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1、高級(jí)財(cái)務(wù)會(huì)計(jì)FA4課程教學(xué)大綱課程代碼:INAC3009課程性質(zhì):專業(yè)必修課程 授課對(duì)象:國(guó)際會(huì)計(jì)專業(yè)開(kāi)課學(xué)期:春總學(xué)時(shí):54學(xué)時(shí)學(xué) 分:3學(xué)分講課學(xué)時(shí):54學(xué)時(shí)實(shí)驗(yàn)學(xué)時(shí):0學(xué)時(shí)實(shí)踐學(xué)時(shí):0學(xué)時(shí)指定教材:Hoyle Schaefer Doupnik, advanced accounting,Mcgraw-hill international 出 版社,2015年 參考書目1. 劉永澤、傅榮,高級(jí)財(cái)務(wù)會(huì)計(jì)(第5版),東北財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué);2. 儲(chǔ)一的,高級(jí)財(cái)務(wù)會(huì)計(jì),中國(guó)人民大學(xué);3. 貝克、萊姆基,高級(jí)財(cái)務(wù)會(huì)計(jì)(第7版),人民郵電出版社;4. 比姆斯,高級(jí)會(huì)計(jì)學(xué)(第1()版),中國(guó)人民大學(xué)出版社;5.

2、劉易斯,彭迪爾,高級(jí)財(cái)務(wù)會(huì)計(jì)(第七版),中國(guó)人民大學(xué)出版社。教學(xué)目的:高級(jí)財(cái)務(wù)會(huì)計(jì)是在財(cái)務(wù)會(huì)計(jì)的基礎(chǔ)上,為進(jìn)一步提高學(xué)生會(huì)計(jì)理論水平和應(yīng)用能力而設(shè) 置的一門專業(yè)課,是財(cái)務(wù)管理專業(yè)本科生的專業(yè)教育拓展課程之一。它主要解決傳統(tǒng)財(cái)務(wù)會(huì) 計(jì)理論和方法領(lǐng)域中不涉及或未廣泛深入涉及的“高、深、難、特”四大問(wèn)題。通過(guò)組織該 課程的教學(xué),使學(xué)生在了解高級(jí)財(cái)務(wù)會(huì)計(jì)的基本理論和構(gòu)成內(nèi)容的基礎(chǔ)上,掌握各種特殊會(huì) 計(jì)業(yè)務(wù)的特點(diǎn)、處理原則,運(yùn)用特殊的方法程序處理企業(yè)發(fā)雜及特殊業(yè)務(wù),進(jìn)一步培養(yǎng)學(xué)生 解決會(huì)計(jì)專門課題的能力。第一章XXXXXXXX (五號(hào)黑體)課時(shí):X周,共X課時(shí)(五號(hào)宋體)教學(xué)內(nèi)容第一節(jié)XXXXX (五號(hào)

3、黑體)一、X X X X X X X (五號(hào)宋體)教學(xué)要點(diǎn)若干字二、XXXXXXX教學(xué)要點(diǎn)若干字三、XXXXXXX教學(xué)要點(diǎn)若干字(其余各節(jié)類推)第一章 The equity method of accounting for investments課時(shí):2周,共6課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容第一節(jié) Three methods are principally used to account for an investment in equity secur ities a Iong with a fa i r vaIue option.一、Fair value method: applied by an inve

4、stor when only a small percentage of a company's voting stock is held.(二) In al 1 later time periods, since the unrealized gain has become an element of the seller* s beginning retained earnings bakince, the reduction is made to this equity account.(三) If the land is ever sold to an outside part

5、y, the intra-entity gain is realized and has to be recognized within that time period.第四節(jié) Intra-entity transfer of depreciable assets一 As with other intra-entity transfers, any unrealized gross profitmust be deferred for consolidation purposes to establish appropriate historical cost balances.二 Howe

6、ver, the difference between the transfer-based accounting valueand the historical cost of the asset will change each year because of the effects of depreciation. The amount of unrealized gain within retained earnings will also bo reduced annually since excess depreciation expense is recognized (and

7、closed into retained earnings) based on the inflated transfer price.三 Consequently, elimination of the unrealized gain (within retainedearnings) and the reduction of the asset value to historical cost will differ from year to year.四 Also within the consolidation process, the recorded depreciationexp

8、ense must be decreased every period to an amount appropriately based on the asset/ s original acquisition price.思考題:1. By selling goods to special purpose entities that it controlled but did not consolidate, did Enron overstate its earnings?2. What Price Should We Charge Ourselves?第六章 Var iable inte

9、rest entities, I ntra-ent i ty Debt, Consol i dated Cash flows, and Other I ssues課時(shí):2周,共6課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容第一節(jié) Variable i nterest ent it i es (VIEs)一、VIEs typically take the form of a trust, partnership, joint venture, or corporation. In most cases a sponsoring firm creates these entities to engage in a limited

10、 and well-defined set of business activities. For example, a business may create a VIE to finance the acquisition of a large asset. The VIE purchases the asset using debt and equity financing, and then leases the asset back to the sponsoring firm. If their activities are strictly 1imited and the ass

11、et is pledged as collatereil, VIEs are often viewed by lenders as less risky than their sponsoring firms. As a result, such arrangements can allow financing at lower interest rates than would otherwise be available to the sponsor.二、Control of VIEs, by design, sometimes does not rest with its equity

12、holders. Instead, control is exercised through contractual arrangements with the sponsoring firm who becomes the "primary beneficiary" of the entity. These contracts can take the form of leases, participation rights, guarantees, or other residual interests. Through contracting, the primary

13、 beneficiary bears a majority of the risks and receives a majority of the rewards of the entity, often without owning any voting shares.三、An entity whose control rests with a primary beneficiary is addressed by FASB ASC subtopic 810-10 Variable Interest Entities. The following characteristics indica

14、te a controlling financial interest in a variable interest entity.四、If a reporting entity has a control 1ing financial interest in a variable interest entity, it should include the assets, liabilities, and results of the activities of the variable interest entity its consolidated financial statement

15、s.第二節(jié) I ntra-ent i ty debt transact i ons一、No special difficulty is created when one member of a business combineition loans money to another. The resulting receivab1e/payab1e accounts as well as the interest income expense balances are identical and can be directly offset in the consolidation proce

16、ss.二、The acquisition of an affiliate* s debt instrument from an outside party does require special handling so that consolidated financial statements can be produced.思考題:1. This case is designed to give life to a theoretical accounting issue: If a subsidiary* s debt is retired, should the resulting

17、gain or loss be assigned to the parent or to the subsidiary?2. Who Lost this $300,000?第七章 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSOWNERSHIP PATTERNS AND INCOME TAXES 課時(shí):2周,共6課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容第一節(jié) I ndi rect subsidiary control一、Control of subsidiary companies wi thin a business combination is often of an indirect natur

18、e; one subsidiary possesses the stock of another rather than the parent having direct ownership.二、One of the most common corporate structures is the father-son-grandson configuration where each subsidiary in turn owns one or more subsidiaries.三、The consolidation process is altered somewhat when indi

19、rect control is present.第二節(jié) I nd i rect subsidiary contro I -connect i ng aff i I i at ion、A connecting af f i 1 i at ion exists whenever two or more compan i es wi th in a business combination hold an equity interest in another member of that organization.二、Despite this variation in the standard ow

20、nership pattern, the consolidation process is essentially the same for a connecting affiliation as for a father-son-grandson organi zat ion.三、Once again, any company in both a parent and a subsidiary position must recognize an appropriate equity accrual in computing its own income.第三節(jié) Mutua I owners

21、h i p一、A mutual affiliation exists whenever a subsidiary owns shares of its parent company.二、Parent shares being held by a subsidiary are accounted for by the treasury stock approach.思考題:1、A fathcr-son-grandson relationship is a specific type of ownership configurationoften encountered in business c

22、ombinations.2、In a business combination having an indirect ownership pattern, at least onecompany is in both a parent and a subsidiary position.第八章 Segment and Interim Reporting課時(shí):2周,共6課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容第一節(jié) FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 280, Segment Reporting (FASB ASC 280), provides current guid

23、ance on segment reporting.、 ASC 280 follows a management approach in which segments are based on the way that management disaggregates the enterprise for making operating decisions; these are referred to as operating segments.二、Operating segments are components of an enterprise which meet three crit

24、eria.三、Once operating segments have been identified, three quantitative threshold tests are then applied to identify segments of sufficient size to wamint separate disclosure. Any第二節(jié) Enterpr i sewide d i sclosures.、Information about products and services.二、Information about geographic areas.思考題:1. H

25、ow Docs a Company Determine Whether a Foreign Country is Material?2. Consolidation presents the account balances of a business combination without regard for the individual component units that comprise the organization.第九章 Foreign currency transactions and Hedging foreign exchange risk課時(shí):2周,共6課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)

26、容第一節(jié) In today' s globaI economy, a great many companies deaI in currencies other than the i r report i ng currenc i es.* Merchandise may be imported or exported with prices stated in a foreign currency.二 For reporting purposes, foreign currency balances must be stated in terms of the company* s

27、reporting currency by multiplying it by an exchange rate.三 Accountants face two questions in restating foreign currency balances.四 What is the appropriate exchange rate for restating foreign currency balances?五 How are changes in the exchange rate accounted for?六 Companies often engage in foreign cu

28、rrency hedging activities to avoid the adverse impact of exchange rate changes.七 Accountants must determine how to properly account for these hedging activities.第二節(jié) Foreign exchange rates are determined in the foreign exchange market under a var i ety of d i fferent currency arrangements.* Exchange

29、rates can be expressed in terms of the number of U. S. dollars to purchase one foreign currency unit (direct quotes) or the number of foreign currency units that can be obtained with one U.S. do 11 ar (indirect quotes).二 Foreign currency trades can be executed on a spot or forward basis.三 Foreign cu

30、rrency options provide the right but not the obligation to buy or sei 1 foreign currency in the future, and therefore are more flexible than forward contracts.第三節(jié) FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 830, Foreign Currency Matters (FASB ASC 830) prescr ibes accounting rules for foreign curren

31、cy transactions.、 Export sales denominated in foreign currency are reported in U. S. dollars at the spot exchange rate at the date of the transaction. Subsequent changes in the exchange rate until collection of the receivable are reflected through a restatement of the foreign currency account receiv

32、ab1e wi th an offsetting foreign exchange gain or loss reported in income. This is known as a two-transact ion perspective, accrual approach.二、The two-transaction perspective, accrual approach also is used in accounting for foreign currency payables. Receivables and payables denominated in foreign c

33、urrency create an exposure to foreign exchange risk; this is the risk that changes in the exchange rate over time will result in a foreign exchange loss.思考題:1. Do we have a gain or what?2. Under the two-transaction perspective, an export sale (import purchase) and the subsequent collection (payment)

34、 of cash are treated as two separate transactions to be accounted for separately. Docs that make sense?考核方式:閉卷二、Consolidation: when one firm controls another (e.g., when a parent has a majority interest in the voting stock of a subsidiary or control through variable interests, their financial statem

35、ents are consolidated and reported for the combined entity.三、Equity method: applied when the investor has the ability to exercise significant influence over operating and financial policies of the investee.第二節(jié) Accounting for an investment: the equity method一、The investment account is adjusted by the

36、 investor to reflect all changes in the equity of the investee company.二、Income is accrued by the investor as soon as it is earned by the investee.三、Dividends declared by the investee create a reduction in the carrying amount of the Investment account. The text assumes all investee dividends are dec

37、lared and paid in the same reporting period.第三節(jié) Spec i a I account i ng procedures used i n the app I i cat i on of the equ i ty method一、Reporting a change to the equity method when the ability to significantly influence an investee is achieved through a series of acquisitions.二、Investee income from

38、 other than continuing operations三、Investee losses四、Reporting the sale of an equity investment第四節(jié) Excess investment cost over book value acqui red一、The price an investor pays for equity securities often differs significantly from the investee's underlying book value primarily because the histori

39、cal cost based accounting model docs not keep track of changes in a firm's fair value.二、Payments made in excess of underlying book value can sometimes be identified with specific investee accounts such as inventory or equipment.三、An extra acquisition price can also be assigned to anticipated ben

40、efits that arc expected to be derived from the investment. In accounting, these amounts are presumed to reflect an intangible asset referred to as goodwill. Goodwill is calculated as any excess payment(ha( is not attributable to specific assets and liabilities of the investee. Because goodwill is an

41、 indefinite-lived asset, it is not amortized.第五節(jié) DeferraI of unreaI ized gross profit in inventory、 Profits derived from intra-entity transactions are not considered completely earned until the transferred goods are either consumed or resold to unrelated parties.二、Downstream sales of inventory三、Upst

42、ream sales of inventory思考題:1. Did the Cost Method Invite Manipulation?2. Ddoes (he Equity Method Really Apply Here?第二章 Consolidation of Financial Information課時(shí):2周,共6課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容第一節(jié) Business combinations and the consolidation process、 A business combination is the formation of a single economic entity, an

43、event that occurs whenever one company gains control over another二、Business combinations can be created in several different ways三、Financial information from the members of a business combination must be consolidated into a single set of financial statements representing the entire economic entity.第

44、二節(jié) The Acquisition Method一、The acquisition method replaced the purchase method. For combinations resulting in complete ownership, it is distinguished by fbur characteristics.(一)All assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the combination arc recognized and measured at their individual fair values

45、(with few exceptions).(二)The fair value of the consideration transferred provides a starting point for valuing and recording a business combination.(三)Any excess of (he fair value of the consideration transferred over the net amount assigned to the individual assets acquired and liabilities assumed

46、is recognized by the acquirer as goodwill.(四)Any excess of the net amount assigned (o the individual assets acquired and liabilities assumed over the fair value of the consideration transferred is recognized by the acquirer as a "gain on bargain purchase.,二、In-process research and development a

47、cquired in a business combination is recognized as an asset at its acquisition-date fair value.第三節(jié) Convergence between U. S. GAAP and IAS、IFRS 3 - nearly identical to U.S. GAAP because of joint efforts二、IFRS 10 - Consolidated Finanical Staiements and IFRS 12 一 Disclosure of Interests inOther Entitie

48、s both become effective in 2013. Some differences between these and GAAP思考題:1. What is business combination?2. How should a parent consolidate its subsidiary's revenues and expenses?第三章 Consolidations一Subsequent to the Date of acquisition課時(shí):2周,共6課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容第一節(jié) Several factors serve to comp I icate th

49、e consol idat ion process when it occurs subsequent to the date of acquisition. I n a I I comb i nat i ons within its own interna I records the acqu i r i ng company wi I I ut i I i ze a spec i f ic method to account for the i nvestment i n the acqui red company.、 Three alternatives are available二、D

50、epending upon the method applied, the acquiring company will record earnings from its ownership of the acquired company. This total must be eliminated on the consolidation worksheet and be replaced by the subsidiary's revenues and expenses.三、Under each of these three methods, the balance in the

51、Investment account will also vary. Il too must be removed in producing consolidated statements and be replaced by the subsidiary's assets and liabilities.第二節(jié) I I. For comb i nat i ons subsequent to the acquisition date, certain procedures are requi red. If the parent appI ies the equity method,

52、the fol lowing process i s appropr iate.一、Assuming that the acquisition was made during the current fiscal period(一)The parent adjusts its own Investment account to reflect the subsidiary's income and dividend declarations as well as any amortization expense relating to excess acquisition-date f

53、air value over book value allocations and goodwill.(二)Worksheet entries are then used to establish consolidated figures for reporting purposes.二、Assuming that (he acquisition was made during a previous fiscal period() Most of the consolidation entries described above remain applicable regardless of

54、the time that has elapsed since the combination was formed.(二) The amount of the subsidiary's stockholders* equity to be removed in Entry S will differ each period to reflect the balance as of the beginning of the current year(三) The allocations established by entry A will also change in each su

55、bsequent consolidation. Only the unamortized balances remaining as of the beginning of the current period arc recognized in this entry.第三節(jié) For a comb i nat i on where the parent has app I i ed an account i ng method other than the equity method, the consol idat ion procedures descr ibed above must b

56、e modified.一、A. If the initial value method is applied by the parent company, the intra-entity dividends eliminated in Entry I will only consist of the dividends transferred from the subsidiary. No separate Entry D is needed.二、B. If the partial equity method is in use, lhe intra-enli(y income to be

57、removed in Entry I is the equity accrual only; no amortization expense is included. Intra-entity dividends are eliminated through Entry D.三、C. In any time period after the year of acquisition.第四節(jié) Barga i n purchases一、A. As discussed in Chapter Two, bargain purchases occur when the parent company tra

58、nsfers consideration less than net fair values of the subsidiary's assets acquired and liabilities assumed.二、B. The parent recognizes an excess of net asset fair value over the consideration transferred as a “gain on bargain purchase."第五節(jié) Goodwi I I Impa i rment一、When is goodwill impaired?二、How is goodwill tested for impairment?三、How is the impairment recognized in financial statements?第六節(jié) Contingent consideration一、The fair value of any contingent consideration is included as pan of the consideration transf


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