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1、 公派留學(xué)入學(xué)申請書結(jié)尾 公派留學(xué)入學(xué)申請書結(jié)尾怎么寫 Dear _, The world is forever growing and evolving, as is the demand for new buildings and good infrastructure. The pressures of population growth and global warming are ever increasing, and civil engineers can help play a major role in designing more efficient structures,

2、 as well as planning projects in developing countries. I am attracted to me to civil engineering because I like the idea of helping to shape the world around me to meet the demands of the future. I hope for a challenging career which I will find personally rewarding and be able to feel that I have g

3、iven something back to the community. Academically, science has always been my main interest and is the area in which I am most able. I enjoyed biology, in particular learning about human impact on the environment. However, during my A levels I realised that my interests lay deeper in maths and phys

4、ics. I enjoyed the problem solving involved within my subjects and the way a real life situation could be expressed and manipulated mathematically. What I found particularly interesting was relating what had been learnt in the classroom to real life situations, which is what gave me more interest in

5、 civil engineering - the appeal of a challenging career where I would have the opportunity to theoretically solve problems and practically apply solutions to have a beneficial effect on the world around me. During my gap year I have had several work experience placements in various skilled trades su

6、ch as building and joinery. Through joinery I gained an appreciation of the need for accurate design and construction, as well as a knowledge of the uses of wood as a building material. Though much of the building work I have undertaken was in construction, I found it to be invaluable experience. Fo

7、r example, whilst helping to build a garage I learnt about the importance of good design and planning by having to interpret the designs in order to determine how many bricks would be needed. During its constuction I noticed how important it was to build accurately, particually at the corners of the

8、 building which supported most of the weight of the roof. I also discovered the importance of keeping costs low, but the quality of work high. We made a different type of cement which was cheaper and weaker, but still met the needs for the inner walls. The most rewarding part of this experience seei

9、ng the project through from a plan on paper to its completion, and the feeling of satisfaction once it was completely built. I have a passionate interest in music and have been playing guitar for about 5 years. I have enjoyed my time as a member of a band, which has helped me to work creatively as p

10、art of a team. More recently, I have also achieved grade 2 in jazz piano. For years I have had a great enthusiasm for skateboarding and in November 2022 began undertaking voluntary work with a group helping to plan and design a skateboarding facility in Kings Heath park. We were involved in preparat

11、ory work such as gaining public support and undertaking research at existing facilities across the UK, as well as its design. From this experience I learnt the importance of working as part of a team and meeting deadlines. Also, I gained an understanding of just how much preparation and organisation

12、 is needed, even for a small development. By studying civil engineering at university I hope to build on my knowledge of maths and physics and learn how to apply it to real life situations. Having enjoyed my time at school I am excited by the prospect of going to university and learning more about o

13、ur world around us. I hope for both a challenging and diverse career where I can help to improve the world for future generations to come. Yours sincerely, 國家公派留學(xué)行前準(zhǔn)備 國家公派留學(xué)行前準(zhǔn)備如下 1、辦理護(hù)照 申請護(hù)照手續(xù): 中華人民共和國普通護(hù)照是我國公民非公務(wù)出國及在外國旅行、居住使用的身份證件。護(hù)照頒發(fā)屬中央事權(quán),直接關(guān)系國家的尊嚴(yán)和聲譽(yù),是一件十分嚴(yán)肅的工作。根據(jù)中華人民共和國出境入境管理法及其實施細(xì)則的規(guī)定,全國公安機(jī)關(guān)出

14、入境管理部門對公民因私事出國實行統(tǒng)一申請辦法、統(tǒng)一審批條件、統(tǒng)一辦事時限、統(tǒng)一收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的護(hù)照申請、審批管理制度。 申請手續(xù): 由申請人準(zhǔn)確、完整、清晰填寫“公民因私事出國(境)申請審批表”并貼有申請人近期正面免冠照片(小2寸,32mm40mm)。 出境事由相應(yīng)的證明有如下規(guī)定: (1)出國探親訪友,須提交親友的邀請信和邀請人在前往國的居住證明。歸僑、僑眷憑其戶口所在地的市、縣僑辦證明,60歲以上的公民,隨父母(或監(jiān)護(hù)人)出國的未滿16周歲的公民以及出國探望配偶、父母、子女的申請人,免交親友邀請信及親友在前往國的居住證明。 (2)出國旅游,須提交旅行所需外匯費(fèi)用證明(不低于4000美元或等值國際

15、流通貨幣);或提交有出國旅游經(jīng)營權(quán)的旅行社出具的全額旅游費(fèi)用的發(fā)票。 (3)自費(fèi)出國留學(xué)須提交接收學(xué)校出具的入學(xué)通知書或合法中介機(jī)構(gòu)出具的有關(guān)證明。 具有大專以上學(xué)歷的人員申請自費(fèi)出國留學(xué),須提交省一級教育主管部門出具的“自費(fèi)留學(xué)資格審核證明”。公派留學(xué)人員,須提交填寫完整的公派留學(xué)人員申請護(hù)照登記表。 (4)出國定居,須提交擬前往國家政府主管機(jī)關(guān)或駐華使、領(lǐng)事館的定居許可證明或擬定居地親友同意去定居的證明。(后者須提交親友在擬前往國定居的證明)。 (5)出國就業(yè),個人應(yīng)聘就業(yè),須提交前往國的聘請、聘用單位或雇主的雇用、聘用證明。由勞動公司辦理的出國勞務(wù)人員,須提交有外派勞務(wù)經(jīng)營權(quán)的勞務(wù)公司出

16、具有申請人出國勞務(wù)的證明。由境外就業(yè)服務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu)協(xié)助辦理出國就業(yè)的,須提交有境外就業(yè)經(jīng)營權(quán)的境外就業(yè)服務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu)確認(rèn)的申請人與境外雇主簽訂的就業(yè)合同。? (6)出國從事商務(wù)等其他非公務(wù)活動,須提交國外相應(yīng)的邀請函件。 2、取得外方留學(xué)院校的合格邀請函或入學(xué)通知書 邀請函內(nèi)容應(yīng)囊括:留學(xué)身份(與申請的簽證類型一致);起止日期和留學(xué)期限 (具體到年月,與錄取資格證書一致);費(fèi)用學(xué)費(fèi)支付情況 ;說明訪問目的留學(xué)專業(yè)。簽證時邀請函或錄取通知必須為原件,復(fù)印件或電子版無效。 3、到所在學(xué)院及研究生院辦理出國審批備案手續(xù) 4、到學(xué)校國際事務(wù)部辦理出國審批備案手續(xù) 5、到公證處辦理協(xié)議書公證,其中一份單位留存的交所

17、在學(xué)院; 6、辦理簽證 7、到教育部留學(xué)服務(wù)中心領(lǐng)取機(jī)票、報到證 出國留學(xué)注意事項 1、出國留學(xué)首先注意安全第一 寄宿應(yīng)處理好寄宿家庭的關(guān)系,而如果住在學(xué)校便要處理好與學(xué)校的關(guān)系,遵照學(xué)校的規(guī)章制度。 出國留學(xué)雖然會覺得外國生活多姿多彩,但是應(yīng)該要注意安全,盡量避免不要單獨(dú)活動,學(xué)會保障自己。 2、建議出行前理清相關(guān)事項并整理好相應(yīng)物品 記錄好學(xué)校地址、聯(lián)系人或接機(jī)人姓名、電話;準(zhǔn)備好少量零錢、國際信用卡、匯票或旅行支票;準(zhǔn)備好護(hù)照、簽證、機(jī)票、學(xué)校錄取通知書、健康證、學(xué)歷等重要資料及復(fù)印件;帶好手機(jī)、筆記本電腦等通訊工具。帶上相關(guān)電子產(chǎn)品的變壓器、轉(zhuǎn)換插頭、插線板,常用藥品,衣物,個人證件照

18、片及一些常用電腦軟件。 3、建議留出時間辦理出境手續(xù) 留出充裕的時間到達(dá)口岸辦理各類出境檢查手續(xù),這需要留學(xué)生朋友和親屬引起注意。 4、出行之前仔細(xì)檢查護(hù)照、簽證等是否帶齊 有些“老留學(xué)生”在假期回國后,辦理了新護(hù)照,在返校時多次出現(xiàn)因僅持有新護(hù)照,而忘記攜帶貼有有效簽證的老護(hù)照而難以的現(xiàn)象。提醒有這類情況的留學(xué)生,貼有有效簽證的舊護(hù)照也要隨身帶,以免影響出境行程。 同時,須注意不能私自揭下舊護(hù)照上的簽證貼在新護(hù)照上,這屬于出入境違法違規(guī)行為,視為無效證件。 5、現(xiàn)金攜帶不能超于2萬元 據(jù)海關(guān)規(guī)定,出境時,攜帶現(xiàn)金別超過2萬元人民幣或者折合等于5千美元的外幣現(xiàn)鈔。如果要超出這個標(biāo)準(zhǔn),需要向海關(guān)事先申報,否則一經(jīng)查出將會被處以相應(yīng)的行政處罰。 6、隨身行李不能超過20公斤 很多家長擔(dān)心孩子出國生活不適應(yīng)、不方便,給孩子準(zhǔn)備了很


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