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1、開課注意事項1. 專任教師每週基本授基本時數(shù)為教授8小時,副教授及助理教授9小時,講師10小時。但聘約另有規(guī)定者,從其規(guī)定。 教師授課時數(shù)未達(dá)每週基本授課時數(shù)者,應(yīng)於次一學(xué)年內(nèi)補(bǔ)足,如仍未補(bǔ)足,應(yīng)累計至補(bǔ)足為止。授課時數(shù)之計算、核減、超授等悉依本校專任教師每週授課時數(shù)計算標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及超授鐘點費(fèi)核支準(zhǔn)則辦理。2. 合聘教師每週於外文系的最低應(yīng)授時數(shù):教授4小時,副教授及助理教授4.5小時。(或每學(xué)年兩學(xué)期合計教授八小時,副教授及助理教授九小時)。合聘教師之授課時數(shù)由主聘系所填報。3. 教師實際教學(xué)授課時數(shù)超過聘約規(guī)定應(yīng)授基本時數(shù)時,始核發(fā)超支鐘點費(fèi),以四小時為上限。擔(dān)任教育學(xué)程課程者另依校方規(guī)定辦理。

2、4. 兼任教師如在國內(nèi)其他公私立院校為專任教師,或在政府機(jī)關(guān)擔(dān)任公職,或為本系退休教師,每學(xué)期每週最多授課四小時。其他情況無授課時數(shù)上限。5. 擔(dān)任下列課程者,可加計寫作指導(dǎo)一小時,併入授課時數(shù):英文作文一上/下、英文作文二上/下、英文作文三上/下、翻譯及習(xí)作上/下、英文寫作(碩一必修)、大一英文每學(xué)期至少批改每位學(xué)生三篇作文;惟本系大一英文和英文(含聽講實習(xí))一/二因每週上課四小時,不得加計寫作指導(dǎo)時數(shù)。6. 英語文教師每學(xué)期應(yīng)開授至少一班非外文系大一英文,或應(yīng)授時數(shù)一半以上為服務(wù)性課程(非外文系大一英文、英文作文、翻譯及習(xí)作、英語口語訓(xùn)練等)。同一時段若有多位教師欲開課,以原開課教師優(yōu)先,

3、再依職級、年資、生日依序安排。7. 擔(dān)任兩班非外文系大一英文且其中一班與他人合授(各教一學(xué)期)者,請自行協(xié)調(diào)上下學(xué)期授課教師,於授課調(diào)查表中註明,並妥善安排全年課程銜接。8. 為因應(yīng)休假、出國一學(xué)期的同仁遽增,申請休假一學(xué)期的老師,依系務(wù)會議規(guī)定,於授課學(xué)期仍應(yīng)教授服務(wù)性課程,萬勿推辭。惟休假期間得自行商請同仁合授另一學(xué)期,或同意系方代為安排,與其他老師配合開課。系方將盡早知會學(xué)生下一學(xué)期的合開老師。9. 通識課程限本系專任教師或本系主聘之合聘教師開授,每學(xué)期不超過五門。他系所主聘之合聘教師應(yīng)向主聘系所申請開課。申請新開授通識課程之教師,應(yīng)檢附下列資料送交課程委員會審議:(1)課程大綱(2)課

4、程之相關(guān)著作目錄或近5年所發(fā)表之學(xué)術(shù)性著作目錄10. 有意開設(shè)同一門必修文學(xué)課程的老師,請協(xié)調(diào)合授或輪授,原則上採兩年一輪方式授課,若教師擔(dān)任同一課程滿兩年,第三年請禮讓其他同仁。11. 外文系大一英文之授課教師由系方協(xié)調(diào),以不連續(xù)擔(dān)任超過兩年為原則。12. 每位教師每學(xué)期至多開一門研究所選修課(課號122 U不在此限)。每位教師開授專題研究,每學(xué)期以1門為限(97年5月21日文學(xué)院課程委員會決議)。13. 自98學(xué)年度起,每學(xué)期研究所課號為M的選修課程最多12門(98年2月25日系務(wù)會議決議)。申請新開授研究所選修課程之教師,應(yīng)檢附相關(guān)資料(包括課程名稱、課程描述、進(jìn)度與書目、個人著作目錄)

5、。研究所選修課程分類如下:第一類:併時性文學(xué)理論及方法論課程必修至少一門:如詮 釋學(xué)(三學(xué)分),精神分析(三學(xué)分),意識形態(tài) 文學(xué)批評(三學(xué)分),語言文本分析(三學(xué)分)等。第二類:貫時性斷代及專家課程必修十二學(xué)分:如中世紀(jì)專題(三學(xué)分),文藝復(fù)興戲?。ㄈ龑W(xué)分),喬叟研究(三學(xué)分),莎士比亞專題(三學(xué)分),彌爾頓研究(三學(xué)分),浪漫主義詩歌(三學(xué)分),小說之起源(三學(xué)分)等。第三類:併時性文類、主題學(xué)、跨文類及文化研究課程必修至少一門:如烏托邦文學(xué)(三學(xué)分),田園詩(三學(xué)分),文學(xué)與宗教(三學(xué)分),影片分析(三學(xué)分),文學(xué)翻譯研究(三學(xué)分)等。14. 本系專任教師應(yīng)避免於週三下午2:10至6:2

6、0排課,以保留時間出席會議或?qū)W術(shù)演講。(98年11月18日課程委員會會議決議)15. 日間部超支鐘點費(fèi)(平均每學(xué)期最多四小時)暨兼任教師鐘點費(fèi)支給標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(每學(xué)期期末匯入戶頭)職級支給數(shù)額備註教授795一、 單位:新臺幣元。二、 本表自民國八十六年三月二十一日起實施。副教授685助理教授630講師57516.進(jìn)修學(xué)士班外文系(夜間時段)與日間鐘點費(fèi)為分開計算,夜間無授課時數(shù)上限。支給標(biāo)準(zhǔn)如下:(自民國八十九年起實施。一學(xué)期發(fā)十八週。適用夜間授課。)職級學(xué)生人數(shù)及鐘點費(fèi)40人以下4160人61人以上教授115012501400副教授100011001200助理教授90010001100講師85095

7、0100017. 上課節(jié)次與時間 節(jié)次時間節(jié)次時間1234567898:10 9:009:10 10:0010:20 11:1011:20 12:1012:20 1:101:20 2:102:20 3:103:30 4:204:30 5:205:30 6:20ABCD6:30 7:207:25 8:158:25 9:159:20 10:1018. 課程一覽表:請上網(wǎng)查詢9819. 教室介紹:請上網(wǎng)查詢 20. 開課最低人數(shù)限制:【日間部】:必修課(含單選及複選必修)、專題研究不受限制。若因停課而導(dǎo)致授課時數(shù)不足,在下個學(xué)期補(bǔ)回。若因情況特殊(情況特殊之認(rèn)定應(yīng)提經(jīng)系(所)課程委員會及院課程委員會

8、討論通過)報經(jīng)教務(wù)長同意者,免受最低人數(shù)限制。課程分類開課最低人數(shù)備 註必修1人博士班選修(課號122 D-)博士生1人碩士班選修(122 M-)碩士生2人選課學(xué)生中若有博士班學(xué)生一人亦可開課。碩士班選修(122 U-)5人碩士班課程,但開放大學(xué)部三年級以上修習(xí)。選課學(xué)生中若有博士班學(xué)生一人,或碩士班學(xué)生二人,亦可開課。大學(xué)部選修(102 -)、服務(wù)學(xué)習(xí)5人 【進(jìn)修學(xué)士班】課程分類開課最低人數(shù)備 註必修1人選修、服務(wù)學(xué)習(xí)、通識4人含多項必選課程,例如新聞英語、高級作文21. 99學(xué)年度起,以演講為主之大班必修課將朝2班方向規(guī)劃,例如文讀、西概、小說、戲劇、歐史、語概 等等,皆以開設(shè)兩班為原則,

9、修課人數(shù)每30人得安排一位外文系研究生擔(dān)任教學(xué)助理,以此類推。(98年11月18日課程委員會會議決議)22. 申請新開授大學(xué)部選修課程、文學(xué)與文化專題課程,與經(jīng)典人文學(xué)程課程之教師,應(yīng)檢附課程大綱與18週的進(jìn)度表,俾提送課程委員會審議。課程大綱內(nèi)容應(yīng)有課程概述(中文50字或英文200字)、課程目標(biāo)、參考書目/教科書、評量方式等四個項目。課程若有期中考和期末考,應(yīng)安排於18週進(jìn)度表中的第9週和第18週。23. 自98學(xué)年度起,服務(wù)學(xué)習(xí)課程由系主任邀請擔(dān)任,以兼任校內(nèi)行政職務(wù)或為系上服務(wù)者優(yōu)先(97年12月24系務(wù)會議決議)。24. 加選方式 (u.tw/aca2007/ 網(wǎng)路加退選) 1:教師未

10、設(shè)定修課人數(shù)上限,學(xué)生可直接上網(wǎng)加選,上限300人。 未符先修科目規(guī)定者會於加退選結(jié)束後遭擋修。 2:由教師自行發(fā)給學(xué)生加選授權(quán)碼,學(xué)生取得授權(quán)碼後可上網(wǎng)加選。 3:擬修課之學(xué)生可上網(wǎng)登記,每週依教師決定之修課人數(shù)上限進(jìn)行二次分發(fā)作業(yè)。未符先修科目規(guī)定者會於加退選結(jié)束後遭擋修。5Notes1. In the Day Division, a full time professors average teaching hours should be no less than 8 hours each week, associate professors and assistant professo

11、rs 9 hours, lecturers 10 hours. Teachers who do not meet the requirement for basic teaching hours must make up the hours in the following academic year or the next year(s), until all the hours have been made up. Teaching hours will be calculated according to the Universitys “Policy on Standard Teach

12、ing Hours and Overtime Payment”2. Part time faculty who holds a full time position in other universities/colleges in Taiwan, or holds a public position, or has retired from DFLL, will be teaching no more than 4 hours each week. In other cases, there is no limit for teaching hours.3. Faculty members

13、offering the following courses will have one extra hour added to the already specified course hours:English Composition, Translation(翻譯及習(xí)作上/下), Freshman English courses which require students to submit at least three English papers each term, English Writing (MA compulsory).4. Every faculty member,

14、except for SFL faculty, should take up at least one class of Freshman English for non-DFLL majors, or at least half of his or her teaching hours are devoted to language service courses, e.g. Freshman English for non-DFLL, English Oral Training, Composition and Translation. If the number of teachers

15、preferring a certain time slot/college/location exceeds the supply available, priority will go to teachers who have been offering the class, then arranged according to teachers rank, seniority, and then birth date. Teachers should indicate in the course description if they ask students to turn in th

16、ree papers each semester (at least 200 words each paper).5. If a faculty member wants to teach one section of Freshman English for non-DFLL majors for one academic year, and another section for only one semester, he or she should find a colleague to teach the other semester.6. In response to the gro

17、wing number of faculty members applying for leaves for one semester, the department affairs meeting has made the resolution that faculty members whose application for leave for one semester still have to offer service courses in the other semester. However, they could find a colleague to teach in th

18、e semester when they are on leave, or let the department office arrange for them. The department office will inform students of the arrangement as soon as possible.7. General Education courses (通識) are to be offered only by DFLL full time faculty, no more than 5 courses offered each semester. Facult

19、y members offering a new General Education course must submit the following documents to the Department office: A. Course description using the format provided by the Center for General Education.B. A list of publications related to the course to be offered, or a list of publications within five yea

20、rs.8. Rotation will take place if the number of teachers wanting to teach a certain required literature course exceeds the number of classes available. 9. Instructors of DFLL Freshman English will be arranged by the Department office. Each teacher will not be teaching for more than two years.10. To

21、ensure a fairer distribution of teaching load, we are obliged to remind you of the departments long-standing rule that one can give no more than one graduate course per semester. Starting from Spring 2009, every faculty member can only offer one class of “Independent Study course” for graduate stude

22、nts per semester.11. MA Elective courses:Starting from Fall 2009, there should be no more than twelve “M” elective courses (graduate elective courses with class numbers of 122 M). Faculty members who would like to offer a “M” course must submit required info including: course title, course descripti

23、on, syllabus and bibliography, and a list of your publications. MA elective courses are divided into three categories:Group 1:synchronic literary theory and methodology, e.g. Hermeneutics (3 credits), Psychoanalysis (3 credits), Ideological Literary Criticism (3 credits), Linguistic Textual Analysis

24、 (3 credits).Group 2:diachronic historical periods and individual authors, e.g. Seminar on the Medieval Period (3 credits), Renaissance Drama (3 credits), Chaucer Studies (3 credits), Seminar on Shakespeare (3 credits), Milton Studies (3 credits), Romantic Poetry (3 credits), Origins of the Novel (3

25、 credits).Group 3:synchronic genre, theme, inter-genre, and cultural studies, e.g. Utopian Literature (3 credits), Pastoral Poetry (3 credits), Literature and Religion (3 credits), Film Analysis (3 credits), Literary Translation Studies (3 credits).12. Full time faculty must not have classes on Wedn

26、esday afternoon from 2:10 to 6:20, in order to spare time for Departmental meetings and faculty colloquium.13. Hourly pay for overtime and part-time teachers in the Day DivisionRankPay(NT$)RemarksProfessor795One teacher can have no more than four hours of overtime per semester. Effective starting Ma

27、rch 21, 1997.Associate Professor685Assistant Professor630Lecturer57514. Hourly pay for the Evening DivisionRankEnrollment and PayRemarksBelow 40 students4160 studentsMore than 61Teaching hours in the Evening Division is calculated separately from the Day Division. There is no limit to the number of

28、teaching hours. A wage of eighteen weeks is paid each semester. Professor115012501400Associate Professor100011001200Assistant Professor90010001100Lecturer850950100015. 【Class periods and times】 節(jié)次時間節(jié)次時間1234567898:10 9:009:10 10:0010:20 11:1011:20 12:1012:20 1:101:20 2:102:20 3:103:30 4:204:30 5:205:

29、30 6:20ABCD6:30 7:207:25 8:158:25 9:159:20 10:1016. For a complete list of courses for Fall 2009 and Spring 2010, please visit NTU ONLINE, URL 17. For classroom info, please visit the website 18. Policy on minimum enrollment 開課最低人數(shù)限制:【Day Division】Required courses and Independent Study courses are e

30、xempt from the regulation. Otherwise, classes that do not meet minimum enrollment will be cancelled. If a faculty members teaching hours are below requirement due to insufficient enrollment, the hours should be made up in the following semester. Under special conditions, a course will be exempt from

31、 the regulation after the consent of Department Curriculum Committee, the College Course Curriculum and the Dean of Academic Affairs.CourseMinimum enrollmentRemarksPhD D-1 PhD studentMA M-2 MA studentsMA U-5 students(U-course is a graduate course that is also open to juniors and seniors)The course w

32、ill continue if 1 PhD student or 2 MA students are enrolled.Undergraduate5 students 【Evening Division】(Division of Continuing Education and Professional Development)Minimum enrollmentRemarksRequired course1 studentElective course4 studentsIncluding “Compulsory Elective Courses” like Journalistic Eng

33、lishStudent Service Course4 studentsGeneral Education Course4 students(通識課程)19. Starting from Fall 2010, the Department shall in principle arrange two sections for each lecture-based course, such as Introduction to Western Literature, Approaches to Literatureetc. (文讀、西概、小說、戲劇、歐史、語概). Each class may have one


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