1、Core System PackageRadio FrequencyTest Suite Structure (TSS) and Test Purposes (TP) Specification 1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/ 2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSThis document defines the TSS and TP for qualification testing of the Bluetooth Wireless Technology Radio layer.Issued06 August 2009RevisionRF.TS/1.2 RF.TS/2
2、.0.E.5RF.TS/2.1.E.5RF.TS/3.0.H.1Bluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpage 2 of 72Radio FrequencyCONTENTS123Scope5Normative References7Definitions and Abbreviations83.13.2Definitions8Abbreviations84Test Suite Structure94.14.24.3Overview9Test suite structure (TSS)9
3、Test groups104. groups10Main test group104. (CA) tests10Valid Behavior (BV) tests10Invalid Behavior (BI) tests114.3.3Conformance114.4Provisional RF Testing115Test Purposes (TP)125.1Introduction125. definition conventions12TP
4、naming conventions.12TRM/CA/01/C (Output Power)12TRM/CA/02/C (Power Density)15TRM/CA/03/C (Power Control).16TRM/CA/04/C (TX Output Spectrum Frequency range). 18TRM/CA/05/C (TX Output Spectrum 20 dB Bandwidth). 21TRM/CA/06/C (TX Output Spectrum Adjacent channel power)23TRM/CA/07/C (Modulation Charact
5、eristics)25TRM/CA/08/C (Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance)27TRM/CA/09/C (Carrier Frequency Drift)29TRM/CA/10/C (EDR Relative Transmit Power)31TRM/CA/11/C (EDR Carrier Frequency Stability and Mod- ulation Accuracy)33TRM/CA/12/C (EDR Differential Phase Encoding)36TRM/CA/13/C (EDR In-band Spurious Em
6、issions)375. August 2009Bluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpage 3 of 72Radio Frequency5. (Enhanced power control)40RCV/CA/01/C (Sensit
7、ivity single slot packets)42RCV/CA/02/C (Sensitivity - multi-slot packets)45RCV/CA/03/C (C/I performance)47RCV/CA/04/C (Blocking performance)49RCV/CA/05/C (Intermodulation Performance)51RCV/CA/06/C (um Input Level)52RCV/CA/07/C (EDR Sensitivity)53RCV/CA/08/C (EDR BER Floor Performance)55TP/RCV/CA/09
8、/C (EDR C/I Performance)56RCV/CA/10/C (EDRum Input Level)596Annex616.1Reference Signal Definition616. Mbps Reference Signal (EDR)623 Mbps Reference Signal (EDR)636.26.3Provisional RF Testing (EDR)63Frequencies for testing636. frequency bands63Frequencies for testing, l
9、oopback, hopping off63Frequencies for testing, TX-Test, hopping off646.4Normal test conditions.656. temperature and humidity65Nominal Power source656. Voltage65Lead-acid battery power sourcesused on vehicles66Other power sources666. test conditions666.5.
10、16.5.2Extreme temperatures66Extreme power source voltages666. voltage66Lead-acid battery power sourceused on vehicles66Power sources using othertypes of batteries67Other power sources676. error rate (BER) measurements67Definition of the position of Bit
11、p0.69Definition of the reference sensitivity level69Antenna gain69Measurement Uncertainty6906 August 20093Bluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpage 4 of 72Radio Frequency6. measurements:69Relative RF power.70Radiated mea
12、surements70Absolute radio frequency70Relative drift radio frequency70Peak frequency deviation706.11Test Case Mapping70406 August 2009Bluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpage 5 of 72Radio Frequency1 SCOPEThis Bluetooth document contains the Test Suite Structure (
13、TSS) and Test Pur- poses (TP) to test the Bluetooth RF layer including Enhanced Data Rate.The objective of this Test Specification is to provide a basis for conformance tests for Bluetooth devices giving a high probability of air interface inter-opera- bility between different manufacturers Bluetoot
14、h devices.The following revisions are applicable to this document.Scope06 August 20095RevisionDateDescriptionD5r32003-11-05Original ReleaseD10R002004-03-03Re-partitioned to match Main Specification Volume/Part parti- tioning.1.2.12004-03-25Editorial changes. Changed document numbering and revision n
15、umber to conform with legacy system.1.2.22004-07-01Changed page numbering to begin part with page 1 and made editorial changes to accommodate Vol. 1, Part A.1.2.32004-08-24Incorporated TSE 522 changing TP TRM/CA/06/C2.0.E.02004-10-19Incorporated changes for V2.0 + EDR2.0.E.12004-10-28Editorial corre
16、ction to TP RCV/CA/10/C2.0.E.22004-11-04First version for 1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR available for qualification2.0.E.32005-03-21Incorporate TSE 686 for the TCMT test cases TRM/CA/10/C, TRM/CA/11/C, TRM/CA/12/C, TRM/CA/13/C, RCV/CA/07/C, RCV/CA/08/C, RCV/CA/09/C, RCV/CA/10/C.Incorporate TSE 687 for RCV/CA/08
17、/C. Incorporate TSE 688 for TRM/CA/13/C. Incorporate TSE 689 for TRM/CA/11/C. Incorporate TSE 690 for RCV/CA/07/C.2.0.E.42005-10-14TSE 719: Explicitly state EUT to support power control for TRM/ CA/10-CChanged globally Bluetooth Specification V1.2 Vol.2, Part A to1 to refer to Normative Reference fi
18、rst item.2.1.E.02006-12-27Change document identifier from 2.0.E to 2.1.ETSE 1809: TRM/CA/11-C: Change reference to Appendix C in the RF spec.Update references to include v1.2 and 2.0/2.1 core refreezes Removed “Uncertainties” section2.1.E.12007-08-23TSE 2264: TCMT: change descriptions, remove blanks
19、2.1.E.22008-04-30TSE 2099: RCV/CA/01/C,RCV/CA/02/C, RCV/CA/07/C clarifica- tion of timing symbolTSE 2416: TRM/CA/01/C: change hopping to optionalBluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpage 6 of 72Radio Frequency606 August 2009Scope2.1.E.3r02008-11-05TSE 2473: RCV/C
20、A/03/C, RCV/CA/09/C: Test condition update TSE 2482: TRM/CA/13/C: Update Expected OutcomeTSE 2492: RCV/CA/03/C: Remove column in Table 5.7TSE 2505: TRM/CA/01-C, TRM/CA/02-C. Add clarification to Notes.21.E.32008-12-08Prepare for publication.2.1.E.4r02009-02-22New test case TRM/CA/14/C for EPC Update
21、d TCMT to match TPG3.0.H.0/2.1.E.42009-04-17Prepare for publication.3.0.H.1r02009-06-222009-08-06TSE 2700: TRM/CA/05/C: Updated Test procedure and expected outcome.TSE 2482: TRM/CA/06/C: Update Expected OutcomeTSE 3083: RCV/CA/03/C, RCV/CA/09/C: Test condition update3.0.H.12009-08-06Prepare for publ
22、ication.Bluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpage 7 of 72Radio Frequency2 NORMATIVE REFERENCESThis Bluetooth document incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provi- sions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places
23、 in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these pub- lications apply to this Bluetooth document only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. The normative references listed below represent the most current
24、versions as of the date of publication of this document. The most current version of a listed reference should be used unless a specific version is noted in the list.Normative References06 August 200971Specification of the Bluetooth System v1.2 Core System Package, Volume 2, Part A2Specification of
25、the Bluetooth System v1.2, Core System Package, Volume 3, Part D3ETS 300 328: Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); Wideband transmission sys- tems; Technical characteristics and test conditions for data transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM band and using spread spectrum modulation tech-
26、 niques4Fart 15: CFR 47, Part 15 Radio Frequency Device, Sections 15.205, 15.209,15.2475PICS Proforma for Radio (RF)6Specification of the Bluetooth System v2.0+ EDR/v2.1 + EDR/3.0 + HS, Core System Package, Volume 2, Part ABluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpag
27、e 8 of 72Radio Frequency3 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS3.1DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of this Bluetooth document, the definitions given in Specifica- tion of the Bluetooth System, Volume 2, Part A apply. In addition, the following definitions apply:Additional definitions in this Test Specification ar
28、e given in Volume 1, Part A, Test Strategy and Terminology Overview.Mathematical conventions used in this document comply with the definitions given in Volume 1, Part A, Test Strategy and Terminology Overview.3.2ABBREVIATIONSFor the purpose of this Bluetooth document, the abbreviations given in Volu
29、me 1, Part A, Test Strategy & Terminology Overview are applicable.806 August 2009Definitions and AbbreviationsBluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpage 9 of 72Radio Frequency4 TEST SUITE STRUCTURE4.1OVERVIEWThe Bluetooth RF is layer 1 of the Bluetooth protocol st
30、ack.Figure 4.1:Bluetooth protocol stack, Basic Layers4.2TEST SUITE STRUCTURE (TSS)Figure 4.2:Test suite structure for Bluetooth RFTest Suite Structure06 August 20099Bluetooth RF Test Suite Structure TransmitterOutput Power Power Density Power ControlTX Output Spectrum Frequency Range TX Output Spect
31、rum 20 dB BandwidthTX Output Spectrum Adjacent Channel Power Modulation CharacteristicsInitialCarrier Frequency Tolerance Carrier Frequency DriftReceiverSensitivity Single slot packets Sensitivity Multi slot packets C/I PerformanceBlocking Performance Intermodulation Performanceum Input LevelAudioHC
32、IBasebandBluetooth RFLink ManagerL2CAPBluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpage 10 of 72Radio FrequencyFigure 4.3:Test suite structure for Bluetooth EDR RF4.3TEST GROUPSThe test groups are organized in 3 levels. The first level defines the protocol groups represe
33、nting the protocol services. The second level, separates the protocol services in functional modules. The last level in each branch contains the standard ISO subgroups BV and BI (not shown in Figure 4.3 on page 10).4.3.1 Protocol groupsThe protocol group identifies the kind of test for Bluetooth RF
34、test purposes:Transmitter TransceiverReceiver4.3.2 Main test groupThe main test groups are the capability group, the valid behavior group and the invalid behavior group. Capability (CA) testsThis sub group provides testing of the major EUT capabilities aiming to insure that the claimed capabi
35、lities are correctly supported, according to the ICS. Valid Behavior (BV) testsThis sub group provides testing to verify that the EUT reacts in conformity with the Bluetooth standard, after receipt or exchange of a valid Protocol Data Units (PDUs). Valid PDUs means that the exchange of messag
36、es and the content of the exchanged messages are considered as valid.1006 August 2009Test Suite StructureBluetooth EDR RF Test Suite Structure TransmitterEnhanced Data Rate Relative Transmit PowerEnhanced Data Rate Carrier Frequency Stability and Modulation AccuracyEnhanced Data Rate Differential Ph
37、ase Encoding Enhanced Data Rate In Band Spurious EmissionReceiverEnhanced Data Rate SensitivityEnhanced Data Rate BER Floor Sensitivity Enhanced Data Rate C/I Performance Enhanced Data Rateum Input LevelBluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpage 11 of 72Radio Freq
38、uency4.3.2.3 Invalid Behavior (BI) testsThis sub group provides testing to verify that the EUT reacts in conformity with the Bluetooth standard, after receipt of a syntactically or semantically invalid PDU.4.3.3 ConformanceWhen conformance to this profile is claimed, all mandatory features, as well
39、as optional and conditional capabilities for which support is indicated in the ICS, are subject to verification as part of the Bluetooth qualification program.A single successful test experiment may not constitute a pass verdict. In order to provide a foundation for interoperability it is necessary
40、that a qualified prod- uct consistently and repeatedly pass any of the mandated tests.If a member finds an issue with the test case as described in the test specifica- tion, or has issues with the utilized test system, the member is required to notify the responsible party with an errata request suc
41、h that the issue may be addressed.4.4PROVISIONAL RF TESTINGCertain deviations from the test procedures shall be permitted for an interimperiod, as specified inSection 6.2, Provisional RF Testing (EDR) on page 63.Test Suite Structure06 August 200911Bluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/
42、2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpage 12 of 72Radio Frequency5 TEST PURPOSES (TP)5.1INTRODUCTION5.1.1 TP definition conventionsThe TPs are defined following the particular rules of TP Definition Conventions in Test Strategy & Terminology Overview, Volume 1 Part A.5.1.2 TP naming conventionsThe identifier of th
43、e TP: TP/- is built according to the standard defined by TP Naming Conventions in Test Strategy & Terminology Overview, Volume 1 Part A.Features/ functions tested for this specification are:Table 5.1: TP Naming Conventions5.1.3 TRM/CA/01/C (Output Power)Verification of theum peak and average RF-outp
44、ut power.ReferenceETS 300 328 (subclause 5.2.1),1, 6 Section 3.Initial Conditiona) EUT is connected to the tester via 50 ohm connector or a temporary 50 ohm connector or if there is no antenna connector,vuitable coupling device.b) EUT in test mc) Hopping on or off.oop back or TX mode.d) If EUT suppo
45、rts power control the tester sets the EUTs outputpower setting toTest Procedureum using LMP commands.1206 August 2009Test Purposes (TP)IdentifierFeature Identifier Transmitter TestsTRMTransceiver TestsTRCReceiver TestsRCVBluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpage
46、13 of 72Radio Frequencya) Tester transmits longest supported DM or DH packet with full payload (1, 3 or 5 slot) with PRBS 9 as payload to the EUT. (See “Reference Signal Definition” on page 61.)b) If Hopping is off, EUT transmits at lowest operating TX frequency.c) The spectrum analyzer settings sha
47、ll be as follow:- Center frequency: the lowest operating frequency- Span: Zero Span- Resolution Bandwidth: 3 MHz-Bandwidth: 3 MHz- Detector: Peak- Mode: Maxhold- Sweeptime: depending on packet type (one complete packet)- Trigger: extern (to signalling unit.)d) The first time the EUT transmits a burs
48、t on the spectrum analyzer center frequency it is triggered to make a sweep over the duration of the burst.e) The tester records the highest power value PPK in the trace.f)Tester calculates average power PAV over at least 20% to 80% of the duration of the burst (position of p0 defines the begin of t
49、he burst)orif the measuring system is not able to determine the p0 bit in the burst:Tester calculates average power PAV over at least 20% to 80% of the duration of the burst. (The duration of the burst is the time between the leading and trailing 3 dB points compared to the average power).g) Repeat
50、b) to e) while the analyzer centre frequency is set to:the mid operating frequency; and the highest operating frequency.These frequencies are defined in Section 6.3.2, Frequencies for testing, loopback, hopping off on page 63.NOTE: When using test equipment that can follow the hopping sequence the l
51、ow, mid, and upper frequencies can be tested when hopped to.h) Repeat step a) to f) for all country specific hopping modes.i) Step a) to g) is repeated under extreme test conditions.j) The antenna gain G (in dBi,) is added to the results (in dBm) measured in part a) to i) (only for verdicts 1) and 2
52、) in Section , Expected Outcome on page 14.) Test ConditionTest Purposes (TP)06 August 200913Bluetooth Test Specification v1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSpage 14 of 72Radio FrequencyThis test case must be performed at normal and extreme test conditions.Expected OutcomeAll values as meas
53、ured must fulfil the following conditions.1.2.3.PAV 100 mW (20 dBm) EIRP PPK 1 mW (0 dBm)If the EUT is a power class 2 equipment:0.25 mW (-6 dBm) PAV 2.5 mW ( 4 dBm) If the EUT is a power class 3 equipment: PAV 1 mW (0 dBm.)4.5.NotesIn the ETS 300 328 the measurement method based on a combination wi
54、th diode detector and oscilloscope is described. This measurement method is not up to date. An equivalent method for a Bluetooth device based on a spectrum analyzer can be used as described in the previous chapter.The test case should be performed using loopback mode. If so, the test sys- tem must ensure that the testcase is not failed due to not correctly recog- nized return packets or payload failure, i.e: The test system must provide a means to check the correct packet type. In addition it is recommended that the payload content is checked as we
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