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1、正確掌握新制托福應(yīng)考面向從閱讀觀點來探討PART ONE: 新舊制托福題型比較(閱讀部分)舊制托福3篇文章,60分鐘,共39題。新制拖福3篇有關(guān)學術(shù)方面的文章,測驗考生對於文意的理解及分析能力。以選擇題完成表格插入句 等題型呈現(xiàn)(選正確文意簡述;完成文章摘要)。 就題型角度分析來看,文章篇數(shù)與題目形式均與之前電腦化托福(CBT)雷同,不同之處有:一、 新制拖福閱讀部分的文章篇幅會較舊制CBT為長,閱讀難度也較為增加許多,對習慣舊制托福閱讀題型的談灣考生來說無異是一大挑戰(zhàn)與衝擊。二、新制與舊制不同之處亦在於:考生不需在答題之前通讀全文,而是在答題的過程中分段閱讀文章,也就是說,文章會在考試的過程

2、中分段出現(xiàn),題目幾乎是針對文章某一部份來提出,因此,題目的出題順序會與文章的鋪陳一致。每篇文章對應(yīng)十一道試題,最後一題針對整篇文章提問,要求同學就選項中挑選若干項對全文作總結(jié)或是歸納,閱讀測驗時間約為一小時。三、由於新制托福閱讀的部分較舊制難度增加且篇幅加長,因此,不可避免的在閱讀內(nèi)容部分一定會出現(xiàn)更多且更大量的學術(shù)新字彙,此外,也由於文法考項的取消,同學更應(yīng)對文句的閱讀所需文法、句型整體結(jié)構(gòu)、句型分析有更全盤的掌握,更重要的是,平時就應(yīng)利用各種方式來累積足夠的專業(yè)及學術(shù)字彙量,練習迅速掌握文章重點的實力,必能輕鬆應(yīng)對新舊制托福閱讀測驗的挑戰(zhàn)。PART TWO:ETS相關(guān)資訊The Next

3、Generation TOEFL TestTOEFL (iBT)1. Focus on communicationThe new and better TOEFL test: The new TOEFL test is a breakthrough in testing that emphasizes integrated skills, and provides better information about test takers' ability to communicate in an academic setting. To succeed in an academic e

4、nvironment in which English is the language of instruction, students need to not only understand English, but also to communicate effectively. ETS has developed a new TOEFL test that will help individuals demonstrate the English skills needed for success. This next generation TOEFL test will help in

5、stitutions make better decisions about prospective students' academic readiness for academic coursework. The new test will also impact the teaching and learning of English worldwide.Internet-based Testing (iBT): The new TOEFL test will be delivered via the Internet. Internet-based testing (iBT)

6、allows ETS to capture speech and score responses in a standardized and fair manner. It will also make it possible to greatly expand test center access.2. Next generation TOEFL tasks integrate all four language skills: The next generation TOEFL test is unique because it is the only large-scale, stand

7、ardized test that will integrate, or combine, four basic communication skills. For example, a test taker might read a passage of text and listen to a lecture, and then write or speak about it in response. These integrated tasks are excellent measures of the ability to communicate in English because

8、they more closely reflect how we use real language. These practical, everyday tasks allow ETS to obtain a more realistic measure of how well individuals will be able to communicate in an academic setting. This integrated approach will also help students prepare for success in the real academic envir

9、onments they will face once they begin their coursework.The new test will consist of four sections and will be approximately 4 hours long. Information about each section is provided below. All four sections can be taken on one day. Note taking is allowed throughout the test to help test takers answe

10、r the questions. The number of questions and testing time will be determined and publicized on this site after results from our worldwide field test have been analyzed. iBT Tasks Integrate All Four Language SkillsThe TOEFL® iBT (Internet-based test) is unique because it is the only large-scale,

11、 standardized test that integrates, or combines, four basic communication skills.For example, you might read a passage of text and listen to a lecture, and then write or speak about it in response.These integrated tasks are excellent measures of your ability to communicate in English because they mo

12、re closely reflect how we use real language. These practical, everyday tasks allow ETS to obtain a more realistic measure of how well you will be able to communicate in an academic setting.This approach also helps you prepare for success in the real academic environments you will face once you begin

13、 coursework.The TOEFL iBT is approximately four and one half hours long and has four sections.All four sections are taken on one day. Note-taking is allowed throughout the test to help test takers answer the questionsReading1. Three to five academic reading passages followed by comprehension qu

14、estions that measure the ability to understand and analyze the meaning of the passages2. Familiar question types from the computer-based TOEFL test3. New question types in which test takers demonstrate they have learned what they have read, either by filling out a table or completing a narrative sum

15、mary choose a correct paraphrase of a reading New features that make the testing experience easier for test takers, including a glossary and review featureListening1. Two to three conversations that include two or more speakers in each2. Four to six lectures, which include classroom dialogue3. Oppor

16、tunity to take notes while listening4. Familiar question types from the computer-based TOEFL test5. New question types that measure test takers' ability to understand a speaker's attitude or meaningSpeaking1. Two independent tasks about familiar topics Test takers state, explain, and support

17、 their response using personal knowledge and experience 2. Two tasks based on Reading and Listening material Tasks include a short reading passage and a short talk (These are shorter than those in the Reading and Listening sections.) Questions require test takers to combine information from both the

18、 reading and the listening material in the responses. One task is based on a campus-related situation, and the other is based on academic classroom material Test takers can take notes and use them to respond 3. Two tasks based on Listening material, including a short lecture or conversation Question

19、s require test takers to summarize key ideas from the talks in the responses. One task is based on a campus-related situation, and the other is based on academic classroom material Test takers can take notes and use them to respond 4. Trained raters evaluate test takers' ability in: Topic develo

20、pment show they understand and can make connections, and convey relevant information Delivery use clear, smooth, sustained speech for overall intelligibility Language use demonstrate control of grammar and word choice, and respond coherently. Writing1. One Reading/Listening/Writing task Academic rea

21、ding and lecture Test takers must answer a question discussing the key points in the lecture and explaining how they relate to those in the reading passage Reading passage appears first, then is removed from the screen during the lecture. Test takers can view the passage again while responding to th

22、e question Test takers can take notes and use them to respond. 2. One independent task about a familiar topic Test takers state, explain and support their response using personal knowledge and experience. This task is similar to the writing task on the computer-based TOEFL® test and the TWE

23、4; (Test of Written English) 3. Trained raters evaluate test takers' ability to demonstrate an understanding of the material, as well as write clearly, accurately, and in a well-organized manner. PART THREE: 托福V.S. 專業(yè)及學術(shù)字彙 在托福的Reading Section裡面,文章及字彙出處主要可分成人文社會類、自然科學類及其他類等三大項,又可將其細分為自然科學、文化、社會、歷

24、史(美國歷史)、考古學、人類學、天文學、生物學.等細項,因此,同學必須花更多的時間及功夫廣泛涉獵各種領(lǐng)域的英文文章,強化自己對專業(yè)字彙實力及增加自己大量閱讀學術(shù)文章的機會,以期能應(yīng)付不管是新制亦或是舊制托福閱讀部分的考題,知己知彼,百戰(zhàn)百勝。以下列出幾個領(lǐng)域的字彙及文章供同學參考。範例一、現(xiàn)代體質(zhì)人類學(Modern Physical Anthorpology) A major shift in the approach to physical anthorpology occurred at the biginning of the 20th century with the discove

25、ry of genetic principles and of the ABO blood groups. Genetics was actually rediscovered. in 1865 an australian monk, Ghregor J. Mendel, had formulated the first laws of heredity and laid the foundation of the science of genetics. Genes are the units withon sex cells such as the sperm and the egg th

26、at transmit specific hereditary traits from one generation to the next. The study of inherited traits has become essential to anthroplogists in seeking to understand human variations and differences between races.範例二、美國歷史:南北戰(zhàn)爭時期(The Civil War Era) By the end of the 1850s, the North feared complete c

27、ontrol of the nation by slaveholding interests and the white South believed that the North was determined to destroy its way of life. White Southerners had been embittered by Northe defiance of the 1850federal Fugitive Slave Act and had been alrmed in 1859 by the raid at Harppers Ferry, W. Va., led

28、by the white abolitoinists john Brown. Afetr Abrham Lincoln was elcted president in 1860 on the antislavery platfrom of the new republican Party, the Southers states seceded from the Union and fromed the Confederacy. 範例三、電影:電影製片使用的方法(Tools of Filmmaking) All motion pictures are based on an illusion of motion made possible by a characteristic of visual perception called persistance of vision. The brain retains an impression for 1/16 to 1/10 of a second after the eyes have stopped looking at an illuminated image. A simple way to demosatrste the illusiion is to draw a line in the lowe


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