1、操作風(fēng)險(xiǎn)與彈性FRM培訓(xùn)講義-基礎(chǔ)班講師:Mikey ChowTopic Weightings in FRM Part Study Session 1Market Risk Measurement and Management20Study Session 2Credit Risk Measurement and Management20Liquidity and Treasury Risk Measurement andManagementStudy Session 415Study Session 5Risk Management and Investment Management15St
2、udy Session 6Current Issues in Financial Market102-310Study Session 3Operational Risk and Resiliency20Session NO.Content%Part 1: Operational RiskManagement(CH1CH6)ØFrameworkOperational Risk andResiliencyPart 2: MRisk and DataØQuality(CH7CH11)Part 3: Economic Capital Management and other re
3、lated issues(CH12CH18) Part 4: The BaselAccord(CH19CH22)Part 5: Cyber-Resilient and OperationalResilience(CH23CH26)ØØØ3-310Part1Operational Risk Management4-310Principles for theSound Management of Operational RiskChapter 15-3101.2.Three Lines of Defense11 Principles of Operational Ri
4、sk Management6-310Framework1. Three Lines of Defense Business line managementl Business line management is responsible for identifying and managing the risks inherent in the products, activities, processes and systems for which it is accountable. Functionally independent corporate operational risk f
5、unction (CORF)l Includetheoperationalriskmeasurementandreportingprocesses,riskcommittees and responsibility for board reporting.l Challenge thebusinesslines inputs to,and outputs from,the banks riskmanagement, risk measurement and reporting systems.Independent review and challenge of the banks opera
6、tional risk management controls, processes and systems.l This review may be done by audit or by staff independent of the process or system under review, but may also involve suitably qualified external parties.7-3102. 11 Principles of Operational Risk ManagementØ 11 Principlesl Fundamental Prin
7、ciples of Operational Risk Managementü Principle 1, 2l Governanceü Principle 3, 4, 5l Risk management environmentü Principle 6, 7, 8, 9l Business resiliency and continuityü Principle 10l Role of disclosureü Principle 118-3102. 11 Principles of Operational Risk Management
8、6; Fundamental Principles of Operational Risk Managementl Principle 1: Thof directors should take the lead in establishinga strong risk management culture.ü Thl Principleshould establish a code of conduct or an ethics policy2:Banksshoulddevelop,implementandmaintainaFrameworkthatisfullyintegrate
9、dintothebanksoverallriskmanagement processes.ü The Framework for operational risk management chosen by an individual bank will depend on a range of factors, including its nature, size, complexity and risk profile.9-3102. 11 Principles of Operational Risk ManagementØ Governance(Contd)l Prin
10、ciple 3: Thof directors should establish, approve andperiodically review the Framework.ü Establish a mgt. culture, and related supporting processesü developcomprehensive,dynamicoversightandcontrolenvironmentsü Provide senior mgt. with clear guidanceü Ensure the Framework is subje
11、ct to effective independent reviewby audit or other appropriately trained partiesü Ensurethatasbestpracticeisavailingthemselvesoftheseadvancesü Establish clear lines of mgt. responsibility and accountabilityl Principle 4: Thof directors should approve and review a riskappetite and toleranc
12、e statement for operational risk.10-3102. 11 Principles of Operational Risk ManagementØ Governancel Principle 5: Senior management should develop for approval by thof directors aclear, effective and robust governance structure with well defined, transparent and consistentlines of responsibility
13、.Establish and maintain robust challenges mechanisms and effective issue-resolution processes.Translate the operational risk mgt. Framework into specific policies and procedures.Clearly assign authority, responsibility and reporting relationships to encourage and maintain accountability.Ensure the m
14、gt. oversight process is appropriate.Ensure staff for managing different risks coordinate and communicate effectively.Ensure that the bank activities are conducted by staff with the necessary experience, technical capabilities and access to resources.The managers of CORF should be of sufficient stat
15、ure to perform their dutieseffectively.üüüüüüü11-3102. 11 Principles of Operational Risk ManagementØ Risk management environment(Contd)l Principle 6: Senior mgt. should ensure the identification and assessment of the operational risk inherent in all material p
16、roducts, activities, processes and systems to make sure the inherent risks and incentives are well understood. Examples of Tools used to Identify and Assess Operational Riskü Audit Findingsü Internal/External Loss Data Collection and Analysisü Risk Self Assessment (RSA) or Risk Contro
17、l Self Assessments (RCSA)ü Business Process Mapping: Identify the key steps in business processes,activities and organizational functions.ü Risk and Performance Indicators: Key Risk Indicators (KRIs)ü Scenario Analysis12-3102. 11 Principles of Operational Risk ManagementØ Risk ma
18、nagement environment(Contd)l Principle 7: Senior mgt. should ensure that there is an approval process for all new products, activities, processes and systems that fully assesses operational risk. The review and approval process should consider:ü inherent risks in the new product, service, or ac
19、tivity;ü changes to the bank's operational risk profile and appetite and tolerance, including the risk of existing products or activities;ü the necessary controls, risk management processes, and risk mitigation strategies;ü the residual risk;ü changes to relevant risk thresho
20、lds or limits; andü the procedures and metrics to measure, monitor, and manage the risk of the new product or activity.13-3102. 11 Principles of Operational Risk ManagementØ Risk management environmentl Principle 8: Senior mgt. should implement a process to regularly monitor operational ri
21、sk profiles and material exposures to losses including an appropriate reporting mechanisms.l Principle 9: Banks should have a strong control environment that utilises policies, processes and systems; appropriate internal controls; and appropriate risk mitigation and/or transfer strategies. Effective
22、 Control Environment Managing Technology Risk(same as other operational risk) Managing Outsourcing Risk14-3102. 11 Principles of Operational Risk Management Features of an Effective Control Environmentl An effective control environment requires appropriate segregation of duties and dual control.l In
23、 addition, banks should ensure that other traditional internal controls:ü clearly established authorities and/or processes for approval;ü close monitoring of adherence to assigned risk thresholds or limits;ü safeguards for access to, and use of, bank assets and records;ü appropri
24、ate staffing level and training to maintain expertise;ü ongoing processes to identify business lines or products where returns appear to be out of line with reasonable expectations;ü regular verification and reconciliation of transactions and accounts; andü a vacation policy that prov
25、ides for officers and employees being absent from their duties for a period of not less than two consecutive weeks.15-3102. 11 Principles of Operational Risk Management To manage Outsourcing Risk, bank should haveprocedures for determining whether and how activities can be outsourced; processes for
26、conducting due diligence to select potential service providers; sound structuring of the outsourcing arrangement, including ownership andity of data, as well as termination rights;programs for managing and monitoring the risks within the outsourcing arrangement, including the financial condition of
27、the service provider; establishment of an effective control environment at the bank and theservice provider;development of viable contingency plans;execution of comprehensive contracts and/or service level agreements witha clear allocation of responsibilities between the outsourcing provider and the
28、 bank.lllllll16-3102. 11 Principles of Operational Risk ManagementØ Business Resiliency and Continuityl Principle 10: Banks should have business resiliency and continuity plans.Ø Role of disclosurel Principle 11: A banks public disclosures should allow stakeholdersassess its approach to op
29、erational risk management.to17-310Enterprise RiskManagementChapter 2&318-3101.2.3.4.ERM Definitions Why ERM works?Implementation of ERMThe Chief Risk Officer19-310Framework1. ERM DefinitionsØ Two major definitions of ERMl Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COS
30、O) :ü "ERMis a process, effected byanentity's board ofdirectors,management, and othernel, applied in strategy setting andacross the enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may affect the entity, and manage risk to be within its appetite, to provide reasonable assurance r
31、egarding the achievement of entity objectives.”l International Organization of Standardization (ISO 31000):ü Riskisthe"effectofuncertaintyonobjectives"andriskmanagement refers to "coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to risk.“20-3101. ERM Defin
32、itionsØ Authors opinionWhile the COSO and ISO definitions provide useful concepts, it is important that ERM is defined as a value added function:l Risk is a variable that can cause deviation from an expected outcome.ERM is a comprehensive and integrated framework for managing keyrisks in order
33、to achieveearnings volatility, andbusiness objectives, minimize unexpectedize firm value.Ø A corporation can manage risks either:l One risk at a time: largely compartmentalized, decentralized, orl Enterprise risk management (ERM): All risks viewed together within a coordinated and strategic fra
34、mework.21-3102.Why ERM works?Ø Create Shareholder Value both at the Macro and the Micro Levell At the Macro levelü ERM enables senior management to quantify and manage the risk- return tradeoff that faces the entire firm. This helpsu maintain access to capital markets,u implement strategy
35、and business plan.ü By reducing non-core exposures, ERM effectively enables companies to take more strategic business risk and to take greater advantage of the opportunities in their core business.l At the Micro levelü Well-designed ERM system ensures that all material risks are owned (“be
36、comes a way of life for managers and employees”).ü Operating managers and employees can evaluate risk-return tradeoff.22-3102.Why ERM works?Ø ERM is all about integration, in three ways:enterprise risk management requires an integrated risk organizationenterprise risk management requires t
37、he integration of riskstrategiestransferenterpriseriskmanagementrequirestheintegrationofriskmanagement into the business processes of a company23-3102.Why ERM works?Ø Three Benefits To ERMOrganizational Effectivenessü Various functions work cohesively and efficiently. Risk Reportingü
38、Timely and relevant risk reporting Business Performanceü Market value improvement.ü Lower earnings volatility.ü Increased earnings.ü Improved shareholder value24-3103.Implementation of ERMØ Conceptual Framework of an ERM System (Contd)Determine firms risk appetite (level of
39、acceptable risk): When credit ratings are used as the primary indicator of financial risk, the firm determines an optimal or target rating based on its risk appetite and the cost of reducing its probability of financial distress.Estimate capital requirement: Given the firms target rating, management
40、 estimatesthe amount of capital required to support the risk of its operations.Determinemixofcapitalandrisk:Managementdeterminestheoptimalcombination of capital and risk that is expected to yield its target rating. For a given amount of capital, management can alter its risk through hedging and proj
41、ect selection.Decentralize: Top management decentralizes the risk-capital tradeoff with the help of a capital allocation and performance evaluation system that motivates managersthroughout the organization to make optimal investment and operating decisions.25-3103.Implementation of ERM Determine the
42、 Optimal Amount of Risk within ERM by targeting CreditRatingArticulate Risk Appetite: The firm defines its rating-equivalent level of financial distress (e.g., we define financial distress as occurring when our bond rating falls to Baa or below) and sets a target probability of distress (e.g., we wa
43、nt to maintain a 1% chance of distress).Specify Transition Matrix to Located Current Target Credit Rating: Then the firm can use a transition matrix to determine its optimal, current bond rating (e.g., if our current rating is A, we will have a 1% change of falling to Baa, which is what we determine
44、d to be the level of financial distress)Based on Target Credit Rating, Solve for Optimal Equity Cushion: Finally,after determining the appropriate current bond rating, the firm can use thelllMerton mto determine the equity cushion consistent with the impliedprobability of default.26-3103.Implementat
45、ion of ERMØ 7 components of ERM27-3103.Implementation of ERMØ Challenges when implementing ERM (Contd)l Inventory of Risksü Pay attention to liquidity, reputational, strategic risks and so onl Economic Value versus Accounting Performanceü Stable cashflow v.s. volatile accounting
46、earningsl Aggregating Risksl Measuring Risksü Tail risk beyond VaR measurel Regulatory versus Economic Capital(discussed later)ü Problematic when RC exceeds EC, the difference is called stranded capital28-3103.Implementation of ERMAggregating RisksØ Different distributions of three ri
47、sksl Market risk: have a normal (or at least symmetrical) distributionl Credit risk: have an asymmetric distribution.l Operational risk: have an asymmetric distributionü large numbers of small losses and some chance of large losses, so that the distribution of operational losses has a long fat
48、tail.”Ø Issues with Correlation in Risk Aggregationl Across the firm, there is diversification across risk categories: firm-wide VaR is less than the sum of the market risk, credit risk, and operational risk VaRs.l the tendency for correlations to increase in highly stressed environments29-3104
49、.The Chief Risk OfficerØ A CRO Is Responsible ForProviding the overall leadership for enterprise risk management. Establishing an integrated risk management framework for all aspects of risks.Developing risk management policies, including the quantification of the fi rm's risk appetite thro
50、ugh specific risk limits.Implementing a set of risk indicators and reports, including losses andincidents, key risk exposures, and early warning indicators.Allocating economic capital to business activities. Communicating the companys risk profile to key stakeholders.Developing the analytical, syste
51、ms, and data management capabilitiesto support the risk management program.lllllll30-3104.The Chief Risk OfficerØ Reportingl The heads of individual risk department report to the CRO.l The CRO reports to the CFO or CEO.l A dotted-line reporting relationship between the CRO and th.31-3104.The Ch
52、ief Risk OfficerØ An Ideal CROs Superb Skillsl The leadership skills.l To convert skeptics into believers.l The stewardship to safeguard the companys assets.l Having the technical skills.l Having consulting skills.32-310ExerciseØ The severity distribution of operationalshape:lossesusuallyh
53、asthefollowingA.B.C.D.Symmetrical with short tails Long - tailed to the right UniformSymmetrical with long tailsØ Correct Answer: B33-310Implementing Robust Risk Appetite Frameworks to Strengthen Financial InstitutionsChapter 434-3101.2.Best Practices in RAFKey Challenges in Implementing RAFKey
54、 Lessons Learned From Cases3.35-310Framework1.Best Practices in RAFØ Convergence experience in risk appetite framework(Contd) Successful implementation is highly dependent on effective interactionsamongallkeystakeholders,includingBoardmembers,seniormanagement,businesses.theriskmanagementfunction,andtheoperating Putting in place an effective risk appetite framew
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