



1、初二下英語復(fù)習(xí)專題黑布林&津津有味課外閱讀一、閱讀理解(A)Six mon ths pass and Dacty is very big now. During the day he sleeps in Aunt Eliabeths office and at ni ght he fliesaround the museum.But one ni ght someth ing stra nge happe ns. At midni ght Dacty sees lights moving in side themuseum. He flies closer to see what is

2、 happe ning. There are two men with torches in side the museum. They are wearing masks and they are tryi ng to ope n a case. In side the case there is a mummy .Sudde nly one man looks up and sees the pterodactyl. He is very scared.Look, Bert, he says to the other man.There is a huge bird up there.Th

3、e other man looks up, but Dacty does nt move. Shut up, Eric. Dont be slly. Its only astatue, the man says. Come on.門I ope n the case.You look for the gold medallion s .While Bert tries to open the case, Dacty flies down and grabs Eric.The thief is so scared that he cant say a thing.Dacty flies up an

4、d leaves him on top of a statue. Hes stuck.Bert is so busy ope ning the case that he does n tsee what is happe ning.Hey, wheres the drill? he says, but there is no an swer.Eric? Where are you, Eric? he asks.Then he looks up and sees his friend high above on the statue. Just the n Dacty flies dow n a

5、ga in and grabs the sec ondthief. He lifts him in his beak and carries him up to the statue. The two men are very afraid. They start shouti ng, but thereis no body there to hear them.-Take n from The Surprise1. Why does Dacty live in the museum?A.Because he is afraid of dark n ess. B.A unt Eliabeth

6、makes him doso.C.He is too big to fly at home.D.He can help catch the thief.2. The underlined word medalfion”mean_.A.懲罰B.鼓勵C.獎?wù)翫.獎品3. Which of the followi ng is true?A. The gover nment cheers for him later for Dacty calls the police to catch the thieves.B. Maybe Eric and his friend wants to steal th

7、e statue for the medallions.C. Eric is so afraid because he realizes the“statue”is a pterodactyl.D. Maybe the mummy is very valueable.4. Which will possibly happe n n ext?A.Eric ran away.B.Dacty calls the police to catch the thievesC.Some one gets to the museum and sees the case. D.Dacty gets famous

8、.B.The n ext two days it rained and it was very windy so Mary could nt go outside. Then, on the third morning whe n she opened her eyes and looked out of the win dow, she had a big surprise. She called to Martha, Martha! Come and look at themoor! There was no wind or rain and the sky was deep blue.Y

9、 es, said Martha with a smile. The spri ngs coming.After breakfast Martha went to visit her mother for the day.Mary felt Ion ely in the house withouther so she went outside into the bright sunshine. She ran round and round the fountain ten timesand soon she started to feel better. Ben Weatherstaff w

10、as in the vegetable garde n. He did nt look cross that day soshe went to speak to him.“The spri n gs comin g, he said to her. Ca n you see those gree n points in the earth?Mary looked.What are they? she asked.They re spring flowers crocuse , snowdrops and daffodilsThe rob in appeared and sat on the

11、gro und n ear them.Is spri ng coming in the secret garde n, too? Mary asked Ben.”O(jiān)r are all the tlowersdead?Ask the rob in, said Ben Wethestaff. Hes the only one who knows And he went back to work.The rob in was hopp ing aro und on the ground. Mary was watch ing him whe n she saw someth ing on the e

12、arth .It wasan old key.- Take n from The Secret Garde n1. What is Ben WethestaffsB.He is a garde ner.D.He works for Mr.Craven.What does the un derli ned world“hop”mean?3. Why does Martha realize the spring is coming?A. There was no wi nd or rain and the sky was deep blue.B. Mary told her so and she

13、belived her.C. The next two days it rained and it was very windy so Mary could nt go outside.D. She lived on the moor for a long time and she wans certain.4. H ow will Mary feel when she get the key?At the end of summer, the Native America ns bega n to pack up their camp. It was time to move on. Whi

14、te Fang knew something differe nt was going to happe n.He decided to hide. He found a good hidi ng place n ear the camp and waited there.The men called to him, but he did not obey. They came looking for him but did not find him .He waited in his hidi ng place shaking, because he was afraid.He believ

15、ed they found him, he would get a beati ng.At last, they went away.White Fang was alo n e.Now he bega n to be really afraid. He had no mother to care for him. There wereA.housekeeper.B. He is a serva nt.2.He is Mr.CravenA.跳躍B.單腳跳C.齊足跳D.雙腳跳A.u n happyB.Excited5.Which is the best tittle for the passag

16、e?A.Mary gets the key to the secret garde n.C. The key to the secret garde n.C.C.AfraidD.comfortableB. The spri ng comes.D.The day inno men to throw him food.Thee was no warm tent to sit in. There was only the forest, full of stra nge no ises and moveme n ts.Sudde nly, the moon went beh ind the clou

17、ds. White Fang was in dark nessTake n from White Fang1. What happe ned whe n White Fang ran away?A.He went to live with the lynx.B.He wen to live in a city.B.He lived very happilyD.He was on his own in the forest.2. Why was White Fang afraid to go to move on?A.He was afraid to be puni shed.B.He was

18、afraid someth ing differe nt was going to happeC.He was afraid to be beate n.n.3. Xiao Ming is look ing up a dicti onary as he watch ing the book.Here is the dicti on ary.Ca n you help him find the rightmeanings of the two un derl ined words?Pack 1v.裝;包裝;包裹2 n.紙袋子;紙包3 n.群;一包Obey 1v.遵從;遵守2 v.服從3 v.順從

19、A.1;3B.3;24. What s the correct order?aThe Native America ns bega n to pack up their campbThe summer camecWhite Fang found his hidd ing placedWhite was in dark n essA.abcdB.bcadC.dcbaD.cbdaDIt was sunny for n early a week and Mary found many more gree n points in the secret garde n. She pulled up th

20、e weeds aroundthem So they had space to grow. Sometimes she imagi ned the garde n in summer.One morning as she was skipp ing slowly along the long path,she thought about old Ben Weatherstaff. He was ofte n cross butshe liked him.At the end of the path there was a gate. She decided to go through it a

21、nd explore the wood on the other side. She ope ned andwent through. Sudde nly she heard the sound of music. It was coming from the trees. What was it? She was very curious a ndwent to find out.A boy of about twelve was sitti ng un der a tee. He was playi ng music.He had blue eyes and red cheeks. A s

22、quirrel and tworabbits were wath ing him and liste ning to the music. When he saw May he said: Im Dick on.1 know who you are. You are MissMary:He took out a parcel.- Take n from The Secret Garde nC.3;1D.2;21. What is the seas on now?A.Spri ngB.SummerC.FallD.Wi nter.2. What does the underlined word“c

23、urious”mean?A.B.3. What may be in the parcel(包裹)?A.Someth ing to eat.C.Some pretty toys.4. What was Dick on doing whe n Mary saw him?A. He wans lyi ng un der a tree and liste ned to music.B. He was readi ng a book to wait for Mary.C. He was there playing the music to spend the time.D. He was playing

24、 the music under a tree.EStop that! he shouted.Beauty con ti nued kick ing White Fang while Cherokee kept hold ing on. Scott was very an gry. He shoued atBeauty and knocked him down. All the men stopped houting.They knew the dog fight was over and there would be a fightberween two men. Beauty stood

25、up and shouted at Scott to mind his own bus in ess. Scott kn cked him dow n aga in. Beautywas not a brave man so he did not try to fight Scott.Scott had heard about White Fan g.He knew he was one of the best lead sled dogs ever.“I ll buy that dog from you, he told Beauty,“A hun dred and fifty dollar

26、s.Hes worth more tha n that to me, Beauty shouted.I want three hun dred dollars.Yo ull take one hun dred and ffry, Scott said. He bent dow and tried to separate the two dogs, but the blldog still held on. Scottshouted at Tom Keenan to help him.I dont know how to separate them, Keenan said.This has n

27、 ever happe ned before.Scott asked Matt for his gun. He began to push part of the gun into the bulldogs mouth as he tried to ope n it. Dont break histeeth, Keenan shouted.Scott paid no attention to him. At last, he got the bulldog to open its mouth. Matt came forward and pulled White Fang away.The w

28、olf -dog was now almost dead from his wounds and loss of blood.-Take n from White Fang1. Why did Scott buy White Fan g?A.Because he won the fight.B.He was the best lead sled dogs around.C.He did not know.D.He was the best bulldog around.2. How was White Fang after the fight?A.He looked like he would

29、 have a fight aga in.B.He was far from death.C.He looked like a bulldog.D.He was almost dead.3. What does the underlined word“sledmean?A.雪橇B.狂野C.血腥D.領(lǐng)導(dǎo)4. Who is White Fa ngs new god?A.BeautyB.Kee nanC.ScottD.MattB.Some tools to garde n.D.The key to the garde n.二.缺詞填空。(一)Ater her pare nts death, Mary

30、 t 11D. En gla nd on a ship with a soldiers w 2_Yo ure going to live in Y orkshire with your un cle Archibald Crave n, she told Mary. Mr Crave ns housekeeper was wait ing forthe litte girl at Paddi ngton Stati on whe n they a 3 in London. Her n ame was Mrs Medlock. She was w 4 a purple dress and abl

31、ack shawl with a frin ge. Her hat was black, too, and it had some purple flowers on it. Mary did nt like Mrs Medlock, and MrsMedlock did nt like Mary.She isnt very pretty, the housekeeper said to the soldiers wife. Not I 5 her mother. Childre n cha nge, r 6 the _ officers wifeand left.Mrs Medlock an

32、d Mary got on the train to Yorkshire. The housekeeper found two empty s 7 and they sat dow n. Mary was feeling a bit l 8 now. London was very differe nt from In dia. After a few mi nu tes, Mrs Medlock asked her:Do you knowanything about your un cle?No, said Mary.His house is called Misselthwaite Man

33、 or, c 9 Mrs Medlock. Its six hun dred years old. Its a big place and its on the moor.There are almost a hun dred rooms but most of them are locked. There are pictures and a lot of old furn iture. Theres a big parkaround it with garde ns and trees. She paused for a minute before she said:“But theresnothi ng else. Mary did nt a 10_-Take n from The Secret Garde n1.t_2.w_ 3.a_ 4.w_ 5_6._ r_ 7.s_ 8_9.c _ 10.a(二)After lunch Mary went back to the s 1 garde n and Dick on. She forgot about Coli n. They worked in thegarde n all after noon, Soot and Captai n were there and Ben Weatherstaffs r


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