereducation helps you to step forward. With more training, y our proficiency willbe improved. Last but not least, an organic knowledge system also plays animportant part in the career development. A broadened horizon(開(kāi)闊眼界 ) would enhance your prof

52、essional skills.專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式word 完美格式專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.What is important when aimingto improve career prospects?Reading business articlesLearning a foreign languageTrainingFirstly, readingbusiness articles is very important when trying to improve career prospects.This is a good way for you to keep up wit

53、h the latest develop ment in relatedfield which may give you a clue of what to do next.Secondly, learninga foreign language is also important. For instance if yo u are good at speakingEnglish ,that would add weight to the improvement of care er prospects since theglobalization economy and the wide-s

54、pread international c orporation all needsthe bridge of a common language ,and English is one of the most widely usedlanguages.Thirdly, trainingis another factor to consider. By doing so , you get access to a range ofskills to meet different sorts of needs from different jobs. What is important when

55、deciding how to transport goods?DestinationSpeeddelivery and loading of the goodspriceWhen you aredeciding how to transport goods, the destination of the delive ry is the primeelement to be consideredFor the sake of ( 為了 )convenience, various means of transportation should be adopted with regard tod

56、ifferent distance of the delivery.Furthermore, wecan not overlook speed論點(diǎn) 2. A more prompt delivery means a fasterturnover此處意為流通量,注意它的其他兩種意思:營(yíng)業(yè)額及turnover rate 員工的離職率.On the other hand,delivery and loading of the goods should not be neglected. If the goods are nottaken care of, there could be damages either in transitor during the loadingand unloading process or by other reasons. If the percentage of


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