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1、 大學(xué)體驗(yàn)英語(yǔ)視聽說(shuō)教程第二冊(cè)答案2視聽說(shuō)期末復(fù)習(xí)Unit 1Questions1. What is this interview mainly about?It is about McDonalds business lessons revealed by Paul.2. What was McDonalds recently voted for?It was voted one of the best places to work.3. Aside from being the author of the book, what else do youknow about Paul from

2、 the interview?He was a former McDonalds Executive.4. Why did Paul decide to write a book for other business peopleand clients?He wanted to teach them business lessons because they lackedbasic principles.5. What question is Paul constantly asked?Tell me how you did it in McDonalds.Home listeningInte

3、rnational business is a term used to collectivelydescribe all commercial transactions (private and governmental,sales, investments, logistics, and transportation) that takeplace between two or morenations. Usually, private companies1) undertake such transactions for profit; governments forprofit and

4、 for political reasons. It refers to all businessactivities which involve cross 2) border transactions of goods, services and resources between two or more nations. Transactionof economic resources include capital, skills, people, etc. forinternational production of physical goods, and services such

5、as finance, banking, 3) insurance construction, etc.The increase in international business and in foreign 4)investment has created a need for executives with knowledge offoreign languages and skills in cross-cultural communication.Americans, however, have not beenwell trained in either areaand, cons

6、equently, have not enjoyed the same level of successin 5) negotiation in an international arena as their foreigncounterparts. Negotiating is the process of communicating backand forth for the purpose of reaching an agreement. It involvespersuasion and compromise, but in order to 6) participate ineit

7、her one, the negotiators must understand theways in whichpeople are persuaded and how compromise is reached withintheculture of the negotiation.In studies of American negotiatorsabroad, several traitshave been 7) identified that undermine the negotiatorsposition, two of which, in particular, are dir

8、ectness and 8)impatience. Furthermore, American negotiators often insiston realizing short-term goals. Foreign negotiators, on theother hand, may value the relationship established betweennegotiators and may be willing to invest time in it forlong-term benefits. 9) In order to solidify the relations

9、hip,they may choose indirect interactions without regard for thetime involved in getting to know the other negotiator.Clearly, perceptionsand differences in values affect theoutcomes of negotiations and the success of negotiators. 10)For Americans to play a more effective role in international busin

10、ess negotiations, they must put forth more effort toimprove cross-cultural understanding.Unit2T&FT 1.Sara Bongiorni lived a year without buyingChinese goods.F 2.Sara refused to buy “Made in China” products for politicalreasons.(Its nothing against China)T 3.Sara didnt replace the broken coffeemaker

11、because allinexpensive ones came from China.F 4.Sara spent 35 dollars on a non-China pair of shoes. ( Anon-China pair cost them 65 bucks )T 5.Normally Sara would not spend much money on sunglasses.Questions1. Why was CBS News invited to the factory?To convince America that China is cleaning up its t

12、oy makingact.2. What can give consumers confidence?Good quality.3. How many times are supplies like paint checked?Three times4. How many toy manufactures were shut down?800. 5. Who else is to blame for the use of cheaper lead paint?American companiesHome listeningTodays leading Chinese brands must l

13、earn how to createand manage their brand value on aglobal scale. It is timeforthem to re-think their global brand 1) strategy, and follow thebest practices of the worlds most powerful multi-nationalbrands. While we are still several years away from a Chinesebrand appearing on Interbrands Best Global

14、 Brands, thelessons from the 2)annual ranking are cleargreat brands knowtheir strengths and weaknesses and plot effective strategiesto 3)_sustain and improve their value in the future. With thedownturn of the global economy, the transformation of the“Made in China” label and the accetpance of Chines

15、e brandsoverseas can not be made 4) overnight. The first challenge isto improve the quality and safety of all Chinese products. Thedefinition and enforcement of strict 5) standards and theactive engagement in environmental protection is a socialresponsibility for any global player, and a pre-requisi

16、teforchanging consumer 6) perceptions overseas.The Chinese government can play a very special role in thesedifficult times. Leadership means taking short term actions tospur 7) domestic demand and enhance the competitiveness ofexports. But leadership alsomeans creating a national agenda like 8) inno

17、vation in Japan, design in Korea or engineeringin Germany that serves as a guiding light for Chinesecompanies eager to make their brand mark on global markets. Nowis the 9) _critical moment for Chinese government and businessleaders to consider the next stage of growth. This transformation must not

18、only take place in areas such astechnology, quality control and international cooperation, butin brand creation and brand management. Asian companies likeToyota, Sony, Samsung and Hyundai 10) which have alreadytraveled the globalization path know that brand value is thekey to unlocking shareholder v

19、alue.Unit 3T&FT 1.A recent survey showed that average salaries in US companieshave experienced the smallest increase this year in more than30 years.T 2.If the boss doesnt agree to a negotiated future raise,set a date for your next discussion.F 3.If the boss says that he cant give you money, ask for

20、lesswork time.F 4.When talking with your boss about the salary raise,emphasize how hard you have been working.T 5.Showing your other offers to your boss would be a bad idea.Questions1. Does LakshmanAchuthan agree with the common definition ofrecession? Why?No, because he thinks “recession” is really

21、 a sequence ofevents. He believesit is necessary to look at the sequence ofindicators to define recession.2. What are the consequences of falling wages?People cant buy that much and sales fall. /People spend lessand sales fall. 3. How many people made jobless claims last week?400,0004. According to

22、the reporter, what signs show that a recessionis actually in process?Inflation is going up at the fastest rate in 17 years, whilewages are not keeping up; and last week 400,000 people madejobless claims.5. What is Lakshman Achuthans opinion on the current economicsituation?It is in a shallow recessi

23、on and there are no signs/foundationsof a recovery.Home listeningGraduate unemployment has increased by 44% in 12 months andis now at its 1) highest in 12 years, according to researchreleased today.Some 7.9% of students who left university in 2008 were outof work in January, the Higher Education Car

24、eers Services Unit(HECSU) found, up from 5.5% the 2) previous year. HECSU warnedthe picture could be even worse for those graduating this year.The last time levels of 3)joblessness were so high was in199596.The research found that 4) recruitment in the public sectorbucked the downward graduate emplo

25、yment 5)_trend, with thenumber of graduates entering 6)_healthcare teaching and socialwork increasing.But 7) architecture and building graduates were hit particularly badly, 8)_reflecting the slump in theconstruction industry, with unemployment nearly tripling from2.9% in 2007 to 8.5% for those who

26、left in 2008. The proportionof civil engineering graduates without a job increased from2.4% to 7%.9) The proportion of graduates employed in business orfinancial work fell to 7.5%, compared with 8.7% the year before.And the number working as financial and investment advisers ormortgage consultants d

27、ropped 19%, with only 1,700 of the220,065 graduates surveyed gettingthat kind of job, comparedwith 2,100 in 2007.10)_Among those who revealed how much they earned, theaverage salary was_19,677 up 2% from 2007. But Scotlandsaw a rise of 5.6%, to an average of19,953 higher thanthe 19,561 reported in t

28、he south-east, traditionally thehighest-paid region after London.Unit 4T&FT 1.The smallest climate change can break the natural balanceof the Great Barrier Reef.F 2.Turtles may be extinct in 14 years. ( and the turtlepopulation is indecline. In 40 yearsthere may be none left.)F 3.A change of one or

29、two degrees will not disturb the coralreefs normal life. ( A change of justone or two degrees canwipe it out)F 4.Coral reefs can lower the temperature on hot days. ( Iftemperatures get too hot, coral responds by trying to changethe weather.)T 5.The process of bleaching will eventually lead to the de

30、ath of the coral.Questions1. Why is the crown-of-thorns starfish one of the reefsgreatest enemies?Because it can eat the coral alive.2. How many children can crown-of-thorns starfish produce everyyear?Six million3. What allows the starfish population to explode?Fertilizers from inland farms.4. How c

31、an we effectively control the number of crown-of-thornsstarfish?Pick them off reef or inject them with poison.5. Why has the population of crown-of-thorns starfish decreasedin recent years?Because the pollution levels have dropped.Home listeningThe study, from Stanford University in the United State

32、s,makes gloomy assessments about the future health of theworlds coral reefs. It finds that carbon dioxide 1)_emissionsare making seawater so acidic that coralreefs could begin todisintegrate within a few 2)_decades._ The report states thateven ambitious plans to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions,th

33、ought by many to be the main 3) cause of a warming climate,will not be enough to save the reefs. About a third of carbon emissions is soaked up by the worlds oceans, where it4)_combines with seawater to form carbonic acid.The research comes as the Queensland state government inAustralia 5)_announces

34、 a new plan to protect the Great BarrierReef from 6)_agricultural pollution. The iconic reef is beingdamaged by pesticides and sediment from farms that seep intowaterways. The Queensland government is to spend an 7)_extra$30,000,00 to reduce this hazardous run-off. Farmers also willface tougher 8)_e

35、nvironmental regulations. Queensland PremierAnna Bligh says that man-made threats present seriouschallenges to the reef, which is a world heritage site.Coral reefs are common in warm southern and equatorialoceans, and provide homes and feeding grounds for thousands ofspecies, 9)_including fish that

36、are important to the diets ofmillions of people in the developing world. In Asia, Indonesiaand Papua New Guinea are among the many countries thatrely onreefs to provide food and to drawin tourists eager to explorethe ocean.Environmental groups welcome the Queensland plan toprotect the Great Barrier

37、Reef. 10)Farmers, however, argue thatthey have already taken significant steps to stop the spreadof pollutants from their lands.Unit 5T&FF 1.Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, is now Co-Chair of theworld largest education foundation. (is now Co-Chair of theworlds largest charitable foundation)F 2.Bil

38、l Gates was born on Oct.26th, 1995. ( Bill Gates was born Oct. 28th, 1955)F 3.Bill Gates father was a lawyer and his mother apolitician.( His mother was very engaged in public matters)T 4.In his childhood Bill Gates was smarter than most children.T 5.Card games at a young age helped Bill Gates devel

39、op acompetitive spirit.Questions1. What career did Obama eventually decide to pursue?A career as a community organizer.2. What had troubled Obama for most of his life?Racism and poverty.3. Where did Obama move to work?The citys (Chicago) South Side.4. What did much of the struggle of people who had

40、been leftbehind involve?Laws5. How did Obama pay his tuition in Harvard?By taking out hefty student loans.Home listeningA persons motivation is combination of desire and energydirected at achieving a goal. 1)influencing someones motivation means getting him or her to want to do what you knowmust be

41、done.People can be motivated by beliefs, values, interests, fear,2) worthy causes, and othersuch forces. Some of these forcesare 3) internal, such as needs, interests, and beliefs. Othersare external, such as danger, the environment,or 4) pressurefrom a loved one. There is no simple formulafor motiv

42、ation you must keep an open viewpoint on human nature. There is a5)complex array of forces steering the direction of each person,and these forces cannot always be seen or studied. Also, if thesame forces are steering two different people, each one willact differently. Knowing that different people r

43、eact todifferent needs will 6) guide your decisions and actions incertain situations.Asa leader you have the power to influence motivation. Youshould allow the needs of your people to coincide with the needsof your organization. Nearlyall people are influenced by theneed for job 7)_security promotio

44、n, raises, and approval fromtheir peers and leaders. Internal forces such as values, moralsand ethics also influence them. Likewise, the organizationneeds good people in a wide variety of jobs. Ensure that yourpeople are trained, 8)_encouraged, and provided theopportunity to grow. Ensure that the wa

45、y you conduct businesshas the same values, morals and ethical principles that you seekin your people. 9)_If you conduct business in a dishonest manner,your people will be dishonest to you.You should also reward good behavior. 10)_Although acertificate, letter ora thank you may seemsmall, they can be

46、powerful motivators. The reward should be specific and prompt.Do not say, “for doing a good job.” Cite the specific actionthat made you believe it was a good job. In addition, help your people who are good. We all make mistakes or need help to achievea particular goal.Unit 6T&FF 1.Mr. and Mrs. Scaro

47、la feel very lucky since both of them havetickets. (She got a ticket. He did not.)F 2.Many fans of Michael Jackson feel upset that they cantenter the Staples Center. (knowingthat I wasnt going to get in, you know, just to be herefor the atmosphere I love)T 3.The number of police officers is larger t

48、han at the 1984Los Angeles Olympics.F 4.According to the police, the crowds outside the StaplesCenter are almost out of control.( The crowds have beenrespectful, they have been orderly, no issues with that )F 5.Faithful fans of Michael Jackson have raised funds to helporganize the memorial service.Q

49、uestions1. How many soccer fans went to Germany to support their teamfor the last World Cup?Over 100,0002. How long did British fans stay in Germany to support theirteam?Three weeks.3. What are the major concerns of England fans about going toSouth Africa? High costs and security.4. What does Neil M

50、aclaurin say about British fans?They are big followers of sports. /They are very passionate.5. Why did British fans travel to South Africa in June 2009?To support the Lions Rugby Team.Home listeningWe all know of cases where negative fan behavior has drivensome athletes to perform at less than their

51、 best or perhaps evenknock them completely out of a competition. “Athletes want tolive up to a high paying 1) contract as well as fan expectations.It is the same with Olympians who 2)strive to live up toexpectations. Athletesmay say they are immune to fans, but weknow better. They are like teenagers

52、who say they dont carewhat their parents think,”said Daniel L.Wann, who heads theAssociation for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) SpecialInterest Group on Fandom.According to Wann, there has been a good deal of researchon fans and their ability to pump up the home team or negatively3) impact on the v

53、isiting team. “Some atlhetes thrive underthis pressure and others dont. This is where a sportspsychology 4) consultant can help.” Wann has been studying thepsychology of sports spectators since the mid 1980s, with aparticular interest in fan identification (i.e., a fanspsychological connection to a

54、team), spectator 5) violence, andthe actions of parents as spectators at youth sporting events. A Professor of Psychology at Murray State, Wann works withathletes, teaching them how to 6) address fan behavior. He helpsthem develop their mental abilities, while the coaches focuson their physical skil

55、ls. “The key is for 7) athletes to learnto compartmentalize what they pay attention to, to be able totune out the fans but not the coaches. They need to be 8)selective between valuable information (from coaches orteammates) versus noise (from fans).”Just as athletes are involved in their sports for

56、a varietyof reasons, fans are motivated for different reasons. 9) It isimportant to remember that fans are driven by a variety ofmotives. You cant paint them with one brush stroke. Some aredriven by the entertainment of the sports, some want to see agood contest. 10) Some are there for social reason

57、s, whileothers are there to see beautiful plays.Unit 7T&FT 1.For most Japanese retirement means the start of a secondlife.F 2.Many senior citizens in Japan continue working mainlydueto labor shortage. (contribute to the society)F 3.People who work in government jobs usually retire at theage of 55.(i

58、n their late 50s)F 4.Japans model cant be applied to China due to differentwelfare systems. (can offer some suggestions to China )T 5.Senior citizens in China are suggested to find a new life after retirement.Questions1.What percentage of China population are over 65?Over 8.3%2. How does Mrs. Zhou b

59、enefit from her stay at Sijiqing?Thanks to the therapy there,her leg problem has become better.3. Why was it not easy for Mrs. Zhou to get into Sijiqing?She had to wait for several years to get a spot because demandfor a place there was so high.4. How many senior citizens Beijing want to live in a n

60、ursinghome?Over 3oo,ooo5. According to the video, what is the ratio of nursing homebeds to the senior population in China?1.6 to 100.Home listeningTraditionally, retirement communities and nursing homeshave been the destination of senior citizens. But more and moreolder Americans want to grow old in


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