




1、 員工離職中英文對(duì)照外文翻譯文獻(xiàn)文獻(xiàn)信息:文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)題:The Turnover Rate Of Young EmployeesAChallenge For Hrm(年輕員工的離職率人力資源管理面臨的挑戰(zhàn)) 國(guó)外 _:A Deaconu,L Rasca,CG Celarel 文獻(xiàn)出處:Pro _edings of the International Management Conferen_, xx,10(1):316-323 字?jǐn)?shù)統(tǒng)計(jì):英文 2872 單詞,14668 字符;中文 4644 漢字 外文文獻(xiàn):The Turnover Rate Of Young Employees A Challen
2、ge ForHrm Abstract The objective of this research is to _yzeemployees decisions and motivations when they decide tojoin/stay or leave an organization. The results of thispaper were obtained through a quantitative research basedon a questionnaire applied to Ro _nian young employees.They e to help _na
3、gers to reconsider and understand thenew hu _n resour _s strategies in order to be able tofight against the negative effects of the turnover rate ofyoung employees and to guide the specialists who areworking in the career _nagement field. keywords: career, hu _n resour _s _nagement, work life-balan
4、_,turnover rate 1.INTRODUCTIONThe theory and the practi _s of the _nagement in thehu _n resour _s field had traditionally sustained theconstruction of a durable relationship between employee andemployer. Companies reason for this support is notdifficult to understand: the effort to find and attractt
5、alents is huge, the investment in trainings anddevelopment of the employees is the same and the insertionof an employee requests time and effort from the employers.Not so long ago, _nagerial expectations harmonized withemployees motivations: they were not limited to acontractual obligation but they
6、were powerfully involved inthe activity of the organization and did career plansaiming suessive positions in the same pany. Nowadays, if welook carefully to what is happening on the Ro _nian labor_rket we will see that a lot of employees reactdifferently when they choose the organizations in whichth
7、ey want to perform. The availability to stay in the samepany for a longer period has disappeared and theintegration and adaptation to a new work enviro _ent seems to be easier. In this paper we try to _yze whatstays at the bottom of the employees decisions, which arethe motivations when they choose
8、to stay and, especiallywhen they leave an organization. We consider that theresults of this research will help _nagers to reconsiderthe hu _n resour _s strategies in order to be able todecrease the negative effects of the employee fluctuationand to guide the ones who are working in the for _tionand
9、the education of the career _nagement. There are_ny examples which sustain that the decisions ofleaving/staying at a job, in an organization or in acountry, need to be grounded on the conclusions of aholistic _ysis of their advantages and disadvantages.This research has a first part that describes t
10、he careernowadays and a second part in which we organized an onlinesurvey targeting employees from different panies who havetheir activity in Ro _nia. The results wherestatistically pro _ssed and allowed us to formulateconclusions and remendations which could decrease theturnover rate of employees a
11、nd its effects. 2.CAREER: BETWEEN ASPIRATIONS AND REALITIES Peoplescon _rn regarding their career is not something re _nt.The only differen _ is that today it is found more oftenand it is based on more plex reasoning. Most of thespecialists suggest we are in a period where the career hasno limits (H
12、ess, Narelle, xx). Moreover, today we areinterested to explain and understand employeesmotivations and choi _s on one side and the panysactions on the other side, which implies that we need totake into aount _ny psychological aspects con _rningskills, aspirations or motivations of the individual but
13、also system characteristics in which they work. One of ourobjectives was to investigate the career choi _s of theemployees and we saw that, for each individual, the_nagement of his own career is a critical pro _ss,influencing his entire development and the careerexploration is considered to be an es
14、sential ponent of thedevelopment pro _ss of the vocational identity (Cuddapah,Jennifer, xx). When we are talking about career it is ne_ssary to take into aount the individual interest for itsown development, the organization in which he operates, thecontexts of interferen _ between the two areas, th
15、e quality of specific legislation and the _nner of itsapplication. Actually, the career is defined as a sequen_ of activities and professional positions that can beaessed by someone, together with attitudes, knowledge andassociated ponents developed with time (Jaensch, Vanessa,xx). Ideally, career,
16、professional life in general requiresatisfaction, lack of conflicts and opti _l functioningof a person at work. This is why this con _pt is a pointof interest for _ny researches and stu _s (Ossenkop,Carolin, xx). The career begins early, it takes _ny yearsand each stage has its specificity. In this
17、context, weneed to note that the career con _rn starts in adoles_n _: it is perhaps one of the mostimportant periods of the career because it is then thatbegins the vocational education, essential for the entireprofessional path (Lee, Bora, xx). It is also in the adoles_n _ that key skills that dese
18、rve to be developed areexplored and discovered (Pons, Dirk, xx). During ourresearch, some re _nt scientific articles have drawn ourattention. They claim that career can be done “in width”and “in depth”, each one producing different effects on the professional development. (Lee, Bora, xx). Regardingt
19、he exploration “in width”, it involves researching awide range of experien _s without specific objectives,while the second way of exploration, “in depth”, is goal-oriented. “In width” exploration offers a greatflexibility in career choi _s but also fosters a lack ofplanning. On the other hand, “in d
20、epth” exploration isassociated with a good knowledge of career-based objectivesbut it fa _s barriers when changes our in the career. Inother words, we can see that the two types of explorationhave both advantages and disadvantages. We also underlinethe discussion about work-life balan _. Many resear
21、cherssupport the efforts of the employees to split the time andthe energy between the career and other essential aspectsof their own lives. The “Work-life balan _ (WLB)” con_pt is supported by the employees who militate for abalan _d life. The link between work and leisure time was_de in 1800s and t
22、he term “work-life balan _” wasused for the first time in 1970 in UK, in order to describethe balan _ between personal life and work. Worldwide,the working time is carefully stu _d by various missions(such as the European Commission) which also contributed to the implementation of a _ximum of 48 hou
23、rs of work perweek. There are countries, such as Fran _, where theworking time includes 35 hours of work per week (Ossenkrop,Carolin, xx). The relationship between personal life andprofessional one is represented below:Figure 1. Work-life balan _ The interest for the balan_ between work and personal
24、 life, “work-life balan _(WLB)” is justified if we take into aount the con _rnsstated in the literature: we found that during 1985-1997,this con _pt was evoked 32 times, while in xx it wasmentioned 1674 times. Although the term is interpreteddifferently and the proposed solutions have limitedvalidit
25、y, we identified the mon denominator: the con _ptis seen by _ny as a support for the conflict resolutionin which professional and personal life can be increasinglyoften found. Each individual, even he is between 20 and 35years old and is very focused on building his own career,or between 35 and 50 y
26、ears old and focuses on family andpersonal life (Scotti, Massimo, xx), needs to know thecontent of this con _pt and the modalities of appropriate_nagement. The more so, sin _, in Ro _nia, about 92% of employees worked for _ny years, more than 50 hours perweek, being considered “workaholics”. At the
27、beginning ofxx, statistics show that in Ro _nia there is an averageof 40.4 hours of work per week, lesser than Turkey, whichis pla _d on the first pla _ with an average of 51.4hours of work/week. Overall, we found that, sin _ xx, inRo _nia there is, in general, a downward trend of workingtime (Euros
28、tat xx) . Also, this is true in terms of part-time employees. In this category, Ro _nia ranks thethird, with an average of 23.6 hours of work per week, inparison with xx, when our country oupied the first positionwith a total of 24.6 hours (Eurostat xx).As we already know, career development does no
29、t involveto stay in the same organization anymore. This idea is notnew and no one looked at it with con _rn until re _ntlywhen, the numbers became alarming. The causes of thisphenomenon are multiple. A survey conducted in xx by RightManagement revealed several reasons that are at the bottomof the jo
30、b change decision of the employees: reducing orrestricting of the business (54%); new opportunities andchallenges (30%); ineffective _nagement in the organization where they work (25%); improper relationshipwith the _nagement (22%); the improve of work-life balan_ (21%); the lack of recognition of t
31、he personal perfor_n _ (21%); a better salary (18%); a better alig _entof organizational and personal values (17%); inpatibilitybetween personal capabilities and requirements of theorganization (16%); financial instability of the pany (12%)(Cuddapah- Locraft, Jennifer, xx). However, changing jobsis
32、not a _ operation. It entails the need to adapt andorganizational integration, a plex pro _ss known in theliterature as the “professionalization”. With the“professionalization”, the employee will fa _ anotherpro _ss, the one of socialization (Painisoara, Georgeta,xx). By joining the two pro _sses (t
33、he organizationalsocialization and the professionalization) organizationalintegration can be reached, a result that is much expectedby the _nagement. The integration implies the growth oforganizational socialization and the one ofprofessionalization (they do not have different timedurations but our
34、simultaneously). (Sibunruang, Hataya, xx)The existen _ of those two sides, the one ofprofessionalization and the social one of integration, requires to develop and apply an integration methodology inthe organization that wants to align with the requirements(Zacher, Hannes, xx). It is also ne _ssary
35、to have thesupport of hu _n resour _s department and the direct_nagement. 3.STUDY REGARDING EMPLOYEES PERCEPTION ABOUTTHEIR CAREER For this study we used an online questionnairethat provided us infor _tionregarding the per _ption of respondents (employees fromRo _nia) about the decisions that produ
36、_ changes intheir personal life. The survey included 32 questions,grouped as follows: six of them aimed the measure in whichthe respondents know their career path, four of them con_rns respondents per _ption regarding labor _rket,five reflects the changes of professional life, three ofthem follow th
37、e work-life balan _, four of them arereferring to career opportunities abroad, five to the suessin career and the possibility for entrepreneurship whilethe rest target personal infor _tion. The questions werepla _d in Google Drive and the first 150 answers weretaken into aount, being registered in t
38、he database andinterpreted in the study. The _in characteristics of the participants in this survey were: the age (between18 and 30years old), education (the _jority had a high level ofeducation), employment and gender (fe _le dominan _).We present some of the results, as follows: - There is alarge
39、number of young employees (66%) who wish to changetheir job The respondents consider that their relationshipwith an organization should not be a long-term one: 30% ofthe total appreciates that the job change can be _deafter 3-4 years from the beginning while 59% consider thatthis can be done after 1
40、-2 years. Figure 2. The desire inwhat regards the job change - The job change is influen_d by _ny factorsIt was interesting to find out that a lot of respondents(87%) ause the work monotony and the lack of advan _perspective when they decide to change the job. Also, 61%of them link the job change de
41、cision to overtime work or tothe relationship with the colleagues (46%). The overtimeand the workload explain why the job change decision isclosely linked to the work-life balan _. 77% of therespondents declare that the personal life is veryimportant for them when they decide to change the job. Figu
42、re 3. Factors that influen _ the decision to changethe job Figure 4. The importan _ of personal life in thejob selection - The career is associated with thesatisfaction and not with the sacrifi _ The idea of acareer _de with personal sacrifi _s loses ground in thecase of our respondents, 60% of them
43、 do not agree with thisaffir _tion.Figure 5. The availability to personal sacrifi _ forthe career - The employees are not properly informed aboutthe evolutions of the labor _rket Naturally, you shouldexpect that all the young people so active in changingtheir job to be very informed about what is ha
44、ppening onthe labor _rket. In reality, things are not like this:only 4% of the respondents say they are very well informed,37% are informed and 55% of them are a little bit or not atall. However, there is a large per _ption ofdissatisfaction and distrust of the respondents regardingthe changes from
45、the labor _rket (74% are consideringthat the changes are too little or not at all in theemployees favor). This state of affairs can be aninteresting subject of the _ysis. We should retain that the decision to leave a job is based more on micro,personal and subjective judgments and ignores the plexon
46、es, on long term, which include the balan _s of the Ro_nian labor _rket. It is true that an impediment tosuch a move could be the “scarcity” of the infor _tionof this area. -The employees recognize the value of apersonal career plan and they have models to follow The_jority of the employees (91%) ap
47、preciate the utility ofa career plan, they elaborate such an instrument (63%) andrely on it in a big measure (55%) when _ decisionsrelated to their job. Frequently (60%), they have a modelto follow:Figure 6. The existen _ of a career model to follow -The employees are considering that a career abroa
48、d has morechanges to be suessful At the first look, the fact that 50%of the respondents associate the suess mostly with a careerabroad than one in Ro _nia, should raise con _rns.Things are not so bad if we consider that, in the abovecategory, 48% of them intend to go abroad following thedecisions of
49、 the pany they are working for. We should re_rk also, the large number of the ones that desire to e back in Ro _nia, after a foreign experien _. Thedifficulty to leave Ro _nia es from the relationship withthe family and friends (74%) and the opportunitiesavailable here. Figure 7. The reasons to stay
50、 in Ro _niaRegarding the entrepreneurship opportunities, we note thatmore than 50% of the respondents are interested in openingtheir own business:Figure 8. The interest for entrepreneurship4.CONCLUSIONS Naturally, the changes of the economic andsocial enviro _ent are producing modifications of thebe
51、havior and attitude of employees towards work and theorganization where they work. This is why, _nagers arecon _rned to know tomorrows employee profile and tohave ways to attract and retain the talent they will need.Our study brings into discussion views expressed by a groupof young employees, mostl
52、y graduates of higher education.The gathered infor _tion reveals interesting trends andsuggests priority actions for hu _n resour _s_nagers. Our research, although it has limitationsarising from the s _ll number of employees and especiallythe education level of respondents (mostly graduates of highe
53、r education), highlights some ideas that can begeneralized without fear of error, among young and educatedemployees: young people do no find justified a long termrelationship with the pany they are working for; most ofthem are projecting the career as a route in variousorganizations from the country
54、 or abroad; most of therespondents rely on a career plan, even if they arechanging it when it is ne _ssary; the employees oftenbase their decisions to change the job on several criteriaof interest (some of these are logical and easy to follow,others are very specifics, subjective or personal); theem
55、ployees are being increasingly con _rned by the work-life balan _; future employees will be very open to theidea of a European career or a global one (even if thismeans for a limited period of time).In contact with this type of candidates or employees, HR_nagers should use appropriate methods (for d
56、efiningjobs, recruitment, training, evaluation, motivation andpromotion) in order to determine them to be more connectedwith their organization. The initiative of organizations isexpected, given the ease with which they can quantify the shortings of a high fluctuation rate. We believe, however,that
57、the employees will lose if they treat superficiallytheir relation with the pany and if they see the professionas an obligation and not as a sour _ of development. Weintend to continue the research regarding the per _ptionof employees about their own career, with the aim ofdissemination the interpret
58、ation of these opinions intheoretical area and business, in order to have a pleteinfor _tion for the panies and for future employees. 中文譯文:年輕員工的離職率 人力資源管理面臨的挑戰(zhàn) 摘要 本研究的目的是分析員工決定加入/留在或離開(kāi) _時(shí)的決策和動(dòng)機(jī)。本文的結(jié)果是通過(guò)對(duì)羅馬尼亞年輕員工進(jìn)行調(diào)查問(wèn)卷的定量研究得出的。他們 來(lái)幫助管理人員重新思考和理解新的人力資源戰(zhàn)略,以便能夠應(yīng)對(duì)年輕員工離職率的負(fù)面影響,并指導(dǎo)在職業(yè)管理領(lǐng)域工作的專(zhuān)家。關(guān)鍵詞:職業(yè),人力資源管理
59、,工作生活平衡,離職率 1. 簡(jiǎn)介傳統(tǒng)上,人力資源領(lǐng)域的管理理論和實(shí)踐支持了員工與雇主之間持久關(guān)系 的建立。公司提供這種支持的理由不難理解:尋找和吸引人才的努力是巨大的, 與對(duì)員工的培訓(xùn)和發(fā)展的投資是一樣的,員工的加入也需要雇主的時(shí)間和努力。不久前,管理層的期望與員工的動(dòng)機(jī)是一致的:他們不限于合同義務(wù),而是積極地參與 _的活動(dòng),并為同一公司的連續(xù)職位制定職業(yè)規(guī)劃。如今,如果我們仔細(xì)觀察羅馬尼亞勞動(dòng)力市場(chǎng)上正在發(fā)生的事情,我們就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn),許多員工在選擇他們想要從事的 _時(shí),會(huì)有不同的反應(yīng)。 _呆在同一家公司的可能性已經(jīng)消失,融入和適應(yīng)新的工作環(huán)境似乎更容易。在本文中,我們?cè)噲D分析員工決策的底層,即
60、他們選擇留下的動(dòng)機(jī),特別是當(dāng)他們離開(kāi) _時(shí)。我們認(rèn)為,本研究的結(jié)果將有助于管理人員重新考慮人力資源戰(zhàn)略,以減少員工波動(dòng)的負(fù)面影響,并指導(dǎo)正在從事職業(yè)管理工作和職業(yè)管理教育的人。有許多例子表明,離開(kāi)/留在一個(gè) _或國(guó)家的決定,是以對(duì)其利弊進(jìn)行全面分析后得出的結(jié)論為依據(jù)的。本研究的第一部分描述了當(dāng)前的職業(yè)生涯,在第二部分,我們_了一次在線(xiàn)調(diào)查,對(duì)象是在羅馬尼亞有業(yè)務(wù)活動(dòng)的不同公司的員 工。經(jīng)過(guò)統(tǒng)計(jì)處理的結(jié)果,使我們能夠得出結(jié)論和建議,以降低員工的離職率及其影響。2. 職業(yè):理想和現(xiàn)實(shí)之間 人們對(duì)他們職業(yè)生涯的 _并不是最近才有的。唯一的不同是,今天它更常被提及,而且是基于更復(fù)雜的推理。大多數(shù)專(zhuān)家認(rèn)
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