1、邢唷? ?欹? 餜?搓bjbjLULU2?.?.? )8X)D?d G?*+|EEEEEEE$ HhkJ:)?+?*4薋?*|E?|E?:0D,窪*纜 T 蠌?)p8?D|E酕0 GfDRRf窪窪?+?- .?*0?+?+ G? %) ) lb 轢Yf鼅T 駛韹 N 諎 7hwSY Z U C E TB a n d 1P a r tIL i s t e n i n gC om p r e h e n s i o n( 3 5% )S e c t i o nA :C o n v e r s a t i o n s( 1 5 % )D i r e c t i o n s :I nt h i ss
2、e c t i o n ,y o uw i l lh e a r8s h o r tc o n v e r s a t i o n sa n d2l o n gc o n v e r s a t i o n s .A tt hee n do fe a c hc o n v e r s a t i o n ,o n eo rm o r eq u e s t i o n sw i l lb ea s k e dabout what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After ea
3、ch question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the fourchoices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. A) In a school. B) At a theater. C) In a restaurant. D) In
4、a bank.2. A) Yes, he likes it very much. B) Yes, he finds it interesting. C) No, he findsit very boring. D) No, he finds it very hard.3. A) $2.00. B) $6.00. C) $4.00. D) $5.00.4. A) Black. B) With scream. C) Iced. D) With sugar.5. A) His mother wants him to do his homework. B) He has to finish his h
5、omework. C)He doesn 抰 know it is so late D) His mother can 抰 sleep.6. A) He prefers not having one. B) He already has a good one. C) He can 抰 share thecost with his roommate. D) He prefers to have a roommate.7. A)Workers. B) Teachers. C) Students. D) Doctors.8. A) To wash the dishes. B) To ring the
6、doorbell. C) To prepare the dish. D) To answerthe door. Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. A) He has a bad tooth. B) He 抯 leaving next week. C) He will be busy next week.D) He needs to find a job.10. A) His last dentist. B) His mother. C) A salesman. D) His friend
7、.11. A) He works at night. B) He 抯 changing his job. C) He is a dentist. D) He onlyearns a little. Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A) Both a final examination and a term paper. B) Only a final examination. C) Onlya term paper. D) Either a final examination or
8、 a term paper.13. A) A report. B) A book review. C) A research study. D) A five-page composition.14. A) An essay examination. B) An objective examination. C) An open-book examination.D) A take-home examination.15. A) English. B) Psychology. C) Political science. D) Chemistry.Section B: Short Passage
9、s (10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. After each passage, youwill hear some questions. Both the passages and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices markedA), B), C) and D). Then mark the co
10、rresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singleline through the center.Passage OneQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you Nowadays, you can shop for just aboutanything from your S3) _. All you need is a computer which is S4) _to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming S5) _ p
11、opular. In theUnited States, 50 percent of S6) _ have computers at home and almost oneS7) _ are linked to the Internet. Americans spent over US$2.5 billion onInternet shopping in 1998. This figure is S8) _ to reach US$11 billion bytheyear2004.S9)_. Physical products include items such as books, CDs,
12、clothes and food. These types of products are the most common purchases through theInternet.S10)_, or you can download computer softwarethroughtheInternet.ServicessuchasS11)_ontheInternet. You can also go shopping on the Internet for entertainment services and takepart in online games or e-mail chat
13、s.Part II Reading Comprehension (40%)Section A: Skimming and Scanning (10%)Directions: In this section, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly.For the statements numbered from 26 to35, please choose A (for Yes) if the statementagrees with the information given in the passage; B (for
14、 No) if the statement contradictsthe information given in the passage; C (for Not Given) if the information is not givenin the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singleline through the center.The Human Brain Most of us learn basic facts about the human brain in ou
15、r middle orhigh school biology classes. We study the subcortex, the 搊 ld brain? which is foundin the brain of most animals and is responsible for basic functions such as breathing,eating,drinking,andsleeping.Welearnabouttheneocortex(Y伄vB) ,t h en e wb r a i n ,w h i c hi su n i q u et ohu m a n sa n
16、 di sw h e r ec o m p l e xb r a i na c t i v i t yt a k e sp l a c e .W ef i n dt ha tt h ec e r e b r u m ,w h i c hi sr e s p o ns i b l ef o ra l la c t i v et h o u g h t ,i sd i v i d e di n t ot w op a r t s ,o rh e m is p h e r e s .T h el e f th e m i s p h e r e ,g en e r a l l y ,m a n a
17、g e st h er i g h ts i d eo ft h eb o d y ;i ti sr e s p o n s i b l efo rl o g i c a lt h i n k i n g .T h er i g h the m i s p h e r em a n a g e st h el e f ts i d eo ft h eb o d y ;t h i sh e m i s p h e r ec o nt r o l se m o t i o n a l ,c r e a t i v e ,a n dar t i s t i cf u n c t i o n s .A
18、 n dw el e a r nt h a tt h ec o r p u sc a l l o s u m(鼆輤SO)i st h eb r i d g e t h a tconnectsthetwohemisphere. Memorizing the names for parts of the brain might not seem thrilling tomany students, but new discoveries in brain function are exciting. Recent research isteaching us a lot about creativ
19、ity, memory, the differences between men and women, andtherelationshipbetweenmindandbody.LeftBrain/RightBrain:CreativityPsychologists agree that most of us have creative ability that is greater than whatwe use in daily life. In other words, we can be more creative than we realize! The problemis that
20、 we use mainly one hemisphere of our brain - the left. From childhood, in school,we 抮 e taught reading, writing, and mathematics; we are exposed to very little musicor art. Therefore, many of us might not 揺 xercise?our right hemisphere much, exceptthrough dreams, symbols, and those wonderful insight
21、s in which we suddenly find theanswer to a problem that has been bothering us and do so without the need for logic.Can we be taught to use our right hemisphere more? Many experts believe so. Classesat some schools and books (such as 揟 he Inner Game of Tennis and Drawing on the RightSide of the Brain
22、? claim to help people to 搒 ilence?the left hemisphere and give theright a chance to work. Memory - True or False In the 1980s in the United States,there were many cases of adults who suddenly remembered, with the help of a psychologist,things that had happened to them in childhood. These memories h
23、ad been repressed -held back - for many years. Some of these newly discovered memories have sent peopleto prison. As people remember crimes (such as murder or rape) that they saw orexperienced as children, the police have reopened and investigated old criminal cases.In fact, over 700 cases have been
24、 filled that are based on these repressed memories.However, new studies in 1990s suggest that many of these might be false memories. Ata 1994 conference at Harvard Medical School, neuroscientists discussed how memory isbelieved to work. It is known that small pieces of a memory (sound, right, fellin
25、g,and so on) are kept in different parts of the brain; the limbic system, in the middleof the brain, pulls these pieces together into one complete memory. But it 抯 certainthat people can 搑 emember?things that have never happened. Even a small suggestioncanleaveapieceofmemoryinthebrain.Mostfrightenin
26、g,accordingt 僴) ,h i g hb l o o dp r e s s u r e ,i n s o m n ia( 1Yw) ,a n dm i g r a i n eh e a d a c h e s .Q u e s ti o n s2 6 - 3 5a r eb a s e do nt h ep a s sa g ey o uh a v ej u s tr e a d .2 6 .T h e r ei sn on e o c o r t e xi nt h eb r a i no fa n i m a l so t h e rt h a nh u ma nb e i n
27、g s .2 7 .M o s tp e o p l ep r o b a b l yd o n tu s ea l lt h e i rc r e a t i v eability.28. Our memories can be improved by recalling childhood experiences.29. People can have memories of things that never happened.30. Newly discovered memories from childhood may turn out to be false memories.31
28、. There is no real difference between the brains of males and those of females.32. There 抯 a growing number of evidence to prove that our minds and bodies are closelyconnected.33. Positive thinking can help people recover faster.34. When children grow into adults, the gender differences they demonst
29、rated asyoungsters disappear. 35. Hypothalamus controls people 抯 emotions.Section B:Reading in Depth (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this section. Eachpassage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them thereare four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You sh
30、ould decide on the best choice andmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage One Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Humans are social animals. They depend on groups for survival. An individual human beinglost in a wilderness is
31、capable of doing many things. But he or she will probably bethinking constantly about how much better it would be if there were other people aroundto talk to and to help. Because humans like to live and work in groups, they form couplesand families; villages and cities; work groups, teams and other
32、organizations. Languageis the 揷 ement?that holds these social groups together. Through language we can shareideas and experiences. The human mouth and throat are so constructed that we can uttera variety of sounds. Language is the device for matching certain combinations of soundswith the symbols fo
33、r things, ideas and emotions. Our brains think in symbols - wordsand sentences - as well as in the images that we receive from our senses. Thus wecan turn experiences into symbols and communicate to other people through the use oflanguage. Any one individual, therefore, can learn much more from othe
34、rs than he orshe can discover alone. Language enables people to pass ideas from group to group andfrom generation to generation. Language is part of culture. Culture, in this sense,means all those customs, skills and attitudes that are part of the behavior of aparticular group. The way you live, wha
35、t you think and what you want in life are allaffected by the culture of the group in which you are raised. Groups of people livein different ways. They may have different skills, organizations and art forms. Theirfamily life may be completely different from yours. Human beings are inventive animals.
36、They can even decide to change their cultures in order to meet new situations. Theycan choose to live in many environments and in a wide variety of ways. Of all livingthings, only human beings can choose where and how they want to live and then modifythe physical environment to help them realize the
37、se choices. Acquiring the wisdom tomake wise choices is the enduring challenge of being human.36. What is the most important thing that helps humans to form social groups?A) Construction. B) Language. C) Good behavior. D) Marriage.37. With language we can do all the following but _.A) produce good h
38、ealth B) communicate to other people C) pass ideas from group to groupD) turn experiences into symbols38. Which of the following is not affected directly by culture?A) Your way of life. B) Your thinking. C) Your senses. D) Your needs.39. In what sense are humans wise and different from other living
39、things?A) Humans can change the environment to meet their needs. B) Humans move from placeto place. C) Humans live in groups. D) Humans have a living place.40. The best title for this passage might be _.A) The History of Human Beings B) Variety of Cultures C) Humans Are Inventive AnimalsD) Language,
40、 Culture and Human BeingsPassage Two Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Learning how to write is like taking a course in public speaking. I 抎 ask whether anyoneinclassh a de v e rt a k e ns u c hac o u r s e .I nv a r i a b l yaf e wh a n d sw o u l dg ou p. ?W h a td i dy o ul e
41、a r ni nt h a tc o u r se ? I da s k . ?W e l l ,t h em a i nt h i n gw a sl e a r n i ngh o wt of a c ea na u d i e n c e :n o ttob ei n h i b i t e d- - -n o tt ob en e rv o u s . E x a c t l y ,w h e ny o ut a k eac o u r s ei np u blic speaking nowadays, you don 抰 hear much about grammar and voc
42、abulary.Instead, you 抮 e taught how not to be afraid or embarrassed, how to speak without aprepared script, how to read out to the live audience before you. Public speaking isamatterofovt w e e nm a k i n gap u b l i cs p e e c ha n dw r i t i n gi sth a t_ _ _ _ _ _ . ?A )y o uh a v et od oal o to
43、fp r e p a r a t i o nw o r kb e f o r eh a n d.B )y o us h o u l dg e to v e ry ou rn e r v o u si n h i b i t i o n s ?C )y o ush o u l dk n o wg r a m m a ra n dv o c a b u l a ryw e l lt oa c c o m p l i s ht h e mD )b o tho ft h e mh a v ea u d i e n c e ?4 4 .I nt h eo p i n i o no ft h ea u t
44、 h o r,p u b l i cs p e a k i n gi sm u c he a s i e rt h a nw r i t i n gb e c a u s e_ _ _ _ _ _.A )p u b l i cs p e a k i n gr e q u i r e sl e s se f f o r tt h a nw r i t i n g ?B )i t su n n e c e s s a r yf o ry o ut ow r i t eal o tf o rs p e e c ha n dy o uc a ns a yan y t h i n ga sy o ul
45、i k eC )y o uf a c et h ea u d i e n c ed i r e c t l yi np u b l i cs p e a k i n gw h i l ew r i t i n gi so t h e r wi s e ?D )i np u b l i cs p e a k i n g ,t h ea u d i e n c eh a v et ol i s t e nt oy o uwh e t h e rt h e yl i k ei to rn o t4 5 .T h ea u t h o ro ft h i sp a s s a g epr o b a
46、b l yi sa_ _ _ _ _ _ . ?A )b o s s ? B )p o l i t i c i a n ? C )w r i t e r ? D )p rofessorPassage Three Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learnby being corrected all the time: if corrected too much, h
47、e will stop talking. He noticesa thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the languagethose around him. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language likeother people 抯. In the same way, children learning to do all the other things theylearn to do withou
48、t being taught - to talk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle -compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make theneeded changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakesfor himself, let alone correct them. We do it all for him. We act a
49、s if we thought thathe would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unlesshe was made to. Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher. Let him do it himself. Lethim work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, whatthe answer is to that p
50、roblem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this ornot. If it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in mathematics or science, givehim the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste timeon such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he te
51、lls us that he can抰 find the way to get the right answer. Let 抯 end all this nonsense of grades, exams,marks. Let us throw them all out, and let the children learn what all educated personsmust some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they knowor do not know. Let him
52、go on with this job in the way that seems most sensible to them,with our help as school teachers if they ask for it. The idea that there is a body ofknowledge to be learnt at school and used for the rest of one 抯 life is nonsense ina world as complicated and rapidly changing as ours. Anxious parents
53、 and teachers say,揃 ut suppose they fail to lean something essential, something they will need to geton in the world?Don 抰 worry! If it is essential, they will go out into the world andlearn it.46. What does the author think teachers do which they should not do?A) They give children correct answers.
54、 B) They allow children to mark their own work.C) They point out children 抯 mistakes to them. D) The encourage children to copy fromone another.47. Exams, grades and marks should be abolished because children 抯 progress shouldonly be estimated by _.A) the children themselves B) teachers C) parents D
55、) educated persons48. What does the author think is the best way for children to learn things?A) By making mistakes and having them corrected. B) By listening to explanations fromskilled people. C) By copying what other people do. D) By asking a great many questions.49. The passage suggests that lea
56、rning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are_.A) not really important skills B) basically the same as learning other skills C) moreimportant than other skills D) basically different from learning adult skills50. The author fears that children will grow up into adults who are _.A) unable to use
57、basic skills B) too dependent on others C) too critical of themselvesD) unable to think for themselvesPart III Cloze (10%)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are fourchoices marked A), B), C), and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into thepassage
58、. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center.Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. _51_, illness or accidents may occur withoutany _52_. Frequently the person who is _53_ can be cared for at home if there issomeone _54_ of looking after him under th
59、e doctor 抯 _T 1 . b:N5u 茐褃 f倐顅剉 6RGr 篘擽鍕b 舃 w? lQ O t 銐褃 f剉蛻鸑 0T 2 . yY 剉wzfN 緰 t 銐郪:N 胈 up 剉,g(?/f 蜰 vQ 鵞N?剉婲 ir 剉-N 蚐 f 鶴 eg 剉 0T 3 . (W?Rb 諷梍剉銷篘蔪 GY 剉 b1鰁諲:_ 寙 N R ?gG?N/fI卂:gG 悇 v 蛻亯 0T 4 . Rf 廥 T 祣珟髰N 哊 kpf? iP霳 Qb Pkpf 徫 N 諲霳N 筫 v 毲?粂諲霳闟 g 郠駛鳾 0T 5 . 衏 0R 菑籗篘霳_ OT骮 w 崳悰 N 隷 PN 剉鰁 IQe 鰁魰=蠎醤硩 fu
60、 剉 梺?0T 2 .購!k8?f?R? b 烺僛鵞蘏筫龕gwyr+RY 剉Y Y 0T 3 .泂=N 孾 byY 剉 Yef錧OT(W 慛 WS8n哊$N*NgMb 轛 0R 絶剉禰 0T 4 .=坃賍諲蟢)Y 髞 眰$N*N鰁NQ哊銐;Sf啒遅剉 g 癳 0T 5 .Q軂 Ye 瞼詋 w?O 邁 Ye 瞼 eg鬴齹倐鰁魰孴褢睌 NAS R 筫縊 0S e c t i o n3( N e wH o r i z o nC o l l e g eEn g l i s h )T 1 .fN Y 韹O b 霳茓哊NT 噀 S b 霳錘 N 蛓 hQ 癳剉 魚籗w 卂婲 ir 0T 2 .亯骮賬+R
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