高中英語 生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕13素材_第1頁
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1、生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕1300:02:31,610 -> 00:02:34,310生活大爆炸 第四季第十三集200:00:01,810 -> 00:00:03,540你們準備點菜了嗎Hey. So you guys ready to order?300:00:03,660 -> 00:00:06,530既然我們每個周二晚上6點都來Since we come in every Tuesday night at 6:00400:00:06,530 -> 00:00:10,260點完全一樣的菜 現(xiàn)在是6:08分了and order the same exact thing,

2、 and it's now 6:08500:00:10,260 -> 00:00:12,690我想 不言而喻的不僅是這個問題I believe your question not only answers itself600:00:12,690 -> 00:00:16,150還有其他一些愚蠢的問題but also stands alongside such other nonsensical queries700:00:16,150 -> 00:00:18,340比如 "誰把狗放出來了"as "Who let the dogs out?&

3、quot;800:00:18,350 -> 00:00:20,340還有"他們過得如何"And, uh, "How are they hanging""900:00:22,200 -> 00:00:22,920好吧Okay.1000:00:22,920 -> 00:00:26,250慣例 謝爾頓的漢堡上加一口唾沫So, the usual, with extra spit on Sheldon's hamburger.1100:00:26,940 -> 00:00:28,260佩妮 等等Penny, a mome

4、nt?1200:00:28,570 -> 00:00:30,050這周末你有安排嗎Do you have plans this weekend?1300:00:30,050 -> 00:00:31,140天啊 艾米 很抱歉Oh, gee, Amy, I'm sorry1400:00:31,140 -> 00:00:32,660我這周末真的很忙I'm actually pretty busy this weekend.1500:00:32,660 -> 00:00:35,110可能要上今天點的菜Probably serving food that was

5、ordered today.1600:00:36,190 -> 00:00:38,550真不幸 我還想讓你當我的伴兒That's too bad. I was hoping you could be my plus-one1700:00:38,550 -> 00:00:40,460一起去多學科研究院at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies'1800:00:40,460 -> 00:00:42,750參加現(xiàn)行科學研究symposium on the impact of current scientific res

6、earch1900:00:42,750 -> 00:00:44,390對社會交互的影響研討會on societal interactions.2000:00:46,070 -> 00:00:47,160什么The what?2100:00:48,510 -> 00:00:50,170是一個年度科學會議It's an annual science conference.2200:00:50,170 -> 00:00:51,490我們都被邀請發(fā)言We've all been invited to speak.2300:00:51,490 -> 00:0

7、0:55,070哦 好吧 正如我說的 我有安排了Oh! Oh, okay, well, you know, like I said, I have plans, so.2400:00:55,070 -> 00:00:56,740真可惜 因為你是我最好的朋友Shame. Since you're my best friend2500:00:56,740 -> 00:00:58,950我還以為這是個增加交流的機會呢I thought it would be a good bonding opportunity.2600:01:00,230 -> 00:01:01,700我

8、是你最好的朋友嗎I'm your best friend?2700:01:01,700 -> 00:01:03,130你不看我的博客嗎Don't you read my blog?2800:01:04,270 -> 00:01:05,030別難過Oh, don't feel bad.2900:01:05,030 -> 00:01:07,550我從來不看萊納德的 我以前還跟他睡過I never read Leonard's, and I used to sleep with him.3000:01:11,080 -> 00:01:12,67

9、0你認識其他會想去Do you know anybody else who would appreciate3100:01:12,670 -> 00:01:14,320費用全包的大蘇四星酒店an all-expense-paid spa weekend3200:01:14,320 -> 00:01:15,860spa周末游的人嗎at a four-star resort in Big Sur?3300:01:15,860 -> 00:01:18,150不 我真的 對不起 免費什么 對不起 什么 什么No, I really- I'm sorry, free what?

10、 Sorry, what, what?3400:01:18,910 -> 00:01:20,930我想她周末突然沒事了I think her weekend just opened up.3500:01:21,330 -> 00:01:23,910等等 等等 我確認一下 你們說的spaWait, wait, just to be clear, when you guys say "Spa "3600:01:23,910 -> 00:01:26,800跟普通人說的spa是一樣的嗎does that mean the same thing as when re

11、gular people say it?3700:01:27,500 -> 00:01:28,390差不多Pretty much.3800:01:28,390 -> 00:01:30,650除了我們穿著衣服蒸桑拿Except we keep our shirts on in the sauna.3900:01:31,540 -> 00:01:33,220你知道嗎 盡管會很難You know, it is going to be difficult4000:01:33,220 -> 00:01:36,850但是我要取消我的安排 為了我的好朋友but I'm goi

12、ng to cancel my plans so I can do this for my bestie.4100:01:36,850 -> 00:01:38,510請不要碰我的胸Please don't touch my breasts.4200:01:39,700 -> 00:01:41,000我 我沒想I. I wasn't going to.4300:01:41,000 -> 00:01:43,470好吧 我只是要確定一下界限All right. I just want to establish boundaries.4400:01:44,330 -&

13、gt; 00:01:46,200伙計們 這太棒了 我好久沒度假了Boy, this is great. I haven't had a vacation in ages.4500:01:46,200 -> 00:01:49,490想度假 先工作In order to take a vacation, one first has to work.4600:01:50,720 -> 00:01:51,670知道嗎 作為一個聰明人You know, for a smart guy4700:01:51,670 -> 00:01:54,050你竟然不明白一個原則you real

14、ly seem to have a hard time grasping the concept4800:01:54,050 -> 00:01:56,820"不要惹給你準備飯的人""Don't piss off the people who handle the things you eat."4900:01:58,450 -> 00:02:00,700這原則確實很對That does seem to be a valid principle.5000:02:01,160 -> 00:02:02,530我相信佩妮會遵守I tru

15、st Penny will adhere to5100:02:02,530 -> 00:02:04,600"加州酒店員工the "Official California Restaurant Workers'5200:02:04,600 -> 00:02:07,170道德和清潔莊嚴誓約"Solemn Oath of Ethics and Cleanliness."5300:02:07,520 -> 00:02:09,390我認為沒有這種東西I don't believe there's any such thin

16、g.5400:02:10,980 -> 00:02:12,380你騙我You lied to me?5500:02:39,780 -> 00:02:40,600早上好Good morning.5600:02:40,610 -> 00:02:42,790大家請注意If I could have everyone's attention, please?5700:02:42,790 -> 00:02:45,870我知道我們都想盡快開往大蘇I know we're all eager to get on the road to Big Sur5800:02:4

17、5,870 -> 00:02:49,030所以如果我們集中精神 我相信我們能so if we focus, I'm sure we can get through this orientation5900:02:49,030 -> 00:02:50,580在半小時之內(nèi)完成介紹in under a half an hour.6000:02:51,040 -> 00:02:53,800就是些問答 測試 安全演習Then it's just Q&A, quiz, safety drills6100:02:53,800 -> 00:02:56,620拍張

18、團體紀念照 就能出發(fā)了pose for commemorative group photo and we're off.6200:02:57,810 -> 00:02:59,620別擔心 測試時坐我旁邊Don't worry. Just sit next to me during the quiz6300:02:59,620 -> 00:03:01,550你可以抄我的and you can copy my answers.6400:03:02,640 -> 00:03:03,330拉杰Raj?6500:03:03,330 -> 00:03:04,540你

19、在干嗎What are you doing?6600:03:05,150 -> 00:03:06,780那可不行I don't think so.6700:03:07,520 -> 00:03:10,090你的6盎司定額已經(jīng)喝完了You've had your allotted six ounces.6800:03:10,100 -> 00:03:12,660第一個上廁所時間是在貝克斯菲爾德的The first bathroom break isn't until the Denny's6900:03:12,670 -> 00:03:14

20、,710丹尼餐廳located near Bakersfield7000:03:15,860 -> 00:03:18,560距此大約2個半小時which is approximately two and half hours away.7100:03:18,560 -> 00:03:20,210記住 同志們Remember, people7200:03:20,210 -> 00:03:22,600我們的強硬受制于最弱的膀胱we're only as strong as our weakest bladder.7300:03:24,070 -> 00:03:27,

21、350沒人關(guān)心你的凱格爾練習Nobody cares about your Kegel exercises.7400:03:28,270 -> 00:03:32,160好的 我們有7個人 2輛車All right. We have seven people, and two cars.7500:03:32,160 -> 00:03:35,290領(lǐng)航車 由萊納德駕駛In the lead car, driven by Leonard7600:03:35,290 -> 00:03:38,790乘客是 我will be. myself7700:03:38,840 -> 00:

22、03:40,540艾米·費拉·福勒Amy Farrah Fowler7800:03:40,920 -> 00:03:42,070和佩妮and Penny.7900:03:42,820 -> 00:03:43,840耶Yes!8000:03:45,990 -> 00:03:48,830他把你安排在另一個車上 我?guī)湍闵壛薍e had you in the other car, but I got you upgraded.8100:03:49,880 -> 00:03:50,890耶Yay!8200:03:51,460 -> 00:03:53,0

23、70她提出 如果我們在前不著村后不著店的地方She made the case that if we break down8300:03:53,070 -> 00:03:56,050出故障 你在內(nèi)布拉斯加邊遠地區(qū)的in the middle of nowhere, your Nebraska backwoods skills8400:03:56,050 -> 00:03:58,280生存技能和健壯的大手能增加我們and brawny hands will give us the best chance8500:03:58,290 -> 00:04:00,110在野外生存的機會

24、to survive in the wild.8600:04:00,800 -> 00:04:01,850健壯Brawny?8700:04:02,690 -> 00:04:04,130比我的還大They're bigger than mine.8800:04:07,000 -> 00:04:09,170紅1號呼叫紅5號 請回答Red Leader to Red Five, come in.8900:04:11,540 -> 00:04:13,730紅1號呼叫紅5號 請回答Red Leader to Red Five, come in.9000:04:14,800

25、 -> 00:04:16,500霍華德 你保證過的Howard, you promised.9100:04:18,710 -> 00:04:21,210好吧 紅5號呼叫紅1號Fine. Red Five to Red Leader.9200:04:21,220 -> 00:04:22,620你要干嗎What do you want now?9300:04:22,740 -> 00:04:24,940現(xiàn)在是11:15It's 11:15.9400:04:24,950 -> 00:04:27,370我要你每刻鐘的位置報告I'm requesting y

26、our quarter-hourly location update.9500:04:27,370 -> 00:04:29,300緊跟在你們后面呢Still right behind you.9600:04:29,300 -> 00:04:30,780收到 紅5號Copy that, Red Five.9700:04:32,290 -> 00:04:33,890無線電聯(lián)絡(luò)就足夠了Radio contact is sufficient.9800:04:33,890 -> 00:04:36,000不需要伸你的中指No need to extend your middle f

27、inger.9900:04:38,520 -> 00:04:39,780艾米 我在想So, Amy, I've been wondering10000:04:39,780 -> 00:04:42,780你和謝爾頓要共住一間房嗎are you and Sheldon going to be sharing a room?10100:04:43,290 -> 00:04:44,710不 我們討論過了No, we discussed it.10200:04:44,710 -> 00:04:46,970一致認為 我們不想因為太了解對方We decided we didn

28、't want to jeopardize our relationship10300:04:46,970 -> 00:04:48,910而損害了我們的關(guān)系by getting to know each other too well.10400:04:50,000 -> 00:04:52,230確實 沒有比熟知對方的如廁規(guī)律Indeed. Nothing sours a friendship more10500:04:52,230 -> 00:04:55,640更破壞友情的事了than over-familiarity with someone's toile

29、t routine.10600:04:56,450 -> 00:04:57,930我深表贊同I can vouch for that.10700:04:57,930 -> 00:04:59,930-喂 -不是說你 說他- Hey. - Not you, him.10800:04:59,930 -> 00:05:01,530哦 謝謝Oh. Thanks.10900:05:01,530 -> 00:05:03,740不過 你的可真讓人開眼了Although yours was an eye-opener.11000:05:07,150 -> 00:05:07,960別

30、擔心 佩妮Don't worry, Penny.11100:05:07,960 -> 00:05:10,370你是我?guī)У陌閮?你跟我住You're my plus-one. You'll bunk with me.11200:05:10,680 -> 00:05:13,030另外 旅行會讓我便秘And FYI, travel makes me constipated11300:05:13,030 -> 00:05:15,220所以 我是理想的酒店住宿室友so I'm the ideal hotel roommate.11400:05:16,50

31、0 -> 00:05:17,630好極了Terriffic.11500:05:17,940 -> 00:05:19,070還沒到嗎Are we there yet?11600:05:21,940 -> 00:05:24,770我希望我們能趕得上主題致辭I hope we get there in time to see the keynote address.11700:05:25,090 -> 00:05:27,040真的嗎 你想看主題致辭Really? You want to see the keynote?11800:05:27,040 -> 00:05:2

32、8,830對 聽起來很有意思Yeah, it sounds fun.11900:05:28,870 -> 00:05:30,090"超級細菌"Super bacteria:12000:05:30,090 -> 00:05:33,620末日啟示 還是令人激動的研究機會"global apocalypse or exciting research opportunity?"12100:05:34,940 -> 00:05:37,190事實上 我想得是 我們直接去房間Actually, I was thinking we could go s

33、traight to the room12200:05:37,190 -> 00:05:39,370然后 "休整"一下and. take a nap.12300:05:40,430 -> 00:05:40,970真的嗎Really?12400:05:40,970 -> 00:05:42,410不去看主題致辭了And miss the keynote?12500:05:42,420 -> 00:05:44,790回頭能在C-SPAN上看到的We can watch it later on C-SPAN.12600:05:44,790 -> 00:

34、05:47,710而且 我真的很期待 你和我Besides, I was really looking forward to you and me.12700:05:47,860 -> 00:05:49,570一起在酒店里"休整"napping together in the hotel.12800:05:50,110 -> 00:05:51,440親愛的 你那么困的話Honey, if you're that tired12900:05:51,440 -> 00:05:53,610就在車里先睡上一覺吧why don't you just

35、take a nap here in the car?13000:05:54,730 -> 00:05:55,520不 你看 不是No, see, it's not.13100:05:55,520 -> 00:05:57,660等一下 萊納德來電話Hang on. It's Leonard.13200:05:58,660 -> 00:05:59,580嗨 萊納德Hi, Leonard.13300:05:59,590 -> 00:06:02,060嗨 我剛收到拉杰的短信Yeah, hi. Listen, I just got a text from Raj

36、.13400:06:02,060 -> 00:06:02,910他讓我告訴你He wanted me to tell you13500:06:02,910 -> 00:06:05,460霍華德說的"休整" 是"做愛"的意思that when Howard says "Nap " He means "Sex."13600:06:08,370 -> 00:06:09,690謝謝你 拉杰Thank you, Raj.13700:06:12,670 -> 00:06:15,960你是錒系元素的一種嗎

37、Are you. an element in the actinoid series?13800:06:16,000 -> 00:06:16,900不是No.13900:06:17,170 -> 00:06:18,060艾米Amy?14000:06:18,850 -> 00:06:21,570你在自然界中是放射性的嗎Are you usually radioactive when found in nature?14100:06:21,720 -> 00:06:22,420不是No.14200:06:22,420 -> 00:06:23,850你是鑭系元素嗎Are

38、 you in the lanthanoid series?14300:06:23,850 -> 00:06:26,070艾米 輪到佩妮了Amy, it's Penny's turn.14400:06:27,970 -> 00:06:28,830佩妮Penny?14500:06:28,890 -> 00:06:30,480呃 我咋知道Uh, I don't know.14600:06:31,030 -> 00:06:32,770你是吃的嗎Are you food?14700:06:35,530 -> 00:06:37,350這就是你不對了T

39、hat's not apropos.14800:06:37,410 -> 00:06:40,590不是說明白了嗎 在元素周期表里直譯:桌We've already established I'm found in the periodic table.14900:06:40,590 -> 00:06:41,790好歹是張桌 不是嗎Well, it's a table, right?15000:06:41,790 -> 00:06:43,700是桌子干嘛不能放吃的I mean, why can't there be food on it?

40、15100:06:45,430 -> 00:06:47,570就知道她不配坐領(lǐng)頭車I knew she wasn't lead car materiel.15200:06:47,700 -> 00:06:50,180誰選你當了汽車旅行之王了Who elected you Road Trip God?15300:06:50,610 -> 00:06:51,700萊納德Leonard.15400:06:52,740 -> 00:06:54,900那是深夜投票It was a late-night vote.15500:06:56,260 -> 00:06:57

41、,480大家都精疲力盡了We were all exhausted15600:06:57,480 -> 00:06:59,670他威脅我們不選他就不讓睡and he was threatening to filibuster.15700:07:00,090 -> 00:07:01,660也不是啥"汽車旅行之王"啦It's not technically "Road Trip God""15800:07:01,660 -> 00:07:03,590是旅途監(jiān)督員it's Travel Supervisor.1590

42、0:07:03,630 -> 00:07:06,930盡管汽車旅行之王聽著更拉風一些Although Road Trip God does have a certain ring to it.16000:07:07,570 -> 00:07:08,960我就不明白了 你們怎么就I don't understand why you people16100:07:08,960 -> 00:07:10,420讓他這么欺負你們啊just let him bully you like this.16200:07:10,420 -> 00:07:11,800該有人奮起反抗S

43、omeone should stand up to him.16300:07:11,800 -> 00:07:13,080他能怎么著What's he going to do?16400:07:15,960 -> 00:07:18,210真不敢相信 你們就眼看著他把我轟出來I can't believe you let him kick me out of the car.16500:07:19,190 -> 00:07:22,490我們敢怎樣啊 他是旅程監(jiān)督人What could we do? He's the Travel Supervisor.1

44、6600:07:23,150 -> 00:07:25,480別擔心 佩妮 反正這輛車更贊Don't worry, Penny. This is a better car anyway.16700:07:25,480 -> 00:07:27,630沒錯 這是愛愛車喔Yeah. It's the Love Car.16800:07:28,760 -> 00:07:30,080還用問么Should I ask?16900:07:31,600 -> 00:07:34,650他們說我們太小還不懂得*They say we're young and we d

45、on't know17000:07:34,650 -> 00:07:39,460長大后才能領(lǐng)悟*We won't find out until we grow17100:07:40,010 -> 00:07:43,030我不知這正確與否*Well, I don't know if all that's true17200:07:43,030 -> 00:07:47,150因為寶貝 我們擁有彼此*'Cause you got me, and, baby, I got you17300:07:48,200 -> 00:07:50,76

46、0寶貝*Babe17400:07:50,760 -> 00:07:52,410我擁有你*I got you, babe17500:07:52,410 -> 00:07:54,390紅一號 我真的錯了Red Leader, I'm really sorry.17600:07:54,390 -> 00:07:56,330我擁有你 寶貝*I got you, babe.17700:07:57,820 -> 00:08:03,330我擁有你 寶貝*I got you, babe.17800:08:07,760 -> 00:08:08,920我想你了I missed

47、 you.17900:08:10,120 -> 00:08:12,300知道不 我也無比想你You know what? I missed you, too.18000:08:14,210 -> 00:08:15,260伯納黛特Bernadette?18100:08:15,870 -> 00:08:17,730天吶 格倫Oh, my God, Glenn!18200:08:18,200 -> 00:08:19,680見到你真高興Great to see you!18300:08:19,680 -> 00:08:21,110你是來參加研討會的嗎Are you her

48、e for the conference?18400:08:21,110 -> 00:08:22,900是啊 我在全球暖化座談組Yeah, I'm doing a global warming panel.18500:08:22,900 -> 00:08:24,120真不錯Oh, good for you.18600:08:24,120 -> 00:08:26,480格倫 這是霍華德 我男朋友Uh, Glenn, this is my boyfriend Howard.18700:08:27,100 -> 00:08:28,540-很高興認識你 -嗨- Nice

49、 to meet you. - Hi.18800:08:29,000 -> 00:08:30,360哎喲 嗨Ow. Hi.18900:08:31,640 -> 00:08:32,740你很幸運嘛You're a lucky man.19000:08:32,920 -> 00:08:34,510妮妮是個好姑娘Bernie's a great gal.19100:08:34,510 -> 00:08:37,390是啊 "妮妮"確實很好Yes. "Bernie" Sure is.19200:08:37,890 ->

50、 00:08:39,770我先走一步 座談會定在明早Well, I got to run. The panel's tomorrow morning.19300:08:39,770 -> 00:08:42,460主題是"憶雪: 回首往昔"It's called, "Remembering Snow: A Look Back."19400:08:43,660 -> 00:08:44,490我會盡量去的I'll try to catch it.19500:08:44,490 -> 00:08:46,190太好了Oh,

51、 great.19600:08:46,850 -> 00:08:48,260-拜拜 -拜- Bye. - Bye.19700:08:50,860 -> 00:08:52,450那個.妮妮Hey. Bernie?19800:08:53,690 -> 00:08:54,490咋了Yeah?19900:08:54,560 -> 00:08:57,330拜托告訴我那是你同性戀的表親Please tell me he's your gay cousin.20000:09:00,040 -> 00:09:02,660不是啊 他是我大學教授No. He was one

52、of my professors in college.20100:09:02,700 -> 00:09:05,110這樣啊 算是松了口氣Oh! That's a relief.20200:09:05,580 -> 00:09:07,250然后我們交往過一年Then we went out for a year.20300:09:08,540 -> 00:09:11,250來吧 趕緊辦理入住 就能去"休整"一下啦Come on, let's check in, so we can take that nap.20400:09:14,520

53、-> 00:09:16,940不 不一定是成比例的.No, it's not necessarily proportional.20500:09:16,950 -> 00:09:17,920閉嘴Shut up!20600:09:22,470 -> 00:09:24,500那個綠包是庫珀博士的That green bag is Dr. Cooper's.20700:09:24,500 -> 00:09:26,690多給你五美刀 拜托讓他多等會Here's an extra five. Make him wait.20800:09:31,770 -&

54、gt; 00:09:33,460直接進入"休整"了呀 好吧Right to the nap, huh? Okay?20900:09:35,360 -> 00:09:37,940那個 格倫那哥們Uh, so, this Glenn guy.21000:09:37,940 -> 00:09:40,500你說你們交往了一年吶You say you went out with him for, like, a year.21100:09:40,590 -> 00:09:43,070咱有必要這時候討論我的前男友嗎Do we really need to talk a

55、bout my old boyfriend now?21200:09:43,190 -> 00:09:45,290不 大概沒必要吧No. I guess not.21300:09:46,940 -> 00:09:49,010他多高啊 1.93還是1.95What is he, like, six-four, six-five?21400:09:49,700 -> 00:09:50,910兩米啦Six-seven.21500:09:52,320 -> 00:09:55,270估計不好買衣服吧Probably has a hard time finding a suit that fits.21600:09:56,870 -> 00:09:58,360你有什么不爽嗎Is something bothering you?21700:09:58,500 -> 00:10:00,520-沒 就是 -就是什么- No. It's just. - What?21800:10:00,560 -> 00:10:01,380我就是想吧I'm just thinking.21


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