1、.Board Manual: Guidelines for CASA Program DirectorsThe Department of Criminal Justice ServicesJuvenile Services Section202 North Ninth Street, 10th FloorRichmond, VA 23219(804)786-6428March, 1999Table of ContentsChapter 1: Board Operations4Basic Board Responsibilities4Code of Ethics5Pledge Form6Boa
2、rd Member Description7Board Job Descriptions, Responsibilities, and Policies8Roles and Responsibilities of the Board12Legal Liability14Conflicts of Interest16Chapter 2: Board/Staff Interactions18Relating to the Director, Staff and Volunteers18Board/ Staff Relations20Expectations21Rights of Volunteer
3、 Board Members22Policy vs. Management23Board and Staff - Who Does What?27Supervising the Director29Chapter 3: Committees & Meetings31All Committees are Not Created Equal31The Role of Committees32Guidelines for Key Standing Committees36Board Meetings41How to Make Committees Work Effectively45Guide to
4、 Preparation of an Agenda48Committee Report Form50Meeting Record: Action Plan51Chapter 4: Finances52Guide to Finance & Fundraising52Ten Ways a Board Member Can Participate in Fundraising58Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Funders59Where is the Funding Pie?61Fundraising Difficulties6
5、2Asking for Money63Special Events 64Chapter 5: Board Membership65Making Your Board the Best it Can Be65Recruiting New Members66Assessing Board Membership72Orienting New Board Members73Application for Appointment to Board74Board Qualities Checklist75Planning a Board Retreat76Retreat Site Selection80B
6、oard Composition Analysis82Board/Staff Expertise83Chapter 6: Evaluation84Measuring the Board84Evaluating the Board for Progress89End of Term Questionnaire92Evaluating the Director94Administrator Evaluation Checklist95Chapter 7: Long Range Planning97Strategic Planning97What Should a Strategic Plan In
7、clude?102How do we Increase Our Chances of Implementing Our Strategic Plan?105Chapter 1BOARD OPERATIONSBasic Board ResponsibilitiesTo be a successful and valuable member of your board, you will want to keep the following items foremost in your mind. These are your basic board member responsibilities
8、:Supporting your directorWithout your directors day-to-day management skills, the policies and plans adopted by the board would be of little impact. He or she truly is the person who makes your ideas and visions real. As you work together to achieve CASAs goals, however, you must also remember that
9、your job and the directors job are quite different. You make the plan, but the director decides how the plan is implemented and the goals accomplished.Setting policyYour primary board function is to fashion policies that ensure your organization is run effectively, legally, and ethically. These poli
10、cies are building blocks for your director who, in turn, is responsible for implementing your policies and managing the organization in accordance with them.Guiding long-range planning and developmentThe board gives direction to your organization through long-range goals ranging at least three to fi
11、ve years into the future. During the planning process, you will be asked to assess the present and future needs of the community and to determine how CASA fits into that picture.Raising money and monitoring financesAs a “trustee” for your organizations money, you are responsible for seeing that it i
12、s spent effectively in delivering programs and services. Youre also responsible for looking into the financial future. When you plot CASAs goals, you must review your ability to pay for your plans. That means fundraising when appropriate.Working cooperatively with other board membersIf you cannot wo
13、rk with your peers, then your board will accomplish nothing. This is true in every aspect of board service - meeting efficiency, conflict management, recruitment, training, and director evaluation.Code of EthicsA code of ethics lists actions that are essential to your boards integrity and it lends c
14、redibility to the goals that CASA is striving for. In your communitys eyes, the code keeps the board honest. Behind boardroom doors, the code serves as a reminder that your organizations mission takes priority over personal agendas.As a member of this board, I will: Represent the interests of all pe
15、ople served by this organization and not favor special interests inside or outside of this non-profit. Not use my services on this board for my own personal advantage or for the advantage of my friends or associates. Keep confidential information confidential. Respect and support the majority decisi
16、ons of the board. Approach all board issues with an open mind, prepared to make the best decisions for everyone involved. Do nothing to violate the trust of those who elected or appointed me to the board, or of those I serve. Focus my efforts on the mission of the non-profit and not on my personal g
17、oals. Never exercise authority as a board member except when acting in a meeting with the full board or as I am delegated by the board. Consider myself a “trustee” of this organization and do my best to ensure that it is well maintained, financially secure, growing and always operating in the best i
18、nterests of those we serve.Pledge FormMy RoleI acknowledge that my primary role as a board member is to contribute to the defining of the organizations mission and governing the fulfillment for that mission, and to carry out the functions of the office of Board Member and/or Officer as stated in the
19、 bylaws.My role as a board member will focus on the development of broad policies that govern the implementation of institutional plans and purposes. This role is separate and distinct from the role of the Director/Administrator, who determines means of implementation.My CommitmentI will exercise th
20、e duties and responsibilities of this office with integrity, collegiality and care.I Pledge1.To establish as a high priority my attendance at all meetings of the board, committees and task forces on which I serve.2.To come prepared to discuss the issues and business to be addressed at scheduled meet
21、ings having read the agenda and all background material relevant to the topics at hand.3.To work with and respect the opinions of my peers who serve this board, and to leave my personal prejudices out of all board discussions.4.To always act for the good of the organization.5.To agree to serve on at
22、 least one committee or task force, attend all meetings, and participate in the accomplishment of its objectives. If I chair the board, a committee, or task force, I will:a)call meetings as necessary until objectives are met;b)ensure that the agenda and support materials are mailed to all members in
23、 advance of the meetings;c)conduct the meetings in an orderly, fair, open and efficient manner;d)make committee progress reports/minutes to the board at its scheduled meetings, using the adopted forms.6. To participate in the annual strategic planning retreat, board self-evaluation programs, and boa
24、rd development workshops, seminars, and other educational events that enhance my skills as a board member.If, for any reason, I find myself unable to carry out the above duties as best as I can, I agree to resign my position as a board member/officer.Board member signature DateSample Board Member Jo
25、b DescriptionTitle:Member, CASA Board of DirectorsReports to:Board President/ChairmanPurpose:To serve the board as a voting member; to develop policies, procedures, and regulations for the operation of CASA; to monitor finances of the organization, its programs and performance.Term:Two years, expiri
26、ng December 31, 1996Expected Meeting4Regularly attend meetings as scheduled (about 12 per year)Attendance:4Attend standing committee meetings if a member (about 6 per year)4Participate as an ad hoc committee member if appointed4Attend board retreats, in-service workshops and other board development
27、activities4Attend and participate in special events as neededObligations of 4Create vision/establish missionthe Board:4Establish policies4Hire/fire/supervise and evaluate director4Secure adequate funds4Monitor finances4Maintain and update long-range plans4Evaluate and perpetuate itself4Fulfill board
28、s legal responsibilitiesSpecific Duties:4Attend meetings and show commitment to board activities4Be well informed on issues and agenda items in advance of meetings4Contribute skills, knowledge and experience when appropriate4Listen respectfully to other points of view4Participate in organizational d
29、ecision-making4Financially support the organization4Assume leadership roles in all board activities, including fundraising4Represent the organization to the public and private industry4Educate yourself about the needs of the people served4Know other board members and staff4Remain informed about the
30、organization4Know the organizations history, mission and goalsTime 4Five to ten hours a monthRequirements:Board Job Descriptions, Responsibilities, and PoliciesTitle:PresidentDescription:The President is the chief executive officer of the organization. As such, he/she should believe in the value of
31、the CASA program; consider CASA to be his/her major community concern during term of office; keep informed regarding issues pertaining to children and youth; give leadership, guidance and encouragement to the board and staff; and promote the CASA program within the community at large whenever possib
32、le.Duties: a)Keeps well informed on matters pertaining to the organization through communications with national headquarters, state-wide CASA, and staff and shares that knowledge with the board.b)Meets frequently (suggested two times a month) with the director to facilitate the efficient internal op
33、erations of the organization.c)Acts as a liaison between staff and board membership and maintains contact with all committees between meetings.d)Prepares agendas (with the help of the director) and presides at regularly scheduled meetings, any specially called meetings, executive committee meetings,
34、 and annual meetings.e) Appoints the standing committees of the board and makes other board appointments as needed, in consultation with the board and the director.f)Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.g)Works closely with the treasurer and the fundraisin
35、g chair to ensure that the organization operates on a sound fiscal basis.h)Sees that all contracts and legal documents are reviewed by the organizations legal counsel. Signs, with the appropriate officer or the director, all contracts and obligations authorized by the board.i)Is accountable for all
36、legal documents; i.e., federal income tax returns, articles of Incorporation, bylaws, leases, insurance policies and contracts.j)Sees that policy decisions are made after the review of all available information.k)Works with the executive committee and the director in the preparation of the annual re
37、port which is to be published and distributed to membership.l)Officially represents CASA at any conference or public function, when appropriate.m)Holds check signing responsibilities with the treasurer, the director, and any others as designated by the executive committee from year to year.Title:Vic
38、e PresidentDescription:The Vice President should have the qualities, conviction and knowledge described as desirable in the section above entitled “president”, since he/she assists the president in carrying out his/her duties.Duties:a)Assists the chairman in the responsibility for leadership of the
39、organization.b)Presides over the executive committee and the board in the absence of the chairman.c)Updates the board manual including the scheduling of all meetings for the year.d)Conducts board orientation to ensure that all board members understand their role and responsibility.e)Schedules on-goi
40、ng board training in consultation with the chairman and the director.f)Serves as chair of the bylaws committee.g)May be assigned by the chairman to act on his/her behalf and to undertake special assignments where needed and as appropriate.h)Plans and coordinates all arrangements for the annual meeti
41、ng.Title:TreasurerDescription:The Treasurer is the custodian of the funds of the organization.Duties:a)Keeps complete and accurate accounting records.b)Informs the board (upon request) of the financial status of the organization at any regular board meetings, executive committee meetings, and any sp
42、ecial meetings.c)Prepares quarterly financial reports and disseminates to board at quarter meetings.d)Works with the director to prepare budget for next fiscal year.e)Assists where necessary with the annual audit.f)Is responsible for coordinating the receipt and deposit of all corporate funds with t
43、he director.g)Authorizes timely payment of all bills.h)Works with the director ensuring all monies are handled in a sound manner.I)Holds check signing responsibilities. Co-signs contracts and legal documents as required by the board.j)Advises board of the financial implications of actions being cons
44、idered.Title:SecretaryDescription:The Secretary is the custodian of the corporate records.Duties:a)The Secretary shall record, keep and compile the minutes of all meetings of officers, directors and members with the time and place of holding. If a special meeting is called, the Secretary shall also
45、record how it was authorized, the notice given, the names of those present or represented at meeting and the proceedings.b)The Secretary shall receive a copy of the board agenda from the chairman no later than 10 days prior to board meetings. The Secretary shall also have prepared the typed minutes
46、10 days prior to the board meetings. The Secretary shall mail the board agenda and board minutes so that they reach board members at least seven days before the scheduled meeting.c)The Secretary shall attend all meetings of officers, directors and members, and during those meetings verify a quorum w
47、hen voting takes place, read or circulate correspondence when necessary, keep the chairman informed of unfinished business held over from one meeting to the next, and have the minute book, bylaws, and Roberts Rule of Order available for reference.d) Co-signs contracts and legal documents as required
48、 by the board.Roles and Responsibilities of the Board of DirectorsPOLICY MAKING Define organization, process of governance, nature of workplace and resource management Provide stable framework for organizational change Address who agency serves and what services are providedLEGAL/LIABILITY ISSUES De
49、velop articles of incorporation and bylaws Obtain and guard 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt status Ensure compliance with all laws and regulations Approve and safeguard all legal documents Maintain records (i.e., minutes, audits, and annual reports) Hire, evaluate and support Director Set staff compensation l
50、evels Reduce risk of liability by “performing duties in good faith manner” using good judgment and common sense attending meetings and staying informed making well-considered decisions avoiding conflicts-of-interest And by exercising “due care” making decisions and recording votes reviewing financia
51、l statements and audits supervising Director bonding employees handling fundsFINANCIAL ISSUES Responsible for raising funds to meet budget Ensure that resources are well managed by: approving final budget monitoring fund balances and cash flow reviewing annual audit Set fiscal policy by: making inve
52、stment decisions establishing fee policies approving contracts establishing reserves approving wage scales and fringe benefitsPLANNING/EVALUATION Plan for strategic change, based upon: external opportunities and challenges internal strengths and weaknesses Periodically review/revise mission statemen
53、t Evaluate all proposals and activities for compliance with mission and long-term impact Monitor progress towards meting goals by assessing what is being accomplished and how wellCOMMUNITY RELATIONS Interpret organization to public and provide ongoing information to develop linkages through communit
54、y coalitions and partnerships Authorize spokespersons to deal with media and general public (usually Board Chair and Director) All board members enhance visibility of organization as good will ambassadors.from “Organizational Development for Childrens Advocacy Centers” manual, The Western Regional C
55、hildrens Advocacy Center and the Community Resource Center. Additional copies available from the National Network of Childrens Advocacy Centers, 115 Manning Drive, Building D, Suite 202, Huntsville, AL 35801-4341.:13Memo To Nonprofit Board Members: What You Should Know About Legal Liabilityby Stephen H. McCurley48With the increased authority that comes with service on a nonprofit board, the decision-making volunteer also assumes an increased responsibility, particularly from the legal standpoin
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