1、高考英語詞形變換專練(1把括號中的詞加上前綴、后綴、 -ed、 -ing 或變換單復(fù)數(shù)填空。1.He was very surprised at what I said and stared at me in . (belief2.He still suffers considerable 3.If you don t pay your bills they(comfort from his injury. ll youor nenleeccttricity. (c ll have to these weekly visits because I have something more imp
2、ortant to do.(continue.Parents should their children from smoking. (courage.His being caught stealing brought on his family. (honorf you go on like that, others will you. (like.Those who the law should be punished severely. (obey.The capital is calm, but continuing has been reported elsewhere. (orde
3、r.He shows a total for other people s feelin gs. (regard.My assurances him: he s still skeptical. (satisfy.Letters from viewers express their with current programs. (satisfaction.Her latest book is quite from her previous one. (similar.Negotiations between unions and management are made more difficu
4、lt by mutual. (trustIt s a pity that the expensive machine has been rusty from . (use.His rash outburst incurred the of the judge. (pleasure.The sudden change in current political situation their plan. (organize.The children are starving because of the of food. (existence.They were very glad to meet
5、 each other and chattered all the way. (stop.This so-called translation is pure . (sense.He s very for his age, for he easily makes hasty decisions. (mature22.I may be for a modest , let me tell you about the latest book that I havewritten. (modest.As we all know, it s to steal. (moral.Have you read
6、 any works written by the Shakespeare. (mortal.Whatever happens, we should be in purpose. (movable.Don t be so ! The bus will be here soon. (patient.Giving people time to get to know one another will make the meeting less.(personal.Some people still think it is for men not to stand up when a womanco
7、mes into a room. (polite29.It would be (proper to comment at this stage.30.Her contribution was of (measurable importance.31.It would be (practicable for each member to be consulted on every occasion.Her gold necklace doesn t cost much; it s made of (pure gold. (moderate drinking does harm to your h
8、ealth.All our sale items are slightly (perfect.The traffic is so busy that it s (possible foer omnetitmo eb.e ther.Her (modesty makes her unpopular with her classmates, for she is always thinking highly of her role in the class.Rich and famous as the footballer is, he is said to lead a life of(moral
9、ity.As a chairman, I must remain (partial.The mountain roads are totally (passable to cars in winter.It would be (prudent to invest all your money in one company.Her breathing was quick and (even.Keep cautious when going to an (familiar place.Antarctica is so cold that ithumasn(fhitafboitration.He w
10、as (fortune to lose in the final round.Many African children look poor and (healthy.He was furious at the (just punishment.It is (lawful for people to bear guns in China.By some (lucky chance, her name was left off the list.They were found guilty of causing (necessary suffering to animals.No busines
11、sman will do ( profitable business.51.It would be (reasonable to expect someone to come at such short notice.52.She is still a little (steady on her feet after the operation.53.She met a tragic and (timely death at 25.54.She was unable, or (willing to give me any further details.55.They found him ly
12、ing (conscious on the floor.56.These were difficult and (settled times.57.I tried to contact him but was to ( able58.If you are of something, you do not know about it. (aware.59.Pay attention to your words! It was of you to say that. (civil60.If something is , it doesn t happen often or is not often
13、 seen. ( common61.An system or situation does not give equal treatment or equal opportunities to everyone involved. (fair62.Something that is is dirty and likely to cause disease. ( clean63.An system or situation is unfair because it gives more power or privileges to one person or group of people th
14、an to others.( equal64.If someone is to their lover or to the person they are married to, they havea sexual relationship with someone else. ( faithful65.Something such as a work of art or a piece of work that is , is not complete. ( finished66.If you describe someone as , you are criticizing them fo
15、r not showing thanks or being unkind to someone who has given them something or done something for them. ( grateful 67.You are sad and depressed if you are . ( happy68.If you describe something or someone as , you mean they have no special or exciting qualities. ( interesting69.An person is not famo
16、us or publicly recognized. ( knownIf there is an quantity of something, you can have as much or as many of that thing as you want. ( limited.His face turned an shade of purple ( natural.The whole evening seemed strangely ( real.People who are do no have any special training for a job ( skilled.He s
17、an worker. He leaves his tools everywhere. ( tidy75.If you say that a visitor is , you mean that y ou didn them to come. t( wwaenlctome76.He felt of being married to such a selfish woman. ( worthy77.If you describe someone as , you approve of the fact that they regard other people wishes and interes
18、ts as more important than t heir own. ( selfish78.Something that is cannot be changed. (avoidable79.I don t know it is changeable or (changeablesometimes feel after eating too much in the evening. ( comfortable81.He looked and refused to answer questions. ( easy82.She was him in every way except for
19、 her coal black eyes. ( like83.Snow White s stepmother is ( merciful84.Is opposite in meaning to mixed? ( mixed.The minerals in the water made it (pleasant to drink.The existing law is wholly (satisfactory.His efforts to get a job proved (successful.88.It s (usual for the trees to flower so early.89
20、.It would be (wise to comment on the situation without knowing all the facts.90.All these nouns that are mentioned in his lecture given to the students at university yesterday are (countable.I venjoeid the ranks of the (employed.The conditions were (favorable for intensive agricultural production.Th
21、ey haven t done (fruitful work in applying atomic energy to farm production.Perhaps I misled you, but it was quite (intentional.It would be (kind to go without him.ome families go without medical treatment because of their(ability to pay.The area has a large, but politically (active population.A roc
22、k is a(n (animate object.The children seem to be totally (capable of working by themselves.Spoken language contains many (complete sentences.This entrance is in (constant use.His version of what happened is (correct.The workers have been on (definite strike since July.He was not fit for the position
23、 and so an extremely (efficient secretary. 105.There is a large variety of good (expensive restaurants.With (finite care, John shifted position.John Marvel was paying one of his (frequent visits to London.The belt is (visible even under the thinnest garments.They are (experienced when it comes to de
24、corating.She could not refuse to invite them in without seeming(hospitable.All the maps we had were wildly (accurate.The system is (adequate.John is selfish. He is (attentive to the needs of others.高考英語專練題 (2把括號中的詞加上前綴、后綴、-ed、 -ing 或變換單復(fù)數(shù)填空。.Have you seen the (comparable beauty of Lake Windermere ?
25、115.If it isnot (convenient to you, I shall call on you in the morning. 116.It is(credible that he should have gone to live in such a dangerous country.The big company split into two (dependent companies.Change the direct speech into (direct speech.An (effetive person should not be chairman.The man
26、has killed many people. He is an (famous criminal. 121.This isan (formal meeting.122.The (humane treatment of mental patients shocked the public. 123.Hedoes his work with such(variable accuracy that it is never necessary to makeany corrections.Jack came home with a (blood nose.The children are playi
27、ng happily on the(bush hill.126.In summer the town becomes(dust.127.I don t propose to do anything(hast.When you walk on (mud ground , you get mud on your shoes. 129.The fishis very (bone.The day was (cloud but the sun was trying to come through. 131.Bill shair is straight, but Ian s is (curl.His ju
28、dgment was frequently (fault, but his loyalty to the nation could notbe questioned.She stuffed one chocolate after another into that (greed mouth of hers.The thief sought forgiveness for his (guilt atcs.An orange is a (juice fruit.He plays inside on (rain days.This chair seems a bit (rock.The weathe
29、r has been very (snow recently.Don t take the boat out in this (storm weather.Yesterday was a (sun day.Rose trees are often (thorn.March is usually a (wind month.Sounds of (heart laughter came from the next room.The most feature is the painted wall decoration (arrest.Enthusiasm is very (catch.f you
30、describe someone as (charm, you mean they behave in a friendly, pleasantway that makes people like them.147.His may have lost his life. ( dare148.Before he died, he gave money to a cause. (deserve149.It is that the taxpayer is subsidizing this project. (disgust.There was something about him she foun
31、d ( disturb.An person or thing is pleasant, interesting and entertaining. (engage 152.He islooking for a cosy area of and relaxing (entertain.The February air was soft, cool and (invite.We are well on our way to a peace (last.The young poet is one of the most poets of his generation. ( promise 156.S
32、he was ashy and person off-stage. (retire.There was a chance they would meet, but not necessarily at the party. (sport.The most feature of those statistics is the high proportion of suicides. (strike159.I was moved by the tale of a wife who stood by the husband she loved. ( touch160.There are, of co
33、urse, questions which she will not be to answer. ( will 161.Lie down on your bed and make yourself (comfort162.Shopping for clothes should be an experience (enjoy163.The authority must make accommodation available to the family. ( suit 164.Many of our teachers also have academic links with Heidelber
34、g University ( value.The organization was ( beauty.You can t be too when a young child is near water.(care.We were told when he was taken to hospital that his injuries were so severe death be ( mercy.It was a joint interview with the BBC and ITV and was both to watch and listen to( painHe is so stro
35、ng. Look at his muscles (powerHow will this new treatment be? (successHypnotherapy can be in helping your give up smoking. (useIt s to see you. ( wonderThe new system may be more . ( economyTheir relationship resulted in part from their similar goals.( harmonyWe have no evidence of it. ( historyOur
36、Society has bought some pictures of African villages.( geographyHe was more accustomed to cocktail party chatter than to political ordiscussion.( philosophyThe number of AIDS victims is much higher than statistics reflect. (actResearch and teaching are of importance . (equallyAstronauts will make a
37、attempt today to rescue a communicationssatellite.(finallyThe figures represent a decline in employment .(generalizeAmerica is an country. (industryThey came to an agreement against exploring arms to that country.(nationThe intellectual environment has a significant influence on the developmentof th
38、e children. ( mentalityHe hit his head against a bar. (metallicRuling parties have lost ground in and local election.( nationIt is only for youngsters to crave (渴望 the excitement of driving a fastcar. (natureHe has occasional injections 打針(to maintain his good health, but otherwise helives a life. (
39、 normalizeHe wrote a very letter of apology to Mary. ( formallyAccording to the figures , over one thousand people died. ( office 191.That s my opinion. (person. Their acts of oppression 壓迫(must be stopped. ( race. His expression didn t change. (face. Divide the vegetables among four dishes. ( indiv
40、idually. The guests came from all background. ( society. You re very to me. ( specialize. She consider him as her father. (spirit. The companies have a of 1776 employees .(totally.The engineers were prepared to take steps to further their cause. ( act.Those people are(detect from the anti-terrorist
41、squad(恐小組.201.I can t afford it ,for it s too (expend, you know.Given the failure of the previous plan, this plan turned out to be a (relate success.A fat man is (sense about his or her weight.The prisoners who escaped are violent and (danger.205.It s not safe to go out at sea tomorrow because the w
42、eather man said there would be (mountain waves.I felt really (nerve before the interview.The advantages of this systems are too (number to mention.Tom is a very (study young man, spending a lot of time in learning English and mathematics. “ I don t care! ” she said (rebel.Recovery after the accident
43、 will be a (continue process that may take several months.The consequence will be (series if you refuse to be cured of the cancer. 212.It was (cure that he didn t tell anyone about it.213.I hope people will be (courage to speak out the against the injustice. 214.It is said that the judge is a (right
44、 person and is never partials t0(袒 those who are rich.Pay is reviewed on a (year basis. In other word, it is checked once each year.Summers are very hot, with (month averages of above 23 degrees Celsius.This kind of paper is (week newspaper because it is published once every week. And so it costs yo
45、u much less than that one.They charge a (day rate. That is to say, you need to pay then every day. 219.This software is much (friend than the previous version.He looks so (man in his uniform. There is no doubt that so many girls are willing to marry him.Everyone knows that Jacky Zhang has not only a
46、 strong body but also a (love voice.Philip is a (king boy in his family. It seems that every number in the family has to obey his orders.高考英語專練題 (3把括號中的詞加上前綴、后綴、-ed、 -ing 或變換單復(fù)數(shù)填空。.The terrorists have chosen to play a (die game with the civilian population.This time has come for (act if these beauti
47、ful animals are to survive. 225.An article in the newspaper caught my (attend.There was a (collect of books and shoes on the floor.We are in (compete with four other companies for the ontract.For our English homework we have to write a entitled“ Holidays ” .(composeRobbert suggested that Lester shou
48、ld undertake the of the new buildings.( constructThe invention of the typewriter was a great to communication andprinting . (contributeWe had an interesting about the labour movement. (converse 232. Thesepapers are in need of . ( correctHe gave a of what he had seen. ( describeAll this increased my
49、to try in every way to fight against that war.( determineSome girls in offices are trained to take down . ( dictateThe of the airplane changed from north to northeast. ( direct 237. Is thereracial in your country? ( discriminateA paper-back of a book is much cheaper than a hard-back one. ( editHe tr
50、ained to be a teacher at a college of . ( educateIn the afternoon they went to an of modern art. (exhibit 241. I d liketo join the which is going to explore the moon. ( expeditionsMartin shook his head , but gave no ( explainThe second kept the family fortune entire. ( generateAfter my I went to the
51、 front to serve in the army. ( graduate 245. Someanimals go into in winter. ( hibernateWe offered our to Pat on winning the Sports Trophy.( congratulateHe failed in some . ( examineI suppose we shall be having some sort of for the bride.( celebrateShe had plenty of . ( imagineThanks for giving me th
52、e I wanted. ( informA hospital is an to cure the sick.( instituteYou should read the book before you use the machine. (instruct 253.The in a book tells us what the book is about . ( introduce 254. Before theof gunpowder , men fought with bows and arrows. ( inventPhilip refused his uncle s to go down
53、 to Blackstsble. ( inviteThe channel was dug for the sake of the of the farmlands. (irrigateThe break-up of their marriage was an enormous for her (liberate 258.Hewas given a in the list of helpers. (mentorThey are performing an to amputate his leg. (operateShe is brilliant but her work lacks . (org
54、anize261.The of our beaches with oil causes us lots of troubles.(pollute 262.Thegovernment did not have the support of the . (populate 263.From his onthe cliff top, he had a good view of the harbour. (posit 264.You can t pass an examwithout (prepare.of the new aircraft will start next year. (product
55、.Their English is not good, but it is improving. (pronounce 267.I d likput a to the speaker. (quest.This apparatus produces harmful . (radiate.The bridal suit was prepared for the of the honeymooners. (receptive.He drove away in the of London.(redirect.The cost of the project bears no to the results
56、. (relate.After a , things can never be the same again.(revolutionary 273.She canlook back on her career with great .(satisfy.A bookcase which comes apart into seus well. (sector.After a of five years from his parents, he hardly recognized them.(separate276.I m in a difficult and l don tdkon. o(swit
57、uwahtaetdto277.The problem of Africa leaves something to be desired.(starve 278.Can youtell me the way to the railway (state.279.Janet was my first as chairperson. (suggest280.I ve only read Tolstoy in (translate281.Immediate of the Horse is essential.(vacate282.It s a that women get ma rried in lon
58、g white dresses. (traditional.283.The of a passport is essential for foreign travel. (possess 284. If you wantto sell your old sofa, why not put an ( advertise in the local paper?The (announce of the royal birth was broadcast to the nation.We agreed without much further (argue.To my (astonish it had
59、 completely disappeared.We study in the (depart of English at Guangzhou University.The government encourages the (develop of small businesses.The two sides failed to reach (agree.Not getting a job was a terrible (disappoint.The teacher s words were a great(encourage to him.The house itself is not pa
60、rticularly to my mind, but I like its (environ.The (equip of the photographic studio was expensive.The researchers are repeating the (ex- on rats.The Labour Party was in (govern from 1964 to 1970.Tom hopes to learn to play an (instrument.He made an unfair (judge of Mary s character.Loose clothing gi
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