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1、2018學(xué)年第一學(xué)期九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)科期末測(cè)試題II.紙筆部分(共Iw分)、語(yǔ)法選擇(IS小題;舟小題1分.淄分15分),A UWH點(diǎn)下4 UKi;f*A IOIft r1 fR 葩 j. H . ?;功 Ln 詢 Jfl 潦.t.find1r;il Can lc;ICh kids InOre IlIan a ICMhOOk. Iisl. IraVel is gxl J kids. ThCy CiI 乙”嚴(yán) ncw in,crcs,s T黑里 _三 Inlbnnation alive Ibr kids, and ii is much more CXCiIing ih“n UU ym: ICXlbtM

2、iks. Second, they ICam J g Gt IhCmSeIVCS inlo new situations, and CommUnlCatC WIt OIhCr PeOPle WhiIC tvelling. AISOt tley Icam, 4 because SOmCliInCS it takes Iong IimC t Sl l SonIe CXCiHng Or interesting PIaCeS.ve been IraVelling SinCC I WaS 5. FOr me, to stop 6 _ WOUId be IikC IakjnKOnICt :importan

3、tjLavJro my life. I cant IiVC WithOUt IraVCIling and I WOUIdn t be Who am - dont tvcl. SO WhCn SdmC PCOPlC Say its difTicult to IraVCl after having kids. I COmPlCtCly disagree. n _ NOPiniOn WhCn PCOPlC become ParCntSt it doesn*Jjcan IhCy _9_ IraVc* an morc* 4,一 _ ChildrCn have travelled SinCC they W

4、CrC three WCCkS old.Bringing IO new Iife into the WOrld COmCS With many responsibilities. And d IoVC to be OnC Of the Il mothers. OnC Of my duties is to CdUCaIC my children. 1 m SO IhjnktUl IhdI _L= to man7placcs On family trips WhCn I WaS young. ve learned that the OUtSide WorId IS _12 Ahan thC Iit

5、tIC OnC I WaS IiVing inf course. I WanI to PaSS these travel CXPCriCnCCS to my ChildrCn 14_ these WiII be their IifCIOng treasure.I VaiUC the memories 15 I IIaVe WhCn IraVelIing With my children. m SUrC IhCy WIn always remember IhCm in their lives.I. A. toB. forC. WithD. at2. A. madeB. makingC. make

6、s*D. Win make3. A. howB. WhyC WhenD. Where4. WaitB. waitsC. WaitCdD. to Wait5. A. 7 year OldB. 7-ycar OIdC. 7-ycaroldD. 7 years Old6. A. travelB. to IraVClC. IraVCIlingD. travels7. A. ifB. UnICSSC. althoughD. Until8. A. meB. mineC. myD. mvsclf9A CanB. can,tC COUldD. culdn t10. A. anB. ac./ *D. the11

7、1. A. goodB. WeIIC. betterD. best12. A. bringB. broughtC. WaS broughtD. have brought13. A. COlOrfUlB. most COIOrfUl C. Ihe most COlOrfUlD. more COlOrfUl14. A. butB. asC. OrD. ifJ5. A. thatB. WhOC. WhOmD. What九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)測(cè)試題第I頁(yè)共8頁(yè)二、完形填空(共10小罰:導(dǎo)小助1.5分滿分15分)IxltTU. THXk .*U7U 16巧所心的八 IX C D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)屮.選岀拡空白赴的薊選嗎JfZ

8、UXq l.1!ftTluxx-. wO.( )e. SlIIIf u(h Ihe IIghl on. IhC IIIUll ICSt in IhC imnhou area o IhC Rnglish ContCSt began.門H the CoIItCSl:Int l t Luckily, during Ilw IIrM IllreC parts. Iny _ JfL- WCrC Only ,0WCr Ihan IhC IlrM one BIIt In IhC IaSt part. IhingS ClUIngcl. I knew IhaI l I C(Hlkl answer one mor

9、e (IUCStIOn LZ I WOMki have IhC ChaIwC o go Io SllanglKli tor Ihe IllUll COnleHt So as SoOn as Mr. Li. IhC hm. ac the *stin n;HIlC IhrCe OleIhC IH)VVlS WriIIen by (eIuirIcs l)ickcns I LX山C hullon M OnCe- Hogh I LnOu Innny Of the novels Wril(Cn by him. I WaS SO J 9_ ;il lh;H IImC lha cou,d Mly rememb

10、er o Ofthem. SO ten POintS Were 2() /M last. I OnIy got IhC third PriZCBUte fh、m the COnteSL I hae _ _ a lot. hen I Ieamed Orthe holding OfIhC EngIiSh COntCStW I WaS SO 22 that I CntCrC(I my name rr al oncc.sAd I SUCCCedCd in PnSSing the UWrittCn ICSft and the spoken cs BUt my ncn ousness made InC 2

11、3 in IhC nal test.Grear BriIain and What PCOPlCAIg I found Ihat SUCCeSS in an EngliSh contest (JCPCnded On not Only knowledge Of EngliSh but IikO knowledge at large. FOr example, in the IaSt Part there WaS a 24 Tell the IUn IWmC Of the ICr flag. ThOugh I knew tbc answer Of VPrt o, ICquestion. I didn

12、,t know the 25 Of the ag. NOW I know iCs CaIlCd UniOn Jack. SO COnfidCnCC and knowledge are two VCry important things WhiCh Iead to SUCCCSS16. A. SCOrCSB. questionsC. answersD. SUbjCCtS17. A. quicklyB.SUddCnlyC. CarCfUIlyD. COrrCCtlyS A. PUIIedB. tickedC. PUShCdD. raisedlI9. A. COnfidCntB. nervousC.

13、 gladD. StUPid20. A. taken OUtB. taken inC. taken OffD. IakCn away21. . IeamedB. forgottenC. rememberedD.SPOken22. A. SillyB. POOrC COnfidentD. Shy23. A. SUCCCCdB. failC. PaSSD. improve24. A. PrObIemB. ChOiCCC. troubleD. question25. . namevB. COIOUr. SiZCD. ShaPC三、閱讀(共兩節(jié), 第一節(jié)閱讀理解(共滿分45分)2()小題:每小題;!分

14、,滿分4()分)閱讀下列包文.從毎期所給的A、B、C和D項(xiàng)中.tt選項(xiàng)并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)()It WaS a ViIlagC in India. rhc PCoPIC WerC poor. I Iowcvcn IhCy Were not unhappy. After all, their forefathers had IiVCd in the SamC Way Ibr CCntUriCS.ThCn OnC day, SOmC ViSitOrS from IhC CiIy InTiVCd ThCy told the VilIagerS there WCre SOme 九年級(jí)英諂測(cè)試也第2頁(yè)共8

15、頁(yè)OUIlh frogs Of IhCir own, PCoPlC ClSeWherC Who IikC(I o Cat frogs legs. However. IhCy 山:1;OnCy Ibr nothing- ThCrC WerC SO thcy wanted to buy frogs from OlhCr PlaCes. ThiS SCCmZ ,:門拓 AIl IhCy had t do ZS tomillions olfrogs in the IICkIs arouL and (IlCy WerC no USC ,o 山c ::打 HCldS to CatCh frogs. EYe

16、ry CatCh HIeIn- AgreClnent WaS reached, au! the ChildrCn WCre Sent to ;:血 Iilg the PCOPIe WerC week a InlCk arrived to COIIeCt IhC frogs and hand OVer Ibe money.心 blc to dream Ofa better fiurc, but the dream didn,i st kmgWCrC n0t doing SO WClLThC ChangC WaS hardly noticed at lrs(. but it SeCInCd tha

17、t IhC CrOP址加佬 insccts aroundMore WOrrying WaS that the CIliIdren fell ill InOrC often, and there SeCnIC,alc,yfolling and the ChilCirenThC VillagCrS decided that they couldnt just Wait to SCC IhC CroPS只二劑)jmd medicine,getting weak. ThCy WOUId have to USC (he InOnCy CamCd to buy PCStiCidCS (SOOn there

18、 WaS no money left.,useless. ThCyThCn the PCOPIC realized VVhat WaS happening. H WaS Ihe frog. They ha n t 冷 killed the had been doing an important jobeating insects. NOW because SO many fro#sinsects WCre increasing InOre rapidly. They Were damaging the CrOPS and SPrCading diseases.Now, the PCOPIC a

19、rc StiIl poor. BUI in the CVCning they Sit in the VilIage SqUarC an SOUndS Of insects and frogs. TheSC SOUndS Of the night now have a much deeper meaning.FrOm ParagraPh 1 We Ieam that the VilIagerSWOrked VCry hard for CCntUriCSC dreamed OfhaVing a better IifeWhy did the VilIagCrS agree to SCll frogs

20、?BeCaUSC the frogs made too much noicC Because Ihey WantCd to PIeaSC IhC ViSitOrSWCre POOr but SatiSfiCdD. IiVeCi a diflerent Iife from their forefathersBCCaUSe they needed money to buy medicine.D. BeCaUSe the frogs WCrC CaSy moneyWhat might be the CaUSe Of the ChiIdrcn,s sickness?TherC Were too man

21、y insects.B. The CrOPS didnt do well.The ViSitOrS brought in diseases.D There Were too many frogs.In What Order did the following events take place?CrOPS didnt grow WCIl and Children got ill.VillagerS bought PeStiCideS and medicine.SOme ViSitOrS arrived at the Village to buy frogs.VilIagerS had no m

22、oney left.Children Went to the fields to CatCh frogs.D. daecbCCabdB. decabC. CbeadWhafS the main idea Ofthe passage?HaPPineSS COnleS from PCaCCfUl Iife in the country.HeaIth is more important than money.Q ThC balance between man and nature is important.GOOd OId days Will never be forgotten.4:JtrMll

23、!-F HK f -In OUr CUItUrc, IhC ability to make onc,s OWn ClCCiSiOnS is important. JOhn F. Kennedys WOrdS Too OftCn WC CnjOy the COnIfbrt OfOPiniOn WiIhOut the discomfort Of thought. ShOW an UnPlCaSant truth.MUCh Of What WC know and believe has been taught to US by others, and VVe Often accept IhiS in

24、formation WithOUt SPending much IimC thinking it OVCr fbr OurSClVeSIn todays world, WC arc being PrCSenlCd With information, ideas and beliefs, but many Of Ihern arc against CaCh other. PSyChOlOgy(心理學(xué))tells US that if WC hear an idea CnOUgh times, Or if it COmCS from SOmCOne We respect, WC WilI PrOb

25、abIy believe that idea. In IheSC eases. We base OUr OPiniOnS On the OPiniOnS OfOIhCrS If each OfUS does not think about this infbnation for OUrSeIVeS and COmC to OUr own COnClUSions, We WiIl become nothing more than ParrOtS repeating the OPiniOnS Of OthCrS EXamPICS Of SPreading fkc news WithOUt IhOU

26、ght Can be Seen On the Internet. SOme PeOPle bclice WhateVer they read and then Share the StOry WithOUt thinking about the facts. All it takes is OnC quick CliCk Of the USharCM button, and the StOry travels On its Way to influence even more Unthinking readers. 1 IIiS Can CaUSe SCriOUS PrObICms.If We

27、jUSt StOP for a moment to think about What We read and hear, and form OUr Own OPiniOnS We Will be more thoughtful, more independent, and more CreatiVe PeOPlet but few take that time. Yel We need not IOSe heart OVer this bad habit. In fact, SimPly becoming aware Of it is the first SteP towards COrreC

28、ting it. OnCe WC become aware that We tend to hold OPiniOnS and beliefs WithOU thinking them through, We Can Change that PattCm Of behavior. Hopefully, We Can Ieam K CXPCriCnCC and enjoy the 44discomfrt Of thought and form OUr Own OPiniOns.31 What,s the PUrPOSC Of this passage?TO describe how IntCmC

29、t news SPreadSTO explain Why PCOPlC dont have their OWn OPiniOnSTO tell PeOPIe that they ShOUld have their OWn thoughts.D TO VVam PeOPIe not to believe Other peoples ideas.32. What does the UndCrlined WOrCi Ufaken in ParagraPh 4 PrObably mean?A. UntrUc.B. Unhappy.C. Unfair.D. UnUSUaLHOW Can WC have

30、OUr own.opinions according to the passage?By SPreading the information We receive.By Ieaming more about PSyChOlogy.By repeating Others, OPiniOnS Iike parrots.By thinking about What WC read and hear.HOW does Iake news spread?PeOPle believe it When it COmeS from SOmeOne they respect.SOmC PCOPlC believ

31、e WhateVer they read an Share it With CVCn more Unthinking readers.C IrPCOPlC IICar the news many IilneSt they WiIl believe il.D PCOPlC Often accept inlbnalion WilhoUt SPCIUling InUCh IimC thinking it over.35 We Can PrObably Ilml this PaSSage in a book about. IliSlOrB. CdlICa(ionC. SPOrtSD- IangUagC

32、S(C)ThCrC is a POPular ChinCSC Saying that MFair Skin (f 皮膚)will InakC IIP Ibr IhrCC flaws(缺陌) ThiS mentions the fact (IUll in ChinCSC CUlllIre, it is believed that PCOPlC Who have Iair Skin arc more beautitill. In WCStern CUI(IIrC however, the OPPoSitC is truemany WCStCmerS Ihink IannCd Skinis PreI

33、tier. ThC CXainPIC ShOWS that dicrcnt CUlturCS have dicrcnt ideas Of What they Ihink is beautiful. ThCSC CUI(UraI meanings Of beauty, however, arc no IOngCr important. AS more and more PCOPle travel OVCrSCaSW ideas about beauty arc being Shared among cultures. ThC IntCrnCt has also rndc it CaSier to

34、r PCOPIe to SharC (IinCrCnt types Of beauty SinCC PCOPlC are always POSling PiCtUrCS On SOCiaI InCdia ThC result is an CVCr-Changing idea Of What is COnSidCrCd beautiful.The CUltUral PraCtiCC OfCCu; PiCrCingS (刺入),for CXamPIe, has become a Part Of modem day CUInIrC In KCnya. it is a IjCIdiIj? UmOng

35、the MaSai men and WOmCn o PiCrCC UIId then make their Car IObCS (耳垂)IOngCr USing ivory and WOOd Or stones. They then WCar COlOrfUl things On their ear lobes. ThiS is a COnImOn PraCtiCC SinCC IOngCr Car IObCS arc SeCn as a Sign Of beauty. ThiS IraditiOn has now found its Way into PrCSCnt-day CUltUre

36、Nowadays, this might StiIl SCCIn UnUSUal to some, but Wllh more and more WCll-known actors and film StarS ShOWing Off their IOngCr Car lobes, it WiII finally become more fashionableIt is UndCrStOOd that dicrcnt CUItUrCS around IhC WOrId have dificrcnt WayS Of ShOWing beauty. HOwCVCn SinCC WC now IiV

37、e in a WOrldWidC society, PCOPICWS ViCWS about beauty arc alwaysChanglng With IhC help Of Ihe Internet, PCOPIC arc now able to CaSiIy borrow ideas from OthCr CUItUrCS to help thetand out. SO What new fashions Can WC CXPCCt to SCC in the future?VVhat kind Of DCrSon iSJhoiiRhl Io bc四tifyl in hincs:Ult

38、Ure?箱.ThC OnC With tanned skin.b ThC OnC Wlth IOng Car lobes.The One With COIOrfUl things On their cars.D. ThC OnC With fair skin.What has made it CaSiCr for PCOPIC to SbarC ideas about beauty?A. ThC development Of technology. The POPUIarity Of IhC IatCSt fashions.飛.ThC UnChangCd CUItUral Iraditions

39、.Thc WOrId,s growing POPUlatiOn.3& What Can be ICamCd about thc.Njasacople from the passage?W. LOngCr Car IObCS arc their new (ashion.巴 OnIy WOmCn make their Car IObeS longer.ThCy think IOngCr Car IObCS IoOk beautiful.T) ThCy make actors and film StarS famous.What docs the UndCrIinCd WOrdthen in the

40、 IaSt ParagraPh refer to?A. CUItUrcs.B. People.C. IdCas.D. FaShiOns.VVhat is the PaSSage mainly about?PCOPIC in ASian COIlnlriCS IikC fair Skin better.BCaUty is COnSidCrCd important in many CIlltlires.DifTerCnt CUlhlrCS have the SaInC idea about beauty.Peoples ideas about beauty are Changing all the

41、 time.九年級(jí)英譜測(cè)試也第5貝共8貝1$it ChiCagO ChildrentS MUSeUmChiCago Childrens MUSCUm OfrCrS a Iot Of fun hands-on activities for kids. However, (his IS OnC Of IhC few Chicago museums not *,fun for the WhOIC family as adults nnd OIdCr kids ill bebored to fears.Address: 700 IUiM Grand Ave. (NaVy Pier). CbiCagOP

42、hOnC:312-527.1OOOPUbbC tr3nkporiation: CTA bus IJnCS 29 (SUtC Street), 65(grand Avenue), and #66 (ChiCago Avenue) all SCnC Nay PlCrParklng fees:Monday through ThUrSday: S20Fnday through SUnday:S24HOIidays: S24OPCning hours:U cCkdays: IOafn- 5 PmWeekends: 10 am- 8 PmEntranCC fees:AdUlt: S J2Children:

43、 S12SCniOrS (65- years old): SI1Children (UBder 5 years Old):S5Free days:MOndayS are free for ushers from IOanltolPTnThurSdayS are free for all visitors from Ipm to 5 PnLAciinties:LoCated 2: ay Pier (Navy Pier is ODe Of CnicazoeS top IOUriSt attractions), Ihe museum OflerS three floors Of activities

44、 for kids including: Play It Safe ! 2hx borne s2f Inventin2 Lab VideS pins 2nd instins for Creating things KidS Towna PlayTOOn2 recreating Z 耳丞)a CnJCagO neighborhood Where kids CanPretCnd to do IhingS Iiki SboPPing and driving a bus1、MuSeUrokids get to CreaXe pieces Of an that are all about mcwTreC

45、 HoUSe Traika Piay area designed Iike a fbres12. Khh Ullo ure ul lny h S;IIeH 1心W川 EA Il yoll go . Kjdh ll1UiInA go on . XIKMl InP l H *o,vslC IeaIll dll .hot hneM. W iKll ,.f UC un .MMIl Inc3f Ii IS ;i thccIUIlI!H If IhM SIlIIablC tu all IH UhICr hh IllS fhc mt PoPUlar IlnlSCllnl In Q hClD Il IX one M ;ilIrilCIKs 、 W hCfV IS t


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