1、A fantasyNew Concept English IILesson 95Warm UpPart 1Why was the Ambassadors wife get a shock?Why was the Ambassadors wife get a shock?1.1 Look, think and answer.1.1 Look, think and answer.Where was the Ambassador when university students Where was the Ambassador when university students set the Emb
2、assy on fire?set the Embassy on fire?1.1 Look, think and answer.What did the Ambassador do when the fire break out? What did the Ambassador do when the fire break out? Click the rectangle to play the video.1.2 Watch the video.Because he looked pale Because he looked pale and his clothes were in a an
3、d his clothes were in a frightful state.frightful state.1.3 Check the answers.Why was the Ambassadors wife get a shock?Why was the Ambassadors wife get a shock?1.3 Check the answers.He was in his office as He was in his office as usual.usual.Where was the Ambassador when university students Where wa
4、s the Ambassador when university students set the Embassy on fire?set the Embassy on fire?1.3 Check the answers.He went down He went down immediately.immediately.What did the Ambassador do when the fire break out? What did the Ambassador do when the fire break out? Audiovisual InputPart 2Click the r
5、ectangle to play the video.2.1 Listen, repeat and check.When the Ambassador or Escalopia returned When the Ambassador or Escalopia returned home for lunch, his wife got a shock. home for lunch, his wife got a shock. 2.1 Listen, repeat and check.01return home for lunchget a shock2.1 Listen, repeat an
6、d check.He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state.state.02looked palein a frightful state2.1 Listen, repeat and check.What has happened? she asked.What has happened? she asked.03What has happened?2.1 Listen, repeat and check.How did y
7、our clothes get into such a mess?How did your clothes get into such a mess?04get in such a mess2.1 Listen, repeat and check.A fire extinguisher, my dear, answered the A fire extinguisher, my dear, answered the Ambassador drily. Ambassador drily. 05a fire extinguisher2.1 Listen, repeat and check.Univ
8、ersity students set the Embassy on fire this University students set the Embassy on fire this morning.morning.06university studenton firethis morning2.1 Listen, repeat and check.Good heavens! exclaimed his wife. And where Good heavens! exclaimed his wife. And where were you at the time?were you at t
9、he time?07good heavensat that time2.1 Listen, repeat and check.I was in my office as usual, answered the I was in my office as usual, answered the Ambassador. Ambassador. 08in my officeas usual2.1 Listen, repeat and check.The fire broke out in the basement. The fire broke out in the basement. 09brea
10、k outin the basement2.1 Listen, repeat and check.I went down immediately, of course, and that I went down immediately, of course, and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire extinguisher at me.fool, Horst, aimed a fire extinguisher at me.10go downof courseaim at 2.1 Listen, repeat and check.He thought I was
11、on fire. He thought I was on fire. 11be on fire2.1 Listen, repeat and check.I must definitely get that fellow posted.I must definitely get that fellow posted.12get sb. posted2.1 Listen, repeat and check.The Ambassadors wife went on asking questions, The Ambassadors wife went on asking questions, whe
12、n she suddenly noticed a big hole in her when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husbands hat.husbands hat.13go on doinga big holein her husbands hat2.1 Listen, repeat and check.And how can you explain that? she asked.And how can you explain that? she asked.14how can you explain that2.1 Listen,
13、repeat and check.Oh, that, said the Ambassador.Oh, that, said the Ambassador.15oh, that2.1 Listen, repeat and check.Someone fired a shot through my office window. Someone fired a shot through my office window. 16fire a shotthrough my office window2.1 Listen, repeat and check.Accurate, dont you think
14、?Accurate, dont you think?17dont you think?2.1 Listen, repeat and check.Fortunately, I wasnt wearing it at the time.Fortunately, I wasnt wearing it at the time.18at that time2.1 Listen, repeat and check.If I had been, I would not have been able to get If I had been, I would not have been able to get
15、 home for lunch.home for lunch.19be able toget home for lunch What has happened? she asked. How did your clothes get into such a mess? What has happened? she asked. How did your clothes get into such a mess? A fire extinguisher, my dear, answered the Ambassador drily. University A fire extinguisher,
16、 my dear, answered the Ambassador drily. University students set the Embassy on fire this morning.students set the Embassy on fire this morning. Good heavens! exclaimed his wife. And where were you at the time? Good heavens! exclaimed his wife. And where were you at the time? I was in my office as u
17、sual, answered the Ambassador. The fire broke out in the I was in my office as usual, answered the Ambassador. The fire broke out in the basement. I went down immediately, of course, and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire basement. I went down immediately, of course, and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire e
18、xtinguisher at me. He thought I was on fire. I must definitely get that fellow extinguisher at me. He thought I was on fire. I must definitely get that fellow posted.posted. The Ambassadors wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a The Ambassadors wife went on asking questions, when
19、 she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husbands hat.big hole in her husbands hat. And how can you explain that? she asked. And how can you explain that? she asked. Oh, that, said the Ambassador. Someone fired a shot through my office Oh, that, said the Ambassador. Someone fired a shot through my of
20、fice window. Accurate, dont you think? Fortunately, I wasnt wearing it at the time. If I window. Accurate, dont you think? Fortunately, I wasnt wearing it at the time. If I had been, I would not have been able to get home for lunch.had been, I would not have been able to get home for lunch.2.2 Resto
21、re the story.2.3 Retell the story.WhileWhenBecauseMoreoverWhichfor CONNECTIONS POINTS CONNECTIONSWhenAfterUnder the impressionIn addition to this Itthat1 Ambassador, Escalopia in office.2 Students basement fire.3 Ambassador went to investigate.4 Man called Host fire extinguisher.5 Thought Ambassador
22、 on fire.6 Hole Ambassadors hat.7 Made when someone fired shot window.8 Ambassador lucky.9 Not wearing it. 當艾斯卡羅比亞國的大使回到家吃午飯時,把他的夫人嚇了一跳。他面色蒼白,衣服也搞得不成樣子。 “發(fā)生了什么事?”她問,“你的衣服怎么搞得一塌糊涂?” “滅火器弄的,親愛的,”大使冷冷地回答,“今天上午大學生們放火點著了大使館?!?“天??!”他的夫人驚叫,“那你當時在什么地方?” “我和往常一樣,在辦公室里,”大使回答說?!暗叵率彝蝗恢?,我當然馬上下去了。但那個傻瓜霍斯特把滅火器對準了
23、我。他認為是我著火了。我一定要把那個家伙打發(fā)走?!?大使夫人繼續(xù)提出問題,她突然又發(fā)現(xiàn)丈夫的帽子上有個洞。 “那么你對那又作何解釋呢?”她問。 “那個嘛,”大使說,“有人向我辦公室窗戶開了一槍。真夠準的,是不是?幸虧我當時沒戴帽子。如果真戴著它,我現(xiàn)在就不能回家來吃午飯了?!?.4 Interpret the story.Functional GrammarGraPart 3如何用思維導圖復習前10課?3.1 Think about the question.It will soon be sending up four It will soon be sending up four astr
24、onauts to repair it.astronauts to repair it.3.2 Read and say the number.1234Firemen had been fighting the Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks.forest fire for nearly three weeks.3.2 Read and say the number.1234If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down If the Ho
25、uses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834,the great clock would never have been erected.in 1834,the great clock would never have been erected.3.2 Read and say the number.1234Officials from Greenwich Observatory Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day.have th
26、e clock checked twice a day.12343.2 Read and say the number.3.3 Discover the structure.It will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it.It will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it.Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks.Firemen had been fighting the forest
27、 fire for nearly three weeks.If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834,the If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834,the great clock would never have been erected.great clock would never have been erected.Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock check
28、ed twice a Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day.day.3.4 Draw the conclusions.1) 將來進行:will be doing 2) 過去完成進行:had been doing3) 過去完成+被動語態(tài):had been done 4) have sth doneIt It willwill soon soon be sendingbe sending up four astronauts to repair it. up four astronauts t
29、o repair it.Firemen Firemen had been fightinghad been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks. the forest fire for nearly three weeks.If the Houses of Parliament If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned had not been burned down in 1834,the down in 1834,the great clock would never have
30、 been erected.great clock would never have been erected.Officials from Greenwich Observatory Officials from Greenwich Observatory have have the clock the clock checkedchecked twice a twice a day.day.3.5 Exercises A: Split the sentences.Your sisterYour sisterwill be will be herehereYour sister will b
31、e here.Your sister will be here.WhoActionWhatHowWhereWhen3.5 Exercises A: Split the sentences.He always insists on coming with you.He always insists on coming with you.WhoActionWhatHowWhereWhenHeHeinsists on insists on coming with ing with you.alwaysalways3.5 Exercises A: Split the sentences.He mana
32、ged to climb into the mouth of Kituro.He managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro.WhoActionWhatHowWhereWhenHeHemanaged to climb intomanaged to climb intothe mouth of Kiturothe mouth of Kituro3.5 Exercises B: Arrange the words correctly.He was able to return two days later.He was able to return two
33、days later.two days later.two days later.hehereturn return able toable towaswas3.5 Exercises B: Arrange the words correctly.He ought to have gone along a side street.He ought to have gone along a side street.have gonehave gonealong a side street.along a side street.heheought toought to3.5 Exercises
34、B: Arrange the words correctly.He should have known that the police would never He should have known that the police would never allow this sort of thing. allow this sort of thing. this sort of things.this sort of things.he should knownhe should knownthat the policethat the policeallowallowwould nev
35、erwould never3.5 Exercises C: Transform the sentences.Would you mind my _(come)with you?Would you mind my _(come)with you?Would you mind my Would you mind my comingcoming with you? with you?3.5 Exercises C: Transform the sentences.I was being tested _ (prep.)a driving license _ I was being tested _
36、(prep.)a driving license _ (prep.)the third time.(prep.)the third time.I was being tested I was being tested forfor a driving license a driving license forfor the third time. the third time.3.5 Exercises C: Transform the sentences.比起任何在世的人, ,他能告訴我們更多的關于活火山的事情. .( (翻譯成英文) )He has been able to tell us
37、 more about active volcanoes He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive.than any man alive.AB CWords & ExpressionsPart 44.1 Read the phonetic symbols. /fraitful/fraitful/ /ikskleim/ikskleim/ /besmnt/besmnt/ /k/k/ /embs/embs/ /ksplen/ksplen/ /hev()n/ /hev()n/ /kjrt
38、/kjrt/the state or strong feeling the state or strong feeling caused by sth unexpected caused by sth unexpected and usually very and usually very unpleasantunpleasantStep 1: Guess the word.4.2 Learn the words. 4.2 Learn the words. Step 2: Spell the word.圖片復制到這里ckosh_ _Step 3: Read the word.4.2 Learn
39、 the words. n.震驚,打擊shock圖片復制到這里感到震驚get a shockStep 4: Listen and repeat.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里How did she feel when How did she feel when she saw the telephone she saw the telephone bill?bill?Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里She got a She got a shockshock when when she saw the
40、telephone she saw the telephone bill.bill.Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里extreme in degree or extreme in degree or extent or amount or extent or amount or impactimpactStep 1: Guess the word.4.2 Learn the words. 4.2 Learn the words. Step 2: Spell the word.圖片復制到這里uifr_ghtf_lStep 3: R
41、ead the word.4.2 Learn the words. adj.可怕的,令人吃驚的frightful圖片復制到這里亂七八糟in a frightful messStep 4: Listen and repeat.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里Why dont you rent the Why dont you rent the house to them again?house to them again?Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里Because they left the Becau
42、se they left the house in a house in a frightfulfrightful mess mess last time.last time.Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里Words expansion.terribledreadfulto say something suddenly to say something suddenly and loudly because you are and loudly because you are surprised, angry, or exci
43、tedsurprised, angry, or excitedStep 1: Guess the word.4.2 Learn the words. 4.2 Learn the words. Step 2: Spell the word.圖片復制到這里aei_xcl_ _mStep 3: Read the word.4.2 Learn the words. v.呼喊,驚叫exclaim圖片復制到這里興奮地驚呼exclaim with excitementStep 4: Listen and repeat.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里How did the child
44、ren How did the children react to the news?react to the news?Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里The children The children exclaimedexclaimed with excitement.with excitement.Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里Words expansion.claimshouta room or area in a a room or area in
45、a building that is under building that is under the level of the groundthe level of the groundStep 1: Guess the word.4.2 Learn the words. 4.2 Learn the words. Step 2: Spell the word.圖片復制到這里eeab_s_m_ntStep 3: Read the word.4.2 Learn the words. n.地下室basement圖片復制到這里Step 4: Listen and repeat.4.2 Learn t
46、he words. n.地下室in the basement圖片復制到這里Where were the Where were the cabbages stored?cabbages stored?Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里The cabbages were The cabbages were stored in the stored in the basement.basement.Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里correct and true in e
47、very correct and true in every detaildetailStep 1: Guess the word.4.2 Learn the words. 4.2 Learn the words. Step 2: Spell the word.圖片復制到這里aueacc_r_t_Step 3: Read the word.4.2 Learn the words. adj.正確的,準確的accurate圖片復制到這里在方面準確accurate inStep 4: Listen and repeat.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里Why do you b
48、elieve in Why do you believe in his report?his report?Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里Because his report is Because his report is accurateaccurate in every detail. in every detail.Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里a group of officials who a group of officials who repr
49、esent their government represent their government in a foreign country, or the in a foreign country, or the building they work inbuilding they work inStep 1: Guess the word.4.2 Learn the words. 4.2 Learn the words. Step 2: Spell the word.圖片復制到這里ae_mb_ssyStep 3: Read the word.4.2 Learn the words. n.大
50、使館embassy圖片復制到這里美國大使館the American the American EmbassyEmbassyStep 4: Listen and repeat.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里Where does he work?Where does he work?Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里He works at the He works at the American American EmbassyEmbassy in in Moscow.Moscow.Step 5: Look
51、and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里Words expansion.diplomatambassadorto tell someone about to tell someone about something in a way that something in a way that is clear or easy to is clear or easy to understandunderstandStep 1: Guess the word.4.2 Learn the words. 4.2 Learn the words. Step 2: Spell
52、 the word.圖片復制到這里aie_xpl_ _nStep 3: Read the word.4.2 Learn the words. v.解釋,說明explain圖片復制到這里向說明explainto Step 4: Listen and repeat.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里What does the teacher What does the teacher ask us to do?ask us to do?Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里The teacher askes us t
53、o The teacher askes us to read the text first and read the text first and then then explainexplain the new the new word to her.word to her.Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里the place where God is the place where God is believed to live and where believed to live and where good people
54、are believed good people are believed to go when they dieto go when they dieStep 1: Guess the word.4.2 Learn the words. 4.2 Learn the words. Step 2: Spell the word.圖片復制到這里eeah v nStep 3: Read the word.4.2 Learn the words. n. 天堂heaven圖片復制到這里在天堂at the heavenStep 4: Listen and repeat.4.2 Learn the word
55、s. 圖片復制到這里What did he do after What did he do after hearing the news?hearing the news?Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Learn the words. 圖片復制到這里He walked out into the He walked out into the middle of the road, middle of the road, looking up at the looking up at the heavenheaven. .Step 5: Look and say.4.2 Lea
56、rn the words. 圖片復制到這里4.3 Read the words. basementbasement embassyembassy exclaimexclaim accurateaccurate frightfulfrightful heavenheaven shockshock explainexplainaccurate basementaccurate basementembassyembassyexclaimexclaimexplainexplainfrightfulfrightfulheavenheavenshockshock4.4 Fill in the blanks
57、.She got a _ when she saw the telephone bill.She got a _ when she saw the telephone bill.They left the house in a _ mess last time.They left the house in a _ mess last time.The children _ with excitement.The children _ with excitement.The cabbages were stored in the _.The cabbages were stored in the _..4.4 Fill in the blanks.His report is _ in every detail.His report is _ in every detail.He works at the American _ in Moscow.He works at the American _ in Moscow.The teacher askes us to _ the new word.The t
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