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1、word 1 土木工程施工進度方案 中英文資料對照外文翻譯文獻綜述 施工進度方案中施工段排序優(yōu)化的概念分析及施工組織設(shè)計的改良 摘要:施工組織設(shè)計作為指導施工全過程各項活動的技術(shù)經(jīng)濟的綱領(lǐng)性文件,是施工技術(shù)與施工工程管理有機結(jié)合的產(chǎn)物,它是工程開工后施工活動能有序、高效、科學合理地進行的保證。隨著我國經(jīng)濟的快速開展及市場經(jīng)濟的逐步完善,建筑施工企業(yè)普遍面臨者市場廣闊、利潤率低、技術(shù)難度加大的現(xiàn)狀。因此,如何科學地進行施工組織、降低工程施工本錢,成為施工企業(yè)應(yīng)著重考慮的問題之一。 本文作者在查閱了大量資料的根底上,首先對施工進度方案的原理、任務(wù)和作用,流水施工原理、組織方法,網(wǎng)絡(luò)方案技術(shù)及其優(yōu)化

2、進行了系統(tǒng)的歸納和闡述,然后主要對施工段排序優(yōu)化進行了深入研究,根據(jù)作者多年的工程管理實踐,從根本概念入手,提出了利用概念分析法進行施工段排序優(yōu)化的新方法,列出了優(yōu)化步驟,并且利用VC語言編制了程序來實現(xiàn)施工段排序優(yōu)化。最后結(jié)合兩個工程實例,從工程實踐角度,證實了該方法的正確性及有效性。并著重指出,該方法不僅可以縮短工期,同時也可以降低施工本錢,而且比擬適合廣闊施工企業(yè)工程管理人員的實際水平。 關(guān)鍵詞:施工進度方案;流水施工;概念分析法;網(wǎng)絡(luò)方案技術(shù)。 隨著社會經(jīng)濟的開展和建筑技術(shù)的進步,現(xiàn)代建筑施工過程已成為一 2 項十分復(fù)雜的生產(chǎn)活動。一個大型建設(shè)工程的建筑施工安裝工作,不但包括組織成千上

3、萬的各種專業(yè)建筑工人和數(shù)量眾多的各類建筑機設(shè)備有條不紊地投入工程施工中,而且還包括組織種類繁多的,數(shù)以幾十甚至幾百萬噸計的建筑材料、制品和構(gòu)配件的生產(chǎn)、運輸、貯存和供給工作,組織施工機具的供給、維修和保養(yǎng)工作,組織施工現(xiàn)場臨時供水、供電、供熱以及安排施工現(xiàn)場的生產(chǎn)和生活所需要的各種臨時建筑物等工作。這些工作的組織與協(xié)調(diào),對于多快好省地進行工程建設(shè)具有十分重要的意義。 建筑施工組織的任務(wù)就是針對工程施工的復(fù)雜性,來研究工程建設(shè)的統(tǒng)籌安排與系統(tǒng)管理的客觀規(guī)律,研究如何組織方案一項擬建工程的全部施工,尋求最合理的組織方法,實現(xiàn)工程建設(shè)方案和設(shè)計的要求,提供各階段的施工準備工作內(nèi)容,對人力、資金、材料

4、、機械和施工方法等進行科學合理的安排,協(xié)調(diào)施工中各施工單位、各工種之間、資源與時間之間、各項資源之間的合理關(guān)系。在整個施工過程中,按照客觀的技術(shù)經(jīng)濟規(guī)律,做出科學合理的安排,以使工程施工取得相對最優(yōu)的效果。 但是,從施工組織設(shè)計編制的特點看:施工組織設(shè)計是以單個工程為對象進行編制的,有很強的技術(shù)性和綜合性,需要編制人員有足夠的建筑工程理論根底和一定的實踐經(jīng)驗。施工組織設(shè)計的內(nèi)容必須適應(yīng)工程工程和業(yè)主、設(shè)計、監(jiān)理的特殊要求,同時也必須符合國家有關(guān)法律、法規(guī)、標準及地方標準的要求。施工組織設(shè)計編制必須滿足最終的一個根本要求即對施工過程起到指導和控制作用,在一定的資源條件下實現(xiàn)工程工程的技術(shù)經(jīng)濟效益

5、,到達施工效益與經(jīng)濟效益雙贏的目的。 施工組織設(shè)計編制目前所存在的缺陷: 1.目前所累積的施工技術(shù)資源得不到有效、充分的應(yīng)用,特別是其中的智力資源,這一方面是編制人員自身素質(zhì)和經(jīng)驗缺乏造成的;另一方面是傳播渠道缺乏不暢通所致。對早已有的成功經(jīng)驗沒有進行借鑒,所編制的內(nèi)容缺乏新技術(shù)、新工藝,沒有起到提高勞動效率、降低資源消耗的作用。 2.有的施工組織設(shè)計編制人員缺乏技術(shù)理論根底和具體施工經(jīng)驗,編制中只是對技術(shù)標準照搬照抄,而未對具體工程的特點進行有針對性的規(guī)劃和設(shè)計,沒有起到指導施工作用。 3.施工組織設(shè)計必須對每個工程逐個進行編制,以適應(yīng)不同工程的特 3 點,但不同編制人員對于同類型的施工工藝

6、在進行編制工作的同時,作了大量不必要的重復(fù)勞動,降低了工作效率。 4.現(xiàn)在編制的施工組織設(shè)計只作為技術(shù)管理制度的一項工作,它主要追求施工效益而很少考慮經(jīng)濟效益,存在只注重組織技術(shù)措施,而沒注重經(jīng)濟管理的內(nèi)容,以至在實施過程中不講本錢,沒有實現(xiàn)經(jīng)濟效益的目標。 5.目前施工組織設(shè)計的編制經(jīng)常是設(shè)計與實施別離,以至造成施工組織設(shè)計只是個形式而已,不能真正起到指導施工的作用。 組織管理者必須充分認識施工過程的特點,對所有環(huán)節(jié)要做到精心組織 、嚴格管理、全面協(xié)調(diào)好施工中的各種關(guān)系。對于特殊復(fù)雜的施工過程 ,要進行科學的分析,弄清主次矛盾,找出關(guān)鍵線路,有的放矢措施,合理組織各種資源的投入順序、數(shù)量、比

7、例,進行科學的工程排隊,組織平行交叉流水作業(yè),提高對時間、空間的利用,這樣才能取得全面的經(jīng)濟效益和社會效益。 因此,隨著科學技術(shù)的開展和建筑水平的不斷提高,管理體制的進一步完善,原有的傳統(tǒng)施工組織設(shè)計編制方法已不能適應(yīng)現(xiàn)在的要求。目前我國已參加了WTO,為了適應(yīng)日益劇烈的市場競爭形勢,適應(yīng)建筑市場和新型施工管理體制的需要,要具備建造現(xiàn)代化建筑物的技術(shù)力量和手段,就必須對現(xiàn)在的施工組織設(shè)計的編制方法進行改良。實施方法如下: 1.運用系統(tǒng)的觀念和方法,建立施工組織設(shè)計編制工作的標準。工程管理部門對建筑工程的大中型工程施工組織設(shè)計進行收集,經(jīng)過分析和歸納,整理并發(fā)布,那么能使先進的施工組織設(shè)計更能發(fā)

8、揮效益,減少編制人員重復(fù)勞動,而且能推廣先進經(jīng)驗。 2.施工組織設(shè)計的內(nèi)容就是根據(jù)不同工程的特點和要求,根據(jù)現(xiàn)有的和可能創(chuàng)造的施工條件,從事實出發(fā),決定各種生產(chǎn)要素的結(jié)合方式。選擇合理的施工方案是施工組織設(shè)計的核心,應(yīng)根據(jù)多年積累的施工技術(shù)資源,同時借鑒國內(nèi)外先進施工技術(shù),運用現(xiàn)代科學管理方法并結(jié)合工程工程的特殊性,從技術(shù)及經(jīng)濟上互相比擬,從中選出最合理的方案來編制施工組織設(shè)計,使技術(shù)上的可行性同經(jīng)濟上的合理性統(tǒng)一起來。 3.施工組織設(shè)計內(nèi)容應(yīng)簡明扼要,突出目標,結(jié)合實際、滿足招標文件的需要,要具有競爭性,能表達企業(yè)的實力和信譽。 4.實行施工組織設(shè)計的模塊化編制,更多的運用現(xiàn)代化信息技術(shù),以

9、 4 便進行積累、分組、交流及重復(fù)應(yīng)用,通過各個技術(shù)模塊的優(yōu)化組合,減少無效勞動。 5.努力貫徹國家質(zhì)量管理體系標準,走質(zhì)量效益型開展道路,建立并完善科學的、標準的質(zhì)量管理體系。逐項地編制質(zhì)量保證方案,與施工組織設(shè)計工作同時進行,并努力使二者有機結(jié)合起來。 6.施工組織設(shè)計應(yīng)擴大深度和范圍,對設(shè)計圖紙的合理性和經(jīng)濟性做出評估,實現(xiàn)設(shè)計和施工技術(shù)的一體化,擴大技術(shù)積累,加快技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)化,使新的技術(shù)成果在施工組織設(shè)計中得到應(yīng)用。 在知識經(jīng)濟時代,信息技術(shù)在工程工程中已起到越來越大的作用,應(yīng)大力開展和運用信息技術(shù),重視高新技術(shù)的移植和利用,拓寬智力資源的傳播渠道,全面改良傳統(tǒng)的編制方法,使信息在生產(chǎn)力諸

10、要素中起到核心的作用,逐步實現(xiàn)施工信息自動化、施工作業(yè)機器化、施工技術(shù)模塊化和系統(tǒng)化,以產(chǎn)生更大的經(jīng)濟效益,增強競爭力,在日益劇烈的競爭中獲得更好的生存環(huán)境。 而現(xiàn)階段建筑施工組織研究開展的特點是廣泛應(yīng)用數(shù)學方法,網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)和計算技術(shù)等定量性方法,應(yīng)用現(xiàn)代化的計算手段電子計算機,采用各種有效手段,對整個工程的施工進行工期、本錢、質(zhì)量的控制,到達工期短、質(zhì)量好和本錢低的目的。 施工進度方案利用網(wǎng)絡(luò)圖的方式表達后,可以通過數(shù)學推導形成算法或邏輯過程,并利用數(shù)值計算迭代,即可直接求得最優(yōu)方案。施工網(wǎng)絡(luò)優(yōu)化不僅能大大節(jié)省工作時間,增進決策的科學性,而且能產(chǎn)生巨大的經(jīng)濟效益。 但是,由于施工進度方案的編制

11、過程中將施工對象劃分成假設(shè)干個施工段,那么施工隊進入不同施工段的順序不同,施工方案的工期也不同。要在資源固定,保證施工工藝順序不變的前提下,合理安排施工進度方案的工程排序,縮短工期,那么需對不同施工段的施工順序做出多方案的組合,從中得出最優(yōu)施工順序的方案。 5 In the construction progress plan executes the concept analytic method and the construction organization plan, which the construction section arrangement optimizesAbstra

12、ct The construction organization plan constructs the entire process each activity technical economy Platform as the instruction, is constructs technical and the construction project management organic synthesis product, after it is the project begins to construct the activity to be able to have the

13、foreword, to be highly effective the guarantee which, the science reasonably carries on.。As the development of our country's economy and the consummating of market-economy system gradually. Many construction corporations are facing the much opportunity, but at the same time, they are facing much

14、 difficulty, such as profit-ratio dropping, higher technique. So ,it becomes more important to construct more reasonably to subdue the cost. After looking up much material, the author of the article has done much work, such as generalizing the system of net-plan, the effect and principle of low-cons

15、truction and illuminating the means of making the construction-plan more preferential. The author also has done much work in researching the superiority way of construction-sequence deeply, based on years' experience in construction management ,he start with fundamental concepts and raise the co

16、ncept analysis way superiority means to line up the steps and achieve it on computer in C .Finally he adduces two project examples to verify it and explain its effect. They manifest that the means dose not only shorten the period, but also decrease the cost of construction. I argue that the superior

17、ity-means about construction practically accommodate the most of construction enterprise. Keyword:Construction process plan; Concept analy sisway Construction unit superiority ; Net plan technique 6 Along with the social economy development and the construction technology progress, the modern archit

18、ecture construction process has become an extremely complex production activity. A large-scale items of basic construction work, not only includes organizes thousands of each kinds of specialized construction worker and the quantity multitudinous, and each kind of building machine equipment methodic

19、ally invests in the project construction, moreover also includes the organization type so many to several dozens even several million tons of building materials, products, constructs and their production, transportation, storing and supply work, also the organization construction machines and tools

20、supply, the service and the maintenance, work and so on , each kind of temporary building which the organization job location temporary water supply, the power supply, heating as well as the arrangement job location production and the life needs. These work organizations and the coordination regard

21、economically carrying on the engineering construction having extremely vital significance. The construction organization's duty is againsting the project construction's complexity, studying the engineering construction the overall plan arrangement and the system administration objective law,

22、 to plan how studies organizes construct the project completely, and seek the most reasonable organization method, and the realization engineering construction plans the request which and designs, provides various stages the construction preparatory work content, to the manpower, the fund, the mater

23、ial, the machinery and the job practice and so on carries on the science reasonable arrangement, in the coordinated construction between each construction, various kinds of work in a factory, the resources and the time, each item of resources reasonable relations. In the entire construction process,

24、 according to the objective technology economic law, makes the science reasonable arrangement, by causes the project construction to obtain the relative most superior effect. Looked from the construction organization plan establishment characteristic that, The construction organization plan is carri

25、es on the establishment take the single project as the object, has the very strong technical nature and the comprehensive nature, needs the establishment of strength to have the enough architectural engineering rationale and the certain experience. The construction organization plan content must ada

26、pt the engineering project and the owner, the design, the overseeing special request, at the same time also must conform to the national relevant law, the laws and regulations, the standard and the place standard request. The construction organization plan establishment must satisfy a final basic re

27、quest namely to get up to the construction process to the instruction and the control action, realizes the engineering project technology economic efficiency under the certain resources condition, achieved the construction benefit and the economic efficiency double win goal. 7 The construction organ

28、ization plan establishment exists at present flaw: 1. at present accumulates the construction technological resource cannot obtain, the full application effectively, especially intelligence resources, this on the one hand is establishment of strength own quality and is insufficiently experienced cre

29、ates; On the other hand is disseminates the channel insufficiency not to be the result of. To the success experience that already has not carried on the model, establishes the content lacks the new technology, the new craft, to the enhancement labor efficiency, reduces the resources consumption the

30、function. 2.Some construction organization plan establishments of strength lack of the technology rationale and the concrete construction experience, in the establishment only are imitate to the technology standard copy verbatim, but has not carried on to the concrete project characteristic has the

31、pointed plan and the design, does not have to the instruction construction function. 3.The construction organization plan must carry on the establishment to each project one by one, by adapts the different project characteristic, but the different establishment of strength while carries on the estab

32、lishment work regarding the similar construction craft, has made the massive nonessential repetitions work, reduced the working efficiency. 4. Now establishes the construction organization plan only took the technical management system a work, it mainly pursues the construction benefit but very litt

33、le to consider the economic efficiency, the existence only pays great attention to the organization technology measure, but has not paid great attention to the economical management the content, down to does not speak the cost in the implementation process, has not achieved the economic efficiency g

34、oal. 5. At present the construction organization plan establishment is frequently the design and the implementation separates, down to create the construction organization plan only is a form, cannot be true to the instruction construction function. Organizes the superintendent to have fully to know

35、 the construction process the characteristic, must achieve the careful organization, the strict management to all links, and comprehensively coordinates in the good construction each kind of relations. Regarding the special complex construction process, must carry on the science the analysis, clarif

36、ies the primary and secondary contradiction, discovers the essential line, the measure, reasonably organizes each kind of resources with a clear goal the investment order, the quantity, the proportion, carries on the science the project to line up, the organization parallel overlapping streamlined p

37、roduction, enhances to the time, the spatial use, like this can obtain the comprehensive economic efficiency and the social efficiency. Along with the science and technology development and the construction level unceasing enhancement, manages the system the further consummation, the original tradit

38、ion construction organization plan establishment method has 8 not been able to adept the present request. At present our country has joined WTO, in order to adapt day by day the intense market competition situation, the adaption construction market and the new construct control system need, must hav

39、e the construction modernization building technical force and the method, must make the improvement to the present construction organization plan establishment method. Implementation means as follows: 1. using the system idea and the method, establish the construction organization plan establishment

40、 works the standard. The project management department carries on the collection to the architectural engineering large and middle scale projects construction organization plan, the process analysis and the induction, the reorganization and the issue, then can enable the advanced construction organi

41、zation plan to display the benefit, reduces the establishment of strength to duplicate works, moreover can promote the advanced experience. 2. The construction organization plan content is according to the different project characteristic and the request, according to construction condition which ex

42、isting and possibly creates, embarks from the fact, decides each kind of element of production the union way. Chooses the reasonable construction plan is the construction organization plan core, should act according to many years accumulation the construction technological resource, at the same time

43、 profits from the domestic and foreign advanced constructions technology, the utilization modern scientific management method and the union engineering project particularity, from technology and economy mutual comparison, selects the most reasonable plan to establish the construction organization pl

44、an, causes in technical in the feasible same economy rationality to unify. 3. The construction organization plan content should be brief and to the point, the prominent goal, the union is actual, satisfies the tender document the need, must have competitiveness, can manifest the enterprise the stren

45、gth and the prestige. 4.Implementation construction organization plan modular establishment, more utilization modernization information technology, in order to carries on the accumulation, the grouping, the exchange and the repetition application, through each technical module optimum composition, r

46、educes the invalid work. 5. Implements the country quality control system standard diligently, walks the quality efficiency development path, the establishment and the consummation science, the standard quality control system. Establishes the quality guarantee plan item by item, carries on with the

47、construction organization plan work also, and causes the two organic syntheses diligently. 6. The construction organization plan should expand the depth and the scope, makes the appraisal to the design paper rationality and the efficiency, the realization designs and constructs the technical integra

48、tion, the expanded technology accumulates, speeds up the technology to transform, enable the new technical achievement to obtain the application in the construction organization plan. In the knowledge economy time, the information technology in the 9 engineering project to the more and more major fu

49、nction, should develop and the utilization information technology vigorously, takes the high technology and new technology the transplant and the use, opens up the intelligence resources the dissemination channel, comprehensively improves traditional the establishment method, causes the information

50、in the productive forces various essential factors to the core function, realizes the construction information automation, construction work , the construction technology modulation and the systematization gradually, by has the bigger economic efficiency, the enhancement competitive power, obtains the better survival environment day by day in keen competi


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


