1、 . 學校代碼:10254 密級: 論文編號:海事大學SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY碩士學位論文MASTER DISSERTATION 論文題目: 從奈達的等值理論看商務英語詞典的翻譯 學位專業(yè): 外國語言學與應用語言學 畢業(yè)設計(論文)原創(chuàng)性聲明和使用授權(quán)說明原創(chuàng)性聲明本人重承諾:所呈交的畢業(yè)設計(論文),是我個人在指導教師的指導下進行的研究工作與取得的成果。盡我所知,除文中特別加以標注和致的地方外,不包含其他人或組織已經(jīng)發(fā)表或公布過的研究成果,也不包含我為獲得與其它教育機構(gòu)的學位或?qū)W歷而使用過的材料。對本研究提供過幫助和做出過貢獻的個人或集體,均已在文中作了明確的
2、說明并表示了意。作 者 簽 名:日 期:指導教師簽名: 日期:使用授權(quán)說明本人完全了解大學關(guān)于收集、保存、使用畢業(yè)設計(論文)的規(guī)定,即:按照學校要求提交畢業(yè)設計(論文)的印刷本和電子版本;學校有權(quán)保存畢業(yè)設計(論文)的印刷本和電子版,并提供目錄檢索與閱覽服務;學??梢圆捎糜坝?、縮印、數(shù)字化或其它復制手段保存論文;在不以贏利為目的前提下,學校可以公布論文的部分或全部容。作者簽名: 日 期:學位論文原創(chuàng)性聲明本人重聲明:所呈交的論文是本人在導師的指導下獨立進行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特別加以標注引用的容外,本論文不包含任何其他個人或集體已經(jīng)發(fā)表或撰寫的成果作品。對本文的研究做出重要貢獻的個
3、人和集體,均已在文中以明確方式標明。本人完全意識到本聲明的法律后果由本人承擔。作者簽名: 日期: 年 月 日學位論文使用授權(quán)書本學位論文作者完全了解學校有關(guān)保留、使用學位論文的規(guī)定,同意學校保留并向國家有關(guān)部門或機構(gòu)送交論文的復印件和電子版,允許論文被查閱和借閱。本人授權(quán)大學可以將本學位論文的全部或部分容編入有關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)庫進行檢索,可以采用影印、縮印或掃描等復制手段保存和匯編本學位論文。涉密論文按學校規(guī)定處理。作者簽名:日期: 年 月 日導師簽名: 日期: 年 月 日指導教師評閱書指導教師評價:一、撰寫(設計)過程1、學生在論文(設計)過程中的治學態(tài)度、工作精神 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格2、學生掌
4、握專業(yè)知識、技能的扎實程度 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格3、學生綜合運用所學知識和專業(yè)技能分析和解決問題的能力 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格4、研究方法的科學性;技術(shù)線路的可行性;設計方案的合理性 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格5、完成畢業(yè)論文(設計)期間的出勤情況 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格二、論文(設計)質(zhì)量1、論文(設計)的整體結(jié)構(gòu)是否符合撰寫規(guī)? 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格2、是否完成指定的論文(設計)任務(包括裝訂與附件)? 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格三、論文(設計)水平1、論文(設計)的理論意義或?qū)鉀Q實際問題的指導意義 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格2、論文的觀念是否有新意?設計是否有創(chuàng)意? 優(yōu) 良 中
5、與格 不與格3、論文(設計說明書)所體現(xiàn)的整體水平 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格建議成績:優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格(在所選等級前的畫“”)指導教師: (簽名) 單位: (蓋章)年 月 日評閱教師評閱書評閱教師評價:一、論文(設計)質(zhì)量1、論文(設計)的整體結(jié)構(gòu)是否符合撰寫規(guī)? 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格2、是否完成指定的論文(設計)任務(包括裝訂與附件)? 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格二、論文(設計)水平1、論文(設計)的理論意義或?qū)鉀Q實際問題的指導意義 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格2、論文的觀念是否有新意?設計是否有創(chuàng)意? 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格3、論文(設計說明書)所體現(xiàn)的整體水平 優(yōu) 良 中 與格
6、 不與格建議成績:優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格(在所選等級前的畫“”)評閱教師: (簽名) 單位: (蓋章)年 月 日130 / 148教研室(或答辯小組)與教學系意見教研室(或答辯小組)評價:一、答辯過程1、畢業(yè)論文(設計)的基本要點和見解的敘述情況 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格2、對答辯問題的反應、理解、表達情況 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格3、學生答辯過程中的精神狀態(tài) 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格二、論文(設計)質(zhì)量1、論文(設計)的整體結(jié)構(gòu)是否符合撰寫規(guī)? 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格2、是否完成指定的論文(設計)任務(包括裝訂與附件)? 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格三、論文(設計)水平1、論文(設計)的理論
7、意義或?qū)鉀Q實際問題的指導意義 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格2、論文的觀念是否有新意?設計是否有創(chuàng)意? 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格3、論文(設計說明書)所體現(xiàn)的整體水平 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格評定成績:優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格(在所選等級前的畫“”)教研室主任(或答辯小組組長): (簽名)年 月 日教學系意見:系主任: (簽名)年 月 日On Translation of Business English Dictionaries from Perspective of Nidas Theory of EquivalenceByWang MinglongUnder the Supervision
8、of Professor Weng FengxiangA Thesis Submitted to the College of Foreign Language of Shanghai Maritime Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the MA Degree Shanghai Maritime UniversityMay, 2009論文獨創(chuàng)性聲明本論文是我個人在導師指導下進行的研究工作與取得的研究成果。論文中除了特別加以標注和致的地方外,不包含其他人或其他機構(gòu)已經(jīng)發(fā)表或撰寫過的研究成果。其他同志對本研究的啟發(fā)
9、和所做出的貢獻均已在論文中作了明確的聲明并表示了意。作者簽名:_ 日期:_論文使用授權(quán)說明本人同意海事大學有關(guān)保留、使用學位論文的規(guī)定,即:學校有權(quán)保留送交論文復印件,允許論文被查閱和借閱;學??梢陨暇W(wǎng)公布論文的全部或部分容,可以采用影印、縮印或者其它復制手段保存論文。的論文在解密后遵守此規(guī)定。作者簽名:_導師簽名:_日期:_摘 要英漢、漢英貿(mào)易詞典屬于專業(yè)雙語詞典,旨在滿足讀者在對外經(jīng)貿(mào)活動中語言與知識方面的需求。隨著世界經(jīng)濟一體化進程的不斷加快和我國“入世”,中外讀者對于作為世界貿(mào)易活動中的工作語言英語和漢語的雙語辭書英漢、漢英貿(mào)易詞典的需求日益迫切,對其翻譯質(zhì)量的要求也不斷提高。一本優(yōu)秀
12、翻譯工作起到一定的幫助。 本文共四個部分。第一部分主要回顧了詞典翻譯和商務英語翻譯研究的發(fā)展狀況,同時討論了奈達的等值理論在詞典翻譯中的作用。第二部分主要研究了商務英語詞典的翻譯,重點討論了詞典翻譯與文學翻譯的異同。第三部分主要分析了商務英語翻譯的特點以與等值理論在商務英語翻譯的體現(xiàn)。第四部分主要討論了等值理論在商務英語詞典翻譯中的應用,并探討了商務英語詞典翻譯的方法、標準等。 本文的創(chuàng)新點:第一,結(jié)合現(xiàn)已出版的商務英語詞典中具體翻譯實例論證了商務英語詞典翻譯的原則方法。第二,實現(xiàn)了商務英語翻譯與詞典翻譯以與等值翻譯理論的有機結(jié)合。第三,突出了商務英語詞典的翻譯與一般語文雙語詞典翻譯的差異。關(guān)
13、鍵詞:商務英語, 雙語詞典, 等值, 翻譯AbstractEnglish-Chinese dictionary, which belongs to the category of professional bilingual dictionary, is designed to meet the needs of readers in business world in aspects of both language and business knowledge. With Chinas entry into the WTO and the accelerating rate of inte
14、gration of the worlds economy, Chinese readers in the worlds trading activities have a pressing demand for the English-Chinese bilingual business dictionary, and the request for improving translation quality is also rising.An excellent English-Chinese bilingual dictionary must not only provide an ac
15、curate definition and illustration but also serve as an example of translation. It should help readers to grasp the meaning of business words and to convey the pragmatic and grammatical information contained in these words so as to facilitate the proper use of the words in business activities. Study
16、 of the translation of dictionaries has been for so long, but there has been little time devoted to the study of the translation of BE dictionaries. Many scholars think that English-Chinese business dictionaries are part of bilingual dictionaries and there is little value to do such a research compa
17、red with that of a bilingual dictionary. Namely, if a breakthrough is made in the research of a bilingual dictionary, the problems concerning the translation of a BE dictionary can be readily solved. Thus it can be seen that scholars have not attached due importance to the translation of a BE dictio
18、nary. The second reason for this negligence is that the translation of a BE dictionary can be put under the category of the translation of BE. Therefore, some scholars take it for granted that the study of the translation of BE covers all the research area of the translation of BE dictionaries regar
19、dless of the fact that the translation of BE dictionaries is the product of the combination of the study of the translation of BE and that of the translation of dictionaries. Consequently, it is self-evident that only by integrating the study of the translation of BE with that of the translation of
20、dictionaries can the characteristics of the translation of BE dictionaries be represented and tangible benefits be brought to readers. So it can be safely concluded that the study of the translation of BE dictionaries has so far been at its initial stage and many new problems regarding the translati
21、on of BE dictionaries have remained to be solved immediately. In view of the current problems in the translation of BE dictionaries and the particularities of the translation of BE and dictionaries, and based on the research I have made , some suggestions concerning the issue are put forward for the
22、 purpose of rendering some help to solution to these problems.This thesis mainly falls into four parts: First, an overall review of the status quo of the research in the field of the translation of BE and that of dictionaries, and at the same time, Nidas theory of Equivalence is introduced and some
23、discussions about its role in the translation of a dictionary are carried out. Second, the research into the translation of dictionaries is initiated, focusing on the similarities and differences between the translation of dictionaries and that of literature. Next, a detailed analysis of the disting
24、uishing features of the translation of BE is made and the embodiment of the theory of Equivalence in the translation of BE is discussed. In the last part, the most important part of this thesis, a discussion about the application of the theory of Equivalence to the translation of BE dictionaries is
25、carried out and the means and criteria for doing the translation of BE dictionaries are investigated.Innovations about this thesis: First, it demonstrates the principles and means governing the translation of BE dictionaries by means of incorporating the real examples from the currently published BE
26、 dictionaries into the thesis. Second, it approaches a realization of the integration of the translation of BE with that of dictionaries. Third, it highlights the differences and similarities between the translations of BE dictionaries and that of an ordinary philological dictionary. Key words: Busi
27、ness English, Bilingual dictionary, Equivalence, TranslationAcknowledgementsIn the first place, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all who have helped me out of the predicaments I once bogged down in when I commenced the writing of this thesis. Without these helps, it would be impossible
28、 for me to proceed to finish this seemingly formidable task at one stroke.Also, I feel much indebted to my supervisor-Prof.Weng Fengxiang, for his unremitting instructions and pertinent remarks I received during the past two years, which proves to be of much help to finalize this thesis, and for his
29、 encouragement, which makes this almost impossible task possible.My thanks also go to my classmates, whose witty remarks sometimes sparkle my thought and open my horizon. Their kind and timely help surely makes this thesis better than it would have been.I also want to give my sincere gratitude to al
30、l the teachers in these two years of my postgraduate study. This thesis is no doubt an accumulation of knowledge I have learned from the courses and their lectures of course inspired me a lot in ways of thinking.Finally, I would like to mention my family, who unswervingly help me through all the dif
31、ficulties in my life and consequently leave me enough time to engage in this thesis.Contents摘 要IAbstractIIIAcknowledgementsVContentsVIIntroduction1Chapter One Introduction41.1 Definitions of Equivalence41.2 Development of Equivalence And Its Relations with Tranlation of a BE Dictionary51.3 Status Qu
32、o of the Translation of BE Bilingual Dictionaries101.3.1 Development of the Translation of Bilingual Dictionaries101.3.1.1 Development of the Compilation of Bilingual Dictionaries101.3.1.2 Development of Chinese Bilingual Dictionaries121.3.2 Development of BE Translation151.3.3 The Status Quo of Tra
33、nslation of BE Dictionaries17Chapter Two Translation of General E-C Bilingual Dictionaries212.1 Features of E-C Bilingual Dictionaries212.1.1 Development of Bilingual Dictionaries212.1.2 Bilingual Dictionaries vs. Monolingual Dictionaries222.1.3 Characteristics of Bilingual Dictionaries232.1.4 Speci
34、al Features of Translation of Bilingual Dictionaries (BD)242.2 BD Translation and Literature Translation252.3 The Equivalence Principle in Dictionary Translation302.3.1 Equivalence in Function312.3.2 Equivalence in Semantics322.3.3 Equivalence in Form332.3.4 Equivalence in Pragmatic Approach352.3.5
35、Equivalence in Markedness372.3.6 Equivalence in Rhetoric382.3.7 Equivalence in Cultural Information382.3.8 Equivalence in Effect39Chapter Three BE Translation423.1 Characteristics of Business English423.1.1 The Relatively Fixed Pattern423.1.2 Conciseness433.1.3The Complex Structure of Sentence443.1.
36、4 The Lexical Features of Business English453.1.5 Sense of Purpose483.1.6 Social Aspects483.1.7 Clear Communication493.2 Application of Equivalence Theory to BE Translation493.2.1 Basic Criteria for BE Translation493.2.2 Equivalence in Meaning in Business English Translation523.2.2.1 Equivalence at
37、Lexical Level523.2.2.2 Equivalence at Syntactic Level543.2.2.3 Equivalence at Discourse Level563.2.3 Equivalence in Style583.2.3.1 At the Word Level583.2.3.2 At Syntactic Level583.2.3.3 At Discourse Level603.3 Suggested Principles for BE Translation623.3.1 Accuracy623.3.2 Professionalism653.3.3 Conv
38、entionalization67Chapter Four Translation of BE Dictionaries694.1 Features of E-C Dictionaries of BE694.1.1 Headwords694.1.2 Examples714.1.3 Users and Compilers724.1.4 Publication724.2 Suggested Criteria for the Translation of E-C Business Dictionaries734.2.1 Principle of Accuracy744.2.2 Principle o
39、f normativeness and idiomaticity764.2.3 Fidelity764.2.4 Readability784.2.6 Practicability794.3 Application of Equivalence Theory to the Translation of BE Dictionaries794.3.1 Equivalence in the Translation of Headwords804.3.1.1 Types of Equivalents in the Translation of Headwords in E-C Business Dict
40、ionaries804.3.1.2 Comparison between Translational & Explanatory Equivalents844.3.1.3 Equivalence in the Translation of Culture-loaded Words864.3.1.4 Equivalence in the Translation of New Words904. The Formation of New Words914. Translation of New words934.3.2 Equivalence in the Tr
41、anslation of Illustrative Examples954.3.2.1 Equivalence from the Aspects of Semantics954.3.2.2 Equivalence from Aspects of Grammar974.3.2.3 Equivalence from Aspects of Sentence Structure984.4 Methods of Providing Equivalents994.4.1 Translational Defining Method994.4.2 Explanatory Defining Method100C
42、onclusion103Bibliography105IntroductionThe emergency of business English is both the outcome of social development and the English language itself. In the age of Knowledge Economy of the 21st century, business English has shown its overwhelming importance. It has been widely used in the internationa
43、l communication. For Chinese businessmen, English is not their mother tongue and the need to do translation is conspicuous when they do business with their counterparts who come from English-speaking countries. In Chinas academic circles, more and more scholars have devoted much time to looking into
44、 translation, intending to establish a discipline called Translatology. Yet, their focuses are always directed at the translation of literature, which has been an indisputable fact over many decades. Nevertheless, with the deepening of globalization of world economy, the translation of business Engl
45、ish has become necessary and urgent. However, E-C business dictionaries have not enjoyed its deserved status. The problems are of two types: First, many scholars think that English-Chinese business dictionaries are part of bilingual dictionaries and there was little value to do such a research compa
46、red with that of a bilingual dictionary. Namely, if a breakthrough is made in the research of a bilingual dictionary, the problems concerning the translation of a BE dictionary can be readily solved. Thus it can be seen that scholars have not attached due importance to the translation of a BE dictio
47、nary. The second reason for this negligence is that the translation of a BE dictionary can be put under the category of the translation of BE. Therefore, some scholars take it for granted that the study of the translation of BE covers all the research area of the translation of BE dictionaries regar
48、dless of the fact that the translation of BE dictionaries is the product of the combination of the study of the translation of BE and that of the translation of dictionaries.The importance of this studyWith Chinas entry into the WTO and the accelerating economic development and rapidly increased int
49、ernational trade with foreign countries, the need to communicate effectively and accurately with their business partners becomes so urgent that business English-the working language in the world, soon projects itself as the most important part never seen in the world arena before. But to effectively
50、 learn the language and to correctly and accurately use them in business inevitably require a basic knowledge of international business, which sometimes can not be readily got through consulting a common philological dictionary. What is more, there are many technological terms which can not be found
51、 in such a dictionary, let alone helping readers thoroughly understand the meaning and grasp the usage of these words. An excellent BE dictionary should not only provide the readers with the necessary information about the words but also enable them to use them properly in the business world. The tr
52、anslation of a BE dictionary must serve as a tool to bridge the information gap between two languages. Though many E-C business dictionaries have sprung up like mushrooms in recent years, the research into how to translate them seems to lag far behind this development and so far, there has been litt
53、le research carried out by scholars in this respect. As a result, there is no guiding principle for translators to follow or to comply with. So the need to do such a research is not only inevitable but also indispensible.The purpose of the studyWords in English can be likened to the building blocks
54、in an edifice. The more you possess, the higher the edifice you can build. As the main sources of these building blocks, dictionaries always take on the responsibility to enlarge readers word reservoir. For an E-C business dictionary, the problem is not the lack of sources of business terminology, b
55、ut how to translate them in an appropriate way so that readers can readily understand and grasp the words and properly apply them in real situation. Like the translation of a philological dictionary, which is totally different from that of literature, there must be some unique means or rules that can be applied to the translation of an E-C business dictionary. It is self-evid
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