



1、managementsystems and mea suresestablisecuritya ssessment is i ncl ude din thea nnmanagementsystem;developedhascomputerand thenetworkofd part -timeworkfor ceeducati oI iIformatioI,the protecti oI ofthe digital cam pus coIstructioI aId sustaiIable devel opmeIt. SixBureauattachesgreat im porta Icet oi

2、IformatioI techIologysecurity,i Iformsecurity budget toeIsurei IformatioI securityofiIvestmeIt.ByXX,e ducatioI iIformatioI aIdequipmeIt CeItre XX Ietwork Ietworksecurity aId i IformatioI security.A ccordiIgtot heiIformatioI tI _ _ _一. |_ _ _ 一 _.I _ I11,1._.| . |_ _ _ _| 一 _ _一I_一一. . 一 Lequipmentin

3、 t-I.he classroom.equpmen necassroomsetup a Chinese teachereducatiWith Intelcompa- -一 -一necompa nyonn cloud platform, impleme-Governme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi- Lny on XXEducation City domain netw nted li nks thetwoheld sy stem,sigIe d ha sIetw orkse curityrespoIsi bility;we bs

4、iteofiIformatiorkoftopic caces, such ase- platforms.At present,the city'ssede sign, relie son Cisco-books,pa ny thought Shu aid-I . I .L1_1a nyouguacuan pschool studentst ocomputeron management personnel i sresponsibl eforconfidentiaNo for gradeprotecti ongradi ng record a

5、 nd eval uation ofschool (units), requirement .-L - I - . _I .I . .1 |_chuan proje ctstafffree provides3198,vitalitythanhas threeyear s technol ogysupport, from2009 L一 1.1I一 一一 I I _ 一 10:1;809 equipmesofIotificatioI (chuaI taughtletter (2013) 18th,)requiremeIts,Icity6a tea chi Ig poiItsim plemeItat

6、ioI teachiIgpoiIts digitaleducati oI re sour ces ful l cover project,ccorda Ice with the uIifie darraIgemeIt ofthewholeproviIce,respoI sibleforuIiver sityeducatioIdigitalresources coveriIg proje ct maIageme ItaId im plemeItatioI.AccorlmaIagemeIt, password management,s theschool(units) accordi-I . .

7、L IL I on computerenjoysindepenformatioI techIologysecurity,e echIol ogysecurityrequiremeIts,intclassest hroug h the classroom (primary andsebegaI,a ccordi Ig tohig h staIdards,aId 一一. II - -ngto information sedentright,ntrust XX City Centerforessued a document recombine d I city specific situati on

8、, devel ope d issued has XXCitydingto provi nces arra ngements, ICenter hasarrang ements Gonggog sanars,ang owcondary);36 ofthe campus network.high ofworkthought,aI_ I-heestaurity gradeprotecti on andmanpower planningLJ . - I . I . 一bout poliBureau on tea chi ngpoints digital resources fullcoverl is

9、hment ofanadva,and poince d,practicacyand standard, - - ssword oftheIts step implemeItati一.一 一.一project of implemeducationalinformationand e quires schools (units) implemeorganizaticomputerforitspron carried outinformationsea lGigabite ducationalmetropntation programme, Estaqui pmeItdedicated tot he

10、w ork. Netw orksecurityl eadiIggroup was setu p, chaired byt heEducati oI Bureau Chief,hea d, for XXe ducatioIIt,defi Ied theiIformatioIsecurityguideliIe s,specifi c workpra ctice s,proce dures,a Id re quireme Its.CleariIdustryiIformatioI- - -Ld 一一.- I - > L ,一 ,L, I . L . I - .' .L . I -opri

11、etar y,andreleaseoI,usiIg schoolearthquakeHoure>.1- _ Iropolitanarea network,tblished XX,fullcoverageofofprovisi oIsispr ohi bited,such acuritygrade prote ction securitymanagementsy一.一 一construction ofopportunities,again pla'I L . 一. -he city'sschools have access to edigitalresource s inm

12、 odersleaks,inve stigated for responsibility.Astem cccording tMetro -networkand informati on security emergencyresponse leasecurityincide nts (acci dent s) to detect, re portanddi sposal.I.- - .- -.I 1_1. I . _ .L -. Idership. D processe s.Accor dI _ I - Iowhois iI charge ofwho' siI charge,w hoi

13、sruIIiIg a Id whoisrespoIsi blefor,w ho uses priIciple sofwhois i I chargeofmaIagemeIt schoolnni ng eleme ntaryand mi - ducationalmetropolitanare第一章法規(guī)與標(biāo)準(zhǔn)1-1 壓力容器設(shè)計(jì)必須哪些主要法規(guī)和規(guī)程?答: 1.特種設(shè)備安全監(jiān)察條例國(guó)務(wù)院2003.6.12.壓力容器安全技術(shù)監(jiān)察規(guī)程質(zhì)檢局200.diIati oI, commaId. T heteam assist lea deraIddeputy leade r,respoIsi

14、blefor Ietwork XX Ietw orkse curitya Id iIformatioI . eam. IIformatioIsecurity work CoIfereIceheldeach semester,a Id deploymeIt ofi IformatioI security ofdocumeItsi ssued oI a reg ular basis. IIformatioIdiIgtot hisuIitsa ctual,esta blished hasuIits persoIIelma IagemeIt,i IformatioIsy stem room maIag

15、eme It,aIdequipmeIt maIagemeIt,a Id medi a maIageme It,aId Ietwork securitycoIstructioI maIagemeIt,aId shi ppe ddime Isi oI maIageme It,aId servi ceoutsourci一 . 一 IL I- .一 I _ 一_ 一 .- _ _ - J - _ Ing,ea netw orkand informati on securityemergencyresponse coorblished has network se curitymanagementsys

16、tem;theschool(units) accor.III IIIL L L. 一 .一一 .bilitiest oschools. XX city schools (units)totalsite 20, 19ofwhichwerenot classified securitycurit y,assurance responsiherole sand responsibilitiesofinformationseon information systems1s (units)definedtotaleducatiork) for classifie dsecurity prote ctio

17、n levels,withoutthird-level i nformation systems.I,accor diIg tot hestaIdard,II- IIL-III I.I.I.quireme nts,makesinformatio-L .-high quality planningI. I - I .classrooms,rem160 million Yuansystem sL nZhaokuauctioI a IdgradeevaluatioI,impleme一一 L-L -ddle schools cam pus network a nd e ducation city do

18、main,L - I . I -I -. - .一.一ryan me sc ooscam pus newora na netw ork,school s have computernetworks,IdistaIceeducati oItea chi Igpr oject leadi Iggroup, XX,chaired the Secretaryforeducatintation gra deprote ctionsystem ofthere.I - . 一一network,a nd l ocalbroadcasti- I - -closed -cir cuit televi sioI I

19、etw ork, broadcast IetworksiItoton.E stablished,digitalreng network companycooperation, usiI I. .1_ _Isourcesi n modernhe cl assrooms,realdista ncee ducation teachingng broadca stTV network,willLLI. > >.一ize the triple play.physi calfiberlayingt-1.1 I- 一oeach school,to minim-.-.-III- - -School

20、s share Internetba ndwi dth, canme etthe needs of teaching,XXfull coverage proje ctgroup, XX, Director ofthe CeIter forum ofcost a chieve dhasphysicalfiberschoolschool pass; EaIL . Ill. - I . .1 IXX educationalmetropolitan area.I 一一.一. -一educational i nformation aoftheschoolndequipmeofficea nd ata n

21、ytime.Accordint chaired Z hu Guiyan, responsiblefordich school construction standards of campus netw 一一. ngto Ministry ofeducation onfull startestanceeducatinetwork realizesWaon digital resources coveringd impleme ntation teaorkand netw orkaccessto all rprojectw ork.toschools, huIdre dsof megabytes

22、ofbroa dbaIdtot hetable,'wire'(ie:- 一 .一 . -ooms;一.-chi ng point s digitale ducationresourceProjects inXXcityschool dXXeducati on metropolita一.-一 - .1.1sfull coverpr oje ct of notification(taughttechnil digitalresour ces i n modernn area netw orkce ntermachi ne roomequipme.一 J .111 1 .1- 一 W

23、eb,vi deo, audi o)tothetarge t,electroIicwI - . II. II. Ln . I- . . Ldistancee ducation teachingfulcalletter(2012) 74tl-coveragehiteboards,multimediaJ _ _nt inthe Mi nistryofeducation standardization ma. _ I . I .一一h,)aId XX Pr ov iIce DepartmeIt ofeducatioI oIproje ct leadi ng group,digitalresour c

24、esion issuenmodernnagement- -oteinteractivevid XX provinceteaplatform,theCe ItralLibrary.11. .Li.-distance e ducationteaching,deotea chi ng system of moderII. II .-一of audi ochi ng points digitaleducatiandXXfullcoverageon resualeducation ren educati onalsources,projesour cesful lcov er projectct gro

25、up lea dershipa nd壓力容器、壓力管道設(shè)計(jì)單位資格許可與管理規(guī)則質(zhì)檢局鍋爐壓力容器制造監(jiān)督管理辦法質(zhì)檢局2003.1.12003.1.1nto performanceassessmentand school levelmoIit oriIga Ideval uatioI,to develop ascientific, operationaleducationinformation ste ering a ssessment methods,trackingmanagementofeducation information a nd appli cations. ByMar ch

26、 2016,100 oftheteachers,Iparticipated in a nationale ducationaltechnologytrainingforprimaryand secondaryschoolteachers,the teachershave made toschoolteachers'educationaltechnologyproficie ncytest certificate. Atpresent,allschools have accessto broa dbandnetw orks.Traini ng classification trai ni

27、ng ofteacher s,schooltea cher s, aca demic l eaders,informationtechnology,teachertraining a nd net work management personnelfromthe County,wit hiI theschool backt oschooltraiIing once training i s com plete.5.GB150鋼制壓力容器 6.JB4732鋼制壓力容器-分析設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 7.JB/T4735鋼制焊接常壓容器 8.GB151 管殼式換熱器1 2 壓力容器設(shè)計(jì)單位的職責(zé)是什么?答:1.應(yīng)

28、對(duì)設(shè)計(jì)文件的準(zhǔn)確性和完整性負(fù)責(zé)。2.容器的設(shè)計(jì)文件至少應(yīng)包括設(shè)計(jì)計(jì)算書(shū)和設(shè)計(jì)圖樣。3.容器設(shè)計(jì)總圖應(yīng)蓋有壓力容器設(shè)計(jì)單位批準(zhǔn)書(shū)標(biāo)志。1-3 GB150-1998鋼制壓力容器的適用和不適用范圍是什么?答: 適用范圍:設(shè)計(jì)壓力不大于35Mpa 的鋼制壓力容器。設(shè)計(jì)溫度范圍根據(jù)鋼材允需的使用溫度確定。2.不適用范圍:直接火焰加熱的容器。核能裝置中的容器。2.mprove,se curitypr evention ca pacity obvi ously e nhanced,securityhiddeforall equi pmentin the rooma reg ulardust,replace

29、theold la bel.I aId security accide It obviouslyreduce d,effectiveguaraRegularly host serverntees information healthdevelopment.fthoregeo-loedsatrenli nglitsepagrocuentdhestwatoirk ofneivnesrtyalolnateio.n predailyw ork,to publi cizerelate dknowledg eand information se一.一.II. -. I . _ng up thea bili

30、tytosolveprassessme ntinformationw ork more than to cutw eight 10. Throug h thism ode ofclassification trai ning, information tes,Ietw orkswitches, coreroutiIg ,firewalls,har dwaremaiIte IaIce,such asecurity considerations.I L Ioblems,aId fee dbacktosuperiors in writing departmentXXE ducationEnhance

31、d gl obal aw arene ssofnetw orkand information seI_ L>一一 II. 一 storesolve.Through self-examinatiqui pmentfailure,Centrereg ularlycarry out daycurit y,and strive toa. _to-daynetworkseshoul d be pr ocessedin atimely mannerin oroI,wear ewellaware,relativelachieve netw orkeveryone knows se.L .1 L _.

32、I L . 一.ckofinvestmecurity monitoring informationand equipmedertoe nsur esafe andrel iable operati on ofthe system.Ime ntin educati on, facilities a nd tr ntuncutmi bonermisa6n5a6g9emofetheonptenmsapnaucale,Pthareticurity a Id vir us beforetheguard,toimpr 一一 一一 nd equi pmentforfurtherIt.By t heap pr

33、opr iatetechIi calstaff,XXupdates,educatiovenetw orkand informationseXX cityinformationand equipmeon developmnetwork e ngine room maintecurity,ensure that t- - .eItis stilluIeve I,IeI-L _ JL. I - . LI-ary wtctys ttagstd to_, saaoo _nipan.ho isuamsdi. t o Iio poitntwas estaheXXeducatiw education conc

34、eptsnancestaffonsite managementablishedwit hinthe Centre,educationalmetropolitan areonsystem networka nd information sy- L I -L .1 I I. I._ I-nee d tobefurt herenhance dto some exteId mai IteIa IceoIa reg ular ba sis,sche dule d viewistemsecurity. Tracki.I .LLIL. Ia netw orkce nter machi ne roomXX.S

35、erversang reportingsystem re- -J 一一-. I.ng of netw orks,systems,databaquires all pant andre strictingt he devel opme ntofcity educatiI _ .1LJ|_ - - ,coonfstteruacthieornmaarties tnddatast oresand applicati onsto set upino strengthen collases a nd associatede qui pmentoperatingboratioI,w orkcloselywi

36、tXX Citymetropolitan areaconditi ons, andmakea recorh emergency safetyplannetwork center machine room.d.Computerlab maintedevelope dXXeducati on metropolita一. - 一 -Wi ndowsServer2003,win areanetwnance managers regularlyrun avndowsSe rver2008,windowsServer2012, Liarietyofdevice sin the schoolinformat

37、ionsystemm parameters,server systemsaId vari ous data ba ckup,sot hattherewas ahar dwarefailurei na systemcrashcaprovince e ducation demonstration countieork,regularly carryout emergency drills,and carrie一一 -L J I LL -s asa driv ngforce,furt I - _ _zeoifmXpXletmitlenput in et herincrease input iiomn

38、odernofeadudcivaitsiionofa claod outspe cialfundsevducation,efforts toprom>,I,LI . _y eartoprotefpaclaonalte scsh,naolteaogcyhteraicheransosnee cla sPracticeisa regular roomsupervisioI,e ducatioIiIformatioIsteerichIology applicatioI ca pability traiIiIgoftea chers i I our cityreached100.ri ng,ste

39、principals ofeducati on information i nsestabli sha Ietworka Itivirus system, AviraVularbasi s,and anti -virussoftware senresume qui cklyand efficientlab mainte nance managercuritya ssessment,timetomaintenance managemeirus systemona regupgrade. Comy.Computer lputerlantab mnformationsystem securitypr

40、oducts for domestin area netw orkused by t he serverforHPoducts,i ncl udi ng the use of360 aXXeducati on metropolitand ki ngsoft Internet securitysoftware.s)ofcomputer,iforHuaweicpr2-3 professi oIaltrai IiIg for Ietwork maIagU - 一. |- - - .一-_I.nd beca pabl e ofsolvingse curityi ssue s.I LI 一 > .

41、一ers in t hecit y,forming technologywitonaland technicalteam,schoolnetwork managers on commonnetw.I >II. . . LI I - I I-s meetings,a nalysi.II 一 . L I . Iha strong professi_ .I - L I . .Iorkfailures actthe securityofinformation.Annual 一 .11-otethel oIg wi Ig,aId Li WaIfu, a* . L .-ssmacetnivtilte

42、v eyl.sXliXniknend Michael Jenki ns, a ndChe nJian,a nd Songand xiaochuanyun,7. 一- II J L . I L - II- -. 一 ern tehisbitcomrade participatein province back boneface-to-faceor networklear IiIg, doea c teac isioI ofaocelaxspse,daiteclaeduscsataiotoItialraIfch teachi ng pointsare一一 一 > ngponsaref onr

43、kmedatfiizrasttiionnDwivoirski,thasteachers participatei,t oI ahectcivtiytiees,swtablissheadwatrntraini ng,October17,2013, issued一I. - II 1II 一 .XX city education information andequipmenli ng lemvienliostfesriuapleornvie, 2sipornoavnindcaiaslssee sscmoenndtspyrizes,ttehmir.Infordmpartizoenaetdtuhcea

44、tpirnt Ce nteron re quireme nsthe teachi ng points schooln ofon information systems1deotea chi ng system of modermanagementsystems and mea suresestablisecuritya ssessment is i ncl ude din thea nnmanagementsystem;developedhascomputerand thenetworkofd part -time workfor ceeducati on information,the pr

45、otecti on ofthe digitalcam pus construction andsustainabledevel opment. SixBureauattaches greatim porta ncet oinformationtechnologysecurity,i nfosecuritybudgettoensure i nformation securityof investment.ByXX,e ducation information andequipment Centre XX network networksecurityand i nformation securi

46、ty.A ccordingto t heinformationtI _ _ _一. |_ _ _ 一 _.I _ I11,1._.| . |_ _ _ _| 一 _ _一I_一 . _ _.L - L. equipmentin t-I.he classroom.equpmen necassroomsetup a Chinese teachereducatiWith Intelcompa- -一 -一necompa nyonn cloud platform, impleme-Governme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi- Lny

47、on XXEducation City domain netw nted li nks thetwoheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsi bility;we bsite of informatiorkoftopic caces, such ase- platforms.At present,the city'ssede sign, relie son Ciscoprimaryand mid-books,pa ny thought Shu aid I . I 1-1compa

48、nyouguacuan pdle school studentst ocomputeron management personnel i sresponsibl eforconfidentiaNo for gradeprotecti ongradi ng record a nd eval uation ofschool (units), requirement .-L - I - . _I .I . .1 |_chuan proje ctstafffree provides3198,vitalitythanhas threeyear s technol ogysupport, from2009

49、 L一 1.1I一 一一 I I _ 一 10:1;809 equipmesofnotification(chuantaught letter(2013)18th,)requirements,Icity6 atea chi ng points im plementation teachingpoints digital educati on re sour ces ful lcoverproject,ccorda nce with the unifie d arrangementofthewhole province,responsibleforuniversity education dig

50、italresources covering proje ct manageme ntand im plementation.Accorlmanagement, passwordmanagement,s theschool(units) accordi-I . . L IL I on compntclassest hroug h the classroom (primary andsebegan, a ccordi ng to hig hstandards,and 一一 . II - -ngto inforhighp uterenjoys indepenformation segog sana

51、rs,ang ocondary) ;36 ofthe campus networknformation technologysecurity,eechnol ogysecurity requirements,iendent right,ntrust XX City Centerforessued a document reofworkthought,a-. I_ I-combine d I city specific situati on, devel ope d issued has XXCity Burea u on tea chi ng points dingto provi nces

52、arra ngements, ICenter hasarrang ements Gongheestacurity gradeprotectissword oftheducationalinformationand e quires schools (units) implemecomputerforitsprqui pmentdedicatedtot hew ork. Netw orksecurity l eading group was set up, chairedbyt he Educati onBurea uChief,hea d, forXXe ducationnt,defi ned

53、 theinformationsecurity guideline s,specifi cworkpra ctice s,proce dures,a ndre quirem nts.Clear industryinformation- - -一.- " I - > L ,一 ,L, I . L . I - . I oprietar y,andreleaseofprovisi ons ispr ohi bited,suchandmanpower planningLJ . - I . I . 一digitalresources fullcover prl ishment ofanadvaojectof implementation programme, Established XX,fullcoverage ofcuritygrade prote ction securitymanagementsy一.一 一constructionhe city'sschool


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