1、Unit 9Sentence varietyTeaching objective today2.Learn to improve sentence variety in terms of length, pattern, emphasis and the sentence beginner3.Grammar: Use inversion correctly and avoid word-for-word-translation in writing composition4.writing: Short composition()- introductionTeaching focus1.Le
2、arn to improve sentence variety in terms of length, pattern, emphasis and the sentence beginner2.Grammar: Use inversion correctly3.Grammar: Avoid word-for-word-translation in writing composition4.writing: learn to write effective introductory paragraphs for short composition9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 S
3、entence Variety1. Definition of Sentence variety 1) Warm-up activities: p1422) Summary of Knowledge points:Sentence variety: The group of sentences in a paragraph should be regarded as a whole and should be different enough in types to avoid boredom. This is called sentence variety9.1 Sentence Varie
4、ty9.1 Sentence Variety2. Ways to achieve Sentence Variety: To use different types of sentences1)types of sentences: Sentence classification 9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence Variety 1)types of sentences: Sentence classification with different criteria sentenceSentence functionGrammatical structureSen
5、tence length 9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence Variety 1)types of sentences: Sentence classification according to functions Sentence functioninterrogativeimperativeexclamatoryDeclarative 9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynDeclarative: nsentences that make a statement or an assertion. For exampl
6、e: Writing will become a survival skill in future.nInterrogative: nsentences that seek information in the form of a question.nFor example: Do you think writing will become a survival skill in future?9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynImperative: nsentences that give directions. n For example:
7、Hand in your paper by this Friday.nExclamatory: nsentences that express strong emotions. They usually begin with what or how, and end with an exclamation markn For example: How I hate writing!9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence Variety 1)types of sentences: Sentence classification according to grammati
8、cal structuren Grammatical structureComplexSimplecompoundCompound-complex9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynSimple: nsentences that consist of mainly one Np + VP structure. nFor example: My writing assignment is due next Friday .n Compound: nsentences that consist of two or more simple sentenc
9、es connected by coordinators.n For example: I hate writing, but I 1ike that sense of achievement after finishing an article .n 9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynComplex:n sentences that consist of two or more simple sentences connected by subordinators.n For example: I hate writing because Iv
10、e never had that sense of achievement .n Compound-complex: nsentences that are basically a compound sentence, with subordinate clauses in its coordinate clauses. nFor example: I hate writing, but I like that sense of achievement after I finish an article .9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence Variety1)ty
11、pes of sentences: Sentence classification according to Sentence lengthSentence lengthLong sentencesShort sentences9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynThere is no definite standard for this classification. Whether a sentence is long or short can only be judged by comparing it with its neighborin
12、g sentences.I love you.I love you cause youre smart, handsome and rich.9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence Variety2) Strategies for various sentence-writing By varying the length By varying the pattern By varying the emphasis By varying the beginnerExpanding sentences 9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence V
13、ariety(1) Expanding sentences by varying the lengthparagraph Word count of the shortest sen.Word count of the longest sen.Average sentence lengthSentence difference1686。622619117conclusionVarying sentence lengths may help improve sentence variety.9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietyStrategies fo
14、r writing long sentences:Review : Unit 5-8:how to expand sentences Unit 5Attributes and relative clausesUnit 6 Participle and absolutesUnit 7 CoordinationUnit 8 subordination9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynMisconception: Most students take for granted that short sentences are a symbol of th
15、e writers immaturity, and that good writers should use long and complex sentences. nConclusion: Sentences with different lengths are more desirable in writing.9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence Varietyn Follow-up activities: p144n Reference for the Classroom Activities: The boys leaned against the wil
16、low tree (growing) next to the stream, their fishing poles resting on sticks, their eyes gazing at the bobbers on the ripples. The morning had been cool and comfortable, but the afternoon was becoming very hot. Both boys had taken great pleasure in planning for the trip on Friday, their only day off
17、 in the whole month.9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence Variety(2) Expanding sentences by varying the pattern nVariety Sentence pattern involves sentences of different functions and structures. Suggested answers to the exercise Ex. p145Sentence functions: Declarative. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 Exclamatory: 4 Inter
18、rogative: 6Grammatical structures: Simple sentence: 1, 6 Complex sentence: 2, 4, 5 Compound-complex sentence 3, 7Your finding: if you try to use different types of sentences, your writing may be less boring (as far as the language is concerned).9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynFollow-up acti
19、vities: p145Reference for the Classroom Activities p145:n In 1955, Ray Kroc, a milkshake machine salesman, opened his first restaurant. At that time, he gambled his life savings on the belief that Americans would rather wolf down a meal than linger over it, as the Europeans do. His gamble paid off b
20、ecause in 1978 Kroc opened the 5,oooth store in his chain. Now his chain sells nearly one billion hamburgers every three months, and Kroc has revolutionized the food industry with food that is clean, rich, and quick - the Big Mac.9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence Variety (3) Expanding sentences by va
21、rying the emphasisChanging the word order-rearrangementUsing emphatic patternsStrategies for emphasis emphatic patterns created with coordination and subordination9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynFirst strategy- rearrangement by changing word ordernWarm-up activities:p146n Reference for the
22、analysis of Classroom Activities p146。1nIn the first group, the first sentence is a sentence in the normal word order. By violating the normal word order and moving the idea to the most emphatic position, the second sentence draws readers attention to the underlined idea. The third and forth groups
23、work in similar ways.n In the second group, both the second and the third sentences are emphatic. The adverb reluctantly is in the normal position in the first sentence (close to the verb it modifies) , but is emphasized when the words are rearranged in the second and the third sentences. The third
24、sentence is more emphatic than the second one, because the change is greater.9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynYour findings:It works on two features of English sentences.n First, there exist some natural emphatic positions in English sentences. Generally, the end of a sentence is the most em
25、phatic position, the beginning is the second emphatic position, and the middle the least. nSecond, the word order in English sentences is usually fixed. In most cases, we follow the pattern of subject-verb-object / complement. Other elements, such as attributives and adverbials, are usually placed c
26、lose to what they modify. When we shift the word order, we usually create a certain emphatic effect.9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynSecond strategy-using emphatic patterns, phrases, or words some of these patterns are: what.is do + verb it is/wasthat passive voice there bewho/that on earth
27、extremely.9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence Variety(4) Expanding sentences by varying the beginnerVarying the beginnersubjectadverbial9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietyA. Varying the beginner-subject nIn most cases, sentences begin with nouns or pronouns used as subjects. If all the sentences p
28、roceed in this pattern, they may sound rigid and boring. If not, however, the sentences may sound unpredictable, engaging, thus achieving sentence variety. nFor this purpose, we may either choose structures other than nouns or pronouns as sentence subjects, or not begin the sentence with a subject a
29、t all. 9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynExamples for different form of subjectnNounsn The film Harry Potter has attracted kids and adults aliken Pronounsn This is nonsense.n -ing participles: nTaking a trip during the National Day holidays takes patiencen Not leaving you is the best decision
30、 Ive ever made.n(This subject is not good enough, formal subject would be better)9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynInfinitives:n To travel in a foreign country is not necessarily interesting.n To learn the culture is to get a sense of who we are.n Numerals:n Hundreds of people have lost their
31、 lives in this fire.n 60 percent of the existing languages may disappear within 100 years.n Clauses:n That youre holding many certificates doesnt prove that you possess those abilities.n Whether I should leave today or tomorrow is to be decided by my boss, not me.9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence Var
32、ietynYour findings (P147)nSentence subjects may take many different forms in English. Besides nouns and pronouns, numerals ( one, two, three, first, second. third. etc. ), infinitives ( to do), -ing participles, and clauses can also be used as subjects. 9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence VarietynB Var
33、ying the beginner- adverbialn Besides subjects, we can also put other elements at the beginning of sentences. As the most flexible element in English sentences is the adverbial, They may includen -ly beginnersn Gently, he mixed the chemicals together.n Anxiously, the contestants looked at the clock.
34、n to beginnersn To succeed in my course, you must attend every class.n To help me sleep better, I learned to quiet my mind through meditation.n To get good seats, we went to the game early.9.1 Sentence Variety9.1 Sentence Varietyn Prepositional phrase beginnersn from the beginning, I dislike my boss
35、.n In spite of her work, she failed the course.n-ing phrasesn Jogging every day, I soon raised my energy level.n Having lost all his money, the boy didnt know what to do.n -ed phrasesn Tired of studying, I took a short break. 9.2 GrammarGrammar errorsincorrect inversionW-to-W translation9.2 Grammar:
36、 InversionnWhat is inversion?What is inversion?nAn interchange of position of adjacent objects in a sequence, especially a change in normal word order, such as the placement of a verb before its subject. In English, an inversion may be required where a negative word is used at the beginning of sente
37、nce.9.2 Grammar: Inversion1) Warm-up activities: p1482) Summary of rules governing inversion:n 1. When a negative word or only used as an adverbial is put at the beginning of a sentence can we use the inverted structure;n 2. The inverted structure should appear in the main clause.9.2 Grammar: Word-f
38、or-word Translation1)Warm-up activities: p149nSuggested answers, Improved sentences:n 1. Nowadays, there is usually one child in every family.n 2. I think children should be encouraged to do what they need to do.n 3. Parents should realize that they should let their children deal with what they have
39、 to.9.2 Grammar: Word-for-word Translation1)Warm-up activities: p149nSuggested answers, Improved sentences:n 4. As students, it is enough for us to study well.n 5. They tried to help me, but they did it in a wrong way.n 6. Because I have grown up, I have to do it by myself.9.2 Grammar: Word-for-word
40、 Translation2) Summary: Rules against w-to-wRules against w-to-w translation translation nWriters should avoid translating their ideas from Chinese into English word for word.n Writers should try to write with proper sentence structures, and use idiomatic expressions.9.2 Grammar: Word-for-word Trans
41、lation3) More activities: classroom activities:p150:1-2nReference for the Classroom Activities 1. a. Only on weekends can I find time to watch TV.n b. Seldom can they find their boss in his office.n c. (correct,)n d. Never can you find how they got their money.n e. Sometimes he gets late for school.
42、9.2 Grammar: Word-for-word Translationn f. Only when I am free can you come to see me.n g. Only when you see him will you believe what I said is true.n h. (correct)n i. Hardly had she turned on the TV when the telephone rang.n j. (correct)n k. (correct)9.2 Grammar: Word-for-word Translation2. a. The
43、 clothes we wear are made from plastics./ We wear clothes that are made from plastics.n b. This machine can be used not only for word processing but also for playing music.nc.Your English is better than mine./You are better at English than I am.nd. I have found that university students are very busy
44、 with their studies.9.2 Grammar: Word-for-word Translationne. Women usually like sports which require more attention.nf. I think what her father, mother and grandma do is wrong.ng. My parents were always afraid that I might have an accident.nh. This article is not limited to environmental protection
45、.ni. What he wants to talk about is the population problem in China. / He wants to talk about the population problem in China.nJ. Now people cannot do without television in their life.9.3 Writing: Short Composition (II)9.3 Writing: Short Composition (II)-Introduction-IntroductionnAs the saying says,
46、 “A good beginning is half done”, which also applies to writing. An effective introduction is very important for a good composition. 9.3 Writing: Short Composition (II)9.3 Writing: Short Composition (II)-Introduction-Introduction1)Warm-up activities: p1512) Suggested answers to the questions on p151
47、n 1. Yes, the introductory paragraph contains a sentence that tells us the main idea of the composition. That is the last sentence in the paragraph.n 2. The introductory paragraph is interesting because it presents a familiar phenomenon to the reader and then questions its effect.n 3. An introductor
48、y paragraph should possess the following features:9.3 Writing: Short Composition (II)-Introduction3)summary : Features of an effective introduction a. It should tell the reader what the composition is going to be about, or it should present the thesis statement. A thesis statement is one sentence or
49、 two that contain the focus of the writing. Though it is possible to produce a good piece of writing without a thesis statement, such a piece of writing may be viewed as lacking in focus. The thesis statement usually appears at the beginning of the writing. But more frequently, it appears at the end
50、 of the first paragraph.n b. It should arouse the readers interest so that he or she will want to read more.9.4 FOLLOW-UP EXERCISES OF 9.4 FOLLOW-UP EXERCISES OF THE UNITTHE UNITnReference answers:n1. Paragraph An After years of trial and error, Disney finally found the character he was looking for.
51、 This character, called “Mickey Mouse,” was first introduced in the cartoon Plane Crazy and later found ultimate fame in Steamboat Willie, the first sound cartoon ever made and a great achievement for Disney. By 1930, after his fame had spread all over the world, Mickey was established as the cinema
52、s most popular cartoon character. Because Mickey was a moralist with a sense of fun, he became a character loved by all ages. In him, Walt Disney reached his peak of success.9.4 FOLLOW-UP EXERCISES OF 9.4 FOLLOW-UP EXERCISES OF THE UNITTHE UNITnReference answers:1.Paragraph Bn Environmental protecti
53、on will benefit us a lot. First, by making our air purer and water cleaner, we can improve our living condition. As we all know, a healthful living condition is essential to our work and study. Second, environmental protection does good for the younger generation. It not only improves our childrens health, but also teaches our children a good attitude toward the environment. Third, environmental protection saves our resources. Since we can recycle used materials instead of throwing them away, we can get more materi
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