1、1會計學案例分析與小學英語教研案例分析與小學英語教研Teaching FocusTeaching MethodsTeaching ObjectivesCourse Course descriptionSpecialty of CoursenIt is a required course in English Education major and also central in educational curriculum. 1234Become familiar with the aim of primary English teaching.Understand children s ph
2、ysical, psychological and cognitive features. Know quality demands of a teacher from the point of primary English curriculum.Comprehend some relative theoretical knowledge.MethodsCase- analysisQuestionsExercisesGroup discussionConclusion Discussion Participation Developing students abilities in anal
3、yzing/ dealing with problems and cooperationImproving reflective learning and learning independenceStudents The teacher How do we learn our first language (L1) ?1 How do we learn English?2 The characteristics of children3 Childrens differences in learning4 Motivating children to learn English5 Treat
4、ing children as human beings6 The quality of a good English teacher7Lead-inCase-analysis and discussion Discussion pointsLanguage items Homework Qs:Case-analysis and discussionTopic: How do we learn our first language ?By imitationsBy repetitionBy playing gamesBy listening to storiesBy acting and pe
5、rformingBy songs and rhymesBy watching cartoonsInteraction and experimenting with the language in communication are very important factors for language development.Factors that may influence childrens L1 development:Language features when parents or teachers teach children Chinese: Few grammaticalBe
6、 shorterAvoid pronouns Natural process or pick up No conscious focusing on linguistic forms Participation in natural communication situations Conscious process Usually take place in the language classroom Error correction Rule isolationAcquisition Learning Lead-inCase-analysis and discussion Discuss
7、ion pointsLanguage items Homework English teaching methods Qs:L1L2Exposure to language Time Learning context Types of input Strategies for learningMotivation for learningNatural and adequate Not natural,native input is limited All day long Much shorter,usually in classroom Supportive, friendly, tole
8、rant Passive, formal, error correction, strange Natural and in context TV, radio, textbooks,selected from Ts, limited Listening before speaking Remain high for communicative needsInstrumental motivation for passing exams4 skills begin at the same timeDiscussion pointsL1L2Value of error correctionSup
9、port and guidance Opportunities for experimentsFeedback formsNot very much value Pay great attention Very patient and constant Impatient, off-and-on A lot of opportunities Not too much,no need Encouragement Not much encouragement,sometimes criticize Discussion points1. try to create a supportive sit
10、uation.2. be tolerant to our learners errors.3. provide more opportunities to hear the language.4. give more chances to experiment.5. design interesting activities.Things we can draw from L1 acquisition for L2 learning:斯金納發(fā)現(xiàn)兒童母語習得是一個習慣的形成過程,一般經(jīng)歷模仿-強化-形成三個階段。兒童的語言環(huán)境對其母語習得起決定性作用,其模仿能力和外界的強化作用決定了最終習得母語
11、的水平。 1957年喬姆斯基提出這一理論,認為人腦中具有一種適于學習語言的習得機制(LAD),包含著一套適用于所有人類語言的語法(UG)。行為主義理論 (Behaviorism Theory) 認知理論 (Cognitive Theory) 國外外語教學法介紹一、翻譯法(Translation Method) 用母語來教授外語的方法,又稱為語法翻譯 (Grammar-Translation Method) 特點與評價:1、以語法為教授的基礎,采用演繹法。 2、注重理論知識傳授和語法分析,培養(yǎng) 學生邏輯思維能力。 3、重視閱讀、翻譯能力的培養(yǎng),主張通 過外語與母語的對比學習。 4、夸大母語的作用
12、,用母語授課,并將 翻譯作為教學手段和目的。 5、過分強調語言知識,忽視語言技能的 培養(yǎng)。 6、教學方式、方法單調,模式為注入 式。二、直接法(Direct Method)Lead-inCase-analysis and discussion Discussion pointsHomeworkQ:ChildrenAdultsAttention spanPurposeFocus onAttitude towards errors making or speaking in publicRegulating/self-studyUnderstanding contentshortLongNot c
13、learVery clearMeaningFormBraveSelf-consciousNeed developSimple, concreteAbstractBe good atDiscussion pointsTeaching children requires more energy and care into the understanding of how children think and learn.Take the development of “the whole child” into consideration, caring for childrens overall
14、 development.1. By planning our activities well which will facilitate development.2. By creating a classroom environment.3. By helping children learn how to learn.Teachers should do:Lead-inCase-analysis and discussion Discussion pointsLanguage items Homework Q:Word smartNature smartMusic smartBody s
15、martPicture smartNumber/reasoning smartPeople smartSelf smartVerbal/LinguisticLogical/MathematicalVisual/SpatialBody/KinestheticMusical/RhythmicInterpersonalIntra-personalNaturalistic-Physical Y + Language items喜歡操作和移動物體,以及活躍的活動行為節(jié)拍和游戲,通過這些方式學習的人。TPR,跳舞,體育活動(打球、跳繩等),歌曲和游戲,剪紙,拼圖,捏橡皮泥,做表情(鬼臉等),打手勢(做手語
16、),字母操,折紙等等。一個善于通過成對或團體活動采訪、游戲、調查等進行學習的人。成對工作,群體工作,頭腦風暴,同學互教活動,對話,采訪,調查,做小老師、小領導,拼圖學習,快樂傳真,交筆友等等。一個善于通過記日記等自我評價活動進行反思的學習者,喜歡設計和陳述類需要獨立思考的工作,喜歡創(chuàng)造性的工作。日記,反思,創(chuàng)造性寫作,設計工 作,個人目標設定,腦筋急轉彎,觀 察員,記錄員,出報刊,寫博客,心 理測驗等等。一個善于或者喜歡使用計算機的學習 者,擅長解決問題,喜歡分類,排序 和劃分等級的活動。字謎,閱讀難題,寫作難題,分類,劃分等級,排序,配對題,記憶力,列大綱,找規(guī)律等等。一個通過旋律、節(jié)拍和歌
18、分組。樣式,分類,資料分類,自然研究項目,做模型,天氣介紹,糾錯(大家來找碴),尋寶,比較單詞異同等等。 Teachers need to be aware of the childrens differences and try to help develop each students potentials and learn how to make good use of the theory of multiple intelligences to motivate students in learning.Lead-inCase-analysis and discussion Dis
19、cussion pointsLanguage items Homework Further learning Q:Attitude and motivation have been regarded as the most important factors affecting learning.I dont like English. Its difficult.I really like my English teacher, she is nice.I can sing English songs for my parents.Ive got 5 red flowers thisweek
20、 for myEnglish.I like to speakEnglish.Comments by childrenWhat we do in class is very Interesting.I feel nervous when I speak English.I cant recite the words and often fail in myspelling tests.I dont like my homework, always copying.Teaching methodsThe teacher Activities Environment FeedbackFactors
21、that may influence childrens attitude and motivation: Lesson designBuild up childrens attitude and motivationInvolve in Enjoy Success指學習者對目的語社團有特殊興趣,期望參與或融入該社團的社會生活。指學習者為了某一特殊目的,如通過某一考試,獲得某一職位等。Integrative Motivation(綜合型動機) Instrumental Motivation(工具型動機) 如何培養(yǎng)與激發(fā)小學兒童學習動機一、加強學習目的性教育 1 結合小學兒童特點進行教育。 2
22、提出明確而又適度的期望和要求。 3 幫助學生制定適合自己的學習目標。 4 定期考查。二、及時反饋與適當評價相結合 1 反饋應及時,特別是對于低年級的學生。 2 內容應包括學生對教師課堂提問的回答,課內外作業(yè) 和各種考試的結果。 3 應使學生知道什么是正確瓜,而不光是錯誤反應。 4 應隨時讓學生了解距離自己制定的學習目標有多遠。三、表揚與批評相結合 1 要多表揚,少批評。 2 對于學習較差而又很自卑的學生,可表揚其某一方面 特長。 3 要考慮學生受表揚和受批評的歷史。 4 尊重學生。Lead-inCase-analysis and discussion Discussion pointsRead
23、ing Homework Q:communicateneedsvirtues/shortcomingsmake mistakescuriosityfeelingshobbiescharactersthoughts developing 課間休息的時候,李老師正在辦公室批閱學生的作業(yè)。此時,一名女學生來到辦公室門口,抬手輕輕地敲了敲門,問道:“李老師,我能不能向您借個杯子倒點水吃藥,我感冒了,早上在家來不及吃藥了?!弊谝巫由吓喿鳂I(yè)的李老師沒有挪動身子,抬頭看了看學生,用手指了指墻角的書柜,說道:“喏,杯子在抽屜的第二個格,自已拿吧!”這名女生有點喜出望外,滿心歡喜地找到了杯子,自已倒了杯水,
24、把藥吃了,并對老師說:老師,謝謝您!”然后帶著滿臉的感激,輕快地走出了辦公室。 上課鈴響了,李老師來到了教室。這是一堂自修課,學生們都忙著自己手上的學習任務,李老師則接著批閱學生的作業(yè)。還沒批閱完一本,李老師發(fā)現(xiàn)紅色筆芯不出油了。于是,他就輕聲地問前排學生:“誰有紅色圓珠筆,借來用用?”盡管老師的聲音壓得很低,但是許多學生聽到了。于是,坐在前幾排的學生都爭先恐后地找出筆。轉眼間,學生們握著圓珠筆的小手朝李老師伸過來:“李老師,用我的筆吧!”“李老師,用我的!用我的!”大家的眼中都充滿了真誠的渴望和期待。還是那個課間借杯子的坐第三排的女生手腳麻利,只見她一路小跑來到講臺,把筆遞到老師手中,在遞之
25、前,還小心地將筆芯從藍色旋轉到了紅色。 徐老師班上的學生White平時從不做家庭作業(yè),教師多次進行家訪并沒有見到好轉??墒窃趯W習了“動物”這個話題后,徐老師布置了一道觀察設計題,要求學生根據(jù)所了解的動物園的情形,自已設計一個動物園的平面圖,第二天,White居然主動地將他完成的作業(yè)設計遞給老師批改。這可出乎徐老師的意料,緊接著她以一種懷疑的態(tài)度審視了這個孩子一番,然后不以為然地說道:“喲,太陽從西邊出來了嗎?說吧,你找誰為你效勞做家庭作業(yè)的?” White一臉茫然地解釋道:“老師,我喜歡動物,我經(jīng)常去動物園的。這個作業(yè)設計是我自己獨立完成的,不信,你可以打電話問我爸爸媽媽?!?.respect
26、 students.2.encourage rather than scold.3.understand and care for children.4.keep smile and be patient.5.be fair/equal.6. set a good example7. trust students Teachers should : 1.Treat children as human beings who have their own thoughts and needs.2. Never try to force our ideas into childrens minds
27、but try to think from the childrens point of view.3. Learn to offer children opportunities to try, to create and allow them to fail. Humanistic education is an educational approach. Humanistic education enhances the teaching of the basics.Humanistic education supports many goals of parents.Humanisti
28、c education teaches a wide variety of skills.Lead-inCase-analysis and discussion Discussion pointsFurther learning Homework Q: Qualities Be versatileBe competent in EnglishUnderstand childrenUse different teaching techniquesQualities of a good primary English teacher:1. 操作技能(導 入、操練、提 問、板書等)2. 組織技能(時 間、組織活動、 情境創(chuàng)設等)3. 藝術技能(唱、 畫、演、編導、 制作教具等)1. 示范性2. 提示性和啟發(fā) 性3. 配合教學內容 和情境1. Care for “the whole child”.2. Understand how children think and learn. Knowing
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