1、What is Training? Training focuses on identifying, assuring, and helping develop, through planned learning, the key competencies that enable individuals to perform their current work. Trainings primary emphasis is on individuals in their work roles. McLagan, P. (1989). The models. Alexandria, VA: Th
2、e American Society for Training and Development, p. 7. Types of Training Types of training include:Remedial or basic skills trainingOrientation trainingQualifying trainingSecond-chance trainingCross-trainingRetrainingOutplacement training What is Employee Development? Development, when sponsored by
3、an organization for is workers, focuses on identifying, assuring and helping evoke new insights through planned learning. It gives individuals opportunities to grow; it gives organizations employees who are capable of working smarter rather than harder because they have a burgeoning storehouse of cr
4、eativity, experience, and knowledge from which to draw as they do their work.Types of Employee Development Types of employee development include:Individually-initiated development experiencesOrganizationally-initiated developmental experiencesJointly-initiated developmental experiences What is Caree
5、r Development? Career development focuses on assuring an alignment of individual career planning and organization career management processes to achieve an optimal match of individual and organizational needs. McLagan, P. (1989). The models. Alexandria, VA: The American Society for Training and Deve
6、lopment, p. 7.Types of Career Development Career development: includes both individually-oriented career planning and organizationally-oriented career management Career planning helps individuals to identify future jobs or occupational opportunities inside or outside their organizations Career manag
7、ement helps organizations to identify the numbers and types of people needed to meet future work requirementsTypes of Employee Development Types of employee development include:Individually-initiated development experiencesOrganizationally-initiated developmental experiencesJointly-initiated develop
8、mental experiences Definition of OutputAn output is “a product or service that an individual or group delivers to others, especially to colleagues, customers or clients (McLagan, Models for HRD Practice, 1989, p. 77). Definition of CompetencyA competency should be understood to mean “an internal cap
9、ability that people bring to their jobs. They may be expressed in a broad, even infinite, array of on-the-job behaviors (McLagan, Models for HRD Practice, 1989, p. 7) Sample Trainer Competencies: Technical Adult learning understanding Career-Development-Theories-and-Techniques Understanding Competen
10、cy Identification Skill Computer Competence Electronic-Systems Skill Facilities Skill Sample Trainer Competencies: Technical Objectives-Preparation Skill Performance-Observation Skill Subject-Matter Understanding Training-and-Development-Theories-and-Techniques Understanding Research Skill Sample Tr
11、ainer Competencies: Business Business understanding Cost-Benefit-Analysis Skill Delegation Skill Industry Understanding Organization-Behavior Understanding Organization-Development-Theories-and-Techniques Understanding Sample Trainer Competencies: Business Organization Understanding Project-Manageme
12、nt Skill Records-Management Skill Definition of RoleA role should be understood to mean “a part played by a person as he or she does his or her work. A role should not be confused with a job title.The Human Performance Improvement Process Model Performance analysis Cause analysis Selecting appropria
13、te interventions Implementation Change management Evaluation & measurement Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6Training ProcessStrategy to close the gapCBITNADesignEvaluationon the jobDeliveryOpportunity to improve performance Opportunity to correct a performance problemAssume training problem*
14、 First time to ask about EvaluationAssume training course*Design evaluationLevel 1 & Level 2Level 3 ( behavior)The gap between what is and what should beBehavior associated with “should be & how to evaluate Consider consequences vs. potential outcomeInstructional objectives tied to CBILevel IVLevel
15、IVTraining ProcessStrategy toclose the gap2. In your opinion, can your staff cope with the changes? Arising from above changes and your discretion, do you expect that there are any consolidation of knowledge/skills/values in your workforce to cope with the changes? If yes, please state knowledge/ski
16、lls/Values required. Position Knowledge / Skills/Values 1). _ _ 2). _ _ 3). _ _ 4). _ _ 5). _ _TRAINING NEEDS IDENTIFICATION (Department)This survey seeks to gather opinions / suggestions of training and development needs from you and your subordinates for the next year ( 2019-2019). Information col
17、lected will be used to map out a training plan to meet individual and organizational needs.To ensure its effectiveness, you may discuss with your subordinates before filling the form. Thanks.Dept. No. _ Dept. Name _ Manager _1. Do you foresee a change in your dept. ? Yes / No If yes, please indicate
18、.Re-organizing Product changingOthers ExpandingNew Technology TransferringYesNo3. What are the knowledge and skills that you expect from them to support the continuous development of the organization and individual? ( Please specify the name of your staff ) Positions/Name Knowledge / Skills/Values T
19、ime Frame _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Are there any areas that you expect your existing staff ( all levels, e.g. managers, administrators, secretaries, clerks, engineers, technicians, etc. ) to improve ? if yes, what are they ?YesNoPositions / Categories of staffAreas5. Are there new product / process /equ
20、ipment to be introduced to your dept. ?YesNoif yes, what are they ? ( Briefly )In your opinion, can your staff cope with the changes ?YesNOIf no, please state briefly in areas that training can help.6. What are the key issues / problem areas requiring attention in your dept. ?Can these issues / prob
21、lems be solved through training solutions?YesNoIf yes, please write below the issues/problem areas which training can help to solve and prioritize for actions decided upon.Issues/ProblemTraining PriorityTraining ImplicationTime Frame7. What types of re-training is required for your staff ? Please sp
22、ecify.Types of trainingFor WhomTime Frame8. Is there any attitude or behavior which need to be inculcated in your subordinates ? Please specify.Types of trainingFor Whom9. If no, please state briefly in areas that training can help.Thank you for completing the form! Please elaborate if you feel that
23、 there are other issues to cover. DACUMs Meaning DACUM is an acronym that means DevelopingACurriculum Purpose of DACUM DACUM is An approach to analyzing an occupationA form of structured brainstorming that uses an idea generation, idea evaluation and idea sequencing stagesEffective for determining w
24、hat individuals must do to perform a definable job or occupation successfully Skills refer to the ability to use ones knowledge effectively and readily in execution and performance ( to get the desired results). Quality Assessment Measures Internal DriversExternal DriversLevel III & VIMeasurementOpe
25、ration Requirements Customer RequirementsLevel I & II Steps in Conducting TNAPresenting the Results to Stakeholders andEstablishing an Action Plan for Solving Problemsor Meeting NeedsEvaluating Results, Drawing ConclusionsNoting Issues for Future InvestigationImplementing the Needs Analysis ProjectS
26、pecifying How Information AboutProblems or Needs Will Be AnalyzedSpecifying Exactly How Information AboutProblems or Needs Will Be CollectedConstructing the Study DesignFormulating Questions to be AnsweredRefining the Problem or NeedCollecting Background InformationAbout the Problem or NeedClarifyin
27、g the Problem or NeedType title hereThe Instructional Systems Design ModelE v a l u a t e Re s u l t s o f I n s t r u c t i o n a n dI mp r o v e I n s t r u c t i o n C o n t i n u o u s l y( Su mma t i v e E v a l u a t i o n )De l i v e r t h e I n s t r u c t i o nRe v i s e I n s t r u c t i o
28、 n a l Ma t e r i a l s Ba s e do n Fo r ma t i v e E v a l u a t i o nTe s t t h e I n s t r u c t i o n a l Ma t e r i a l sBe f o r e Wi d e s p r e a d De l i v e r y( Fo r ma t i v e E v a l u a t i o n )Ma k e , Bu y o r Bu y -a n d -Mo d i f yI n s t r u c t i o n a l Ma t e r i a l s t o Me
29、e tI n s t r u c t i o n a l Obj e c t i v e s a n d Sa t i s f y Tr a i n i n g Ne e d sP r e p a r e Te s t I t e ms Ba s e d o n I n s t r u c t i o n a l Obj e c t i v e sFo r mu l a t e I n s t r u c t i o n a l Obj e c t i v e sBa s e d o n t h e Re s u l t s o f Tr a i n i n g Ne e d s As s e
30、 s s me n tC o n d u c t Tr a i n i n g Ne e d s As s e s s me n t t oDe t e r mi n e Wh a t L e a r n e r s Mu s t Kn o w, Do o r Fe e lt o P e r f o r m C o mp e t e n t l yDi s t i n g u i s h Tr a i n i n g f r o mMa n a g e me n t Ne e d sA Model of the Instructional Presentation ProcessFollow
31、Up to Ensure That Needs Were MetDeliver the InstructionRehearse the PresentationReview and/or Prepare Exercises orAudiovisual AidsReview and/or Prepare Instructional MaterialChoose Appropriate Delivery MethodsExamine the Audience orTargeted Learners for Whom the Experience isIntended Over the Long T
32、erm or One OfferingReview the Purpose and Objectivesof the Planned Learning Experience Training EvaluationReaction: document the learners immediate reactions to the trainingLearning: Use feedback devices or pre- and posttests to measure what learners have actually learnedBehavior: Note supervisors r
33、eactions to learners performance following completion of the training. This is one way to measure the degree to which learners apply new skills and knowledge to their jobs.Results: determine the level of improvement in job performance and assess needed maintenance. Individual Development Plan We Wil
34、l Act As An InterfaceTo Provide Integrated Training Solution To Our Customers WithCompetitiveness, Efficiency And Responsiveness. ContentMessage from the Director1New Vision/Mission2Function Chart 3Training Plan Process Flow Chart & Procedure 4Business Organization Chart5Business CBI & CBI Functiona
35、l Metrics6Business Major Function Training Roadmap7Individual Development Plan Format8Training Survey Format9 Message from the Director The company is going through a period of restructuring and refocusing our business.The market we are in also getting tougher and more competitive than ever before.
36、In response to these fast developing challenges, we are proud to serve by providing a range of development programs that will meet the needs of your business, department, group and individual. The theme for our programs is to correlate personal effectiveness and personal responsibility for career de
37、velopment with organizational effectiveness. Our programs will ensure a firm link established between development and improved corporate performance, whether through individuals or teams. We do want to make our programs rewarding to you so that you can spend minimal time but have maximum returns to
38、justify your investment in our programs. We will also offer our programs in a way where learning is retained, applied, and implemented in the workplace. Employees are the companys greatest assets. Providing them with the right training at the right timing is not only strategically important, also a
39、necessity for the company to compete and strive in todays market. So we strongly urge you, both management and employee, to work jointly in identifying training needs for the coming year. Take full advantage of what we can offer you and develop best-in-class workforce for tomorrows challenges. Lets
40、strive towards the goal of achieving organizational excellence through training development. See you all in class! Regards,Director Vision/MissionTraining OrganizationOur vision is an one point contact for all education and training solutionsto be customers preferred choice for education & training
41、content, services and support. We have identified our customers as institutional and individual buyers. We will provide better services and more effective training solution while maintaining total cost at minimum. We will be a valuable strategic partner and a part of value chain to the businesses we
42、 serve. Training Organization ChartSite Training Manager Acct. Rep.DesignTransactionDeliveryFully Understand Business Training RequirementHelp Business Identify CBIWork out Training Roadmap for BusinessProvide Professional Consultant for BusinessProvide System Solution from Design Transaction-Delive
43、ry.Provide Better Service for Business.Identify Training Resources with Acct. Rep. Together.Work closely with Subject Matter Expert (SME) to Design, Develop, Customize, Evaluate and Translate Training Courses and Programs Based upon Specific Needs of Businesses, Including Their Customers, as well as
44、 Corporate and Individual Employees.Deliver Courses Accordingly.Implement Training Plan Processing.Provide Tech. And Non-Tech. Training Develop Productivity Improvement.Provide Classroom, High Quality Training Packages and Training Equipment.Certified Internal and External Instructors Through standa
45、rd Procedures.Provide Tech. & Non-Tech. Information through Library Services.Consolidate business training system requirements into METSConsolidate training interventions and have them accessed thr METS Promote implementation of METS system across ChinaPrepare METS to be merged into Global Training
46、System Training Plan Process Chart* Define CBI with Business * Develop training strategies to address CBI* Develop corresponding programs to support CBI* Work out format of CBI matrix* Identify job functions* Define major function* Identify competency & K/S/Vs with CBC* Develop functional training r
47、oadmap* Dialogue with manager* Fill in format of individual training plan* Get managers approval* Submit this format to Training organizationCBI * Delivery Survey format toMGR & Section MGR *Collecting all format *Make analysis of survey * Return this results to MGR FunctionPLC&IDESurveyIndividual T
48、raining PlanDeliveryAnnual PlanEvaluationBusiness Organization ChartCountry ManagerNameBeijingPosition & TitleNameNameSecretaryShared ServicesIn-Business HRPosition & TitleNameSite ManagerCorporate Supporting Function department CBI & Strategy:CBI:To Focus on Customer needs by providing best-in-clas
49、s, cost-effective service as a value added business partner.Major functions:Business HR, Shared ServiceCompetency:1. Understand Business.2. Capability of providing best-in- class service/solution.3. Changing management and organizational renewal. 4. Responsive organization structure,system/attitude.
50、5. Cost Reduction awareness.6. Cycle time management.7.Career Development for TechnicianTraining solutions/programs:1. TCS2. Business meeting/seminars conference participation3. Project management4. Business consultation5. Administration cycle time reduction6. Finance for non-finance manager7. Chang
51、e management8. Cross functional/business team work9. Organizational mapping and analysis10. Ethic training11. Continuos Education Program12. HR AcademyF o r m a t o f C B I M a tr ixM a n a g e m e n t.B u s in e s s H RS h a r e dS e r v ic eC B I 1 C o s t R e d u c tio n- P ro c e s sM a p p in g
52、 (O A S 1 0 0 )- S ta n d a rd s In te rn a lC o n tro l (S P T 7 2 0 )XX X XXXC B I 2 C u s to m e r O r ie n t e dA w a r e n e s s- C u s to m e r C a re -o n th eF ro n t L in e (T C S 1 1 0 )- C u s to m e r F o c u s e dC o n tin u o u s Im p ro v e m e n t(C E S 1 0 1 ) X X X X X XR e m a r k
53、 : 1 . P le a s e b e n o t e d t h a t t h e s e p r o g r a m s a p p ly t o a ll I D L s w h o d id n t a t t e n d t h e m b e f o r e .Training Roadmap - Human ResourcesLeadership BehaviorsFunction-Specific KnowledgeCore CompetenciesHR OverviewInterpersonal SkillsHR AcademyDepending upon an ind
54、ividuals background, he/she will require particular function-specific knowledge and competence, in Human Resources specialty areas such as, Benefits, Compliance, Compensation, Diversity, Employee Relations, Health Services, Labor Relations, Organization Development, Security, Staffing, or Training.
55、These areas need on-job-training.Build RelationshipsTeam Problem Solving(CES103)Analyze IssuesUncompromising Integrity (MGT115) Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Manage ExecutionManaging Projects and People (SLS270)Project ManagementBenchmarkingEffective Presentations Successful Negotiator (PUR200)Influence (MGT111)Influence OthersConsulting Skills Consulting Workshop (MGT825A)High level facilitator skills Instructor One(TTT101)Communicating for Custo
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