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1、編輯課件編輯課件Living wellLiving wellUnit 1編輯課件編輯課件Life Without Limbs編輯課件編輯課件尼克尼克武伊契奇武伊契奇 (Nick Vujicic),塞爾維亞,塞爾維亞裔澳大利亞籍人,是裔澳大利亞籍人,是“無四肢生命無四肢生命” (Life Without Limbs) 組織的創(chuàng)辦人。他組織的創(chuàng)辦人。他天生沒有四肢,卻勇于面對身體殘障,創(chuàng)天生沒有四肢,卻勇于面對身體殘障,創(chuàng)造了生命的奇跡。尼克的造了生命的奇跡。尼克的“足跡足跡”已經(jīng)遍已經(jīng)遍布全世界,與數(shù)十億人分享了他的經(jīng)歷。布全世界,與數(shù)十億人分享了他的經(jīng)歷。編輯課件編輯課件Disability

2、is a lack of ability relative to a personal or group standard. Disability may involve various impairments (缺陷,缺陷,障礙障礙), mental disorder and different types of chronic (慢性慢性) diseases. A disability may occur during a persons lifetime or may be present from birth.What is Disability?What is Disability?

3、編輯課件編輯課件Do you know these people Do you know these people below and what disease theybelow and what disease theyhave? How do they face their have? How do they face their life with disabilities? life with disabilities? 編輯課件編輯課件 Steven Hawking England 肌萎縮性側(cè)索硬化癥 amyotrophicSpeech impaired, can only mov

4、e one of his fingersphysicist / mathematician, research into the beginning of space, matter and time. (Black holes theory)編輯課件編輯課件Steven Hawkingphysicist / mathematicianfamous scientist known for his theory about black holes and big bangs:A Brief History of Time編輯課件編輯課件born mentally disabled with an

5、 IQ of a child famous conductorZhouzhou (舟舟舟舟)編輯課件編輯課件became disabled at the age of 5, taught herself English and took up writing in 1983writerZhang Haidi (張海迪張海迪)編輯課件編輯課件第四屆第四屆CCTV電視舞蹈大賽群眾創(chuàng)作表電視舞蹈大賽群眾創(chuàng)作表演舞蹈專場中,由殘疾人馬麗、翟孝偉演舞蹈專場中,由殘疾人馬麗、翟孝偉表演的舞蹈表演的舞蹈牽手牽手令觀眾震撼。令觀眾震撼。Ma Li Zhai Xiaowei(馬麗馬麗 翟孝偉翟孝偉) dance

6、r編輯課件編輯課件though named “楊光楊光”,he has lived in a worldof darkness since he was8 months old.Yang Guang (楊光楊光)singerHe impressed the audience at 2008 Spring Festival Gala Evening (春晚春晚).編輯課件編輯課件張玉霞張玉霞(Zhang Yuxia)The voice of China 中國臺灣地區(qū)盲人歌手,中國臺灣地區(qū)盲人歌手,2012年參加浙江年參加浙江衛(wèi)視的衛(wèi)視的中國好聲音中國好聲音節(jié)目,演唱鄧麗君節(jié)目,演唱鄧麗君的歌曲惟

7、妙惟肖,在的歌曲惟妙惟肖,在中國好聲音中國好聲音巔峰巔峰時刻的頒獎典禮中,獲得了時刻的頒獎典禮中,獲得了“心靈的歌者心靈的歌者”獎。獎。編輯課件編輯課件BeethovenmusicianBeethovens hearing gradually worsenedin his twenties, yet he continued to compose, and to conduct and perform, even after he was completely deaf. Symphony (交響樂交響樂) No. 5 also named The Destiny Symphony. 編輯課件

8、編輯課件千手觀音千手觀音 the thousand-hand Bodhisattva21位舞者是生活在無聲位舞者是生活在無聲世界的聾啞人,她們平世界的聾啞人,她們平均年齡均年齡17歲,最小的只歲,最小的只有有13歲。歲。邰麗華邰麗華deafdancer編輯課件編輯課件Light in My DarknessHelen KellerAmerican educator/writer編輯課件編輯課件 Helen Keller became blind when she was less than 2 years old. She was deaf soon after that. She grew

9、into a highly intelligent woman with her teachers help. Her most famous article Three Days to See. 編輯課件編輯課件(劉偉劉偉) Evans pianist第一季第一季中國達人秀中國達人秀Chinas Got Talent總總冠軍。冠軍。編輯課件編輯課件劉偉,劉偉,“斷臂鋼琴師斷臂鋼琴師”、音樂人。一句人生感、音樂人。一句人生感悟悟“我的人生中只有兩條路,要么趕緊死,要我的人生中只有兩條路,要么趕緊死,要么精彩地活著!么精彩地活著!”被廣為傳頌,堅韌不拔、積被廣為傳頌,堅韌不拔、積極樂觀的精神感動

10、了全世界,外媒爭相報道,極樂觀的精神感動了全世界,外媒爭相報道,成為世人心中新一代的成為世人心中新一代的“精神偶像精神偶像”。10歲時歲時因觸電意外失去雙臂,因觸電意外失去雙臂,12歲學習游泳,歲學習游泳, 14歲歲獲得全國游泳冠軍,獲得全國游泳冠軍,16歲學習打字,歲學習打字, 19歲自歲自學鋼琴,僅用一年即可彈奏出相當于手彈鋼琴學鋼琴,僅用一年即可彈奏出相當于手彈鋼琴業(yè)余業(yè)余4級水平的鋼琴曲級水平的鋼琴曲夢中的婚禮夢中的婚禮。2008年,與劉德華共同為奧運加油,合作歌曲年,與劉德華共同為奧運加油,合作歌曲天天意意。2010年,摘得東方衛(wèi)視第一季年,摘得東方衛(wèi)視第一季中國達中國達人秀人秀Ch

11、inas Got Talent總冠軍??偣谲?。編輯課件編輯課件舞林大會舞林大會踢館賽于踢館賽于2011年年10月月2日在日在東方衛(wèi)視播出,東方衛(wèi)視播出,“512汶川大地震汶川大地震”中的中的幸存者,用一曲精彩的桑巴征服了現(xiàn)場的幸存者,用一曲精彩的桑巴征服了現(xiàn)場的觀眾和評委。她將義肢藏在絲襪內(nèi),不知觀眾和評委。她將義肢藏在絲襪內(nèi),不知道的人根本看不出她身體上的缺陷,而她道的人根本看不出她身體上的缺陷,而她在比賽現(xiàn)場還選擇了熱情洋溢的拉丁舞。在比賽現(xiàn)場還選擇了熱情洋溢的拉丁舞。 Liao Zhi (廖智廖智) dancer編輯課件編輯課件Pair WorkWhat can you learn fr

12、om them? 編輯課件編輯課件beliefconfidentoptimisticpatientpersevere couragediligent passion strong-mindedindependent編輯課件編輯課件The following list might help you.mental disability learning difficulty hearing problem difficulty with eyesightbrain injury loss of an arm or a legDowns Syndrome (唐氏綜合癥唐氏綜合癥) infantile

13、 paralysis (小兒麻痹小兒麻痹) walking difficulty編輯課件編輯課件You are going to read an entry on a website called “Family Village”. It gives ordinary young people with a disability a chance to share their stories. Glance at the title and picture, then discuss with a partner:編輯課件編輯課件編輯課件編輯課件The “Family Village” is

14、a _.1. To give young disabled people the chance to share their stories with others.2. To inspire other disabled people.3. To get non-disabled people to understand more about the challenging life the disabled people lead.websiteThe purpose of the website:編輯課件編輯課件Though he is a _ person, Marty never f

15、eels _ for himself and he _ his life.disabledsorryenjoysFind the main idea of the whole text.編輯課件編輯課件Task11. Match the main idea of each paragraph.Para1 A. The problems he has to deal with. Para2 B. How his life has become easier.Para3 C. An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease. Para4 D. How

16、 his disability develops.Para5 E. The advantages of his disease.編輯課件編輯課件_ the problem_the problem_theproblemMain ideamuscle diseasefrom normal to weakerwhat problemhis daily lifeattitude to disabilityraiseanalyzesolvethe purpose編輯課件編輯課件difficulties _ _ _makes him very weak._ and cant _ or _ stairs a

17、s quickly as other people.A muscle diseasedisease Clumsyrunclimbmottolive one day _ _ _.What does “l(fā)ive one day at a time” mean?Live a rich and full life every day.Para.1at a time編輯課件編輯課件Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Martys leg? Because they could cure the disease by cutting it

18、out. Because they wanted to use it as a specimen (標本). Because they would transplant (移植) the new muscle.A. Because they wanted to find out the cause of the disease.Paras.2&3編輯課件編輯課件What are the Martys ambition, achievement and hobby?1) Martys ambition _2) Martys achievement _ _3) Martys hobby _

19、work for a firm that develops computer software when he grows up.invented a computer football game and a big company has decided to buy it.movies, football matches; look after pets.Para.4編輯課件編輯課件1. Dont feel sorry for them.2. Dont make fun of them.3. Dont ignore them.4. Accept them for who they are.

20、5. Encourage them to live as rich and full a life as you do.Para.5Martys advice:編輯課件編輯課件Further understanding (1) hopefulthe change of Martys feelings:hopelessstupidnot get annoyedgood/busy編輯課件編輯課件Further understanding (2)We can see that Marty is a _ person.optimistic, brave, stupid, pessimistic, in

21、dependent, strong-mindedoptimistic braveindependentstrong-minded編輯課件編輯課件1. What kind of person do you think Marty is? Marty seems to be a fairly positive person who considers he has a good life. He is realistic about his disability, but does not let this stop him doing as much as he can. He is a psy

22、chologically strong, independent boy. Discuss these questions.3編輯課件編輯課件2. What do you think is the most difficult thing that Marty has to deal with in his life? Missing lots of school, not being able to run around and play sports like other boys at his age, people not understanding that he has a disability.編輯課件編輯課件3. What kind of thing does Marty do


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