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1、Scraping thecoat,input thecode toNoticeForChinaMobile,sendingshortinquire true and falsemessage 9500024 to inquireShenyangCenterforDiseaseControland PreventionShenyang ImmunizationRecordVaccines uniformlyprovided by Shenyang Center forDiseases ControlandPreventionarepastedwithspecial supply identifi

2、cation,and please check in theprocess of vaccination.Vaccinate by the Certificate, SafekeepingThis certificate is uniformlymade by ShenyangCenter for Disease Control and Prevention, and isdistributed for free.Shenyang Center for Disease Control and PreventionWhether insurance or notDate of issue: Ma

3、rch 25, 2005The issuing Authority (Seal): Shenyang Huanggu Central HospitalWorking Unit: FartherTelephone No.: FartherDate of removal: YearAddress of removalParentsJuveniles who are under the age of 16 should fill the following informationTel:County / DistrictPlace of Work / SchoolResidence Address:

4、Date of Birth: March 15, 2005Address:Name of Child: Qianhao YuBacillus Calmette Guerin vaccine has been vaccinated, the infant shall be reviewed on the first Monday when the infant was born for 4 monthsGuide to Parents1. According to the regulations of Article XII of “Lawon the Prevention and Contro

5、l of Infectious Diseases of People sRepublic of China” and“The State Implements ImmunizationCertificate System ”, our city will uniformly use Shenyang Immunization Record.2. Immunization record is the effective proof for children to receive vaccination according to the law. When the newborn is born,

6、 the parents or guardians shall timely apply to transact theimmunization procedures to the delivery unit or immunization medial health unit.3. For each immunization of the children, the parents or guardians shall hold this certificate to vaccinate for children in designated location, vaccination out

7、patient clinic, vaccination station, or village health center.4. Children can enroll in a nursery, kindergarten, school, or going abroad by this certificate. If the children do not have this certificate or do not vaccinate according to this certificate, they must re-register this certificate and re-

8、vaccinate, otherwise theformalities will not be transacted5. When the household registrations of the children are migratedor live in new regions away from home, the parents or guardians shall hold this certificate to transact the immigration formalities in the designated location, vaccination outpat

9、ient clinic, vaccination station, or village health center, and returning to the place original residence to transact the emigration formalities6. This certificate shall be kept well. If the certificate is damaged or lost, the parents or guardians shall apply re-issuance to the local region or or vi

10、llage health center.7. After vaccination, the children may have slight fever, local pain or red and swollen, which are the normal reaction and can fade within 3 days. If there are abnormal conditions after vaccination, please timely report to the vaccination unit and go to medical unit to receive sy

11、mptomatic treatment8. When the relevant departments examine the vaccination work, the parents or guardians shall show this certificate for inspection.No.: SZ-0504Sex: MaleWeight of Birth: 3,500gStreet / Village name: father: Zhiqun YuMother: Jing LuMotherMotherMonthDayCounty / DistrictWhen the infan

12、t was born for a month, two orShenyang Center for Disease Control and Preventionthree hepatitis B vaccines shall be injected onTuesday orThursdayofthefirstweekatoutpatientclinicofregisteredresidence slocation.Vaccination Public BoardName of vaccinesBacillus Calmette Guerin vaccineHepatitis B vaccine

13、 (5ug)Poliomyelitis vaccineMeasles Attenuated Live VaccinePertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus triple vaccineTetanus-diphtheria Combined VaccineEpidemic encephalitis B vaccineGroup A Meningococcalpolysaccharide vaccineGroup A+C Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccineHepatitis B vaccine (10ug)Hepatitis B hyper-

14、immune globulinHepatitis A vaccineLive Attenuated Varicella vaccineHaemophilus Influenzae type B vaccine23-valent pneumococcalpolysaccharide vaccineVaccine by lysis of influenza virusInfluenza vaccine cleavage vaccineMeasles and rubella bivalent vaccineMeasles, mumps bivalent vaccineAttenuated live

15、rubella vaccineBivalent live vaccine capsule of dysenteryLive oral rotavirus vaccineDiseases that can preventsTuberculosisHepatitis BPoliomyelitisMeaslesPertussis, diphtheria, tetanusDiphtheria, tetanusEpidemic encephalitis BEpidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (Group A)Epidemic cerebrospinal meningiti

16、s (Group A+C)Hepatitis BHepatitis BHepatitis AVaricella, herpes zosterChildren pneumonia, meningitis caused by Haemophilus Influenzae type B, etc.Pneumonia, meningitis, otitis media, etc. caused by pneumococcusInfluenza, etc. caused by influenza virusMeasles, rubella, mumpsMeasles, rubellaMeasles, m

17、umpsRubellaBacillary dysenteryInfantile rotavirus diarrheaVaccinated populationNewbornNewborn 0, 1 and 6 months2, 3, 4 months, 1.5 2 years old,4 years old8 months, 1.5-2 years old, 6 years old3, 4, 5months, 1.5-2 years old6 years old2 vaccinations at early period of6 months - 1.5 years old are no ne

18、ed; separately intensify once at 2 years old and 6 years oldSeparately vaccinate once at 1, 2, 4 and 6 years oldAbove 2 years oldAll the populationNewborn, accidentally infected population, pregnant of hepatitis B virus carrierAbove 1 years oldAdult / 6-13 years old / 2-5 years old children2 months

19、- 5 years oldVaccinate 3 times for 6 months old (2 months, 3 months and 4 months); vaccinate 2 times for 6 months old - 1 year old; vaccinate once for 1 year old to 5 years oldVaccinate once at 5 years oldAbove 2 years oldAbove 6 months oldAbove 1 years oldAbove 1 years oldAbove 8 months oldAbove 1

20、years oldPrice of vaccinationFreeFreeFreeFreeFree, acellular pertussis diphtheria tetanus vaccine shall be paid.FreeFree, but Vero cells epidemic encephalitis B shall be paid.FreeSelf-pay (including insurance)Self-paySelf-paySelf-paySelf-paySelf-paySelf-paySelf-paySelf-paySelf-paySelf-paySelf-paySel

21、f-paySelf-payNotes: The charge vaccines uniformly distributed by Shenyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention are pasted with uniform mark, persons who are vaccinated should pay attention to check.The injection cost is RMB 2.0 (LJF (2003) No. 35), and RMB 0.9 will be collected for self-destruc

22、tion syringe if needed.Informed Consent Form for Vaccination Program Immune VaccineCategory ofContraindicationReactionVaccinesHepatitis B vaccinePersons who suffer from hepatitis, fever, acute orchronic disease, serious skin eczema, preterm low body weight, serious viscera deformity and allergic his

23、tory are forbidden to use this vaccine.Poliomyelitis1. Persons who have immunodeficiency or are in thevaccineperiodofacceptingthetherapyofimmunosuppressant is forbidden to get vaccinated.2. Persons who are allergic to milk or milk productsare forbidden to get vaccinated.3. Persons whohave feverordia

24、rrhea (defecatemore than 4 times a day)orsuffer fromacuteinfectious disease is forbidden to get vaccinated.Measles vaccinePersons who have serious diseases, fever or allergichistory (especially who are allergic to eggs) areforbidden to get vaccinated.Pertussis-diphtheria-1.Persons whohaveepilepsy, n

25、ervous systemtetanus tripledisease or convulsions historyare forbidden to getvaccinevaccinated.2.Personswhohaveacuteinfectious disease(includingrehabilitationstage) or fever arepostponed to get vaccinated.Slight reaction, a few people will have blush and induration in the position of vaccine injecti

26、on, and will fade away in 2-3 days. There is generally no whole body reaction, and very few persons will appear chilly or low fever, and individual is reported to have urticarial.Only very few infants will have transient diarrhea after being vaccinated, and will self-cure.There is no reaction in par

27、tial body after rejection. A few persons may have fever, and generally will not exceed 2 days, and someone will have sporadic rash.1. Local part may appear red, pain and tickle or low fever, fatigue, headache, etc. Generally, there is no need of special treatments, and the symptoms will fade spontan

28、eously.2. Aseptic suppuration3. If reaction of the whole body is severe, the persons who get vaccinated shall go to hospital for diagnosis and treatment.4. Diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis combined vaccine: the wholebody reaction or local reaction is very slight.Epidemic meningitis1. Pers

29、ons who have nervous system disease andAfter rejection, the reaction is alight,vaccinemental disease are forbidden to get vaccinated.and a few people have short-time fever,2. Persons who have serious disease, such as kidneywhich often happens at 6 8 hoursdisease, heart disease, active tuberculosis,

30、etc. areafter vaccination. Local is flush and theforbidden to get vaccinated.pressure pain, and will gradually fade3. Persons who have acute infectious disease andafter vaccinationfever are forbidden to get vaccinated.EpidemicPersons whohave fever, acute infectious disease,After rejection, generally

31、there is noencephalitis Botitis media,heart, kidney, liverdisease, activereaction, and a very fewpersons willvaccinetuberculosis, allergic history or convulsions historyhave local flush, sometimes have fever,are forbidden to get vaccinated; persons who haverash, allergic shock, angioedema, pr

32、omisedimmune system orare acceptingimmunosuppressive therapy are forbidden to getvaccinated.Informed Consent Form for Vaccination Program Immune Vaccine (1)1. HIB: hemophilus influenzae B conjugate vaccine2. Hepatitis A vaccinePreventable diseases: infectious diseases caused by hemophilus influenzae

33、 B (meningitis, pneumonia, septicemia, phlegmon, arthritis, epiglottitis, etc.)1. Allergicpeoplewhoareknown tobe allergicwith somecontentof thevaccine, especiallytotetanustoxoid,or allergic with inoculation of previousvaccine.2. Theinoculationshall bedelayedContraindicationduringactive stage offever

34、or acutediseases, especially infectious diseasesPreventable diseases: Hepatitis AHepatitis A inactivation1. Patients who have Hepatitis and other serious diseases.2. Patients of febrile diseases shallContraindicationdelay the inoculation.Hepatitis A attenuation1.Peoplewho are not feeling goodandtheb

35、ody temperatureis over37.5 .2.People who have acute infectiousdisease or other serious diseases.3.Peoplewho suffer fromidiopathicor chronic diseases.3. Normal reactions of immunizationthatcanbereducedbyimmunosuppressive therapy and immunodeficiency.1. Partial reactions of injection3. People who are

36、known to be allergy for any content of the vaccine.and acquired immune deficiency.4.Peoplewhoarereceivingimmunosuppressive therapy.5.Pregnantwomenandpeopleofallergic constitution.Possiblereactionsafterinoculationpositions:pain,rubefactionorinflammation.Ingeneral, this partialreaction is early-stage,

37、transientandslight, andsometimesatypicalrashcan be observed.2. Extremely unusual cases may appear edema of lower extremity, along with cyanosis or transient purpura. This reaction usually appears within the first few hours after inoculation, and usually quickly disappears spontaneously without any s

38、equela; there are usually no symptoms of disease and respiratory system, and this occasion oftenappears during simultaneous inoculation with other vaccines.3. Unusual allergy reaction cases may appear in face or throat; rubella alike rash, pruritus and edema.4. Systematic symptoms: fever (usually lo

39、wer than 39 ), and enhanced excitability and crying appear more often.1. Partial side reactions are usually pain, and sometimes red & swollen, and indurate.2. Systematic side reactionsPossibleinclude headache,fever, nausea,No partialor systematic untowardreactions afteretc. The durationis usuall

40、y lesseffect afterinoculation of Hepatitis Ainoculationthan 24 hours, and can relieve byattenuation inactivation vaccine.self.3. The expectant treatment shall be made in time for allergy reaction.Protective effect95%Signature of visiting doctor:Date:Signature of visiting doctor:Date:Signature of par

41、ent (s):Date:Signature of parent (s):Date:Informed Consent Form for Vaccination Program Immune Vaccine (2)3. MMR vaccinePreventable diseases: measles, mumps, rubella.Peoplewhohaveseriousdiseases,acute andchronic infection,fever orallergichistorywitheggs shall notinoculate.ContraindicationPregnantwom

42、enareforbiddentouse,fertilewomenwhoinoculateshall avoid pregnancy within 3 monthsafter inoculation.1. Within 6 to 11 days, few children may appear transient fever reaction orslight rash which will automaticallyPossiblerelieve less than 2 days.reactions after2. Adultwomenoccasionallyappearinoculation

43、slight arthralgia,and need nospecialtreatmentnormally.Expectanttreatmentcanbemadewhennecessary.Measles 99%Rubella99% MumpsProtective effect85%4. Chicken pox attenuation and inactivation vaccinePreventable diseases: water markherpes zoster.DomesticImported1.Peoplewhohaveseriousdiseasesand1.Same witho

44、thervaccine,peoplewhohavefevershalldelaytheacute serious fever diseases shall delay theinoculation.inoculation, however, for healthy people, slight2.Peoplewhohaveinfection is not immune contraindication.allergyhistoryand2.Peoplewhosetotallymphocyteis less thanContraindicationpregnantwomenshall1200 /

45、 mm3orprovedto lack cellularimmunebe forbidden to use.function shall be forbidden to use.3. Patients ofleukemia,3.People who are known as hypersensitive withtumor,neomycinshall be forbiddento use,but peopleimmunodeficiency,etc.who have contactdermatitis with neomycinareshallusewithcautionnot include

46、d in the contraindication.underdoctor s4.Forbidden to use in pregnancy duration.guidance.1.Usuallynoside1.Healthy people: comprehensive reactogenicityreaction after injection,ofall theagegroupsare quitelow,and theoccasionallywithslightreactionsof injectionpositionareusuallyslightpartial reaction.and

47、 temporary.Possible2. Rarely seenslightor2.High risk patients:the reactionsofinjectionreactions aftermediumfever,positionareusuallyslight;Papuleinoculationtransienteruptionforvesiculobullousrashmay appearwithinseverallessthan3days.days or weeksafterimmunetreatment,rarelyExpectanttreatmentwith slight to medium fever,andonly less thancanbemadewhen1/4 leukemiapatientshavethesereactions.necessary.These rashes are usually slight and short.Protective effect99%Childrens Planned Immunization ProgramVaccinesM


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