1、Interpretations The Supreme People's Court of Certain Issues concerning The Application of The Contract Law of The People's Republic of China(Part One)最高人民法院公告最高人民法院關(guān)于適用中華人民共和國合同法若干問題的解釋(一)已于年月日由最高人民法院審判委員會第次會議通過,現(xiàn)予公布,自年月日起施行。December 29, 1999 一九九九年十二月十九日Interpretations The Supreme People
2、9;s Court of Certain Issues concerning The Application of The Contract Law of The People's Republic of China(Part One)最高人民法院關(guān)于適用中華人民共和國合同法若干問題的解釋(一)FaShi 1999 No.19 法釋(1999)19號"The Supreme People''s Court''s Interpretations of Certain Issues Concerning the Application of the
3、 Contract Law of the People''s Republic of China(part One)" is adopted at the 1090th Session of the Adjudication Committee of the Supreme People''s Court on December 1, and is promulgated now, this law will be effective as of December 29,1999. Pursuant to The Contract Law of the
4、 People''s Republic of China (hereinafter the "Contract Law"), and with a view to facilitating the proper adjudication of contractual disputes, we hereby promulgate the following interpretations of certain issues concerning the application of the Contract Law by People''s C
5、ourts:(1999年12月1日最高人民法院審判委員會第1090次會議通過)為了正確審理合同糾紛案件,根據(jù)中華人民共和國合同法(以下簡稱合同法)的規(guī)定,對人民法院適用合同法的有關(guān)問題作出如下解釋:I. Scope of Application of the Law一、法律運用范圍Article 1 Where a suit is brought to a People''s Court in respect of a dispute arising out of a contract formed after the operative date of the Contrac
6、t Law, the provisions of the Contract Law shall apply; where a suit is brought to a People''s Court in respect of a dispute concerning a contract formed before the operative date of the Contract Law, except otherwise provided herein, the provisions of the law in effect at the time shall appl
7、y, provided that if the law in effect at the time did not provide for such matter, the relevant provision of the Contract Law may apply.第一條 合同法實施以后成立的合同發(fā)生糾紛起訴到人民法院的,適用合同法的規(guī)定;合同法實施以前成立的合同發(fā)生糾紛起訴到人民法院的,除本解釋另有規(guī)定的以外,適用當(dāng)時的法律規(guī)定,當(dāng)時沒有法律規(guī)定的,可以適用合同法的有關(guān)規(guī)定。Article 2 Where a contract was formed before the operati
8、ve date of the Contract Law, but the prescribed time limit for performance extends beyond, or commences after, the operative date of the Contract Law, if a dispute arises out of its performance, the relevant provisions of Chapter Four of the Contract Law shall apply.第二條 合同成立于合同法實施之前,但合同約定的履行期限跨越合同法實
9、施之日或者履行期限在合同法實施之后,因履行合同發(fā)生的糾紛,適用合同法第四章的有關(guān)規(guī)定。Article 3 In determining the validity of a contract formed before the operative date of the Contract Law, if application of the law in effect at the time leads to its invalidation, but application of the Contract Law leads to affirmation of its validity, th
10、e People''s Court shall apply the Contract Law.第三條 人民法院確認合同效力時,對合同法實施以前成立的合同,適用當(dāng)時的法律合同無效而適用合同法合同有效的,則適用合同法。Article 4 After the Contract Law became operative, a People''s Court may only invalidate a contract in accordance with laws adopted by the National People''s Congress or
11、 its Standing Committee, or administrative regulations adopted by the State Council, and may not invalidate a contract in accordance with any local statutes or administrative rules.第四條 合同法實施以后,人民法院確認合同無效,應(yīng)當(dāng)以全國人大及其常委會制定的法律和國務(wù)院制定的行政法規(guī)為依據(jù),不得以地方性法規(guī)、行政規(guī)章為依據(jù)。Article 5 Where a People''s Court re-ad
12、judicates a case on which a final judgment has been rendered, the Contract Law does not apply.第五條 人民法院對合同法實施以前已經(jīng)作出終審裁決的案件進行再審,不適用合同法。II. Time Limit for Action二、訴訟時效Article 6 In a dispute arising out of a technology contract, where infringement of the right of a party occurred before the operative da
13、te of the Contract Law, if there was a lapse of more than one year between the date on which the party knew or should have known that its right was infringed and the operative date of the Contract Law, the People''s Court will no longer enforce such right; where the lapse was less than one y
14、ear, the time limit during which the party may bring a suit shall be two years.第六條 技術(shù)合同爭議當(dāng)事人的權(quán)利受到侵害的事實發(fā)生在合同法實施之前,自當(dāng)事人知道或者應(yīng)當(dāng)知道其權(quán)利受到侵害之日起至合同法實施之日超過一年的,人民法院不予保護;尚未超過一年的,其提起訴訟的時效期間為二年。Article 7 In a dispute arising out of a technology import/export contract, where infringement of the right of a party oc
15、curred before the operative date of the Contract Law, if there was a lapse of more than two years between the date on which the party knew or should have known that its right was infringed and the operative date of the Contract Law, the People''s Court will no longer enforce such right; wher
16、e the lapse was less than two years, the time limit during which the party may bring a suit shall be four years.第七條 技術(shù)進出口合同爭議當(dāng)事人的權(quán)利受到侵害的事實發(fā)生在合同法實施之前,自當(dāng)事人知道或者應(yīng)當(dāng)知道其權(quán)利受到侵害之日起至合同法施行之日超過二年的,人民法院不予保護;尚未超過二年的,其提起訴訟的時效期間為四年。Article 8 The time period of "one year" set out in Article 55, and the tim
17、e period of "five years" set out in Article 75 and Paragraph 2 of Article 104 of the Contract Law are fixed, and are not subject to the rules governing the suspension, termination or extension of time limit for action.第八條 合同法第五十五條規(guī)定的“一年”、第七十五條和第一百零四條第二款規(guī)定的“五年”為不變期間,不適用訴訟時效中止。中斷或者延長的規(guī)定。III.
18、 Validity of Contracts三、合同效力Article 9 Where as set forth in Paragraph 2 of Article 44 of the Contract Law, the relevant law or administration regulation provides that the effectiveness of a certain contract is subject to completion of the relevant approval procedure, or the relevant approval and reg
19、istration procedures, if before completion of court debate by the parties in the trial of first instance, the parties still fail to carry out the relevant approval procedure, or approval and registration procedures, as the case may be, the People''s Court shall rule that the contract has not
20、 yet taken effect; if the relevant law or administration regulation requires that a certain contract be registered without subjecting its effectiveness to such registration, then failure to effect registration shall not impair the effectiveness of the contract, provided that such failure constitutes
21、 an impediment to the conveyance of title to, or such other real right in, the subject matter of the contract.In the case of amendment, assignment or termination of a contract as set forth in Paragraph 2 of Article 77, Article 87, and Paragraph 2 of Article 96 of the Contract Law, the provisions of
22、the previous Paragraph apply.第九條 依照合同法第四十四條第二款的規(guī)定,法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定合同應(yīng)當(dāng)辦理批準(zhǔn)手續(xù),或者辦理批準(zhǔn)、登記等手續(xù)才生效,在一審法庭辯論終結(jié)前當(dāng)事人仍未辦理批準(zhǔn)手續(xù)的,或者仍未辦理批準(zhǔn)、登記等手續(xù)的,人民法院應(yīng)當(dāng)認定該合同未生效;法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定合同應(yīng)當(dāng)辦理登記手續(xù),但未規(guī)定登記后生效的,當(dāng)事人未辦理登記手續(xù)不影響合同的效力,合同標(biāo)的物所有權(quán)及其他物權(quán)不能轉(zhuǎn)移)合同法第七十七條第二款、第八十七條、第九十六條第二款所列合同變更、轉(zhuǎn)讓、解除等情形,依照前款規(guī)定處理。Article 10 Where the parties entered into
23、 a contract the subject matter of which was outside their scope of business, the People''s Court shall not invalidate the contract on such ground, except where conclusion of the contract was in violation of state restriction concerning, or licensing requirement for, a particular business sec
24、tor, or in violation of any law or administrative regulation prohibiting the parties from participation in a particular business sector.第十條 當(dāng)事人超越經(jīng)營范圍訂立合同,人民法院不因此認定合同無效。但違反國家限制經(jīng)營、特許經(jīng)營以及法律。行政法規(guī)禁止經(jīng)營規(guī)定的除外。IV. Subrogation四、代位權(quán)Article 11 Where an obligee is to bring a suit of subrogation pursuant to Artic
25、le 73 of the Contract Law, the following conditions shall be met:第十一條 債權(quán)人依照合同法第七十三條的規(guī)定提起代位權(quán)訴訟,應(yīng)當(dāng)符合下列條件:(1) The obligee''s creditor''s right against the obligor is lawful;(一)債權(quán)人對債務(wù)人的債權(quán)合法;(2) The obligor''s delay in exercising the creditor''s right due to it has caused
26、harm to the obligee;(二)債務(wù)人怠于行使其到期債權(quán),對債權(quán)人造成損害;(3) The creditor''s right of the obligor is due;(三)債務(wù)人的債權(quán)已到期;(4) The creditor''s right of the obligor is not exclusively personal to it.(四)債務(wù)人的債權(quán)不是專屬于債務(wù)人自身的債權(quán)。Article 12 As referred to in Paragraph 1 of Article 73, a creditor''s ri
27、ght exclusively personal to the obligor means a claim for alimony, child support, parental support or succession, or, a claim for wage, retirement pension, old age pension, death benefits, relocation allowance or life insurance, or, a personal injury claim.第十二條 合同法第七十三條第一款規(guī)定的專屬于債務(wù)人自身的債權(quán),是指基于扶養(yǎng)關(guān)系、撫養(yǎng)關(guān)
28、系、贍養(yǎng)關(guān)系、繼承關(guān)系產(chǎn)生的給忖請求權(quán)和勞動報酬、退休金、養(yǎng)老金、撫恤金。安置費、人壽保險、人身傷害賠償請求權(quán)等權(quán)利。Article 13 The article "Where the obligor delayed in exercising its creditor''s right against a third person that was due, thereby harming the obligee" in Article 73 of the Contract Law refers to the following circumstance:
29、 The obligor fails to render performance which is due to the obligee, and further, it has failed to enforce a creditor''s right which is due to it and which involves the payment of money against an obligor either through a suit in court or through arbitration, thereby frustrating the obligee
30、''s realization of the creditor''s right due to it.Where the secondary obligor (i.e. the obligor of the original obligor) denies that the obligor has delayed in exercising its creditor''s right due to it, the secondary obligor bears the burden of proof.第十三條 合同法第七十三條規(guī)定的“債務(wù)人怠于行
31、使其到期債權(quán),對債權(quán)人造成損害的”,是指債務(wù)人不履行其對債權(quán)人的到期債務(wù),又不以訴訟方式惑者仲裁方式向其債務(wù)人主張其享有的具有金錢給付內(nèi)容的到期債權(quán),致使債權(quán)人的到期債權(quán)未能實現(xiàn)。次債務(wù)人(即債務(wù)人的債務(wù)人)不認為債務(wù)人有怠于行使其到期債權(quán)情況的,應(yīng)當(dāng)承擔(dān)舉證責(zé)任。Article 14 Where an obligee brings a suit of subrogation pursuant to Article 73 of the Contract Law, jurisdiction shall vest in the People''s Court in the plac
32、e where the defendant is domiciled.第十四條 債權(quán)人依照合同法第七十三條的規(guī)定提起代位權(quán)訴訟的,由被告住所地人民法院管轄。Article 15 Where after bringing a suit against an obligor to a People''s Court, an obligee brings a suit of subrogation against a secondary obligor to the same court, if such suit complies with the provisions of Ar
33、ticle 13 hereof as well as the conditions for bringing a suit set forth in Article 108 of the Civil Procedural Law of the People''s Republic of China, the court shall accept such suit; where such suit does not comply with Article 13 hereof, the court shall direct the obligee to bring a separ
34、ate suit to the People''s Court in the place where the secondary obligor is domiciled.Before judgment on the suit brought by the obligee against the obligor takes legal effect, the People''s Court adjudicating the suit of subrogation against the secondary obligor shall stay such suit
35、 in accordance with Item (5) of Article 136 of the Civil Procedural Law of the People''s Republic of China.第十五條 債權(quán)人向人民法院起訴債務(wù)人以后,又向同一人民法院對次債務(wù)人提起代位權(quán)訴訟,符合本解釋第十三條的規(guī)定和中華人民共和國民事訴訟法第一·百零八條規(guī)定的起訴條件的,應(yīng)當(dāng)立案受理;不符合本解釋第十三條規(guī)定的,告知債權(quán)人向次債務(wù)人住所地人民法院另行起訴。受理代位權(quán)訴訟的人民法院在債權(quán)人起訴債務(wù)人的訴訟裁決發(fā)生法律效力以前,應(yīng)當(dāng)依照中華人民共和國民事訴訟法第一百
36、三十六條第(五)項的規(guī)定中止代位權(quán)訴訟。Article 16 Where in a suit of subrogation brought to a People''s Court, an obligee names only the secondary obligor as the defendant without also naming the original obligor as an interested third person, the People''s Court may add the original obligor as an inte
37、rested third person.Where in suits of subrogation brought separately by two or more obligees, the same secondary obligor is named as the defendant, the People''s Court may combine the suits for adjudication.第十六條 債權(quán)人以次債務(wù)人為被告向人民法院提起代位權(quán)訴訟,未將債務(wù)人列為第三人的,人民法院可以追加債務(wù)人為第三人。兩個或者兩個以上債權(quán)人以同一次債務(wù)人為被告提起代位權(quán)訴訟
38、的,人民法院可以合并審理。Article 17 In a suit of subrogation, if the obligee petitions the People''s Court for preservative measure against the assets of the secondary obligor, it shall provide appropriate financial assurance.第十七條 在代位權(quán)訴訟中,債權(quán)人請求人民法院對次債務(wù)人的財產(chǎn)采取保全措施的,應(yīng)當(dāng)提供相應(yīng)的財產(chǎn)擔(dān)保。Article 18 In a suit of subr
39、ogation, the secondary obligor may, in respect of the obligee, avail itself of any defense it has against the original obligor. In a suit of subrogation, where the obligor raises a defense against the obligee''s claim, if the People''s Court affirms the defense, it shall dismiss the
40、suit brought by the obligee.第十八條 在代位權(quán)訴訟中,次債務(wù)人對債務(wù)人的抗辯,可以向債權(quán)人主張。債務(wù)人在代位權(quán)訴訟中對債權(quán)人的債權(quán)提出異議,經(jīng)審查異議成立的,人民法院應(yīng)當(dāng)裁定駁回債權(quán)人的起訴。Article 19 In a suit of subrogation, if the obligee prevails, the court fee shall be borne by the secondary obligor, and shall be paid in priority out of the proceeds from the enforced credi
41、tor''s right.第十九條 在代位權(quán)訴訟中,債權(quán)人勝訴的,訴訟費由次債務(wù)人負擔(dān),從實現(xiàn)的債權(quán)中優(yōu)先支付。Article 20 Where an obligee brings a suit of subrogation against a secondary obligor, and the People''s Court affirms the subrogation, the secondary obligor shall perform the payment obligation, whereupon the respective obligee-
42、obligor relationships between the obligee and the obligor, and between the obligor and the secondary obligor, are discharged accordingly.第二十條 債權(quán)人向次債務(wù)人提起的代位權(quán)訴訟經(jīng)人民法院審理后認定代位權(quán)成立的,由次債務(wù)人向債權(quán)人履行清償義務(wù),債權(quán)人與債務(wù)人、債務(wù)人與次債務(wù)人之間相應(yīng)的債權(quán)債務(wù)關(guān)系即予消滅。Article 21 In a suit of subrogation, where the amount in subrogation claimed
43、by the obligee exceeds the amount owed by the obligor or the amount owed to the obligor by the secondary obligor, the People''s Court shall not enforce the claim to the extent the claimed amount exceeds the actual amount.第二十一條 在代位權(quán)訴訟中,債權(quán)人行使代位權(quán)的請求數(shù)額超過債務(wù)人所負債務(wù)額或者超過次債務(wù)人對債務(wù)人所負債務(wù)額的,對超出部分人民法院不予支持。A
44、rticle 22 In a suit of subrogation, if the obligor also brings a claim against the secondary obligor for the difference between the amount owed to it and the amount in subrogation claimed by the obligee, the People''s Court shall direct the obligor to bring a separate suit to the People'
45、's Court with the proper jurisdiction.Where such suit brought separately by the obligor meets the legally prescribed conditions, the People''s Court shall accept such suit; the People''s Court accepting the suit brought by the obligor shall stay such suit in accordance with the l
46、aw pending the legal effectiveness of the judgment on the suit of subrogation.第二十二條 債務(wù)人在代位權(quán)訴訟中,對超過債權(quán)人代位請求數(shù)額的債權(quán)部分起訴次債務(wù)人的,人民法院應(yīng)當(dāng)告之其向有管轄權(quán)的人民法院另行起訴。債務(wù)人的起訴符合法定條件的,人民法院應(yīng)當(dāng)受理;受理債務(wù)人起訴的人民法院在代位權(quán)訴訟裁決發(fā)生法律效力以前,應(yīng)當(dāng)依法中止。V. Cancellation Right五、撤銷權(quán)Article 23 Where an obligee brings a suit to enforce its cancellation r
47、ight pursuant to Article 74 of the Contract Law, jurisdiction shall vest in the People''s Court in the place where the defendant is domiciled.第二十三條 債權(quán)人依照合同法第七十四條的規(guī)定提起撤銷權(quán)訴訟的,由被告住所地人民法院管轄。Article 24 If in a suit to enforce its cancellation right pursuant to Article 74 of the Contract Law, the
48、obligee only names the obligor as the defendant without also naming the beneficiary or the assignee as an interested third person, the People''s Court may add such beneficiary or assignee as an interested third person.第二十四條 債權(quán)人依照合同法第七十四條的規(guī)定提起撤銷權(quán)訴訟時只以債務(wù)人為被告,未將受益人或者受讓人列為第三人的,人民法院可以追加該受益人或者受讓人為
49、第三人。Article 25 Where an obligee brings a suit to enforce its cancellation right pursuant to Article 74 of the Contract Law and petitions the People''s Court for cancellation of the obligor''s act of waiving its creditor''s right or transferring its property, the People'
50、39;s Court shall adjudicate the case to the extent of the amount claimed by the obligee, and if the obligor''s act is canceled in accordance with the law, such act is of no effect.Where suits on the same subject matter are filed separately by two or more obligees to enforce their respective
51、cancellation rights, and the same obligor is named as the defendant, the People''s Court may combine the suits for adjudication.第二十五條 債權(quán)人依照合同法第七十四條的規(guī)定提起撤銷權(quán)訴訟,請求人民法院撤銷債務(wù)人放棄債權(quán)或轉(zhuǎn)讓財產(chǎn)的行為,人民法院應(yīng)當(dāng)就債權(quán)人主張的部分進行審理,依法撤銷的,該行為自始無效。兩個或者兩個以上債權(quán)人以同一債務(wù)人為被告,就同一標(biāo)的提起撤銷權(quán)訴訟的,人民法院可以合并審理。Article 26 The necessary expen
52、ses incurred by the obligee in enforcing its cancellation right, such as attorney''s fee and travel expenses, shall be borne by the obligor; where the interested third person was also at fault, it shall share such expenses as appropriate.第二十六條 債權(quán)人行使撤銷權(quán)所支付的律師代理費。差旅費等必要費用,由債務(wù)人負擔(dān);第三人有過錯的,應(yīng)當(dāng)適當(dāng)分擔(dān)
53、。VI. Interested Third Person in Case of Assignment of Contracts六、合同轉(zhuǎn)讓中的第三人Article 27 If subsequent to the obligee''s assignment of its contractual right, a suit is brought to a People''s Court in respect of a dispute between the obligor and the assignee which arose from the performance of the contract, and the obligor raises a defense against the contractual right of the obligee, it may name the obligee as an interested third person.第二十七條 債權(quán)人轉(zhuǎn)讓合同權(quán)利后,債務(wù)人與受讓
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