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1、YM-Biochem蛋白體之生物資訊分析簡介陽明生物資訊所 楊永正May 18, 2004YM-BiochemDNA 語言為何難懂? 5 10 15 20 25 30 35GARBA GEYOU THROW OUTJU NKYOU KEEPT HEREF 40 45 50 55 60 65 70ORE90 %OFTH EGENO MEISJ UNKSB RENNE RGarbage you throw out, junk you keep. Therefore, 90% of the Garbage you throw out, junk you keep. Therefore, 90% of

2、 the genome is junk. - S. Brenner.genome is junk. - S. Brenner.YM-Biochem語言的三大要素:字,詞與文法Hbscbhf zpv uispx pvu, kvolkvol zpv lffq. Uifsfgpsf,01 fg uif hfopnf jt kvolkvol. =T. Csfoofs.Garbage you throw out, junk you keep. Therefore, Garbage you throw out, junk you keep. Therefore, 90% of the genome is

3、junk. - S. Brenner.90% of the genome is junk. - S. Brenner.A-B, B-C, C-D, D-E, E-F, - etc.YM-Biochem語言學的類比 - 字與詞LOCUS HSFF91B7B 780 bp DNA PRI 23-SEP-1999DEFINITION Human DNA sequence from clone 91B7B on chromosome 22, complete sequence.ACCESSION AL118554 Z80773NID g5922693VERSION AL118554.1 GI:5922

4、693KEYWORDS HTG.SOURCE human. ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Eutheria; Primates; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 780) AUTHORS Hunt,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (23-SEP-1999) Sanger Centre, Hinxton, Cambridgeshir

5、e, CB10 1SA, UK. E-mail enquiries: humquerysanger.ac.uk Clone requests: clonerequestsanger.ac.ukCOMMENT During sequence assembly data is compared from overlapping clones. Where differences are found these are annotated as variations together with a note of the overlapping clone name. Note that the v

6、ariation annotation may not be found in the sequence submission corresponding to the overlapping clone, as we submit sequences with only a small overlap as described above. The following abbreviations are used to associate primary accession numbers given in the feature table with their source databa

7、ses: Em:, EMBL; Sw:, SWISSPROT; Tr:, TREMBL; Wp:, WORMPEP; Information on the WORMPEP database can be found at http:/www.sanger.ac.uk/Projects/C_elegans/wormpep IMPORTANT: This sequence is not the entire insert of clone 91B7. It may be shorter because we only sequence overlapping sections once, or l

8、onger because we arrange for a small overlap between neighbouring submissions. The true right end of clone cN121E8 is at 100 in this sequence. The true right end of clone fF91B7 is at 780 in this sequence. This sequence has been finished according to sequence map criteria as follows. An attempt is m

9、ade to resolve all sequencing problems, such as compressions and repeats, but not necessarily within known annotated human repeat sequence elements (e.g. Alu). Where the sequence is ambiguous, there is an annotation using the unsure feature key. This sequence was generated from part of bacterial clo

10、ne contigs of human chromosome 22, constructed by the Sanger Centre Chromosome 22 Mapping Group. Further information can be found at http:/www.sanger.ac.uk/HGP/Chr22 91B7B is from the human chromosome 22-specific Fosmid library described in Kim U-J. et al Genet_Anal 12(2): 81-84, and is part of a co

11、smid contig isolated using YACs and markers from the Sanger Centre chromosome 22 YAC contig described in Collins, J.E. et al Nature 377 Suppl., 367-379. VECTOR: pFOS1.FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1.780 /organism=Homo sapiens /db_xref=taxon:9606 /chromosome=22 /clone=91B7BASE COUNT 156 a 199 c

12、 213 g 212 tORIGIN 1 ctttgctgtg tctgtcccaa gaaatccaga caagaggcac aaagccggaa ggatgtgggc etc.Garbage you throw out, junk you keep. Therefore, 90% of the genome is junk. - S. Brenner.Junk字詞生命之書轉(zhuǎn)錄因子接合位置調(diào)控區(qū)蛋白質(zhì)模組蛋白質(zhì)基因獨立折疊單元序列決定因子YM-BiochemA hypothesisIndependent folding motifs (IFMs) are functional unitsY

13、M-Biochem蛋白體之生物資訊分析(.tw/proteome/) 二維電泳相關(guān)分析 質(zhì)譜儀相關(guān)分析 蛋白質(zhì)資料庫 蛋白質(zhì)分析 蛋白質(zhì)交互作用 蛋白質(zhì)結(jié)構(gòu) 反應(yīng)路徑Y(jié)M-Biochem生物資訊應(yīng)用的兩大要件生物資訊在哪裡?如何選用適當?shù)墓ぞ?YM-Biochem蛋白質(zhì)資料庫 Protein information resource (PIR) Protein sequence database (PSD) Annotation and Similarity database (ASDB) NRL3D RESID ALIGN SwissProt & Tremb

14、l GenPept (NCBI) OWL non-redundant composite of 4 publicly-available primary sources: SWISS-PROT, PIR (1-3), GenBank (translation) and NRL-3D. (http:/www.bioinf.man.ac.uk/dbbrowser/OWL/)YM-Biochem蛋白質(zhì)模組的形成共祖基因(orthologous gene) 基因複製與重組同源基因(paralogous gene) 中性突變維持相似的功能與結(jié)構(gòu) 天擇特定位置的序列守舊(position-specific

15、 sequence conservation)YM-Biochem蛋白質(zhì)模組的表示方法共識序列位置加權(quán)矩陣隱藏式馬可夫模型YM-Biochem共識序列 範例Patterns of metal-binding domains described in Berg, J.M. (1986) Potential metal-binding domains in nucleic acid binding proteins. Science 232, 485-487Name OffsetPattern .TFIIIA1CX2,5CX12,12HX2,3H(GCG的樣式表示方式)C H ZnC HYM-Bi

16、ochem共識序列資料庫名稱: Prosite負責人: Amos Bairoch方法:由文獻中蒐集資料整理而成YM-Biochem樣式分析工具.tw/emboss/ Fuzzpro Protein pattern search Patmatdb Search a protein sequence database with a motif Patmatmotifs Search a motif database with a protein sequenceYM-Biochem在 EMBOSS 環(huán)境下寫模組樣式(pattern) 的規(guī)則1.胺基酸用一個字母的標準

17、代碼(one-letter code) 表示。 2.X 是代表任意的胺基酸。 3.胺基酸後若有小括號,則代表此胺基酸重覆的次數(shù)。一般而言,小括號中有兩個數(shù)字以逗點隔開,以表示一個範圍的起點與終點,例如 CX(2,4)表示在 Cys 後有 2 至 4 個任意的胺基酸。若小括號中只有一個數(shù)字,則表示重複的次數(shù)。 4.胺基酸若出現(xiàn)在中括號裡,如ALT則代表為Ala 或 Leu 或 Thr。 5.胺基酸若出現(xiàn)在大括號裡,如AM則代表為除了 Ala 及 Met 以外的胺基酸。 6.若想表示模組樣式出現(xiàn)在N- 或 C-terminal ,則分別以 代表之。 以 DE(2)HSPX(2)PX(2,4)C 為

18、例,寫出的模組樣式表示在兩個 Asps 或 Glus 後是 His 以及 Ser,然後再接一個非 Pro 的胺基酸;一個 Pro 緊接在兩個任意胺基酸後;最後是在二到四個任意胺基酸後接著一個 Cys。YM-Biochem使用共識序列的問題DEDEEE太嚴苛;(E,D)E(E,D)(E,D)(E,D)(E,D)太鬆散,下列序列片段均有可能:- DEDDDD- EEDDDD- DEEEEE- EEEEEE- 等YM-Biochem序列的變異可微調(diào)巨分子間的交互作用 範例 抗元與抗體間的交互作用 轉(zhuǎn)錄因子與啟動子間的辨識 等.=如何解決共識序列太嚴苛或太鬆散的問題?YM-BiochemProfile

19、的概念Position dependentsequence conservationPosition specificscoring matrix(PSSM)Gribskov, M., Homyak, M., Edenfield, J., Eisenberg, D. (1988) Profile scanning for three-dimensional structural patterns in protein sequences. Comput Appl Biosci. 4, 61-66.YM-Biochem利用PSSM尋找序列模組Shift PSSM along the seq an

20、d sum up the scoreYM-Biochem最高分處即為模組所在的位置YM-BiochemProfile分析工具.tw/emboss/ Profit Scan a sequence or database with a matrix or profile Prophecy Creates matrices/profiles from multiple alignments Prophet Gapped alignment for profiles YM-Biochem利用PSSM概念建構(gòu)的模組資料庫: Blocks & PrintsGet relat

21、ed sequences based on PrositeMultiple sequence alignmentPosition dependent scoring matrixTake the most conserved region as blocks (automatic) or prints (manual)YM-Biochem使用blocks或prints尋找蛋白質(zhì)家族All the blocks or prints that characterize a domain should all existYM-Biochem利用PSSM以遞迴的方式 搜尋序列資料庫,可尋找未發(fā)現(xiàn)的模組

22、Gapped blastMSA of significant hitsMake profile from alignment resultUse profile as query to collect more significant hitsConvergence?(no new sig. hits anymorestopNoYesPSI- BLAST (position specific iterated)YM-BiochemPSI-blast的應(yīng)用A more sensitive search methodDiscover novel motifsYM-Biochem利用PSI-blas

23、t概念建構(gòu)的模組資料庫: ProDom Created by exhausive PSI-blast analysis for those protein families defined in Prosite Cluster sequences and present them in a tree form Connect to structure-prediction servers, etc.YM-BiochemPattern-Hit-Induced blast (PHI-blast)與PSI-blast相似, 但輸入是“樣式”而非序列YM-Biochem表示樣式(pattern)的語法

24、 LFYT = L or F or Y or T x(5) = xxxxx (x = any residues) x(2,4) = xx or xxx or xxxx Example: ID ER_TARGET; PATTERN. PA KRHQSA-DENQ-E-L. HI (19 22) HI (201 204)* /blast/html/PHIsyntax.htmlYM-BiochemProfile的問題- 不同位置間有空隙或相關(guān), .ratACGGAecoliAC-AcowA-AcornAU-AA10001C00.5000G000.2

25、50.250U00.25000-00.250.750.750* This example was taken from Richard Hugheys handoutsYM-Biochem解決方案 利用 “state” 與“state”間之轉(zhuǎn)移機率ratACGGAecoliAC-AcowA-AcornAU-AA101C00.50G000U00.250-00.250insertYM-Biochem隱藏式馬可夫模型Hidden Markov Model (HMM)Patterns , profiles, etc. 可被視為 HMM中的特例 YM-Biochem利用HMM概念建構(gòu)的模組資料庫: pf

26、amGet related sequences based on PrositeMultiple sequence alignmentEstablish HMM model from sequence alignmentYM-Biochem模組的種類 酵素模組(接合與催化) Relatively more conserved as they are directly related to function. They can be easily found by automatic procedures 調(diào)控模組(巨分子辨識) There are lots of sequence variat

27、ions, because these domains may not have a strong selection pressure. As a result, it is difficult to find by automatic method.YM-BiochemSMART 目標 to compile regulatory domains, such as those in the signal pathway, etc. 方法 PSI-blast analysis and manual curation Refer to tertiary structure in defining

28、 domainsYM-Biochem尋找序列中“所有的”模組 模組資料庫: CDD (conserve domain database) Pfam: / smart (simple modular architecture research tool): http:/smart.embl-heidelberg.de/ 搜尋工具 CD search: use RPS-blast (reverse position specific blast) to search for domains in a given sequence搜尋蛋白質(zhì)間相似的模組組合模式 CDART: Conserved Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool Use data from precomputed RPS-blast analysis SMART: Simple modul


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