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1、全國大學(xué)英語四級測驗(yàn)真題參 考答案作者: 日期:2012年6月全國衣學(xué)英語四級考試真題參考答案Part I Writing (3OminUteS)Directions: FOr this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to Write a ShOrt essay entitled EXCeSSiVePaCkaging following the OUtIine given below. YOU ShOUld Write atIeaSt 120 WOrdS but no more than 180 words.目前許多商品存在過度包裝的現(xiàn)象出現(xiàn)這一現(xiàn)象的原因我

2、對這一現(xiàn)象的看法和建議On EXCeSSiVe PaCkagingPart II Reading COlnPrehenSiOn(Skimming and SCanning)(15minutes)Directions: In this part, you Will have 15 IninUteS to go OVer the PaSSage quickly and answer the questions On AnSWer Sheet 1. FOr questions 17,ChOOSe the bestanswer from the four ChOiCeS marked A), B),

3、C)and D). FOr questions (!complete Ihe SentenCeS With the infonation given in IhC passage.Small Schls RiSingTllIS years IiSt Of the top 100 IlIgh SChOOlS SllOWS tlat today, those Witll fewer SnldentS are flourishing.Fifty years ago, they Were the IateSt thing in educational reform: big, modern. SUbU

4、rban high SChOOlS With StUdentS COUnted in the thousands. AS baby boomcrs(二戰(zhàn)后嬰兒潮時期出生的人)Came Of high-school age, big SChOOlS PrOnIiSed economic efficiency. A greater ChOiCe Of courses, and, Of course, better football teams. Only yearsIater did We UnderStand the trade-offs this involved: the CreatiOn

5、Of excessive burcaucracics(官僚 機(jī)構(gòu)),the difficulty Of forging PerSOnal COnneCtiOnS between teachersand StUdCnts.SAT SCOreS began dropping in 1963;today,on average。 Of StUdentS do not COmPlete high SChOOl in four years, a figure that rises to 50% in pr Urbanneighborhoods. While the emphasis On teaching

6、 to higher, test-driven StandardS as Set in NO Child Left Behind resulted in SignifiCantly better PerfOrmanCe inelementary (and SOme middle)schools high SChOOlS for a Variety Of reasons Seemed to have Inade Iittle PrOgreSS SIZe isnt everything、but It does matter, and the PaSt decade IlaS Seen a noti

7、ceable COUntertrend toward SmaIler SChOOIS. ThiS has been due Jn Part ,to the Billand MeIinda GateS FOUndatiOn. WhiCh has invested $1.8 billion in AmeriCan high schools, helping to OPen about 1 X)OO Small SChOOlS-most Of them With about 400 kids eachWilh an average enrollment Of Only 150 Per grade,

8、AbOUt 5 InOre are On the drawing board. DiStriCtS all OVer the COUntry are taking notice, along With mayors in CitieSIike NeW York, ChiCagO and San Diego. The movement includes independent PUbliC ChartCr SChOOls, SUCh as No.l BASIS in TUCSOIL With OnIy 120 high-schoolers and 18graduates this year. I

9、t embraces district-sanctioned Inagnet schools, SUCh as the Talented and Gifted SChOOL With 198 students, and the SCiCnCe and EngineeringMagnet.with383vhich Share a building in Dallas, as Well as the City HOnOrS SChOOl in Buffalo, NY, WhiCh grew OUt Of VOlUnteer evening SeIninarS for StUdentS And it

10、includes alternative SChOOIS With StUdentS SeIeCted by IOttery(抽簽),SUCh as H-B WOOdIaWn in ArIingtOlL Va. And most noticeable Of all. Ihere is the PhenOnlenOn OfIarge Urban and SUbUrban high SChOOIS that have SPlit UP into Smaller UnitS Of a few hundred. generally housed in the Same grounds that OnC

11、e boasted thousands OfStUdentS all marching to the Sanle band HiIISdaIe High SChOOl in San Mateo. Calit is One Of those, ranking No.423among the top 2% in the COUntryn NewSWeek,s annual Iallkmg Of Americans top highSChOOIS The SuCCeSS Of Small SChOOlS is apparent in the IiStingS Ten years ago, When

12、the first NeWSWeek IiSt based On COllege-IeVel test PartiCiPatiOn WaS published.Only three Of the top IOO SChOOlS had graduating ClaSSeS Smaner than 1 StUdCntS ThiS year there are 22. Nearly 250 SChOOlS On the full ,Newsweek IiSt Of the IOP 5%Of SChOOlS nationally had fewer than 200 graduates in 200

13、7.AlthOUgh many Of Hillsdales SnIdelltS Canle from WeaIthy households, by the Iate 1990 average test SCOreS Were SIiding and it had earned the UnaffeCtiOnate nickname(綽號)HillsjaiL ” Jeff Gilbert. A HilISdale teacher WhO became PrinCiPal IaSt year, remembers Sitting With Other teachers WatChing StUde

14、ntS file OUt Of a graduation CeremOny and asking Olle another In astonishment, HOW did that SnIdent graduate? SO in 2003 HillSdale remade itself into three “houses,” romantically named FlOrenCe MarrakeCh and Kyoto. EaCh Of the 300 arriving ninth graders are randomly(隨機(jī)地)assigned to One Of the houses

15、 Where they Will keep the Same four COre SUbjeCt teachers for two years, before moving On to another for IIth and 12th grades. TheClOSelleSS this SyStem CUltiVateS is reinforced by die institution Of advisory、CIaSSeS TeaCherS IneCt With StUdentS in groups Of 25, five InOrningS a week, for open-ended

16、 discussions Of everything from homework PrOblemS to bad SatUrday-night dates The advisers also Ineet With StUdentS PriVately and Stay in touch With parents, SOthey are deeply InVeSted in the SUIdelits, SUCCeSSWe re COnStantly talking about One anothers advises, SayS EngIiSh teacher CIlnS Crockett,

17、tlf you hear thatyours isnt doing WeIl Hl math. Or See them Sltting OUtSIde the deans office, its Iike a PerSOnal failure/* AlOng With the Ilew StrUCtllre Came a more demandmgacademic program, the PerCentage Of freshmen taking biology jumped from 17 to 95It WaS rough for some. BUt by SeniOr year, tw

18、o-tlrds have moved UP to PhySICSrSayS GlIbert Our kids are COnIing to SChOOl in Part because they know there are adults here WhO know tle ad Care for them.But not all SCllOOIS ShOW advances afterdownsizing, and it remains to be Seen Whether SmalIer SChOOlS WilI be a Cure-all SOlUtiOn.The NeWSWeek Ii

19、St Of top U.S. high SChOOIS WaS made this year, as in years past, according to a Single metric, the PrOPOrtiOn Of StUdentS taking COllege-IeVelexams. OVer the years this SyStem has COme in for its Share Of CritiCiSm for its SinIPliCity BUt that is also its Strength: t,s easy for IeaderS to IlIlderSt

20、and, and to do the arithmetic for teir OXVrn SChOOlS if theyd like.Ranking SChOOIS is always controversial, and this year a group Of 38 SUPerintendentS(f區(qū)教育主 管)from five StateS WrOte to ask that their SChOOlS be excluded fromdie CaICUlatiOnlt is ImPOSSIble to know WhICh high SChOOIS are the best in

21、the nation. Iheir Ietter read. Hl part.DetermlnIng Wllether different SChOOIS door dont Offer a high quaty Of education IeqUireS a IOOk at man different measures, mcludig students OVeraIl academic accomplishments and their SUbSeqUentPerfbnllanCe In COIlege. AlId taking IiltO COaSIderatIOn the IUilqU

22、e IleedS Of their COInlnUilIties. In the end, the SUPerintendCntS agreed to PrOVide the data We sought, WhiCh is, after all, PUbIiC information. ThCre is. in OUr view, no real dispute here, We areall Seeking the Same thing, WhiCh is schls that better SCrVC OUr Children and OUr nation by encouraging

23、StUdentS to tackle tough SUbjeCtS Under the guidance Of giftedteachers And If We keep vokng toward that goal, someday. PerhaPS a IISt Woni be necessary. 注意:此部分試題請在答卡1上作答.Fifty years ago. big. Modern. SUbUrban high SChOOlS Were established in the hope Ofensuring no Child is Ieft behindincreasing econ

24、omic efficiencyInIPrOig SnIdelits PerfbnnanCe on SATPrOViding good education for baby boomersWhat happened as a result Of Setting UP big schools?TeaClers, WOrklOad increased.SnIdents PerfbrmanCe declmed.AdIniniStratiOn became CentraliZedStUdentS focused more On test scores.What is Said about the SCh

25、OOlS forded by the Bill and Melinda GateS foundation?They are USUany Inagnet SChOOlS.They are Often IOCated in POOr neighborhoodsThey are POPUlar With high-achieving StUdCntSThey are InOStly Slnall in size.What is most noticeable about the CUrrent trend in high SChOOl CduCation?SOme Iarge SChOOlS ha

26、ve SPlit UP into Smaller ones.A great Variety Of SChOOlS have SPrUng UP in Urban and SUbUrban areasMany SChOOlS COmPete for the Bill and MCIinda GateS FOUndatiOn fundsStUdentS have to Ineet higher academic StandardSNewsweek ranked high SChOOIS according to teir students academic acleementthe Inlnlbe

27、r Of their StUdentS admitted to COlIegethe SiZe and number Of their graduating CIaSSeStheir COllege-IeVel test PartiCiPatiOnWhat Can We Ieanl about HIIISdales SnIdentS i die Iate 1990s?They Were made to StUdy hard Iike prisoners.They CalIed each Other by UnaffeCtiOnate nicknamesMOSt Of them did not

28、have any SenSe Of discipline,Their SChOOl PerfOnnanCe WaS getting WOrSeAccording to Jeff Gilbert, the advisory CIaSSeS at HIiISdale Were Set UP SO that StUdentS COUld .tell their teachers What they did On WeekendSexperience a great deal Of PleaSUre in Iearningmaintain CIOSer relationships With their

29、 teacherstackle the demanding biology and PhySiCS COUrSeSis Still COllSIdered a Strength Of Newsweek SChOOl Iallkmg SyStem in SPite Of the CritiCiSm It receives According to the 38 superintendents, to rank SChOOlS scientifically, it is necessary to USe To better SerVe the ChiIdren and OUr nation, SC

30、hOOlS StUdentS to take Part III LiStening COmPrChCnSiOn (35IninUteS)SeCtiOn ADirections: in this SeCtiOn you Will hear 8 ShOrt COnVerSations, One Or more questions Win be asked about What WaS Said. BOth the COnVerSatiOn and the questionsWiIl be SPOken Only OnCe After each question there Will be a Pa

31、USe DUring the pause, you must read the four ChOiCeS marked A) B)、C)and D)、and decide WhiCh is thebest answer. Then Inark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On AnSWer Sheet 2 With a SingIe Iine through the Centre 注意:此部分試題請在答案卡2上作案。A)Trying to SketCh a map C)DiSCUSSing a house plan.Painting the Clining room. D

32、)Cleaning the kitchen.A)She is tired Of the food in the Canteen.She OftCn eats in a FrenCh restaurant.She USUally takes a SnaCk in the KFCShe in verr fussy about What She eatsA) LiStening to SOme IOUd InUSiC C)Talking IOUdly On the telephonePreParing for as Oral examination. D)PraCtiCing for a SPeeC

33、h contest.A)The man has Ieft a good impression On her fanily.The man Can dress CaSUany for the OCCaSiOnThe man ShOUld buy himself a new SUitTlle ma,s jeans and T-ShirtS are StyliShA)Grey PantS made from PUre COttOn. C) 100% cotton PantS in dark blue.FaShiOnable PantS in bright colors. D)SOmething to

34、 InatCh her brown pants.A) ItS price. C)ItS comfort.ItS IOCatiOn D)ItS facilities.A)Travel OVerSeas. C)TakC a photo.LOOk for a new job. D)AdOPt a child.A)It is a routine offer. C)It is quite healthyIt is new On the menu. D)It is a gd bargain.QUeStiOnS 19 to 22 are based On the COnVerSatiOn you A)Hos

35、ting an evening TV PrOgram C)LeCtUring On business Inanagement.HaVing her bicycle repaired. D)COndUCting a Inarket SUnrey.A) He repaired bicycles C)He WOrked as a SaleSman.He SerVed as a COnSUItant. D)He COaChed in a racing CIUb.A) He Wanted to be his OWn bossHe found it more PrOfitableHe didnt want

36、 to Start from scratch.He didnt Want to be m too much debt.A)They WOrk five days a Week C)They are Paid by the hour.They are all the mans friends. D)They all enjoy gamblmg.QUeStiOnS 23 to 25 are based On the COnVerSatiOn you have just heard.A)It has gradually given Way to SCrViCC industryB)It remain

37、s a major Part Of industrial activity.It has a history as IOng as PaPer PrOCeSSingIt accounts for 80 PerCelIt Of the regions GDP.A) TranSPOrt PrOblems. C)LaCk Of resourcesShOrtage Of funding D)pr Inanagenlent.A) COmPetitiOn from rival COnIPanieS C)POSSible IOCatiOnS for a new factoryPrOdUCt PrOnlOti

38、On campaigns. D)MeaSUreS to Create job OPPOrtUnities.SeCtiOn BDirections: In this SeCtiOn you Will hear 3 ShOrt PaSSageS At the end Of each passage, you Will hear SOnle questions BOth the PaSSage and the questions Will beSPOken Only OnCe After you hear a question, you must ChOOSe the best answer fro

39、m the fourChOiCeS Inarked A),B),C)and D).Then Inark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On AnSWerSheet 2 With a SingIe Iine through the Centre注意:此部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。PaSSage OneQUeStiOnS 26 to 28 are based On the PaSSage you have just heardA)They Shared mutual friends in schl.They had known each Other SinCe ChildhOO

40、dThey Shared many extracurricular activitiesThey had many interests in COlnlnOn.A)At a IOCal club. B)At the SPOrtS center.At Joe s house. D)At the bearmg SChOOLA)Durable friendships Can be VCry difficult to maintainOnC has to be respectful Of Other PeOPle in Order to Win respect.It is hard for PeOPl

41、e from different backgrounds to become friendsSOCial divisions WiIl break down if PeOPle get to know each OtherPaSSage TWOQUeStiOnS 29 to 31 are based as the PaSSage you have just heartA)Ncar the entrance Of a Park C)At a Parking meter.B)Ill IiIS buildings Parkmg IOt D)At a Street comer.A)It had bee

42、n taken by the POIiCe C)In had been StOlen by SOmeOneB)it had keen moved to the next block. D )it had been Parked at a WrOng PlaCe31 A)At the GreenVilIe center. C)In a neighboring town.B) At a PUbIiC Parking lot. D)In a the City garagePaSSage ThreCQUCStiOnS 32 to 35 are based On the PaSSage you have

43、 just heardA)Fanous CreatiVe individuals C)A InajOr SCientifiC discovery.B)ThC nysteriousness Of creativity. D)CreatiVity as ShOwn in arts.A)It is SOmething PeOPle all engage in. C) It StartS SOOn after We are born.B) It helps PeOPle acquire knowledge D) It is the SOUrCe Of all artistic work.A) Crea

44、tiVe imagination. C) NatUral CUriOSityB) LOgiCal reasoning D) CritiCal thinkingA)It is beyond Ordinary PeOPle C)It is Part Of everyday IifeB)It is yet to be fully UnderStOOd. D)It is a UniqUC human traitSeCtiOn CDireCtions: In this section, you Will hear a PaSSage three times When the PaSSage is rea

45、d for the first time, you ShOUId IiSten CarefUlly for its general idea.When the PaSSage is read for the SeCOnd time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 With the exact WOrdS you have just heard. FOr blanksnumbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing inform

46、ation. FOr these blanks you Can Other USe the exact WOrdS you havejust heard Or Write down theInain POintS in your arc WOrdS Finally, When the PaSSage is read for the third time, you ShOUId ChCCk What you have Written.注意:此部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。StudentS have been COmPIaining more and more about StOlen PrOPer

47、ty. Radios, Cen phones, bicycles, POCket(36) ,and bks have all been reported StOlen. Are there enough CamPUS POliCe to do the job?There are 20 OffiCerS in the CamPUS SeCUrity DiViSiOn TheirjOb is to(37) crime, accidents IOSt and fond(38) ,and traffic PrOblemS On CamPUS MOre than half Oftheir time is

48、 SPent directing traffic and Writing Parking tickets.(39) PrOlnPtly to accidents and Other(40) is important, but it is their SnIalleStjOb.Dealing With Crinle takes UP the rest Of their time. Very(41) do any ViOlent CrimeS actually(42) .In the IaSt five years there have been no(43)SeVen robberies and

49、about 60 OthCr ViOlent attacks, most Of these involving fights at PartieS On the Other hand.(44) AVhiCh USUally involves breaking WindOWS Or IightS Or Writing On WallS The thefts are not the CarefUlIy PIannCd burglaries(入室盜竊)that you See in movies.(45)DO We really need InOre police? Hiring more CanI

50、PUS POIiCe WOUld COSt money, POSSibly making OUr tuition go UP again.(46)Part IV RCading COmPrehenSiOn(Reading in dcpth)(25minntes)SeCtiOn ADireCtions: In this section, there is a PaSSage With ten blanks YOU are required to SeleCt One WOrd for each blank from a IiSt Of ChOiCeS given in a Ward bank R

51、eadthe PaSSage through CarefUlly before Inaking your ChOiCeS EaCh ChOiCe in the bank is identified by a letter. PleaSe mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter for each them On AnSWerShCet 2 With a Single Iine through the Centre YOU Inay not USe any Of the WOrdS in the bank more than OnCe QUeStiOnS 47 to 56 ar

52、e based On the following passage,One i six. BelieVe It or not. that*s the number Of AnIeriCanS WhO StnIggle with Ilallger TO make tomorrow a IittIe better, FeCding ACtiOn Month. AS Part Of its 30WayS In 30 DayS program, It,s asking 48 across the COlintry to help the more than 200 food banks and 61.0

53、00 agencies in its network PrOVidC IOW-income individuals andfamilies With the fuel they need to 49 It s the krnd Of work that,s done every day at St. Andrews EPiSCOPal ChUrCh ill Sall Aiitomo, PeoPle WhO 50 at its front dr On the first and third ThUrSdayS Ofeach month aren, t IOOking for God-theyt

54、re there for SOmething to eat, St. Andrew* S runs a food Pantry(食品堂)that 51 the City and SeVeral Of the 52 towns. JanetDrane is its manager.In the Wake Of the 53 .the number Of families in need Of food assistance began to grow It is 54 that 49 million AmeriCanS are UnSlIrC Of Where they Will find th

55、eirnext meal Whats most SlIrPriSillg is that 36% Of them IiVe in 55 Where at IeaSt One adult is working It IlSed to be that One job WaS all you needed. SayS St. AildreWS Dralle/ The PeOPle We See now hae three or four Part-time JObS and theyre StIll IIglIt On the edge 56 .注意:此部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。SUrViVe I

56、)formallySUrrOUndingJ)financiallySen,es K)domesticreviewed L)COnIPetitiOnreported M)COmmUnitieSrecession N)CirCIinghouseholds O)accunulategalherSeCtiOn BDirections: there are 2 PaSSageS in this SeCtiOn. EaCh PaSSage is followed by SOme questions Or UnfiniShed StatementS FOr each Of them there are fo

57、ur ChOiCeS marked.B),C) and D).You ShOUld decide On the best ChOiCe and Inark the COiTeSPOnding Ietter On AnSWer Sheer 2 With a Single Iine through the CentrePaSSage OneQUeStiOnS 57 to 61 are based On the following passage.In times Of CCOnOmiC CriSiS AnleriCanS turn to their families for SUPPOrt .If

58、 the Great DePreSSiOn is any guide, We may See a drop in OUr Skyhigh divorce rate BUtthis WOn t necessarily represent, an increase In IlaPPy marriages. Iii the IOng run. the DePreSSiOn Weakened AmeriCan families, and the CUrrent CriSiS Will PrObably dothe same.We tend to think Of the DePreSSiOn as a

59、 time When families PUlled together to SIIrViVe huge job IOSSes. By 1932 When nearly one-quarter Of the WOrkfOrCe WaSunemployed, the divorce rate had declmed by around 25% from 1929 BUt this doesnt mean PeOPle Were Sllddenly happier With their marriages. Rather, With incomesdecreasing and insecure j

60、obs, UlIllaPPy COUPleS Oftell COlIIdilt a fiord to dorce. Tlley feared neither SPOUSe COUld manage aloneToday, given the job IOSSeS Of the PaSt year, fewer UnhaPPy COUPIeS Will risk Starting SeParate households, FUrthernlOre. the housing market meltdown Win make itInOre difficult for them to finance


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