老友記第一季 實用語句_百度文庫_第1頁
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1、老友記第一季1. why does everyone keep fixating on that?大家為什么老是 提它?2. I hope that wouldn t be an issue.我不希望提起這件事。3. stop hitting on her. 不要再勾引她了4. two seconds.一會就好5. please don t spoil all this fun.別掃興6. I don t think that was my point.我不認為那是我的意思7. here is the thing.問題來了8. I will not take this abuse.別這樣侮辱我

2、9. the word you are looking for is你想說10. i t sucks.很糟糕11. I had a major crush on you.我暗戀過你12. h e has issues.他遇到麻煩了13. b all it up.揉成團。14. A ny diamond ring we find, we ll run it by you.我們找到 任何鉆石戒指都會告訴你的15. D o that for two hours, you might be where I am about now. 在持續(xù)兩個小時,你就會成為我這樣16. t hose were th

3、e days.這就是生活啊17. h e had a thing for you.他一直惦記著你18. i t might take a heat off me.這樣可以讓我喘口氣19. i t s an expression.隨便說說20. o thers are satisfied with staying where they are.其他人喜 歡安于現(xiàn)狀。21. h ere s the deal.事情是這樣的22. s he s this high-powered, driven, career-type. 她是一心追 求事業(yè)的人。23. I never thought I had b

4、een here.我從沒想過能有這一步。 24. t hings change. roll with the punches.世事難料,逆來順受 (大事化小25. I am welling up.我熱淚盈眶26. t hat was a cheap shot.這是個偷襲(不光明的手段 27. c ushions the blow.善意的謊言28. n o one s ever put it like that before.沒有人這么說過 29. t here s really no easy way to say this.真是難以啟齒 30. s o how did it go?情況怎樣?

5、31. w e are not Mr.The-Glass-Is-Half-Empty. 我們不是悲觀之 人32. m aybe it will take my mind off it.或許這能讓我忘記 33. b oneheads 傻瓜,笨蛋 /頑固的人34. d on t be a baby.別像小孩似的35. F inders keepers, loosers weepers. 誰發(fā)現(xiàn)歸誰,丟掉的人 活該36. N o roughhousing in my ER.別在我這鬧事37. l et it go, it s not a big deal.別再爭了,沒什么大不了的 38. b e a

6、 man39. I haven t done that in a while.我有一陣子沒干那個了 40. a ll rules apply.什么規(guī)則都可以用41. w hat would my opening line be?我該用什么開場呢? 42. s he is out of my league.我配不上她43. b ack me up.幫我壯壯膽(支持我一下44. h e couldn t get a woman like that in a million years. 他一輩子也別想得到這種女人45. w ould you like to go out with me somet

7、ime? 你想和我約 會嗎?46. t his is a big break for me.這對我來說是一個重大轉機 (突 破47. w ho is being loud?誰在大喊大叫48. w ithout feeling obligated to each other? 不需要對彼此負 任何責任。49. I m not sure I know what you are getting at?我不懂你在 說什么50. R eally? you don t know what that means to me.真的嗎? 我受寵若驚了51. I am gonna get my stuff.我去收

8、拾行李52. t hat was just mean.那是作孽53. now the turkey should be crispy on the outside juicy on the inside.現(xiàn)在那只火雞應該是外焦里嫩了吧!54. y ou do the math.你算算看55. d on t yell at me.別對我吼56. d on t make her squeak again.不要再讓她發(fā)飆了57. t hat s festive.有節(jié)日氣氛啊!58. t hat means a lot to me.這對我意義重大。59. h e s very methodical.他

9、做事有條不紊。60. h e s kind of like the guy I went to see that with.他就是我 心目中的白馬王子。61. t oo many jokes.太滑稽了62. I said some things that I didn t mean.我說了不該說的話 63. i t s so hard something you love so much doesn t love you back. 深愛某人卻得不到回報真是令人難過。64. s omebody overslept.有人睡過頭了65. y ou are scum.你是人渣66. I m not

10、really here.我不是專程來的67. h e made a move/pass on me.他調戲我68. i t s time for you to swoop in.是時候乘虛而入了69. t it for tat.以眼還眼70. f reak you out.嚇到你們了71. i t s insane.這太離譜了72. d on t bail on me.別背叛我73. w ay to go=well done74. y ou can t do this to me. 你不能這樣對我75. i f you want to put a label on it.如果你非要這么說的話

11、76. i t s time to take the pin out.遲早會浮現(xiàn)的77. I don t mean to brag, but我不想自吹自擂,但 78. y ou ve got the wrong guy.你看錯人了79. I was just being polite.我只是客套一下80. I m comfortable with it.我現(xiàn)在坦然面對81. h ow did he do this.他是怎么做到82. l ast minute lession. 最后通告83. w e want a rematch.你想再來一次84. i f you re gonna play

12、,don t expect me to be nice. 如果想 玩,就別指望我手下留情85. y ou are way off.你扯遠了86. h e can really competitive.他好勝心很強87. i t s pure crap.純屬廢話88. i t s bluffing.唬人的89. k ind of stepped on my point,Mon.我們的意見一致,莫妮 卡90. y our fly is open.你的褲子拉鏈開了91. we dont have to do this.我們沒必要這么做 我們沒必要這么做 92. Phibee , get me you

13、r purse.菲比,把你的錢包給我。 菲比, 菲比 把你的錢包給我。 90.Here we go. There we go. 兩句的意思相仿, 這就那 兩句的意思相仿 此處的副詞 here 與 there 是這就那 、 就之意, 并非表示地點的這里、那里 根據(jù)上下文的意思, 之意 并非表示地點的這里、那里. 根據(jù)上下文的意思, 可以有一下幾種譯法: 可以有一下幾種譯法: 好了/這樣就對了 這就對了 咱們那就出發(fā)啦. 這樣就對了/這就對了 好了 這樣就對了 這就對了 咱們那就出發(fā)啦 我們的東西齊全啦.我們都沒問題啦. 我們的東西齊全啦. 我們都沒問題啦 那就是咱們要的啦. 那就是咱們要的啦 there you go here you go 這是老美口頭禪, 根據(jù)上下文的意思, 可以有一下幾種譯法: 這是老美口頭禪, 根據(jù)上下文的意思, 可以有一下幾種譯法: 這邊請 你走了 表贊賞之意 你看你 就這樣了 91. you got me. 你得到我了! 你抓住我了! 一般譯為 1你得到我了 2你抓住我了! 你得到我了 你抓住我了 3你明白我了! 4你惹怒我了! 5你說對了 你明白我了! 你惹怒我了 你惹怒我了! 你說對了 你說對了! 你明白我了 92.why is the air in here so negative.為


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