1、Section of Britain1. Great Brita in is separated from the rest of Europe by theEn glishChannel in the south.2. Britai n once ruled an empire, called the British Empire that hadonefourth of the world ' s people and land area.3. The north and west of Great Britain are mainlyhighlands 丄4. EnglandJs
2、 the largest and most populous of the three countries of GreatBritai n.5. Wales is in the west of Great Britain.CardiffEdin burgh _maritime climate.6. The Capital of Wales is7. The capital of Scotla nd is8. Brita in has a favorable9. The prevailing winds in Britain aresouth-west winds which are also
3、known asWesterlies _10. The average rain fall in Brita in is over1000_mm.11. Britain has a population of about_57 million.12. About 90%of the British is urba n and on ly10%is rural13. The En glish are An glo- Sax ons by orig in.14. The Scots, Welsh and Irish people are Celts who came to Britain afte
4、r 700 BC.15. It was the _Germanic_conquerors that gave Englandits name Angle ' sland.16. Britai n was un der the Roma n occupati on for400 n early years.17. Jutes, Angles and Saxons from north Europe started to invade England in the mid-5th _century.18. The foundationof the English state was lai
5、d by the Anglo-Saxons whodivided the country into shires which are now calledcounties _19. One of the greatest En glish kings was Alfred the Great who resisted the in vasi on of the Danes in the 9th cen tury.20. The feudal system in England was completely established under the rule of William the Co
6、nqueror21. The English _common lawwas established in Henry II s reign and it replaced the various local customs for making judgme nts.22. In Henry II ' s day the jury system replaced the Norman trials by battle.23. The Great Charter of 1215 is also kn ow n asMag na Carta24. The first En glish Pa
7、rliame nt was held in 1265. In addition to thenobles, it included two knights firm each county and two citizens from each tow n.25. One of the results of the Black Death (1348 -49) was that it reducedEngland' s population from four million to_2_million.26. In En gla nd the pers on who is in char
8、ge of local peace and order iscalled the _ Justice of the Peace27. In English history John Wyclif ' s followers who preached the equality of men before God were called the Lollards _28. The wars betwee n the House bf Lan caster and the House of York from1455 to 1485 were called Wars of the Roses
9、29 The En glish Reformati onwas started by Henry VIII which was to reformthe churchn England.30. The head of the Church of England is theking _31. En gla nd showed its superiority as a n aval power by destro ying theSpanish Armada in time.32. In Europea n history, the tran siti onal period betwee n
10、the MiddleAges and moder n times, coveri ng the years C1350C1650, has bee n known as the Ren aissa nce_English Renaissance achieved its finest expression in the so-calledElizabethan drama 34. The En glish Purita ns called for a purer form ofworship35. The most famous of the Catholic conspiracies aga
11、inst James I was the Gun powder Plot of 1605.36. The first group of 201 English Puritans who sailed to America in theship Mayflower were later calledPilgrim Fathers _37. Both James I and his son Charles I believed in theDivine Right ofkings _which gave the king absolute power.38. The Fifth Parliame
12、nt called by Charles I was also known asLongParliame nt because it existed for about 20 years duri ng the En glishCivil Wars.39. The battles between Charles I and the Parliame nt from 1642 to 1646were called the First Civil War_in En glish history.41. The En glish Civil War is regarded as the beg in
13、ning ofmoder n worldhistory.42. After Charles I was put to death, the RumpParliament declared Englanda Common wealthwith Cromwell as Lord Protector43. The name Great Britain came into being when the Act of Union unitedEn gla nd and Scotla nd in170744. The Glorious _Revolutio n marked the beg inning
14、of En glish political parties.45. The first two political parties in Britain were the Whigs and Tories46. Britain was the first country to industrialize in the 18th and 19th cen turies.47. The enclosure in England in the 18th and 19th centuries was a disaster for the tenants evicted from their Ian d
15、s.48. As a result of the in dustrial revoluti on, Brita in became“ theworkshop of the world ” by 1830.49. In the English workers ' movement, those who attempted to destroy thehated machines were calledLuddites _50. In 1836,a group of skilled workers and small shopkeepers formed theWorki ng Men
16、39; s Associati onto dema nd equal rights.51. Dema nds of the Chartist Moveme nt were in cluded in a docume nt knownas the People' s Charter52. The Treaty of Nanji ng gave Hong Ko ng to Brita in in 1842.53. In 1911, the En glish Parliame nt passed an act which made theCom monsthe supreme legisla
17、tive body.54. During the First World War, Britain joined theAllies _55. The 1920s were called the Roaring Twenties in Britain.56. Brita in en tered the Great Depressio n by 1931.57. The 1960s were called theSwi ngi ng fixties in Brita in58. The Beatles caused a pop music revolution in Britain.59. Ma
18、rgaret Thatcher carried out a policy ofPrivatizati onin Britai nin the 1980s.60. After the Second World War, theEn glish econo mic policywas based onthe theory of Keynes61. Mrs. Thatcher tried to cure the based on mon etarism.British disease by appl ying policies62. The developme nt of coal fields l
19、ed to the In dustrial Revoluti on inBritai n63. Today British coal mining is called a sick Jndustry because the output is dropp ing.64. Most of Britain' s microchip outp ut is produced in Scotland _65.Silico n Gle nThe high-tech in dustrialarea in Scotla nd is called66. In Britainwheat and barle
20、y are two very important crops.67. Britain is the 5th largest trading nation in the world.68. I n terms of in visible receipts, Brita in is thesec ond largestexporter.69 The head of state of the Un ited kin gdom is theKing ( Quee n)70. The House of Commons is elected by all adults _71. The BritishSe
21、rvicegovernment departments are staffed by membersof the Civil72. Brita in is regarded as awelfare state73. The birthday of the British Mon arch is aNati onal Day in Britai n.National celebrations are held in June.74. Fee-paying schools in Britain are known as independent schools whichin clude prepa
22、ratory schools.75. Most of the members of the British Establishme nt were educated at a public school.76. Nati onal n ewspapers in Brita in can be divided into three kin ds:quality, popular, and mid-market 77. The principal news agencies in Britain are_Reuters and PressAssociati on78. In the early 1
23、960s a new pop-culture wasstarted by four Liverpool boys who called themselvesBeatlesII Fill in the following blanks:the Un ited Kin gdom of1. The official full name of the United Kingdom isGreat Britai n and Norther n Irela ndGreat Brita inand Irela nd2. The British Isles are mai nly made up of3. G
24、reat Brita in is traditi on allydivided into three coun tries.They areEn gla nd, Scotla nd, Wales4. There are three natural zones in Scotland: Northern Highlands, Centrallowla nds, Souther n Upla nds5. The highest mountain in Britain (1,343m) isBen NevisThamesRiver.East End of London and they pronou
25、nce the6. London is situated on the7. The Cock neys are from thevowel ei as ai8. Britishrecorded historybeg ins with Roma n, Julius Caesar inv asi on in55 BC which was led by the great Roma n gen eralJulius Caesar9. England was once divided into seven kingdoms in the second half of the6th cen tury.
26、They have bee n give n the n ame ofHeptarchy10. In 1066, En gla nd was conq uered by the Normanwho were led by William the Conq ueror11. The well-k nown book the Can terbury Tales was writte n byChaucerEnglish history, the Hundred Years' War was the War between England and France13. The En glish
27、 Peasa nt Uprisi ng of 1381 was led byWat TylerReformation in England led to the establishment of the English state church known as the Church of En gla nd15. The Ren aissa nee in En gla nd bega n with the accessi on of the House of Tudor to the throne in 1485.16. Printing was in troduced in to En g
28、la nd by WilliamCarton in the 15thcen tury.17. The greatest writer in the En glish Ian guage isShakespeare18. In 1766 the En glish spinner Hargreaves inven ted a spinning machi ne and n amed it Jenny19. The East In dia Compa ny was set up in 1600 to inv ade In dia.20. The British Empire was said to
29、be so large that“on which the sunnever set ”.21. Churchill served as the English Prime Minister during most time ofthe Seco nd World War.of the land area.23. The En glish Parliame nt con sists ofthe Mon arch , the House of Lordsand the House of Commons24. Each English Parliament has a maximum durati
30、on offive years.25. The En glish House of Lords is made up of two kinds of lords:LordsSpiritual , and the Lords Temporal26. In Britain the general election must be held every five years to elect Members of Parliame nt27. The two major political parties in Britain are the Conservative Party and the L
31、abor Party.28. By traditi on, the leader of the majority party is appo in tedPrimeMin ister by the Sovereig n.29. The British Government is also called HerMajesty ' s Government30. The British Prime Mi nister' s official reside nee is NO. 10Daw ningstreet in London.31. The En glish local gov
32、er nment is made up of two tiers. They arecounties and districts32. The sources of En glish law in cludes: (1)statutes , (2) com mon law(3) equity law and (4) European community law33. In crim inal trials in Brita in, the issue of guilt or innocence isto be decided by the jury , while sentence is to
33、 be passed by the judge34. Less serious cases are tried byMagistrates ' courts in Britain.35. The most serious offen ces are tried by theCrow n Court in En gla nd.36. There are two established churches in Brita in. They arethe Churchof En gla nd and the Church of Scotla nd37. The important Chris
34、tian festivals of the year in Britain are Christmas , EasterWhit Sunday and Whit Sun day38. The English festival born of the GunpowderPlot of 1605 has been known as GuyFawkesDay.39. Educati on in Brita in is compulsory for all betwee n the ages of5 and1640. The two most famous universities in Britai
35、n are Cambridge and Oxford41. The most importa nt periodicals in Brita in are the Econo mist, SpectatorBBC (British42. The dominant broadcast ng corporati on in Brita in asBroadcasti ng Compa ny) which is con trolled by the state.43. The meat typically English of sports isCricket which has been inex
36、iste nee since the 16th cen tury.III. Explain the following terms in English:1. Constitutional monarchy18. Protesta nt work ethic2. The British Com mon Wealth3. Britons5. Roma n inv asi on6. Heptarchy7. The Norma n Conq uest8. Domesday Book9. The Great Charter10;TheHundredYears' War11. Tower of
37、London12. Stratford - on - Avon13. “no bishop, no king ”14. “The Divine Right of Kings15. Long Parliame nt16. New Model Army19. pocket borough .Force ChartistsForce Chartists22. The New Un io nism23. The East In dia Compa nyM. Keynes25. British disease26. agribus in esss28. the En glish Cabi net29.
38、Magistrates ' wart30. The En glish Natio nal ” Health Service31. Established Churches32. Public schools17. The In dustrial RevolutionIV. Give a brief answer to the following questions:1. What does the City of London refer to.2. Why was the Roma n in flue nce on Britai n so limited3. Who was Alfr
39、ed the Great4. What is the En glish Com mon Law5. What was Mag na Carta6. What was the in flue nce of the En glish Civil War7. Who were the Non-con formists8. What was meant by the permissive age in Britain9. What are the main functions of the English Parliament10. What are “ either way ” offences i
40、n Britain11. What are summary offences in Britain12. Why Britain is regarded as a welfare stateV. Write between 100-150 words on one of the following topics1-English Feudal System2. English Legal system3. Enclosure in English History4. General Election in Britain5. Renaissance6. Great Charter7. Glor
41、ious RevolutionSection of IrelandI. Multiple choiceof the following is true about IrelandA. Northern Ireland is a part of the Republic.B. The island is divided into two political units.C. The Republic of Ireland is a dominion of the UK.D. Northern Ireland is a dominion of the UK.2. The population lo
42、sses in Irish history were NOT due to .A. the Great Famine in 1845. B. low birth rateC. emigration of long timeD. Anglo-Saxon invasion3. Which of the following is NOT true about the religion in IrelandA. The Anglican Church of Ireland is the national church in Ireland.B. Ireland is one of the most C
43、atholic countries of Europe.C. Ireland was a center of evangelization of other countries.D. The religious differences are the source of the conflict betweenEngland and Ireland.4. The Irish Republican ArmyA. played a very important role in the establishment of the Irish Free State and disappeared sin
44、ce.B. are ultranationalists, still demanding that the Republic of Ireland should he united with the six counties that form Northern Ireland.C. is a terroristorganization against its government for democracyand freedom.D. is the official armed force of the Republic of Ireland.5. In theory, the head o
45、f state in Ireland is the , but inpractice, the enjoys much more power.A. president/prime ministerB. General- Governor/the prime ministerC. prime minister/presidentD. General-Governor/president6. Which of the following is NOT true about the economy of IrelandA. Un employme nt is a chronic problem in
46、 Irela nd.B. The bogs are a valuable en ergy source.C. Agriculture is a major sector of Irish economy.D. Ireland is one of the well-developed countries in the EC7. The Con stituti on of Irela nd is.A. applicable only to Norther n Irela ndB. only theoretically applicable in Northern IrelandC. actuall
47、y applicable to the whole Irela ndD. applicable only to the Republic of Irela nd8. The chief Ian guage of in struct ion in Irish schools is.A. Irish B. Gaelic C. CelticD. En glishII. Fill in the follow ing bla nks:1. The Capital of the Republic of Irela nd is.2. The largest river in Irela nd,River,
48、plays a very importa ntrole in Irish economy andare the most sig nifica nt feature ofIrish Ian dscape.3. The basic ethnic stock in Ireland is and there are two officialIan guages in Irela nd:and.4. The An glo-Irish Treaty in 1921 established anwithstatus, which declared itself a republic in.5. In th
49、e Republic of Ireland, the government' s responAbility to theDail is.6. James Joyce in troduced thewriti ng tech nique and hismasterpiece is III. Explain the following terms in English1. Protesta ntism2. streams of con scious nessIV. An swer briefly the followi ng questi ons1. What do you know a
50、bout IRA2. What do you know about James JoyceSection of AmericaI. Read the followingunfinishedstatements or questions carefully. Foreach unfini shed stateme nt or questi on four suggested an swers, A, B,C, and D are given. Choose the one you think host completes the statement or an swers the questi
51、on:1. The Appalachian mountains are in thepart of the United Stateswhile the Rocky mountains are in thepart of the coun try.A. no rth, southB. west, eastC. south, n ortheastD. east, west2. TheRiver forms a n atural boun dary betwee n Mexico and the Un itedStates.A. OhioB. MissouriC. ColoradoD. Rio G
52、rande3. All the five Great Lakes are located between Canada and the UnitedStates except Lake.A. Huro nB. On tarioC. SuperiorD. Michiga n4. New Englanders were originally known as _, which gradually came tosta nd for all America ns.A. Purita nsB.Christia nsC. Yan keesB.Colo ni sts5. The largest and b
53、usiest port on the Great Lakes isA. DetroitB.BostonC. New YorkB.Chicago6. Alaska i still a fron tier state withas its most valuablemin eral product today.A. forestB. coalC. iro n oreD. oil7. The Un ited States is themost populous country in the world,with a populatio n ofmillio n.A. fourth, 220,255C
54、. seco nd, 280,2108. The US populatio n will in crease sharply over the n ext 60 years as a result of _.A. economic development B. higher immigration levelsC. higher birth rate D. territorial expansion9. In American history, in the harbor of NewYork was an importantimmigration reception spot.A. Manh
55、attanB. Port sumterC. Long IslandD. Ellis Island10. The refers to the higher birth rate in America between 1946and 1964.A. population growth B. baby boomC. Beat generation D. population explosion11. Immigrants whohad to work for a fixed term for their masters to repay the cross-Atlantic fare and deb
56、ts were called in Americanhistory.A. indentured servants B. hired immigrantsC. immigrant slaves D. black slaves12. One of the characteristics of the American people is and itis said they are always .A. liberty, debatingB. aggressiveness, starting warsC. greediness, making money D. mobility, on the m
57、ove13. The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. is the who account for about per cent of the total population.A. whites, 80B. blacks, 12C. Anglo-Saxons, 19 D. Hispanics, 914. The two famous novels giving a vivid description of the miserablelife of the black slaves are and .A. The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to ArmsB. Gone with the Wind, Old Man
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