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1、1A A 孔文教育XL K W EDUCATIONM10U1 單項選擇1. Two major reas ons have caused this_ : lack of in teract ion and com muni cati onwith the bus in ess world, and miss ing skills among the players in the in dustrial com munity to push the desired development to realize a reas on able nu mber of fully commercial

2、activities.A.differe neeB.disproporti onC. dismissalD.dilemma解析:Ddifferenee 差異差別分歧 B.disproportion 不均衡不成比例 C. dismissal 免職解雇不予考慮 D.dilemma 困難的選擇進退兩難的局面2. Wireless and digital tech no logies provide affordable com muni cati on_to an swerthe n eed for in dividual access and convenience.A.i nfrastructu

3、resB.accommodati onsC.i ndustriesD.i nstitutes解析:Ainfrastructures 基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施 基礎(chǔ)結(jié)構(gòu)B.accommodations 住處膳宿 C.industries 工業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)行業(yè)D.institutes 學(xué)會學(xué)院協(xié)會3.Such a link, carry ing power, would be an alter native to conven ti onal power lin es, with far betterin tegrati on intothe n atural en viro nmen t.A. estheticB.cl

4、assicC. plasticD.domestic解析:AA.aesthetic 美學(xué)的審美的有美感的B.classic 一流的 C.plastic 塑膠的有可塑性的造形的 D.domestic 家庭的國內(nèi)的馴服的這樣一種輸送電力的線路將會成為傳統(tǒng)電力線的替代物,它有著與自然環(huán)境更具審美地多元調(diào)適。 Aesthetic integration 表示:具有審美的多元調(diào)適4. The article gives us a summary of the situation in the first part and then discusses it _A.at issueB.at le ngthC

5、.at ran domD.at large解析:Bat issue 在爭論中 不和 B.at length 最后 詳細地 C.at random 胡亂的 隨便的 D.at large 普遍(囚犯)在逃逍遙法外5. Milli ons of youn gsters across Europe could suffer_ heari ng loss after five years ifthey listen to MP3 players at too high a volume for more than five hours a week, EU scientists warn ed.A. t

6、emporaryB. perma nentC. freque ntD. extraord inary解析:B歐盟科學(xué)家稱:成百萬的歐洲年輕人可能承受永久的聽力障礙,如果他們以太大的分貝聽音樂每周超過五小時的話。6. Despite the fact that the big exam is draw ing n ear, I suggest you_ an evening a weekfor fun - tak ing a walk with your pare nts, or treat ing yourself to an in teresti ng movie.A. take upB.

7、set asideC. give away D. put off養(yǎng)習(xí)慣樹態(tài)度2A A 孔文教育K W EDUCATION解析:B盡管大考臨近,我建議你每周留出一個晚上的時間放松。7. There has not bee n_ evide nee for con siste nt huma n-to-huma n in fecti on of H7N9.Poultry markets for chicke n and other birds rema ined the primary source of in fecti on.A. con troversialB. complicatedC.

8、substa ntialD. con tradictory解析:CCon troversial 有爭議的 complicated 復(fù)雜的 substa ntial 大量的,實質(zhì)的 con tradictory 矛盾的8. We don t mean he is not fair, but we do feel that it s difficult for him to remain_ wherehis son is concern ed.A. positiveB. sen sitiveC. objectiveD. effective解析:CPositive 積極的 sensitive 敏感的

9、 objective 客觀的 effective 有效的9. Thanks to Mr. Smith the father and the son eve ntually_after ten years coldrelati on ship betwee n them.A . took upB . made upC. looked upD . turned up解析:B多虧了史密斯先生,在十年的冷戰(zhàn)中后,父子兩終于和好了。10.lt seems_ to our modern world, where everything is a rush and we try to cram asmuch

10、into every minute as possible, but if not busy, we feel un productive and lazy.A. con troversial B. conven ti onal C. con temporaryD. con tradictory解析:DCon troversial 有爭議的 conven ti onal 習(xí)慣的,慣例的 con temporary 當(dāng)代的 con tradictory 矛盾 的11. Although chatt ing on line has exploded in popularity in recent

11、years, there is no_ for aface-to-face con versati on.A. privilege B. affect ion C. substitute D. adjustme nt 解析:CPrivilege 特權(quán),優(yōu)待 affection 喜歡 substitute 替換adjustment 調(diào)整,適應(yīng)12. The_ possibility of every one hav ing a home computer which will do everyth ing foryou is un der discussi on.A. absolute B. p

12、ermanent C. practical D. adequate解析:CAbsolute 絕對的permanent 永恒的 practical 實際的,切實可行的adequate 充足的,符合需要的13. He take off his wet coat and_the water out.A. got B.pressed C. made D.squeezed解析:D他脫下衣服并且把水?dāng)D干。14. The new evide nee proved_that the man was not guilty of the offence.A .on purpose B. by accide ntC

13、. bey ond doubtD. in doubt解析:Con purpose 故意的 by accident 偶然的beyond doubt 毫無疑問的 in doubt 懷疑的15. The new sports center_ for all kinds of leisure activities.A) deals B) supplies C) furni shes D) caters養(yǎng)習(xí)慣樹態(tài)度3占孔文教育一 K - FC.ICAT 04養(yǎng)習(xí)慣樹態(tài)度解析:D cater for為。提供所需16. Large amounts of food imports placed a great

14、 strain on the country old_ .A) storage B) deposit C) reservati on D) reserves解析:D 大量的食物進口使得國家的黃金儲備負擔(dān)沉重的負擔(dān)。17. There are several possible expla nati ons for the greater job_in Japa n in con trast tothe greater job mobility in the Un ited States.A) creativity B) security C) sen sitivity D) stability

15、解析:DCreativity 創(chuàng)造力 security 安全 sensitivity 敏感 stability 穩(wěn)定18. A passbook and your ID card are required whe n you want to_or withdraw money in abank.A、deposit B、 spe nd C、store D、 in vest解析:A當(dāng)你去銀行取錢或存錢的時候,你需要護照或身份證。19.lt is agreed that constant arguing doesn t_ a happy marriage.A. make outB. make for

16、C. make upD. make up for解析:Bmake out 理解,辨認make for 有助于,促成 make up 編造,化妝,組成,和解,彌補make up for 給。彌補20. A volca no in Indon esia erupted on November the 16th, 2010, and_ , hun dreds of peoplewere killed.A. con seque ntlyB. con ti nu ouslyC. con sta ntlyD. con siste ntly解析:A2010 年 11 月 16 日印尼火山爆發(fā),最終,成百上千

17、的人死了。M10 U2 單項選擇(教師版)( C ) 1I haven t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond_.A. heari ngB. stre ngthC. recog niti onD. measure【解析】 考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:從Sara 還是個小女孩時起,我就沒再見過她,她現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)變得讓人認不出來了。beyo nd recog nition 認不出來。( D )2 It seems_ to our modern world, where everything is a rush

18、and we try to cramas much into every minute as possible, but if not busy, we feel un productive and lazy.A. con troversial B. conven ti onal C. con temporary D. con tradictory【解析】 本題考查形容詞詞義辨析。 句意:似乎矛盾的現(xiàn)代世界里,一切都很急促,我們試圖 盡可能多的利用每一分鐘,但如果不忙,我們又感到無需做什么并且懶惰。Con troversial 有爭議的;conven tio nal 傳統(tǒng)的,符合習(xí)俗的;con

19、 temporary 當(dāng)代的,同時代的;co ntradictory 矛盾的,對立的。( C )3. Although chatting on line has exploded in popularity in recent years, there is nofor a face-to-face con versation.A. privilegeB. affect ionC. substituteD. adjustme nt【解析】本題考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:雖然近年來在網(wǎng)上聊天很流行,但是沒有什么可以替代面對面的談話。Privilege 榮幸,特權(quán);affection 喜愛,感情;su

20、bstitute 代用品;adjustment4調(diào)整,調(diào)節(jié)。占孔文教育一 K - FC.I-AT 04養(yǎng)習(xí)慣樹態(tài)度( D ) 4. We should bear in mind that social development and balanee of nature should go inA . companyB. sympathyC. associationD. harmony【解析】 考查名詞辨析。句意:我們要牢記社會發(fā)展和自然平衡保持一致。in harmony 意為和諧一致”,符合語境。in company 意為一同;一起”;in sympathy 意為同情;贊成”; in asso

21、ciation 意為 聯(lián)合;有關(guān)聯(lián)”。故選 D 項。( C )5. A successful scientist needs_if he wants to make hypothesis (假設(shè))of howprocesses work and how events take place.A. permissi on B. pen etratio nC. imag in ati onD. conven ti on【解析】 imagination 想象力;penetration 穿透;permission 允許;convention 慣例,常規(guī)。( C )6. Having said he wo

22、uld mend the clock, he discovered that he had not brought the_tools for the job.A. con ciseB. correct C. right D. precise【解析】right 適當(dāng)?shù)?,恰?dāng)?shù)?He is the right man to do the job。(他是干這 項工作的合適人 選)concise 簡明扼要的,correct 正確的;exact 確切的: exact time 確切的時間,exact age 確切的年齡, exact weight 確切的重量; exact weight確切的重量;ex

23、act information 確切的信息;exact cause 確切 的原因;exact meaning 確切的意思。( D )7. Our house is the most_ one in the street; it is pain ted red.A. perma nentB. in differe ntC. predo minantD. prominent【解析】 prominent 突出的;突起的。indifferent 漠不關(guān)心的;permanent 永久 的;predominant 占優(yōu)勢的,主要的。(C )8. The damage to his car was_, th

24、erefore, he could repair it himself.A) con siderableB) appreciable C) n egligibleD) in visible【解析】本題考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:他的車損壞的不嚴重,完全可以自己修。appreciable (可估計的);considerable (相當(dāng)?shù)?,巨大的);negligible (微不足道,可 忽略的),in visible (看不見的)。( D ) 9.My sister is quite_and pla ns to get an M. A. degree with in one year.A) aggr

25、essive B) en thusiasticC) con siderateD) ambitious【解析】本題考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:我姐姐很有報復(fù),計劃在一年內(nèi)拿到碩士學(xué)位。aggressive (好斗的,侵略的);en thusiastic (熱心的,熱情的);con siderate (體貼的。周 到的);ambitious (有雄心的,雄心勃勃的)。(D )10. Clark felt that his_in one of the most dramatic medical experiments ofall time was worth the suffering he unde

26、rwent.A) apprehensionB) appreciationC) presentationD) participation【解析】名詞辨析,句意; Clark 認為他能參加這個有史以來最引人關(guān)注的醫(yī)學(xué)實驗,吃一點苦不算什么。appreciation (理解);presentation (出席,出現(xiàn));participation (參加,加入)apprehension (恐懼,不安)。( C )11. She pulled out the plug and the water_away.A.removedB.walkedC.drai nedD.ra n【解析】 本題考查動詞詞義辨析。

27、句意:她拉出插頭,然后水流走了。C 符合題意。5( D ) 12. Experts predict that the earthquake and tsunami will_ among the costliestn atural disasters on record.A. clarifyB. groupC. separateD. rankA A 孔文教育一 K - FC.ICAT 04養(yǎng)習(xí)慣樹態(tài)度【解析】本題考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:專家預(yù)測,地震和海嘯將躋身史上最昂貴的自然災(zāi)害。clarify 闡明,凈化;group 分組;separate 把。分開;rank 排列。(B ) 13 The

28、re is a 20 minute parking_ here, so we must get back to the car very quickly.A. pension B. limitC. allowa neeD. prohibiti on【解析】本題考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:這里有 20 分鐘停車限制,因此我們必須很快回到車里。Pension 撫恤金,養(yǎng)老金;limit 限制;allowanee 津貼;prohibition 禁止。( D ) 14.The country needs a_government. We have had three Prime Ministers in

29、a year.A. stati onaryB. an alyticalC. con sta ntD. stable【解析】本題考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:這個國家需要一個穩(wěn)定的政府。我們一年有三位總理。stable 穩(wěn)定的。stationary 靜止的,不變的,固定的。Analytical 分析的,解析的;constant 經(jīng)常不斷的。( C ) 15. He hated the war so much that he decided to leave the army_ .A. for long B. once in a whileC. for good D. once upon a time

30、【解析】本題考查介詞詞組辨析。句意:他討厭戰(zhàn)爭,以至于他決定離開軍隊。for good(=permanently)永久地:He says hes leaving the countryfor good. for long 長久地。按本題題意,用for long 不妥。once upon a time 從前。once in awhile 偶爾。( A ) 16. When can I use your computer?Never!_should you touch it.A . At no timeB . In no timeC. At any timeD . At one time【解析】句

31、意:一一我什么時候能用你的電腦?一一什么時候都不行!你任何時候都不能碰它。at no time 任何時候都不,位于句首時,該句用部分倒裝語序,即:助動詞置于主語 前;in no time 立刻;at any time在任何時候;at one time 曾經(jīng)。(B ) 17. In order to get happ in ess, many people chase after reputati on or money aimlessly.However, i n most cases, real happ in ess is actually_ .A. at best B. at handC

32、. at len gthD. at ran dom【解析】句意;為了得到幸福,許多人漫無目的的追逐名譽和金錢。然而,在大多數(shù)情況下,真正的幸福其實就在手邊。at best 充其量,至多;at hand 在手邊;即將到來;at len gth最后,終于;詳細地;at ran dom 胡亂地;隨便地;任意地。(D ) 18. Our teachers are highly skilled in all levels from Beginner to Advaneed. And in dividual courses for particular students can be arran ged_

33、.A. by n atureB. after allC. in storeD. on request【解析】句意:我們的老師非常熟練的在所有從初學(xué)到高級的水平,而且個人可以為特定的學(xué)生按要求安排課程。 by nature 天生地;生性 after all 畢竟 in store 貯藏;準備發(fā)生onrequest 按要求( C ) 19._ , I wan ted to raise money for the hungry people; Also, I wan ted to raisepublic aware ness of poverty and fami ne.A. For one thi

34、ng B. As a resultC. Furthermore D. On the contrary【解析】句意:此外,我想為饑餓的人們籌集資金;同時,我想提高公眾意識的貧困和饑荒。.6For one thing 首先; As a result 結(jié)果;Furthermore 此外; On the contrary 相反的。(B ) 20. As the nu mbers of older America ns movi ng there in creases, more cha nges are made to them.占孔文教育XL K W EDUCATIONA. cater to B.

35、take toC. atte nd to D. see to【解析】本題考查短語辨析。句意:隨著美國老年人移動的數(shù)字增加,更多的進行更改。cater to 迎合;take to 走向;喜歡;attend to 注意;照料 see to 注意,負責(zé)M10 U3 詞匯練習(xí)(教師版)(B)_ 1.We are at your service. Don t to turn to us if you have any furtherproblems.A. beg B. hesitate C. desire D. seek解析:句意:我們正在為你服務(wù)。如果你有進一步問題的話,請不要猶豫來尋求我們的幫助。b

36、eg 乞求 hesitate 猶豫 desire 想要,欲望seek 尋求,試圖(D)2. Compared with his sister, Jerry is even moreemoti onal and relati on ship problems.A. sceptical B. addictedC.available解析: 句意: 和他的姐姐相比較, 杰瑞更加敏感, 疑的 addicted 上癮的 available 可獲得的_ to, and more easily troubled by ,D. sen sitive也更加容易被情感問題所困擾。sceptical 懷sensiti

37、ve 敏感的(C)_ 3. A French firm will befor the con tract.A. con cludi ngB. discrim in at ingC. bidd ingD. Rebelli ng解析:句意:一個法國公司將會投標(biāo)這個合同。conclude 總結(jié) discriminate 歧視,區(qū)分bid for 投標(biāo) rebel 反叛(A)_ 4.Tell your brother to come , because its going to rain in aminute or two.A. in doors B. outdoors C. outward D. i

38、n wards解析:按句子的邏輯意思應(yīng)選in doors adv.向屋里;在屋里,in wards adv,向內(nèi),向中心, outward 向外。outdoors 是 in doors 的反義詞。本文譯文:叫你兄弟進屋來,因為天馬上要下雨了(A)5. I don t have money to pay for trip.A. additionalB. superC. theoreticalD. offensive解析:句意:我們沒有額外的錢用于旅行。additional 額外的 super 超級的 theoretical 理論的offensive 攻擊的,冒犯的(A)_6. The condi

39、tions werefor social change.A. ripeB. uncon sciousC. imme nseD. con siderate解析:這些條件為社會的改變做好了準備。ripe for 時機成熟,為.做好準備unconscious無意識的imme nse 巨大的con siderate 體貼的(D)_7. The plants are regularlyfor disease.A. deleted B. n egotiated C. discrim in ated D. in spected養(yǎng)習(xí)慣樹態(tài)度7解析:植物藥定期檢查是否有疾病。delete 刪除 negotiat

40、e 洽談discriminate 歧視inspect 檢查,審查(A)_8. The two girls are so alike that strangersfind _ difficult to tell one from the other.8A A 孔文教育丄盂K W EDUCATIONA. itB. themC. herD. That解析:it 在句中為形式賓語,真正的賓語為“to tell one from the other(A)9.She became the first woman to enter the school but withdrew after a few da

41、ys stress.A. because of B. in spite ofC. in stead ofD. in honor ofB. 解析:句意:她是第一個進入這所學(xué)校的,但是由于壓力又退學(xué)了。because of 因為,由于 in spite of 盡管in stead of 代替 in honor of 尊敬,為了紀念 (C)10 . Have you been to the Great Wall?Perhaps not in my memory._ , it might have been during my early childhood.A . If any B . If soC

42、. If ever D. If not解析: 句意: 一一你去過長城嗎?一一在我記憶中好像沒有去過。要是去過的話, 或許是在 童年。 if ever如果曾經(jīng),該句完整形式為: If I have ever been to the Great W all, .if any 如果 有一些(表示數(shù)量);ifso 如果那樣;if not 如果不。(A)11. Have you found the no vel I lent you two weeks ago?Sorry, I can t find it_ , but I解析:是我驚訝的是不是他所說的,而是他的說話方式。行詞的關(guān)系代詞的填法,第一種不填

43、,第二種in which,第三種 that(B)14. -Come on, please give me some idea about the project?-Sorry, with so much work _my min d, I almost break dow n.A. filledB. fillingC.to fill D. being filled解析:考查的是 with 結(jié)構(gòu),so much work 與 fill 之間是主動關(guān)系,所以選 Bour present difficulties, then everything should be all right.A. get

44、 off B. come across C. come over D. get over養(yǎng)習(xí)慣樹態(tài)度ll give it back to you later.A . for the momentB.at no momentC.in a momentD. at any moment解析:句意:-你有沒有找到我前兩周借給你的小說?-不好意思,我暫時還沒找到,但是我之后會給你的。for themomenin no moment 立刻,馬上 at anymoment 在任何時刻(D) 12. Is Tony the stude nt awarded at the graduati on ceremon

45、y in your class?There is_ Tony,but I m afraid he isn t_ one you mentioned.A. the; theB . a; aC. /; theD. a; the解析:-在畢業(yè)典禮上獲獎的 Tony 是你們班的嗎? 你提到的這個。第一空是泛指, 第二空是特指-有一個叫 Tony 的,但是我擔(dān)心他不是(A) 13. What surprised me was not what he said buthe said it .A. the way B. in the way thatC. i n the way D. the way whi

46、ch本題考查的是以 the way 作為先(D) 15. If we can9占孔文教育K W EDUCATION解析:句意:如果我們能夠克服目前的困難,那么一切都會好起來。come over 過來,順便來訪get over (difficulties)克服(困難)。(B)_16. Radium salts, which have bee n found toin bon es, give rise to cancers of the bone.A. pile up B. build upC. keep upD. pull up解析:build up(=accumulate) 積累。pile

47、up 堆積。keep up 保持,維持。 pull up 停車。(D) 17. Our house is the most_one in the street; it is pain ted red.A. perma nentB. in differe ntC. predo minantD. prominent解析:prominent 突出的; 突起的。indifferent 漠不關(guān)心的; permanent 永久 的;predominant 占優(yōu)勢的,主要的。(C)_18. The in comes of skilled workers went up., un skilled worker

48、s saw their earningsfall.A. MoreoverB. ThereforeC. Mea nwhileD. Otherwise解析:技術(shù)熟練的工人的工資上漲了,同時,技術(shù)不熟練的看到自己的工資下跌了。Moreover 此外 Therefore 因此Meanwhile 同時 Otherwise 否則(B)_19. In bus in ess n egotiati on, anattitude may result in break ing the relati on ship withour part ner while a too frank com muni cati o

49、n may bring a compa ny into an un favorable situati on.A. accessible B. aggressive C. allergicD. alter native解析:句意:在商業(yè)談判中,具有攻擊性的態(tài)度會導(dǎo)致與對方的關(guān)系破裂,然而太真誠的交談也可能使一個公司處于不利地位。accessible 可進入的aggressive 攻擊性的allergic敏感的 alternative 可供選擇的(D)_ 20. Duty is an act or a course of acti onthat people_ you to take by so

50、cial customs, lawor religi on.A. persuadeB. requestC. in structD. expect【解析】選 D。考查動詞辨析。句意:責(zé)任就是人們所希望你能按照社會風(fēng)尚、法律或社會 道德要求而采取的行動或行為方式。expect sb. to do. sth.期待/希望某人做某事”,符合句意。request 是一種非??蜌獾恼埱蟆?;persuade 是 說服的意思;in struct 是 指導(dǎo),指示的意思。M10U4 詞匯練習(xí)(教師版)(B)_1.(2014 浙江)We most prefer tosay yes to the _ of some o

51、ne we know and like.養(yǎng)習(xí)慣樹態(tài)度get off 下車come across 偶遇10A. attemptsB. requestsC. doubtsD. Promises【解析】句意:我們大多數(shù)情況下更喜歡答應(yīng)我們所認識并喜歡的人的請求。此題考查名詞辨析。根據(jù)句意選 B , request 請求。attempt 嘗試;doubt 懷疑;promise 承諾,均不符合。(D) 2. (2013 江蘇南京、淮安二模 )Sometimes it a bit challenging to reach a _between parents expectations and their

52、kids desires.A. commitme ntB. comprehe nsionC. cooperati onD. compromise【解析】句意:有時候,想要在父母的期望和孩子的愿望之間取得一個折中點是具有一些挑也、孔文教育一 K - FC.ICAT 04養(yǎng)習(xí)慣樹態(tài)度戰(zhàn)性的。本題考查名詞詞義辨析。compromise 妥協(xié),折中,符合本題題意。commitment 承諾,委托;comprehension 理解;cooperation 合作,都不符合題意。(C)3. (2012 江蘇蘇北四市零模)Angela and Ajani will pick up the marriage _

53、 afterthey meet on li ne several times, which is not sen sible.A. acquisiti onB. ide ntificati onC. certificate D. regulatio n【解析】句意:Angela 和 Ajani 在網(wǎng)上見過幾次面后就要去領(lǐng)結(jié)婚證了,這是不明智的。本題考查名詞詞義辨析。marriage certificate 結(jié)婚證,符合題意。acquisition 獲得,得到;identification 身份;qualification 資格,都不符合題意。(A)_4. ( 2014 江蘇高考) Topgra

54、duates from universities are _ by major companies.A. chased B. registered C. offered D. compe nsated【解析】句意:來自大學(xué)的高材生被大公司全力爭取。本題考查動詞辨析。chase 努力獲得,爭取得到;register 登記,注冊;offer 提供;compensate 補償,賠償。根據(jù)句意可知答案為 A。(B)5. Good morning,Grand Theater.Hello, this is Larry Jacks on and I m calli ng to confirm the _ m

55、ade by phone onMon day for two box seats for King Lear .Just a minu te, please.A. accommodati onB. reservatio nC. applicati onD. Disti nctio n【解析】考查名詞。句意: “早上好,大劇院?!?“你好,我是拉里杰克遜,我打電話來確認一下我星期一電話預(yù)定的兩張李爾王的包廂票?!薄罢埳缘取!?reservation 意為“預(yù)定,保留”;accommodation 住宿,膳宿; application 申請,應(yīng)用; distinction 區(qū)另對比。(B)_ 6.

56、 Don tbe toowith what you wear as a middle school student.Come on, Mom, stop being _ on me all the time.A. con troversial; strict B. particular; hardC. con siderate; kee n D. flexible; offen sive【解析】考查形容詞辨析。句意:“作為一個中學(xué)生,不要對自己的衣服太挑剔了?!?“哎呀媽媽! 不要總是對我這么嚴厲”。 根據(jù)題意可知, B 項符合語境 be particular about 意思 是“對 挑剔”

57、;be hard on sb 意思是“對 嚴厲”。其他幾項不合題意。(B)_ 7. With several roundsof talks, the union leaders successfully _ an agreement for ashorter work ing week.A. deservedB n egotiatedC persuaded D dema nded【解析】 考查動詞。 句意: 經(jīng)過幾輪談判, 工會領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人成功地達成了一份縮短工作周的協(xié)議。negotiate談判,協(xié)商;deserve 應(yīng)得,應(yīng)受;persuade 勸說,說服;dema nd 要求,需要。(A) 8.

58、 This plant can cause _ reactions in some children. If they touch it they will11become ill.A. allergicB alter nativeC adequate D authe ntic【解析】考查形容詞。句意:這種植物會讓一些孩子過敏。如果他們摸了就會生病。allergic過敏的,反感的,厭惡的;alternative 可供選擇的;adequate 充分的,足夠的;authentic 真正 的,真實可信的。(C)_9. Myfamily were moving to the countryside and I would have to make some _ andlearn to lead a differe nt life there.A allowa nee B accommodati on C adjustme ntD assessme nt【解析】考查名詞辨析。 make some adjustment 意為“做調(diào)整”;allowanee 津貼,補貼;accommoda


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