1、Chapter 1Introduction to International and Comparative LawA.WHAT IS INTERNATIONAL LAW? 1.International law is the body of rules and norms that regulates activities carried on outside the legal boundaries of nations. Answer: True2.In contemporary international law, the division between public and pri
2、vate law is precise and well defined. Answer: False3.International law is not really law since there is no worldwide legislature to enact it. Answer: False4.Comity is the practice, or courtesy, between nations of treating each other with goodwill and civility. Answer: True5.Comity is not law because
3、 countries do not regard it as something they are required to respect. Answer: True6.International law regulates relationships between: a.states and states. b.states and persons. c.persons and persons. d.All of the above. e.Both a. and b. above. Answer: d7.Which of the following is an example/are ex
4、amples of the subject matter of public international law? a.Contracts and sales. b.Securities regulations. c.State succession. d.All of the above. e.None of the above. Answer: c8.Which of the following is an example/are examples of the subject matter of private international law? a.Antitrust.b.Natio
5、nality. c.State responsibility to aliens. d.All of the above. e.Both a. and b. above. Answer: e9.Law is: a.a rule established by authority, society, or custom. b.a body or system of rules. c.the control or authority imposed by a system of rules. d.All of the above. e.None of the above. Answer: dB.TH
6、E MAKING OF INTERNATIONAL LAW10.Despite the lack of international law-making machinery, states function informally as both lobbyists and legislators. Answer: True11.International law exists when there is a consensus of the international community. Answer: True12.Unratified treaties and reports of in
7、ternational agencies are sometimes cited as evidence of a trend toward the development of a rule of international law. Answer: True13.Case law derived from the decisions of arbitration tribunals hearing disputes between private parties is never used as a source of international law rules. Answer: Fa
8、lse14.Evidence of the general consent of the international community to the existence of a rule of international law can be found in: a.decisions of the International Court of Justice. b.resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly. c.the conduct and practices of states in their dealings between th
9、emselves. d.All of the above. e.Both a. and c. Answer: dC.SOURCES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 15.The sources of international law which Article 38(1) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice states that the court is permitted to use in settling disputes are: a.general principles of law. er
10、national conventions. c.the case law of municipal courts. d.All of the above. e.Both a. and b. above Answer: d16.In determining whether a practice has become a rule of international customary law, Article 38(1) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice states that the court is permitted t
11、o look to: a.economic trends. b.historical records. c.teachings of legal writers. d.All of the above. e.Both a. and b. above. Answer: c17.Which of the following sources of international law does the International Court of Justice normally regard as the most authoritative? a.Customary international l
12、aw. b.General principles of law. c.International conventions. d.Judicial decisions. e.Teachings of legal writers. Answer: c1.Treaties and Conventions18.The customary rules that govern treaties are now codified in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Answer: True19.Treaties and conventions h
13、ave binding effect because: a.one country fears that if it does not respect its promises, other countries will not respect their promises. b.states that fail to observe them may be fined or otherwise punished by the International Court of Justice. c.states that fail to observe them will lose their m
14、embership in the United Nations. d.All of the above. Answer: a20.The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties applies to treaties and conventions that: a.are governed by municipal law. b.are in writing. c.are made orally. d.relate to international organizations. e.All of the above. Answer: b2.Custom
15、 21.Once adopted, customary rules of international law are seldom changed. Answer: False22.To establish the existence of a customary rule of international law, one must show that the international community has observed the rule for a long period of time. Answer: False23.To establish the existence o
16、f a customary rule of international law, one must show that the entire international community has given its consent to the rule. Answer: False24.To establish the existence of a customary rule of international law, one must show: a.opinio juris et necessitatis.b.pacta sunt servanda.c.rebus sic stand
17、ibus. d.waiver. e.None of the above. Answer: a25.In The Lotus Case, Turkey had begun prosecution of the officers on a French ship who had been involved in a collision with a Turkish ship. France brought suit in the Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ) claiming that customary international
18、 law allowed only the state whose ship the officers were aboard to prosecute them. The PCIJ ruled against France because: a.in previous similar cases, the states which had acted as France suggested had not done so because they thought they were obliged to do so. b.the rule which France suggested had
19、 become custom had only been observed by a few states. c.the rule which France suggested had become custom had only been observed for a few years. d.All of the above were reasons given by the PCIJ. e.None of the above is a correct answer.Answer: a26.Which of the following states is not required to o
20、bserve a particular rule of customary international law? a.A persistent objector. b.A state that has recently acquired its independence following the division of its predecessor state. c.A superpower. d.All of the above. Answer: a 3.General Principles 27.General principles of international law are b
21、ased on legal rules that are common to both (or all) the state parties to a dispute.Answer: TrueD.THE SCOPE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW IN ACTUAL PRACTICE 1.The Practice in International Tribunals 28.In international tribunals, municipal law is regarded as being correlative with international law. Answer:
22、False29.International tribunals generally regard states as having an obligation to bring their municipal law into compliance with international norms. Answer: True30.In international tribunals, a.municipal laws are treated as “mere facts.” b.municipal laws will not be declared either void or valid.
23、c.municipal laws will not be interpreted. d.the parties must prove what the municipal law is. e.All of the above. Answer: e2.The Practice in Municipal Courts31.In municipal courts, international law is generally treated as being subservient. Answer: False32.According to the doctrine of incorporation
24、, customary international laws are treated as adopted by a municipal court to the extent that they are not inconsistent with prior municipal legislation or judicial decisions of final authority. Answer: True33.According to the doctrine of transformation, customary international laws are not applicab
25、le in a municipal court until they are clearly adopted by legislative action, judicial decision, or established local usage. Answer: True34.A self-executing treaty is one that contains a provision that says the treaty will apply in the parties municipal courts once the parties have adopted domestic
26、enabling legislation. Answer: False35.Once a municipal court determines that a particular rule of international law is applicable in a particular case, that law will be treated as law and not as a fact. Answer: True36.When a municipal court acts to determine if a particular rule of international law
27、 has been received into the local jurisprudence, it will (in most countries) apply the doctrine of: a.immaculate conception. b.incorporation. c.resuscitation. d.transformation. Answer: b37.In the United States, a treaty adopted by authority of the President alone (i.e., without the consent of the Se
28、nate) is known as a/an: a.constitutional convention. b.executive agreement. c.presidential treaty. d.Truman treaty. e.None of the above. Answer: b38.In the United Kingdom, treaties are made by: a.the Crown (i.e., the executive). b.the prime minister with the approval of the foreign secretary. c.the
29、prime minister with the approval of the queen. d.None of the above. Answer: aE.INTERNATIONAL PERSONS 1.States 39.Recognition of a government is usually made in a bilateral agreement. Answer: False40.Recognition implies that the recognized state or government is entitled to all of the rights and priv
30、ileges granted by international law. Answer: True41.To avoid any possible connotation that recognition also means approval, many governments have adopted the Estrada Doctrine of never formally recognizing other governments. Answer: True42.Territorial sovereignty is the absolute and unqualified right
31、 of a state to exercise its functions within a territory. Answer: False43.Title to newly acquired territory may be confirmed by estoppel. Answer: True44.A successor state is not bound by the “dispositive” treaties made by its predecessor. Answer: False45.When State A and State B merge to form State
32、C, State C and the other state parties to a treaty made by State A can agree either to terminate the treaty or extend it to the whole territory of the new state. Answer: True46.When State A and State B merge to form State C, State C will no longer be bound by a treaty made by State A if its object a
33、nd purpose can no longer be accomplished. Answer: True47.When a part of the territory of State X shifts and becomes part of the territory of State Y, the treaties made by State X continue to apply to that territory. Answer: False48.Nationals of a territory that is acquired by a successor state will
34、keep the nationality of the predecessor state unless a different result is agreed to in a treaty of cession or by municipal legislation. Answer: True49.State A disintegrates into States B and State C. The public property of State A located in State D becomes the property of D. Answer: False50.Privat
35、e property rights of individuals do not lapse because of a change in government. Answer: True51.A successor state is not bound by the private contractual obligations of its predecessors. Answer: False52.State Q disintegrates into State R and State S. State R and State S are both responsible for Stat
36、e Qs national debt. Answer: True53.A state is an international person with: a.a government. b.a population. c.a territory. d.All of the above. e.Both a. and b. Answer: d54.A state that lacks some attribute (i.e., territory, population, or government) required for it to be treated as a fully independ
37、ent state is known as a/an: a.dependent state. b.developing state. c.inchoate state. d.non-state. e.underdeveloped state. Answer: c55.“The legal existence of a government happens automatically by operation of law whenever a government is capable of controlling a territory and its people.” This is a
38、statement of the: a.constitutive doctrine. b.declaratory doctrine. c.Estrada doctrine. d.recognitive doctrine. e.None of the above. Answer: b56.“A government does not truly come into existence until such time as it is recognized by other states and participates in the international arena.” This is a
39、 statement of the: a.constitutive doctrine. b.declaratory doctrine. c.Estrada doctrine. d.participatory doctrine. e.None of the above. Answer: a57.The right of all states to transit the Suez and Panama canals is an example of a/an: a.easement. b.license. c.negative servitude. d.positive servitude. e
40、.profit a prendre. Answer: d58.States may lawfully acquire territory by: a.force from another state. b.occupying land not claimed by another sovereign. c.the mutually agreed to transfer from another sovereign. d.All of the above. e.Both b. and c. above. Answer: e59.State A and State B merge to form
41、new State C. As to the treaties that had been in force in State A, a.only those that were dispositive treaties continue to be in force. b.they are in force throughout State C.c.they are no longer in force. d.they continue to be in force in that part of State C that used to be State A. e.None of the
42、above. Answer: d60.“When a new state comes into being through decolonization, the ex-colony starts with no obligation to succeed to the treaties of its former colonial power.” This is known as the: a.clean slate doctrine. b.divorcement policy. c.ex parte doctrine. d.fresh start rule. e.None of the a
43、bove. Answer: a61.State Q disintegrated into State R and State S. As to the treaties that had been in force in State Q, a.only those that were dispositive treaties continue to be in force. b.they are no longer in force. c.they are no longer in force if State Q was a colonial power. d.they continue t
44、o be in force in both State R and State S to the extent they are applicable. e.None of the above. Answer: d2.International Organizationsa.Intergovernmental Organizations 62.An intergovernmental organization is a permanent organization set up by two or more states to carry on activities of common int
45、erest. Answer: True63.The capacity of an intergovernmental organization to carry on diplomatic relations with a state or to sue or be sued in an international or municipal court is acquired by recognition. Answer: True64.According to most authorities, an intergovernmental organization is not to be r
46、ecognized as having the capacity of an international person by one of its member states until the government of that state certifies that it has such capacity. Answer: False65.According to most authorities, an intergovernmental organization is not to be recognized as having the capacity of an intern
47、ational person by a non-member state until the government of that state certifies that it has such capacity. Answer: True66.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic common to intergovernmental organizations? a.They are created by two or more states. b.They are meant to pursue interests common
48、to their creators. c.They function autonomously as independent international persons. d.They operate through branches and subsidiaries around the world. e.None of the above is a correct answer. Answer: d1) United Nations67.The general philosophy underlying the Charter of the United Nations is that t
49、he relationships of the nations of the world are to be governed by the rule of law. Answer: True68.The phrase “United Nations System” refers to the rules of international law enacted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Answer: False69.Which of the following are goals of the United Nations
50、? a.Maintenance of peace and security in the world. b.Promotion of economic and social cooperation. c.Protection of human rights. d.All of the above. e.Both a. and c. above. Answer: d70.Which of the following organs of the United Nations may authorize the use of armed force? a.Economic and Social Co
51、uncil.b.General Assembly.c.International Court of Justice.d.Secretariat.e.Security Council.Answer: e71.Which of the following organs of the United Nations is primarily responsible for promoting respect for human rights? a.Economic and Social Council. b.General Assembly. c.International Court of Just
52、ice. d.Secretariat. e.Security Council. Answer: a2) European Union72.The Council of the European Union is the principal European Union rule maker.Answer: True73.The Council of the European Union may enact rules without consulting the European Parliament.Answer: False74.The Council of the European Un
53、ion may only act on proposals brought to it by the European Commission.Answer: True75.The European Parliament must approve all of the international treaties that the European Union enters into.Answer: True76.The European Parliament lacks true legislative powers.Answer: True77.The European Committee
54、of Regions must be consulted on matters dealing with defense, internal security, and public policy.Answer: False78.The European Economic and Social Council can adopt rules and issue directives independently of the Council of the European Union and European Commission.Answer: True79.The European Cour
55、t of Justice can hear appeals from the European Court of First Instance.Answer: True80.The European Central Bank is responsible for carrying out the European Unions monetary policy.Answer: True81.The European Court of Auditors hears disputes involving the amount of taxes owed by private persons.Answ
56、er: False82.Which of the following is not a member state of the European Union? a.Austria. b.Belgium. c.Greece. d.Norway.e.Portugal. Answer: d83.Which of the following is a constituent treaty of the European Union? a.European Atomic Energy Community Treaty of 1957.b.European Coal and Steel Community Treaty of 1951.c.European Economic Community Treaty of 1957.d.All of the above. e.Both b. and c. above. Answer: d84.When one speaks of the “supernational powers” of the European Union, one means that: a.within its scope of appl
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